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    A point-sphere incidence bound in odd dimensions and applications

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    In this paper, we prove a new point-sphere incidence bound in vector spaces over finite fields. More precisely, let PP be a set of points and SS be a set of spheres in Fqd\mathbb{F}_q^d. Suppose that ∣P∣,∣Sβˆ£β‰€N|P|, |S|\le N, we prove that the number of incidences between PP and SS satisfies I(P,S)≀N2qβˆ’1+qdβˆ’12N, I(P, S)\le N^2q^{-1}+q^{\frac{d-1}{2}}N, under some conditions on d,qd, q, and radii. This improves the known upper bound N2qβˆ’1+qd2NN^2q^{-1}+q^{\frac{d}{2}}N in the literature. As an application, we show that for AβŠ‚FqA\subset \mathbb{F}_q with q1/2β‰ͺ∣A∣β‰ͺqd2+12d2q^{1/2}\ll |A|\ll q^{\frac{d^2+1}{2d^2}}, one has max⁑{∣A+A∣, ∣dA2∣}β‰«βˆ£A∣dqdβˆ’12. \max \left\lbrace |A+A|,~|dA^2|\right\rbrace \gg \frac{|A|^d}{q^{\frac{d-1}{2}}}. This improves earlier results on this sum-product type problem over arbitrary finite fields
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