653,857 research outputs found

    Effective Results on the Waring Problem for Finite Simple Groups

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    Let G be a finite quasisimple group of Lie type. We show that there are regular semisimple elements x,y in G, x of prime order, and |y| is divisible by at most two primes, such that the product of the conjugacy classes of x and y contain all non-central elements of G. In fact in all but four cases, y can be chosen to be of square-free order. Using this result, we prove an effective version of one of the main results of Larsen, Shalev and Tiep by showing that, given any positive integer m, if the order of a finite simple group S is at least f(m) for a specified function f, then every element in S is a product of two mth powers. Furthermore, the verbal width of the mth power word on any finite simple group S is at most g(m) for a specified function g. We also show that, given any two non-trivial words v, w, if G is a finite quasisimple group of large enough order, then v(G)w(G) contains all non-central elements of G.Comment: Note title change from version

    Binary Patterns in Binary Cube-Free Words: Avoidability and Growth

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    The avoidability of binary patterns by binary cube-free words is investigated and the exact bound between unavoidable and avoidable patterns is found. All avoidable patterns are shown to be D0L-avoidable. For avoidable patterns, the growth rates of the avoiding languages are studied. All such languages, except for the overlap-free language, are proved to have exponential growth. The exact growth rates of languages avoiding minimal avoidable patterns are approximated through computer-assisted upper bounds. Finally, a new example of a pattern-avoiding language of polynomial growth is given.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables; submitted to RAIRO TIA (Special issue of Mons Days 2012

    Rich Words and Balanced Words

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    This thesis is mostly focused on palindromes. Palindromes have been studied extensively, in recent years, in the field of combinatorics on words.Our main focus is on rich words, also known as full words. These are words which have maximum number of distinct palindromes as factors.We shed some more light on these words and investigate certain restricted problems. Finite rich words are known to be extendable to infinite rich words. We study more closely how many different ways, and in which situations, rich words can be extended so that they remain rich.The defect of a ord is defined to be the number of palindromes the word is lacking.We will generalize the definition of defect with respect to extending the word to be infinite.The number of rich words, on an alphabet of size nn, is given an upper and a lower bound. Hof, Knill and Simon presented (Commun. Math. Phys. 174, 1995) a well-known question whether all palindromic subshifts which are enerated by primitive substitutions arise from substitutions which are in class P. Over the years, this question has transformed a bit and is nowadays called the class P conjecture. The main point of the conjecture is to attempt to explain how an infinite word can contain infinitely many palindromes.We will prove a partial result of the conjecture. Rich square-free words are known to be finite (Pelantov\'a and Sarosta, Discrete Math. 313, 2013). We will give another proof for that result. Since they are finite, there exists a longest such word on an nn-ary alphabet.We give an upper and a lower bound for the length of that word. We study also balanced words. Oliver Jenkinson proved (Discrete Math., Alg. and Appl. 1(4), 2009) that if we take the partial sum of the lexicographically ordered orbit of a binary word, then the balanced word gives the least partial sum. The balanced word also gives the largest product. We will show that, at the other extreme, there are the words of the form 0qp1p0^{q-p}1^p (pp and qq are integers with 1p<q1\leq p<q), which we call the most unbalanced words. They give the greatest partial sum and the smallest product.Tässä väitöskirjassa käsitellään pääasiassa palindromeja. Palindromeja on tutkittu viime vuosina runsaasti sanojen kombinatoriikassa.Suurin kiinnostuksen kohde tässä tutkielmassa on rikkaissa sanoissa. Nämä ovat sanoja joissa on maksimaalinen määrä erilaisia palindromeja tekijöinä.Näitä sanoja tutkitaan monesta eri näkökulmasta. Äärellisiä rikkaita sanoja voidaan tunnetusti jatkaa äärettömiksi rikkaiksi sanoiksi.Työssä tutkitaan tarkemmin sitä, miten monella tavalla ja missä eri tilanteissa rikkaita sanoja voidaan jatkaa siten, että ne pysyvät rikkaina.Sanan vajauksella tarkoitetaan puuttuvien palindromien lukumäärää.Vajauksen käsite yleistetään tapaukseen, jossa sanaa on jatkettava äärettömäksi sanaksi.Rikkaiden sanojen lukumäärälle annetaan myös ylä- ja alaraja. Hof, Knill ja Simon esittivät kysymyksen (Commun. Math. Phys. 174, 1995), saadaanko kaikki äärettömät sanat joissa on ääretön määrä palindromeja tekijöinä ja jotka ovat primitiivisen morfismin generoimia, morfismeista jotka kuuluvat luokkaan P. Nykyään tätä ongelmaa kutsutaan luokan P konjektuuriksi ja sen tarkoitus on saada selitys sille,millä tavalla äärettömässä sanassa voi olla tekijöinä äärettömän monta palindromia. Osittainen tulos tästä konjektuurista todistetaan. Rikkaiden neliövapaiden sanojen tiedetään olevan äärellisiä (Pelantov\'a ja Starosta, Discrete Math. 313, 2013). Tälle tulokselle annetaan uudenlainen todistus.Koska kyseiset sanat ovat äärellisiä, voidaan selvittää mikä niistä on pisin.Ylä- ja alaraja annetaan tällaisen pisimmän sanan pituudelle. Työssä tutkitaan myös tasapainotettuja sanoja.Tasapainotetut sanat antavat pienimmän osittaissumman binäärisille sanoille (Jenkinson, Discrete Math., Alg. and Appl. 1(4), 2009).Lisäksi ne antavat suurimman tulon.Muotoa 0qp1p0^{q-p}1^p (pp ja qq ovat kokonaislukuja joille 1p<q1\leq p<q) olevien sanojen todistetaan vastaavasti antavan suurimman osittaissumman ja pienimmän tulon.Ne muodostavat täten toisen ääripään tasapainotetuille sanoille, ja asettavat kaikki muut sanat näiden väliin.Siirretty Doriast

    Algebraic Structures and Stochastic Differential Equations driven by Levy processes

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    We construct an efficient integrator for stochastic differential systems driven by Levy processes. An efficient integrator is a strong approximation that is more accurate than the corresponding stochastic Taylor approximation, to all orders and independent of the governing vector fields. This holds provided the driving processes possess moments of all orders and the vector fields are sufficiently smooth. Moreover the efficient integrator in question is optimal within a broad class of perturbations for half-integer global root mean-square orders of convergence. We obtain these results using the quasi-shuffle algebra of multiple iterated integrals of independent Levy processes.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figure

    Combinatorial Hopf algebra structure on packed square matrices

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    We construct a new bigraded Hopf algebra whose bases are indexed by square matrices with entries in the alphabet {0,1,...,k}\{0, 1, ..., k\}, k1k \geq 1, without null rows or columns. This Hopf algebra generalizes the one of permutations of Malvenuto and Reutenauer, the one of kk-colored permutations of Novelli and Thibon, and the one of uniform block permutations of Aguiar and Orellana. We study the algebraic structure of our Hopf algebra and show, by exhibiting multiplicative bases, that it is free. We moreover show that it is self-dual and admits a bidendriform bialgebra structure. Besides, as a Hopf subalgebra, we obtain a new one indexed by alternating sign matrices. We study some of its properties and algebraic quotients defined through alternating sign matrices statistics.Comment: 35 page

    Algebraic structure of stochastic expansions and efficient simulation

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    We investigate the algebraic structure underlying the stochastic Taylor solution expansion for stochastic differential systems.Our motivation is to construct efficient integrators. These are approximations that generate strong numerical integration schemes that are more accurate than the corresponding stochastic Taylor approximation, independent of the governing vector fields and to all orders. The sinhlog integrator introduced by Malham & Wiese (2009) is one example. Herein we: show that the natural context to study stochastic integrators and their properties is the convolution shuffle algebra of endomorphisms; establish a new whole class of efficient integrators; and then prove that, within this class, the sinhlog integrator generates the optimal efficient stochastic integrator at all orders.Comment: 19 page

    Ergodic Properties of Square-Free Numbers

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    We construct a natural invariant measure concentrated on the set of square-free numbers, and invariant under the shift. We prove that the corresponding dynamical system is isomorphic to a translation on a compact, Abelian group. This implies that this system is not weakly mixing and has zero measure-theoretical entropy.Comment: 37 page, 1 figur