805 research outputs found

    Mengenal pasti tahap motivasi dan kecenderungan keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar semester akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal : satu tinjauan di KUiTTHO

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    Keusahawanan merupakan bidang yang mencabar dan tidak ramai yang mahu menceburi bidang ini tenitaraa lulusan bidang kejnriiteraan. Mereka ini mempunyai elemen keusahawanan nntuk menjadi usahawan yang beijaya. Oleh itu, timbul persoalan mengapakah pelajar-pelajar ini kurang berminat dengan bidang keusahawanan?. Bersesuaian dengan pennasalahan tersebut, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untnk meninjau tahap motivasi bagi memberikan pendedalian dan menarik kecenderungan pelajar kejuruteraan terliadap bidang keusahawanan. Objektif kajian ini berdasarkan kepada beberapa aspek iaitn taliap pengetahuan keusahawanan, motivasi, kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dan keperluan subjek atau elemen keusahawanan dalam jumsan kejuruteraan. Kajian yang telah dijalankan adalah kajian deskriptif berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen untuk mendapatkan data. Dengan menggimakan persampelan rawak mudah, seramai 99 orang pelajar semester akhir ijazah Saijana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Instrumen kajian adalah soal selidik dan data-data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis menggimakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Science versi 11.0 untuk mendapatkan nilai min dan peratus. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pelajar-pelajai' ini mempunyai kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min keseluruhan 3.573 dan taliap motivasi keusahawanan yang tinggi dengan skor min keseluaihan 3.965 tetapi kekurangan pengetahuan dalam bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min 3.16. Oleh itu. adalah perlu elemen-elemen keusahawanan diterapkan ke dalam kuriknlum kursus kejuaiteraan

    Ordering vs. AHP. Does the intensity used in the decision support techniques compensate?

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    The manifestation of the intensity in the judgment of one alternative versus another in the peer comparison processes is a central element in some decision support techniques, such as the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). However, its contribution regarding quality (expected performance) with respect to the priority vector has not been evaluated so far. Using the Intentional Bounded Rationality Methodology (IBRM), this work analyzes the gains obtained from requiring the decision-maker to report an intensity judgment in pairs (AHP) with respect to a technique that only requires expressing a preference (Ordering). The results show that when decision-makers have low levels of expertise, it is possible that a less informative and computational cheap technique (Ordering) performs better than a more informative and computational expensive one (AHP). When decision-makers have medium and high levels of expertise, AHP technique obtains modest gains with respect to the Ordering technique. This study proposes a cost-benefit analysis of decision support techniques contrasting the gains of a technique that requires more resources (AHP) against other that require less resources (Ordering). Our results can change the managing approach of the information obtained from experts’ judgments

    Dominance intensity measure within fuzzy weight oriented MAUT: an application

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    We introduce a dominance intensity measuring method to derive a ranking of alternatives to deal with incomplete information in multi-criteria decision-making problems on the basis of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) and fuzzy sets theory. We consider the situation where there is imprecision concerning decision-makers’ preferences, and imprecise weights are represented by trapezoidal fuzzy weights.The proposed method is based on the dominance values between pairs of alternatives. These values can be computed by linear programming, as an additive multi-attribute utility model is used to rate the alternatives. Dominance values are then transformed into dominance intensity measures, used to rank the alternatives under consideration. Distances between fuzzy numbers based on the generalization of the left and right fuzzy numbers are utilized to account for fuzzy weights. An example concerning the selection of intervention strategies to restore an aquatic ecosystem contaminated by radionuclides illustrates the approach. Monte Carlo simulation techniques have been used to show that the proposed method performs well for different imprecision levels in terms of a hit ratio and a rank-order correlation measure

    Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Analytic Hierarchical Process With Prioritization, Consistency Checking, and Inconsistency Repairing

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    Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), as one of the most important methods to tackle multiple criteria decision-making problems, has achieved much success over the past several decades. Given that linguistic expressions are much closer than numerical values or single linguistic terms to a human way of thinking and cognition, this paper investigates the AHP with comparative linguistic expressions. After providing the snapshot of classical AHP and its fuzzy extensions, we propose the framework of hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP, which shows how to yield a decision for qualitative decision-making problems with complex linguistic expressions. First, the comparative linguistic expressions over criteria or alternatives are transformed into hesitant fuzzy linguistic elements and then the hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations (HFLPRs) are constructed. Considering that HFLPRs may be inconsistent, we conduct consistency checking and improving processes after obtaining priorities from the HFLPRs based on a linear programming method. Regarding the consistency-improving process, we develop a new way to establish a perfectly consistent HFLPR. The procedure of the hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP is given in stepwise. Finally, a numerical example concerning the used-car management in a lemon market is given to illustrate the ef ciency of the proposed hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP method.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 71771156, in part by the 2019 Sichuan Planning Project of Social Science under Grant SC18A007, in part by the 2019 Soft Science Project of Sichuan Science and Technology Department under Grant 2019JDR0141, and in part by the Project of Innovation at Sichuan University under Grant 2018hhs-43

    Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement by inserting metal chain in heat exchanger tube

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    Heat transfer augmentation in heat exchangers is important in many large industrial applications and many studies have been conducted on this subject. In this paper, an experimental study was used to verify the increased heat transfer of a circular heat exchanger tube with the insertion of metal chains, under turbulent flow conditions. A rig was designed and fabricated to investigate the effects of using the metal chain as turbulators inside the heat exchanger pipe, on heat transfer performance and on fluid flow behavior. The metal chains used were of different lengths of chain ring and different diameters of ring wire. Five ring length/tube diameter ratios (P/D) were used, (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Two wire diameter /tube diameter ratios (t/D) were used in this work (0.1 and 0.15). Heavy fuel oil (HFO) was used inside the tube, flowing at 30 °C with uniform tube wall temperature. The Reynolds numbers tested were between 5,000 and 15,000. The results showed the thermal enhancement factor (η) decreased with increasing Reynolds number for all cases, depending on lengths of chain ring (P) and thickness the weir chain (t) values. A maximum thermal enhancement factor (η) was found with a metal chain at P/D=3 and t/D= 0.15. The results also show that P/D=1 and t= 4mm, give the highest Nusselt number

    Prediction of classroom reverberation time using neural network

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    In this paper, an alternative method for predicting the reverberation time (RT) using neural network (NN) for classroom was designed and explored. Classroom models were created using Google SketchUp software. The NN applied training dataset from the classroom models with RT values that were computed from ODEON 12.10 software. The NN was conducted separately for 500Hz, 1000Hz, and 2000Hz as absorption coefficient that is one of the prominent input variable is frequency dependent. Mean squared error (MSE) and regression (R) values were obtained to examine the NN efficiency. Overall, the NN shows a good result with MSE 0.9. The NN also managed to achieve a percentage of accuracy of 92.53% for 500Hz, 93.66% for 1000Hz, and 93.18% for 2000Hz and thus displays a good and efficient performance. Nevertheless, the optimum RT value is range between 0.75 – 0.9 seconds

    On the priority vector associated with a fuzzy preference relation and a multiplicative preference relation.

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    We propose two straightforward methods for deriving the priority vector associated with a fuzzy preference relation. Then, using transformations between multiplicative preference relations and fuzzy preference relations, we study the relationships between the priority vectors associated with these two types of preference relations.pairwise comparison matrix; fuzzy preference relation; priority vector
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