13,131 research outputs found

    A Study on Software Testability and the Quality of Testing in Object-Oriented Systems

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    Software testing is known to be important to the delivery of high-quality systems, but it is also challenging, expensive and time-consuming. This has motivated academic and industrial researchers to seek ways to improve the testability of software. Software testability is the ease with which a software artefact can be effectively tested. The first step towards building testable software components is to understand the factors – of software processes, products and people – that are related to and can influence software testability. In particular, the goal of this thesis is to provide researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of design and source code factors that can affect the testability of a class in object oriented systems. This thesis considers three different views on software testability that address three related aspects: 1) the distribution of unit tests in relation to the dynamic coupling and centrality of software production classes, 2) the relationship between dynamic (i.e., runtime) software properties and class testability, and 3) the relationship between code smells, test smells and the factors related to smells distribution. The thesis utilises a combination of source code analysis techniques (both static and dynamic), software metrics, software visualisation techniques and graph-based metrics (from complex networks theory) to address its goals and objectives. A systematic mapping study was first conducted to thoroughly investigate the body of research on dynamic software metrics and to identify issues associated with their selection, design and implementation. This mapping study identified, evaluated and classified 62 research works based on a pre-tested protocol and a set of classification criteria. Based on the findings of this study, a number of dynamic metrics were selected and used in the experiments that were then conducted. The thesis demonstrates that by using a combination of visualisation, dynamic analysis, static analysis and graph-based metrics it is feasible to identify central classes and to diagrammatically depict testing coverage information. Experimental results show that, even in projects with high test coverage, some classes appear to be left without any direct unit testing, even though they play a central role during a typical execution profile. It is contended that the proposed visualisation techniques could be particularly helpful when developers need to maintain and reengineer existing test suites. Another important finding of this thesis is that frequently executed and tightly coupled classes are correlated with the testability of the class – such classes require larger unit tests and more test cases. This information could inform estimates of the effort required to test classes when developing new unit tests or when maintaining and refactoring existing tests. An additional key finding of this thesis is that test and code smells, in general, can have a negative impact on class testability. Increasing levels of size and complexity in code are associated with the increased presence of test smells. In addition, production classes that contain smells generally require larger unit tests, and are also likely to be associated with test smells in their associated unit tests. There are some particular smells that are more significantly associated with class testability than other smells. Furthermore, some particular code smells can be seen as a sign for the presence of test smells, as some test and code smells are found to co-occur in the test and production code. These results suggest that code smells, and specifically certain types of smells, as well as measures of size and complexity, can be used to provide a more comprehensive indication of smells likely to emerge in test code produced subsequently (or vice versa in a test-first context). Such findings should contribute positively to the work of testers and maintainers when writing unit tests and when refactoring and maintaining existing tests

    Mutation Testing as a Safety Net for Test Code Refactoring

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    Refactoring is an activity that improves the internal structure of the code without altering its external behavior. When performed on the production code, the tests can be used to verify that the external behavior of the production code is preserved. However, when the refactoring is performed on test code, there is no safety net that assures that the external behavior of the test code is preserved. In this paper, we propose to adopt mutation testing as a means to verify if the behavior of the test code is preserved after refactoring. Moreover, we also show how this approach can be used to identify the part of the test code which is improperly refactored

    Security Code Smells in Android ICC

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    Android Inter-Component Communication (ICC) is complex, largely unconstrained, and hard for developers to understand. As a consequence, ICC is a common source of security vulnerability in Android apps. To promote secure programming practices, we have reviewed related research, and identified avoidable ICC vulnerabilities in Android-run devices and the security code smells that indicate their presence. We explain the vulnerabilities and their corresponding smells, and we discuss how they can be eliminated or mitigated during development. We present a lightweight static analysis tool on top of Android Lint that analyzes the code under development and provides just-in-time feedback within the IDE about the presence of such smells in the code. Moreover, with the help of this tool we study the prevalence of security code smells in more than 700 open-source apps, and manually inspect around 15% of the apps to assess the extent to which identifying such smells uncovers ICC security vulnerabilities.Comment: Accepted on 28 Nov 2018, Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), 201

    Evaluating Maintainability Prejudices with a Large-Scale Study of Open-Source Projects

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    Exaggeration or context changes can render maintainability experience into prejudice. For example, JavaScript is often seen as least elegant language and hence of lowest maintainability. Such prejudice should not guide decisions without prior empirical validation. We formulated 10 hypotheses about maintainability based on prejudices and test them in a large set of open-source projects (6,897 GitHub repositories, 402 million lines, 5 programming languages). We operationalize maintainability with five static analysis metrics. We found that JavaScript code is not worse than other code, Java code shows higher maintainability than C# code and C code has longer methods than other code. The quality of interface documentation is better in Java code than in other code. Code developed by teams is not of higher and large code bases not of lower maintainability. Projects with high maintainability are not more popular or more often forked. Overall, most hypotheses are not supported by open-source data.Comment: 20 page

    Automatic generation of smell-free unit tests

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasAutomated test generation tools (such as EvoSuite) typically aim to maximize code coverage. However, they frequently disregard non-coverage aspects that can be relevant for testers, such as the quality of the generated tests. Therefore, automatically generated tests are often affected by a set of test-specific bad programming practices that may hinder the quality of both test and production code, i.e., test smells. Given that other researchers have successfully integrated non-coverage quality metrics into EvoSuite, we decided to extend the EvoSuite tool such that the generated test code is smell-free. To this aim, we compiled 54 test smells from several sources and selected 16 smells that are relevant to the context of this work. We then augmented the tool with the respective test smell metrics and investigated the diffusion of the selected smells and the distribution of the metrics. Finally, we implemented an approach to optimize the test smell metrics as secondary criteria. After establishing the optimal configuration to optimize as secondary criteria (which we used throughout the remainder of the study), we conducted an empirical study to assess whether the tests became significantly less smelly. Furthermore, we studied how the proposed metrics affect the fault detection effectiveness, coverage, and size of the generated tests. Our study revealed that the proposed approach reduces the overall smelliness of the generated tests; in particular, the diffusion of the “Indirect Testing” and “Unrelated Assertions” smells improved considerably. Moreover, our approach improved the smelliness of the tests generated by EvoSuite without compromising the code coverage or fault detection effectiveness. The size and length of the generated tests were also not affected by the new secondary criteria

    An Empirical Study of Using Large Language Models for Unit Test Generation

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    A code generation model generates code by taking a prompt from a code comment, existing code, or a combination of both. Although code generation models (e.g. GitHub Copilot) are increasingly being adopted in practice, it is unclear whether they can successfully be used for unit test generation without fine-tuning. We investigated how well three generative models (Codex, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and StarCoder) can generate test cases to fill this gap. We used two benchmarks (HumanEval and Evosuite SF110) to investigate the context generation's effect in the unit test generation process. We evaluated the models based on compilation rates, test correctness, coverage, and test smells. We found that the Codex model achieved above 80% coverage for the HumanEval dataset, but no model had more than 2% coverage for the EvoSuite SF110 benchmark. The generated tests also suffered from test smells, such as Duplicated Asserts and Empty Tests.Comment: Preprint submitted to Journal of Systems and Software; 36 pages, 4 figures, 7 table

    The Emotional and Chromatic Layers of Urban Smells

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    People are able to detect up to 1 trillion odors. Yet, city planning is concerned only with a few bad odors, mainly because odors are currently captured only through complaints made by urban dwellers. To capture both good and bad odors, we resort to a methodology that has been recently proposed and relies on tagging information of geo-referenced pictures. In doing so for the cities of London and Barcelona, this work makes three new contributions. We study 1) how the urban smellscape changes in time and space; 2) which emotions people share at places with specific smells; and 3) what is the color of a smell, if it exists. Without social media data, insights about those three aspects have been difficult to produce in the past, further delaying the creation of urban restorative experiences.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, final version published in the Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016

    On the Effectiveness of Unit Tests in Test-driven Development

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    Background: Writing unit tests is one of the primary activities in test-driven development. Yet, the existing reviews report few evidence supporting or refuting the effect of this development approach on test case quality. Lack of ability and skills of developers to produce sufficiently good test cases are also reported as limitations of applying test-driven development in industrial practice. Objective: We investigate the impact of test-driven development on the effectiveness of unit test cases compared to an incremental test last development in an industrial context. Method: We conducted an experiment in an industrial setting with 24 professionals. Professionals followed the two development approaches to implement the tasks. We measure unit test effectiveness in terms of mutation score. We also measure branch and method coverage of test suites to compare our results with the literature. Results: In terms of mutation score, we have found that the test cases written for a test-driven development task have a higher defect detection ability than test cases written for an incremental test-last development task. Subjects wrote test cases that cover more branches on a test-driven development task compared to the other task. However, test cases written for an incremental test-last development task cover more methods than those written for the second task. Conclusion: Our findings are different from previous studies conducted at academic settings. Professionals were able to perform more effective unit testing with test-driven development. Furthermore, we observe that the coverage measure preferred in academic studies reveal different aspects of a development approach. Our results need to be validated in larger industrial contexts.Istanbul Technical University Scientific Research Projects (MGA-2017-40712), and the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 278354)
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