1,373 research outputs found

    An Optimal Medium Access Control with Partial Observations for Sensor Networks

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    We consider medium access control (MAC) in multihop sensor networks, where only partial information about the shared medium is available to the transmitter. We model our setting as a queuing problem in which the service rate of a queue is a function of a partially observed Markov chain representing the available bandwidth, and in which the arrivals are controlled based on the partial observations so as to keep the system in a desirable mildly unstable regime. The optimal controller for this problem satisfies a separation property: we first compute a probability measure on the state space of the chain, namely the information state, then use this measure as the new state on which the control decisions are based. We give a formal description of the system considered and of its dynamics, we formalize and solve an optimal control problem, and we show numerical simulations to illustrate with concrete examples properties of the optimal control law. We show how the ergodic behavior of our queuing model is characterized by an invariant measure over all possible information states, and we construct that measure. Our results can be specifically applied for designing efficient and stable algorithms for medium access control in multiple-accessed systems, in particular for sensor networks

    Conditional limit theorems for regulated fractional Brownian motion

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    We consider a stationary fluid queue with fractional Brownian motion input. Conditional on the workload at time zero being greater than a large value bb, we provide the limiting distribution for the amount of time that the workload process spends above level bb over the busy cycle straddling the origin, as bb\to\infty. Our results can be interpreted as showing that long delays occur in large clumps of size of order b21/Hb^{2-1/H}. The conditional limit result involves a finer scaling of the queueing process than fluid analysis, thereby departing from previous related literature.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AAP605 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Asymptotic analysis by the saddle point method of the Anick-Mitra-Sondhi model

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    We consider a fluid queue where the input process consists of N identical sources that turn on and off at exponential waiting times. The server works at the constant rate c and an on source generates fluid at unit rate. This model was first formulated and analyzed by Anick, Mitra and Sondhi. We obtain an alternate representation of the joint steady state distribution of the buffer content and the number of on sources. This is given as a contour integral that we then analyze for large N. We give detailed asymptotic results for the joint distribution, as well as the associated marginal and conditional distributions. In particular, simple conditional limits laws are obtained. These shows how the buffer content behaves conditioned on the number of active sources and vice versa. Numerical comparisons show that our asymptotic results are very accurate even for N=20

    Analysis of Buffer Starvation with Application to Objective QoE Optimization of Streaming Services

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    Our purpose in this paper is to characterize buffer starvations for streaming services. The buffer is modeled as an M/M/1 queue, plus the consideration of bursty arrivals. When the buffer is empty, the service restarts after a certain amount of packets are \emph{prefetched}. With this goal, we propose two approaches to obtain the \emph{exact distribution} of the number of buffer starvations, one of which is based on \emph{Ballot theorem}, and the other uses recursive equations. The Ballot theorem approach gives an explicit result. We extend this approach to the scenario with a constant playback rate using T\`{a}kacs Ballot theorem. The recursive approach, though not offering an explicit result, can obtain the distribution of starvations with non-independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) arrival process in which an ON/OFF bursty arrival process is considered in this work. We further compute the starvation probability as a function of the amount of prefetched packets for a large number of files via a fluid analysis. Among many potential applications of starvation analysis, we show how to apply it to optimize the objective quality of experience (QoE) of media streaming, by exploiting the tradeoff between startup/rebuffering delay and starvations.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; IEEE Infocom 201

    Decentralized Delay Optimal Control for Interference Networks with Limited Renewable Energy Storage

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    In this paper, we consider delay minimization for interference networks with renewable energy source, where the transmission power of a node comes from both the conventional utility power (AC power) and the renewable energy source. We assume the transmission power of each node is a function of the local channel state, local data queue state and local energy queue state only. In turn, we consider two delay optimization formulations, namely the decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP) and Non-cooperative partially observable stochastic game (POSG). In DEC-POMDP formulation, we derive a decentralized online learning algorithm to determine the control actions and Lagrangian multipliers (LMs) simultaneously, based on the policy gradient approach. Under some mild technical conditions, the proposed decentralized policy gradient algorithm converges almost surely to a local optimal solution. On the other hand, in the non-cooperative POSG formulation, the transmitter nodes are non-cooperative. We extend the decentralized policy gradient solution and establish the technical proof for almost-sure convergence of the learning algorithms. In both cases, the solutions are very robust to model variations. Finally, the delay performance of the proposed solutions are compared with conventional baseline schemes for interference networks and it is illustrated that substantial delay performance gain and energy savings can be achieved

    Dynamic importance sampling for queueing networks

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    Importance sampling is a technique that is commonly used to speed up Monte Carlo simulation of rare events. However, little is known regarding the design of efficient importance sampling algorithms in the context of queueing networks. The standard approach, which simulates the system using an a priori fixed change of measure suggested by large deviation analysis, has been shown to fail in even the simplest network setting (e.g., a two-node tandem network). Exploiting connections between importance sampling, differential games, and classical subsolutions of the corresponding Isaacs equation, we show how to design and analyze simple and efficient dynamic importance sampling schemes for general classes of networks. The models used to illustrate the approach include dd-node tandem Jackson networks and a two-node network with feedback, and the rare events studied are those of large queueing backlogs, including total population overflow and the overflow of individual buffers.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051607000000122 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Simple models of network access, with applications to the design of joint rate and admission control

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    At the access to networks, in contrast to the core, distances and feedback delays, as well as link capacities are small, which has network engineering implications that are investigated in this paper. We consider a single point in the access network which multiplexes several bursty users. The users adapt their sending rates based on feedback from the access multiplexer. Important parameters are the user's peak transmission rate p, which is the access line speed, the user's guaranteed minimum rate r, and the bound ε on the fraction of lost data. Two feedback schemes are proposed. In both schemes the users are allowed to send at rate p if the system is relatively lightly loaded, at rate r during periods of congestion, and at a rate between r and p, in an intermediate region. For both feedback schemes we present an exact analysis, under the assumption that the users' job sizes and think times have exponential distributions. We use our techniques to design the schemes jointly with admission control, i.e., the selection of the number of admissible users, to maximize throughput for given p, r, and ε. Next we consider the case in which the number of users is large. Under a specific scaling, we derive explicit large deviations asymptotics for both models. We discuss the extension to general distributions of user data and think times

    Join-Idle-Queue with Service Elasticity: Large-Scale Asymptotics of a Non-monotone System

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    We consider the model of a token-based joint auto-scaling and load balancing strategy, proposed in a recent paper by Mukherjee, Dhara, Borst, and van Leeuwaarden (SIGMETRICS '17, arXiv:1703.08373), which offers an efficient scalable implementation and yet achieves asymptotically optimal steady-state delay performance and energy consumption as the number of servers NN\to\infty. In the above work, the asymptotic results are obtained under the assumption that the queues have fixed-size finite buffers, and therefore the fundamental question of stability of the proposed scheme with infinite buffers was left open. In this paper, we address this fundamental stability question. The system stability under the usual subcritical load assumption is not automatic. Moreover, the stability may not even hold for all NN. The key challenge stems from the fact that the process lacks monotonicity, which has been the powerful primary tool for establishing stability in load balancing models. We develop a novel method to prove that the subcritically loaded system is stable for large enough NN, and establish convergence of steady-state distributions to the optimal one, as NN \to \infty. The method goes beyond the state of the art techniques -- it uses an induction-based idea and a "weak monotonicity" property of the model; this technique is of independent interest and may have broader applicability.Comment: 30 page