1,604 research outputs found

    Closure of dilates of shift-invariant subspaces

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    Let VV be any shift-invariant subspace of square summable functions. We prove that if for some AA expansive dilation VV is AA-refinable, then the completeness property is equivalent to several conditions on the local behaviour at the origin of the spectral function of VV, among them the origin is a point of A∗A^*-approximate continuity of the spectral function if we assume this value to be one. We present our results also in the more general setting of AA-reducing spaces. We also prove that the origin is a point of A∗A^*-approximate continuity of the Fourier transform of any semiorthogonal tight frame wavelet if we assume this value to be zero

    A semiclassical Egorov theorem and quantum ergodicity for matrix valued operators

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    We study the semiclassical time evolution of observables given by matrix valued pseudodifferential operators and construct a decomposition of the Hilbert space L^2(\rz^d)\otimes\kz^n into a finite number of almost invariant subspaces. For a certain class of observables, that is preserved by the time evolution, we prove an Egorov theorem. We then associate with each almost invariant subspace of L^2(\rz^d)\otimes\kz^n a classical system on a product phase space \TRd\times\cO, where \cO is a compact symplectic manifold on which the classical counterpart of the matrix degrees of freedom is represented. For the projections of eigenvectors of the quantum Hamiltonian to the almost invariant subspaces we finally prove quantum ergodicity to hold, if the associated classical systems are ergodic
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