97 research outputs found

    AI-enhanced diagnosis of challenging lesions in breast MRI: a methodology and application primer

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    Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have become an important tool in the assessment of breast tumors with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CAD systems can be used for the detection and diagnosis of breast tumors as a “second opinion” review complementing the radiologist’s review. CAD systems have many common parts such as image pre-processing, tumor feature extraction and data classification that are mostly based on machine learning (ML) techniques. In this review paper, we describe the application of ML-based CAD systems in MRI of the breast covering the detection of diagnostically challenging lesions such as non-mass enhancing (NME) lesions, multiparametric MRI, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and radiomics all applied to NME. Since ML has been widely used in the medical imaging community, we provide an overview about the state-ofthe-art and novel techniques applied as classifiers to CAD systems. The differences in the CAD systems in MRI of the breast for several standard and novel applications for NME are explained in detail to provide important examples illustrating: (i) CAD for the detection and diagnosis, (ii) CAD in multi-parametric imaging (iii) CAD in NAC and (iv) breast cancer radiomics. We aim to provide a comparison between these CAD applications and to illustrate a global view on intelligent CAD systems based on ANN in MRI of the breast

    Cluster analysis of the signal curves in perfusion DCE-MRI datasets

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    Pathological studies show that tumors consist of different sub-regions with more homogeneous vascular properties during their growth. In addition, destroying tumor's blood supply is the target of most cancer therapies. Finding the sub-regions in the tissue of interest with similar perfusion patterns provides us with valuable information about tissue structure and angiogenesis. This information on cancer therapy, for example, can be used in monitoring the response of the cancer treatment to the drug. Cluster analysis of perfusion curves assays to find sub-regions with a similar perfusion pattern. The present work focuses on the cluster analysis of perfusion curves, measured by dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). The study, besides searching for the proper clustering method, follows two other major topics, the choice of an appropriate similarity measure, and determining the number of clusters. These three subjects are connected to each other in such a way that success in one direction will help solving the other problems. This work introduces a new similarity measure, parallelism measure (PM), for comparing the parallelism in the washout phase of the signal curves. Most of the previous works used the Euclidean distance as the measure of dissimilarity. However, the Euclidean distance does not take the patterns of the signal curves into account and therefore for comparing the signal curves is not sufficient. To combine the advantages of both measures a two-steps clustering is developed. The two-steps clustering uses two different similarity measures, the introduced PM measure and Euclidean distance in two consecutive steps. The results of two-steps clustering are compared with the results of other clustering methods. The two-steps clustering besides good performance has some other advantages. The granularity and the number of clusters are controlled by thresholds defined by considering the noise in signal curves. The method is easy to implement and is robust against noise. The focus of the work is mainly the cluster analysis of breast tumors in DCE-MRI datasets. The possibility to adopt the method for liver datasets is studied as well

    Complexity Reduction in Image-Based Breast Cancer Care

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    The diversity of malignancies of the breast requires personalized diagnostic and therapeutic decision making in a complex situation. This thesis contributes in three clinical areas: (1) For clinical diagnostic image evaluation, computer-aided detection and diagnosis of mass and non-mass lesions in breast MRI is developed. 4D texture features characterize mass lesions. For non-mass lesions, a combined detection/characterisation method utilizes the bilateral symmetry of the breast s contrast agent uptake. (2) To improve clinical workflows, a breast MRI reading paradigm is proposed, exemplified by a breast MRI reading workstation prototype. Instead of mouse and keyboard, it is operated using multi-touch gestures. The concept is extended to mammography screening, introducing efficient navigation aids. (3) Contributions to finite element modeling of breast tissue deformations tackle two clinical problems: surgery planning and the prediction of the breast deformation in a MRI biopsy device

    Measuring Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer Using Optical and Ultrasound Spectroscopy

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    Purpose: This study comprises two subprojects. In subproject one, the study purpose was to evaluate response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) using quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and diffuse optical spectroscopy imaging (DOS) in locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) during chemotherapy. In subproject two, DOS-based functional maps were analysed with texture-based image features to predict breast cancer response before the start of NAC. Patients and Measurements: The institution’s ethics review board approved this study. For subproject one, subjects (n=22) gave written consent before participating in the study. Participants underwent non-invasive, DOS and QUS imaging. Data were acquired at weeks 0 (i.e. baseline), 1, 4, 8 and before surgical removal of the tumour (mastectomy and/or lumpectomy); corresponding to chemotherapy schedules. QUS parameters including the midband fit (MBF), 0-MHz intercept (SI), and the spectral slope (SS) were determined from tumour ultrasound data using spectral analysis. In the same patients, DOS was used to measure parameters relating to tumour haemoglobin and tissue composition such as %Water and %Lipids. Discriminant analysis and receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to correlate the measured imaging parameters to Miller-Payne pathological response during treatment. Additionally, multivariate analysis was carried out for pairwise DOS and QUS parameter combinations to determine if an increase in the classification accuracy could be obtained using combination DOS and QUS parametric models. For subproject two, 15 additional patients we recruited after first giving their written informed consent. A pooled analysis was completed for all DOS baseline data (subproject 1 and subproject 2; n=37 patients). LABC patients planned for NAC had functional DOS maps and associated textural features generated. A grey-level co-occurrence matrix (texture) analysis was completed for parameters associated with haemoglobin, tissue composition, and optical properties (deoxy-haemoglobin [Hb], oxy-haemoglobin [HbO2], total haemoglobin [HbT]), %Lipids, %Water, and scattering power [SP], scattering amplitude [SA]) prior to treatment. Textural features included contrast (con), vi correlation (cor), energy (ene), and homogeneity (hom). Patients were classified as ‘responders’ or ‘non-responders’ using Miller-Payne pathological response criteria after treatment completion. In order to test if baseline univariate texture features could predict treatment response, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed, and the optimal sensitivity, specificity and area under the curve (AUC) was calculated using Youden’s index (Q-point) from the ROC. Multivariate analysis was conducted to test 40 DOS-texture features and all possible bivariate combinations using a naïve Bayes model, and k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) model classifiers were included in the analysis. Using these machine-learning algorithms, the pretreatment DOS-texture parameters underwent dataset training, testing, and validation and ROC analysis were performed to find the maximum sensitivity and specificity of bivariate DOS-texture features. Results: For subproject one, individual DOS and QUS parameters, including the spectral intercept (SI), oxy-haemoglobin (HbO2), and total haemoglobin (HbT) were significant markers for response outcome after one week of treatment (p<0.01). Multivariate (pairwise) combinations increased the sensitivity, specificity and AUC at this time; the SI+HbO2 showed a sensitivity/specificity of 100%, and an AUC of 1.0 after one week of treatment. For subproject two, the results indicated that textural characteristics of pre-treatment DOS parametric maps can differentiate treatment response outcomes. The HbO2-homogeneity resulted in the highest accuracy amongst univariate parameters in predicting response to chemotherapy: sensitivity (%Sn) and specificity (%Sp) = 86.5 and 89.0%, respectively and an accuracy of 87.8%. The highest predictors using multivariate (binary) combination features were the Hb-Contrast + HbO2-Homogeneity which resulted in a %Sn = 78.0, a %Sp = 81.0% and an accuracy of 79.5% using the naïve Bayes model. Conclusion: DOS and QUS demonstrated potential as coincident markers for treatment response and may potentially facilitate response-guided therapies. Also, the results of this study demonstrated that DOS-texture analysis can be used to predict breast cancer response groups prior to starting NAC using baseline DOS measurements

    Sparse feature learning for image analysis in segmentation, classification, and disease diagnosis.

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    The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on intermediate data representation, called features that disentangle the hidden factors of variation in data. Moreover, machine learning models are required to be generalized, in order to reduce the specificity or bias toward the training dataset. Unsupervised feature learning is useful in taking advantage of large amount of unlabeled data, which is available to capture these variations. However, learned features are required to capture variational patterns in data space. In this dissertation, unsupervised feature learning with sparsity is investigated for sparse and local feature extraction with application to lung segmentation, interpretable deep models, and Alzheimer\u27s disease classification. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Autoencoder and 3D Convolutional Autoencoder are used as architectures or models for unsupervised feature learning. They are investigated along with nonnegativity, sparsity and part-based representation constraints for generalized and transferable feature extraction

    Addressing the false positive MRI phenotype in prostate cancer diagnosis and management

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    Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) is set to dominate the diagnosis and active surveillance of prostate cancer. However, false positive MRIs confound clinical decision-making and prompt unwarranted biopsies that carry morbidity risks. This is a significant issue: NICE currently recommends pre-biopsy MRI in men with suspected prostate cancer and, as 80,000 patients undergo biopsy every year in England and Wales, between 12,600 to 17,300 are expected to be biopsy-negative. Furthermore, MRI in active surveillance (AS) is strongly recommended by NICE for risk stratification at baseline and for the detection of oncological progression. However, MRI-based AS is new and it is still unknown when observed dynamic MRI changes reflect true transition to clinically significant disease. Recognising this on imaging is important for optimising clinical decisions and reducing the overall number of biopsies during AS. In this thesis it will be shown that MRI lesions seen in biopsy-naïve individuals with clinically significant cancer are larger, more conspicuous and more diffusion-restricted compared to phenotypes seen in men without significant disease. Furthermore, in men with indeterminate MRI phenotypes, PSA density and index lesion ADC predict the presence of significant cancer through a logistic regression model (mean cross-validated AUC: 0.77 [95% CI: 0.67–0.87]) and could help men avoid unnecessary biopsies. It is also shown that false positive MRI phenotypes in such men arise in prostatic regions with increased overall cellularity and expanded epithelium, while assuming either focal or diffuse patterns. In addition, it is demonstrated that MRI-based AS can be safely used to monitor men with insignificant disease, as approximately 84.7% (95% CI: 82.0–87.6) and 71.8% (95% CI: 68.2–75.6) of patients remain on AS at 3 and 5 years (with those with MRI-visible disease at baseline exiting earlier). Finally, it will be shown that progressing MRI lesions during imaging-based AS have two distinct histological phenotypes: one characterised by increased overall cellularity and expansion of epithelial areas (typically seen with transition to higher grade cancer) and another by moderate, standalone stromal hyperplasia seen in cases of pathological stability, not ideally requiring biopsy. This finding could lead to the development of radiological metrics that distinguish the two progression types and spare men from unnecessary biopsies in AS contexts

    Implementing decision tree-based algorithms in medical diagnostic decision support systems

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    As a branch of healthcare, medical diagnosis can be defined as finding the disease based on the signs and symptoms of the patient. To this end, the required information is gathered from different sources like physical examination, medical history and general information of the patient. Development of smart classification models for medical diagnosis is of great interest amongst the researchers. This is mainly owing to the fact that the machine learning and data mining algorithms are capable of detecting the hidden trends between features of a database. Hence, classifying the medical datasets using smart techniques paves the way to design more efficient medical diagnostic decision support systems. Several databases have been provided in the literature to investigate different aspects of diseases. As an alternative to the available diagnosis tools/methods, this research involves machine learning algorithms called Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest (RF) and Extremely Randomized Trees or Extra Trees (ET) for the development of classification models that can be implemented in computer-aided diagnosis systems. As a decision tree (DT), CART is fast to create, and it applies to both the quantitative and qualitative data. For classification problems, RF and ET employ a number of weak learners like CART to develop models for classification tasks. We employed Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database (WBCD), Z-Alizadeh Sani dataset for coronary artery disease (CAD) and the databanks gathered in Ghaem Hospital’s dermatology clinic for the response of patients having common and/or plantar warts to the cryotherapy and/or immunotherapy methods. To classify the breast cancer type based on the WBCD, the RF and ET methods were employed. It was found that the developed RF and ET models forecast the WBCD type with 100% accuracy in all cases. To choose the proper treatment approach for warts as well as the CAD diagnosis, the CART methodology was employed. The findings of the error analysis revealed that the proposed CART models for the applications of interest attain the highest precision and no literature model can rival it. The outcome of this study supports the idea that methods like CART, RF and ET not only improve the diagnosis precision, but also reduce the time and expense needed to reach a diagnosis. However, since these strategies are highly sensitive to the quality and quantity of the introduced data, more extensive databases with a greater number of independent parameters might be required for further practical implications of the developed models

    Developing and Applying CAD-generated Image Markers to Assist Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis Prediction

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    Developing computer-aided detection and/or diagnosis (CAD) schemes has been an active research topic in medical imaging informatics (MII) with promising results in assisting clinicians in making better diagnostic and/or clinical decisions in the last two decades. To build robust CAD schemes, we need to develop state-of-the-art image processing and machine learning (ML) algorithms to optimize each step in the CAD pipeline, including detection and segmentation of the region of interest, optimal feature generation, followed by integration to ML classifiers. In my dissertation, I conducted multiple studies investigating the feasibility of developing several novel CAD schemes in the field of medicine concerning different purposes. The first study aims to investigate how to optimally develop a CAD scheme of contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) images to classify breast masses. CEDM includes both low energy (LE) and dual-energy subtracted (DES) images. A CAD scheme was applied to segment mass regions depicting LE and DES images separately. Optimal segmentation results generated from DES images were also mapped to LE images or vice versa. After computing image features, multilayer perceptron-based ML classifiers integrated with a correlation-based feature subset evaluator and leave-one-case-out cross-validation method were built to classify mass regions. The study demonstrated that DES images eliminated the overlapping effect of dense breast tissue, which helps improve mass segmentation accuracy. By mapping mass regions segmented from DES images to LE images, CAD yields significantly improved performance. The second study aims to develop a new quantitative image marker computed from the pre-intervention computed tomography perfusion (CTP) images and evaluate its feasibility to predict clinical outcome among acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients undergoing endovascular mechanical thrombectomy after diagnosis of large vessel occlusion. A CAD scheme is first developed to pre-process CTP images of different scanning series for each study case, perform image segmentation, quantify contrast-enhanced blood volumes in bilateral cerebral hemispheres, and compute image features related to asymmetrical cerebral blood flow patterns based on the cumulative cerebral blood flow curves of two hemispheres. Next, image markers based on a single optimal feature and ML models fused with multi-features are developed and tested to classify AIS cases into two classes of good and poor prognosis based on the Modified Rankin Scale. The study results show that ML model trained using multiple features yields significantly higher classification performance than the image marker using the best single feature (p<0.01). This study demonstrates the feasibility of developing a new CAD scheme to predict the prognosis of AIS patients in the hyperacute stage, which has the potential to assist clinicians in optimally treating and managing AIS patients. The third study aims to develop and test a new CAD scheme to predict prognosis in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients using brain CT images. Each patient had two sets of CT images acquired at admission and prior to discharge. CAD scheme was applied to segment intracranial brain regions into four subregions, namely, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and extraparenchymal blood (EPB), respectively. CAD then computed nine image features related to 5 volumes of the segmented sulci, EPB, CSF, WM, GM, and four volumetrical ratios to sulci. Subsequently, 16 ML models were built using multiple features computed either from CT images acquired at admission or prior to discharge to predict eight prognosis related parameters. The results show that ML models trained using CT images acquired at admission yielded higher accuracy to predict short-term clinical outcomes, while ML models trained using CT images acquired prior to discharge had higher accuracy in predicting long-term clinical outcomes. Thus, this study demonstrated the feasibility of predicting the prognosis of aSAH patients using new ML model-generated quantitative image markers. The fourth study aims to develop and test a new interactive computer-aided detection (ICAD) tool to quantitatively assess hemorrhage volumes. After loading each case, the ICAD tool first segments intracranial brain volume, performs CT labeling of each voxel. Next, contour-guided image-thresholding techniques based on CT Hounsfield Unit are used to estimate and segment hemorrhage-associated voxels (ICH). Next, two experienced neurology residents examine and correct the markings of ICH categorized into either intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH) or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) to obtain the true markings. Additionally, volumes and maximum two-dimensional diameter of each sub-type of hemorrhage are also computed for understanding ICH prognosis. The performance to segment hemorrhage regions between semi-automated ICAD and the verified neurology residents’ true markings is evaluated using dice similarity coefficient (DSC). The data analysis results in the study demonstrate that the new ICAD tool enables to segment and quantify ICH and other hemorrhage volumes with higher DSC. Finally, the fifth study aims to bridge the gap between traditional radiomics and deep learning systems by comparing and assessing these two technologies in classifying breast lesions. First, one CAD scheme is applied to segment lesions and compute radiomics features. In contrast, another scheme applies a pre-trained residual net architecture (ResNet50) as a transfer learning model to extract automated features. Next, the principal component algorithm processes both initially computed radiomics and automated features to create optimal feature vectors. Then, several support vector machine (SVM) classifiers are built using the optimized radiomics or automated features. This study indicates that (1) CAD built using only deep transfer learning yields higher classification performance than the traditional radiomic-based model, (2) SVM trained using the fused radiomics and automated features does not yield significantly higher AUC, and (3) radiomics and automated features contain highly correlated information in lesion classification. In summary, in all these studies, I developed and investigated several key concepts of CAD pipeline, including (i) pre-processing algorithms, (ii) automatic detection and segmentation schemes, (iii) feature extraction and optimization methods, and (iv) ML and data analysis models. All developed CAD models are embedded with interactive and visually aided graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to provide user functionality. These techniques present innovative approaches for building quantitative image markers to build optimal ML models. The study results indicate the underlying CAD scheme's potential application to assist radiologists in clinical settings for their assessments in diagnosing disease and improving their overall performance