247 research outputs found

    The representation of conflict in the discourse of Italian melodrama

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    This paper is part of an extensive study of cinematic dialogue in a variety of film genres in Italian, which aims to address the disregard for the verbal plane that characterises film theory and, particularly, genre theory. Assuming a pragmatic and functional semantic perspective, it analyses the scripted dialogues in films against the backdrop of the literature on real life discourse. The focus of the paper is confrontational talk in Italian melodramas from early 1960s to the present. Conflict in such films is, to an extent, comparable to the cooperative sequential rebuttal of speakers' turns that typically occurs in comedies. However, melodramas are also marked by more incisive and subtle patterns of confrontation that can be summarised as 'disaffiliative dysfluency'. The forms of such break in the conversational flow are discussed and illustrated with selected scenes from a number of films

    Entrance and Exit Criteria for Speech and Language Special Education Programs in the Public Schools: Status and Recommendations

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    The purposes of the present study were these: (1) to identify and compare the entrance and exit criteria developed for speech and language special education programs currently utilized within the fifty states; and (2) on the basis of a review of literature and current practice, to formulate and present several recommendations and considerations regarding the development of entrance and exit criteria for speech and language special education programs. The data consisted of the criteria developed at the state level by the fifty states. The criteria for thirty-three of the states were obtained from officials within state departments of education responsible for speech and language special education programs. The criteria for the remaining seventeen states were obtained from Lois McDermott, state consultant for the Minnesota Department of Education. All of the data were classified and compared for presentation in both tabular and narrative form. The data revealed that one-half of the fifty states had established entrance criteria, but the majority of states had not established exit criteria. The exit criteria presented were primarily descriptive in nature. Some states utilized field professionals in the development of criteria. Several states presented entrance criteria in similar rating scale formats, with the levels of severity primarily characterized by qualitative measures. Some states used definitions of disorders as criteria. The entrance criteria for fluency, articulation, and language programs primarily consisted of quantitative measures, while the criteria for voice programs were qualitative in nature. The recommendations and considerations regarding the development of criteria addressed these areas: involvement of field professionals in the development of state level criteria; use of diagnostic data in defining entrance criteria specific to four major disability areas; development of referral procedures; utilization of quantitative and qualitative measures, and the specification of norms in determining placement; use of normative data and problems associated with norm-referenced assessment tools in developing criteria; use of rating scales in developing criteria and compensatory instruction; consideration of programmatic decisions at local levels; consideration of definitions as criteria; development of exit criteria; and the need for continued research

    Parental Guidance Movie: Psycholinguistics Perspective of Utterances in Turner Simmons’s Stuttering

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    Abstrak Fenomena berbicara gagap umum terjadi di kalangan masyarakat namun tidak semua orang mengerti apa yang terjadi pada penderita gagap yang menyebabkan mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam berkata. Gagap dapat terjadi pada orang di segala umur, meski begitu gagap umum terjadi terutama pada usia pertumbuhan yang sedang belajar berbicara. Penderita gagap dalam memproduksi kata atau kalimat saat berbicara, biasanya tidak lengkap sebagaimana mestinya karena otak manusia yang berfungsi sebagai pengolahan bahasa memiliki gangguan fungsi. Tujuan dari peneitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis gagap yang lalu dikaitkan pada jenis-jenis bunyi ucapan yang susah dikatakan pada anak yang bernama Turner Simmon di film Parental Guidance. Penelitian ini menjelaskan jenis-jenis gagap dan bunyi ujaran pada anak penderita gagap dalam perspektif psikolinguistik. Dalam gagap, penyebabnya belum diketahui tetapi diyakini adanya gangguan dalam cara koordinat otak berbagai komponen yang berfungsi sebagai pengolahan bahasa.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan prioritas untuk menganalisis dan menggambarkan data. Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari percakapan yang dilakukan oleh Turner Simmons, khususnya pada saat terjadinya gagap. Temuan penelitian ini hanya ditemukan empat jenis gagap dari enam jenis gagap dalam ucapan Turner yaitu pengulangan bagian - kata, pengulangan seluruh - kata, perpanjangan suara, dan blok yang muncul dalam fenomena Turner. Sebagian besar pengulangan bagian - kata terjadi di awal kata. Sementara, bunyi yang sebagian besar muncul dalam gagap Turner adalah / s /, / w /, / d /, dan / ð /. Bunyi / s / adalah bunyi tertinggi yang sering terjadi dalam ucapan Turner. Kata Kunci: gagap, ucapan,bunyi ujaran, psikolinguistik     Abstract The phenomenon of stuttering is common among people, but not everyone understands what happens to people with stuttering that caused them to have difficulty in speaking. Stuttering happens in persons of any age, however it is most basic in youthful kids who are creating and learning language and speech. In stuttering, producing speech is not complete as it should be, because human brain that functions as language processing has dysfunction.The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the types of stutteringthenassociatedto the kinds of speech sounds that occurs in children called Turner Simmon in Parental Guidance movie. This study explained the types of dysfluencies and speech sound of a child who has a stuttering in psycholinguistics perspective. In stuttering, the causes are not yet known but it is believing that there are disruption in the way the brain coordinates the various components which functions as language processing.This study used qualitative descriptive with priority to analyze and describe data. The data from this study were taken from conversations conducted by Turner Simmons, especially at the time he produced his stuttering. The findings of this study only found four types of stuttering from the six types of stuttering in speech Turner which is part – word repetition, whole – word repetition, sound prolongation, and block appear in Turner’s phenomena. Mostly part – word repetitions occurred in the beginning of word. While, the speech sounds that mostly appear in Turner’s stuttering are /s/, /w/, /d/, and /ð/. The /s/ sound is the highest sounds that often occur in Turner’s utterances.   Keywords: stuttering, utterances, speech sound, psycholinguistic

    The Impact of Fluency on Word Choices and Functional Vocabulary in Children Who Stutter

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    The purpose of this study is to determine if stuttering affects word selection and/or narrative word usage in school-age children. Ten school-aged children who are either active stutters or who have a history of stuttering will be sought as participants. A brief questionnaire will separate the participants into two groups, i.e. active vs. history of stuttering. Two vocabulary tests, one receptive and the other expressive, and a written and oral narrative will be used to gather data on word selection and usage. Each child will be seen individually for data collection. Audio recordings will be used throughout this collection and analyzed qualitatively to supplement results from the standardized vocabulary tests

    Electronic books: Are they effective educational tools for students who are deaf or hard of hearing?

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    This literature review will examine the effectiveness of electronic book features on students’ reading development in the general education population and investigate whether or not these digital tools could be a useful tool and/or supplement in literacy for students who are deaf and hard of hearing

    Formulaic sequences as a regulatory mechanism for cognitive perturbations during the achievement of social goals

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    This paper explores two questions central to understanding the nature of formulaic sequences: (1) What are they for? and (2) What determines how many there are? The “Communicative Impact” model draws into a single account how language is shaped by cognitive processing on the one hand and socio-interactional function on the other: Formulaic sequences play a range of coordinated roles in neutralizing unanticipated perturbations in the cognitive management of language, so the speaker's socio-interactional goals can still be achieved. One role involves compensatory actions to sustain fluency. However, these actions are themselves context-sensitive, so the balance of types of formulaic sequence will vary according to situation. The model applies equally to temporary cognitive pressure and chronic problems such as dementia and limited linguistic competency in a foreign language

    Cappadocian kinship

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    Cappadocian kinship systems are very interesting from a sociolinguistic and anthropological perspective because of the mixture of inherited Greek and borrowed Turkish kinship terms. Precisely because the number of Turkish kinship terms differs from one variety to another, it is necessary to talk about Cappadocian kinship systems in the plural rather than about the Cappadocian kinship system in the singular. Although reference will be made to other Cappadocian varieties, this paper will focus on the kinship systems of MiĆĄotika and Aksenitika, the two Central Cappadocian dialects still spoken today in several communities in Greece. Particular attention will be given to the use of borrowed Turkish kinship terms, which sometimes seem to co-exist together with their inherited Greek counterparts, e.g. mĂĄna vs. nĂ©ne ‘mother’, ailfĂł/aelfĂł vs. ÎłardĂĄĆĄ ‘brother’ etc. In the final part of the paper some kinship terms with obscure or hitherto unknown etymology will be discussed, e.g. kĂĄka ‘grandmother’, iĆŸĂĄ ‘aunt’, lĂșva ‘uncle (father’s brother)’ etc

    A medical approach to language delay

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