493,064 research outputs found

    Dynamic Selection of Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms for Securing Data Based on Various Parameters

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    Most of the information is in the form of electronic data. A lot of electronic data exchanged takes place through computer applications. Therefore information exchange through these applications needs to be secure. Different cryptographic algorithms are usually used to address these security concerns. However, along with security there are other factors that need to be considered for practical implementation of different cryptographic algorithms like implementation cost and performance. This paper provides comparative analysis of time taken for encryption by seven symmetric key cryptographic algorithms (AES, DES, Triple DES, RC2, Skipjack, Blowfish and RC4) with variation of parameters like different data types, data density, data size and key sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Fifth International Conference on Communications Security & Information Assurance (CSIA 2014) May 24~25, 2014, Delhi, Indi

    On the Security of 2-Key Triple DES

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    This paper reconsiders the security offered by 2-key triple DES, an encryption technique that remains widely used despite recently being de-standardised by NIST. A generalisation of the 1990 van Oorschot-Wiener attack is described, constituting the first advance in cryptanalysis of 2-key triple DES since 1990. We give further attack enhancements that together imply that the widely used estimate that 2-key triple DES provides 80 bits of security can no longer be regarded as conservative; the widely stated assertion that the scheme is secure as long as the key is changed regularly is also challenged. The main conclusion is that, whilst not completely broken, the margin of safety for 2-key triple DES is slim, and efforts to replace it, at least with its 3-key variant, should be pursued with some urgency.Comment: Typos in v1 fixe

    World society and the transformation of national defense: exploring world cultural impact on security and military

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    In this paper, I explore the applicability of sociological institutionalism for the analysis of security and the military. Based on cross-sectional data from 50 countries, I show how values linked to the nation state and security are related to world cultural ideas and the diffusion of rationalized organizational models. Such linkage could explain the transformation of the military as a common and worldwide trend, being based on political and societal preconditions that converge across countries. The paper is structured as follows: I first introduce basics on military transformation in the course of time, before I turn to the framework of sociological new institutionalism. I particularly emphasize world cultural values and rationalized organizational forms as well as the diffusion process linked to them. In the empirical analysis, I first show how values linked to individualism, the nation state and world society are linked to national security. As suggested by sociological institutionalism, individual values and the importance of world society are wide-spread and also linked to less nationalism and a lower significance for security and defense. However, the nation state is still an important point of reference. In the second empirical analysis, I turn to the organizational form of the military, showing changing aims, and changed ways of organizing the service. Here we find that the military has indeed transformed to an organization with features comparable to the non-military world, supporting sociological institutionalist claims. In sum, the findings point towards changed security policies induced by world cultural norms. However, further analyses are needed to explore this relationship in more detail and to ultimately test this theory against functionalist explanations. -- Dieses Arbeitspapier analysiert Sicherheitspolitik und Militärreformen aus der Perspektive des soziologischen Institutionalismus. Basierend auf Daten aus 50 Staaten wird gezeigt, dass Werte und Organisationsformen in diesem Feld zunehmend Trends einer 'Weltkultur' entsprechen. Dazu führt das Papier zunächst kurz in aktuelle Reformen des Militärs ein, bevor in einem theoretischen Teil zwei Diskussionen des soziologischen Institutionalismus ausgeführt werden, genauer die Verbreitung kultureller Werte basierend auf Individualismus und einem geteilten Welthorizont, sowie die Einführung rationalisierter Organisationsformen in verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Bereichen. In der empirischen Analyse wird dann gezeigt, dass sich die angenommene Weltkultur in der Tat in sicherheitsrelevanten Werten und Auffassungen niederschlägt und dass das Militär sich zunehmend 'rationalisiert' und 'individualisiert' organisiert. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen theoretische Annahmen des soziologischen Institutionalismus, sollten aber in weiteren Untersuchungen noch verstärkt gegen rivalisierende funktionalistische Theorien getestet werden.

    Turning to the UN Security Council: terming crisis a threat to international peace

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    When do states turn to the United Nations Security Council? Today the term threat to peace is interpreted more widely than ever before ranging from inter-state conflict over internal wars to humanitarian crisis. Alarming the Security Council to international crisis is an exceptional foreign policy choice. By far more conflicts are not brought to the attention of the Security Council than are put before that body. The paper explores when states actually turn to the Security Council and term a crisis a threat to international peace. One the one hand, the Security the Council has assumed a much more visible and active role in international dispute settlement since the end of the Cold War. On the other hand, the unilateral decision of the United States to invade Iraq raised serious doubts about the legitimacy and effectiveness of the UN’s collective security system. A much repeated truism reminds UN scholars that any system of collective security can be only as good as its members want it to be. But so far we do not have a clear understanding of what its members do want it to be. While the option to involve the UN Security Council in any situation endangering peace is equally open to all states, only some states address the UN in some conflict situations. From this starting point, this paper contributes to the understanding of the role of the UN in fostering conflict resolution as well as shedding light on foreign policy choices by states. In what situations do states turn to the Security Council? Which states take the decision to alert the Council? And what do states want from the Council once they did? Addressing these questions, the paper presents instances in which states decided to turn to the Security Council. The systematic assessment builds on a set of case studies that includes different types of conflict situations in the 1990s as well as different states. States bring crisis situations before the Council which they either perceive as an immediate threat to themselves or as a threat to norms shared by the international community. The paper concludes with some generalizations about reasons for states to turn to the UN Security Council. -- Wann wenden sich Staaten an den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen? Heutzutage wird der Begriff Friedensbedrohung umfassender als je zuvor interpretiert. Die Spannbreite reicht von zwischenstaatlichen Konflikten über interne Kriege bis hin zu humanitären Krisen. Dennoch ist es für Staaten eine außergewöhnliche außenpolitische Entscheidung den UN-Sicherheitsrat anzurufen. Nur in sehr wenigen Situationen lenken Staaten die Aufmerksamkeit des Sicherheitsrats auf internationale Krisen. Das Papier untersucht, wann Staaten sich entscheiden, eine Krise dem Sicherheitsrat vorzulegen und diese als Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden zu bezeichnen. Einerseits übernimmt der UN-Sicherheitsrat eine sichtbare und aktive Rolle in der Konfliktbeilegung seit dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts, andererseits warf spätestens der Irak-Krieg Zweifel über die Legitimität und Effektivität des Sicherheitsrats auf. Eine Binsenweisheit der UN-Forschung betont, dass eine kollektives Sicherheitssystem nur so gut sein kann wie seine Mitglieder es zulassen. Es ist allerdings noch unklar, welche Vorstellungen die Staaten über das Sicherheitssystem der Uno haben. Obwohl allen Staaten offen steht, jede Krisensituationen dem Sicherheitsrat vorzulegen, nutzen nur einige Staaten in wenigen Situationen diese Möglichkeit. In dieser Ausgangslage trägt das Papier zu einem besseren Verständnis über die Rolle der Uno bei der Konfliktbearbeitung wie auch über außenpolitische Entscheidungen von Staaten. In welchen Situationen wenden sich Staaten an den Sicherheitsrat? Welche Staaten entscheiden sich für die Anrufung des Rats? Und was wollen Staaten dann vom Rat? Das Papier stellt Umstände und Krisen vor, in denen Staaten den Sicherheitsrat angerufen haben. Die systematische Erhebung basiert auf Fallstudien und umfasst verschiedene Typen von Konfliktsituationen in den 1990er Jahren und verschiedene Staaten. Staaten wenden sich an den Sicherheitsrat, wenn sie entweder sich unmittelbar selbst bedroht fühlen oder bei einer Gefährdung von Normen der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft. Die Untersuchung unternimmt zum Ende einen Generalisierungsversuch über die Gründe von Staaten, den Sicherheitsrat anzurufen.

    Year 2010 Issues on Cryptographic Algorithms

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    In the financial sector, cryptographic algorithms are used as fundamental techniques for assuring confidentiality and integrity of data used in financial transactions and for authenticating entities involved in the transactions. Currently, the most widely used algorithms appear to be two-key triple DES and RC4 for symmetric ciphers, RSA with a 1024-bit key for an asymmetric cipher and a digital signature, and SHA-1 for a hash function according to international standards and guidelines related to the financial transactions. However, according to academic papers and reports regarding the security evaluation for such algorithms, it is difficult to ensure enough security by using the algorithms for a long time period, such as 10 or 15 years, due to advances in cryptanalysis techniques, improvement of computing power, and so on. To enhance the transition to more secure ones, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States describes in various guidelines that NIST will no longer approve two-key triple DES, RSA with a 1024-bit key, and SHA-1 as the algorithms suitable for IT systems of the U.S. Federal Government after 2010. It is an important issue how to advance the transition of the algorithms in the financial sector. This paper refers to issues regarding the transition as Year 2010 issues in cryptographic algorithms. To successfully complete the transition by 2010, the deadline set by NIST, it is necessary for financial institutions to begin discussing the issues at the earliest possible date. This paper summarizes security evaluation results of the current algorithms, and describes Year 2010 issues, their impact on the financial industry, and the transition plan announced by NIST. This paper also shows several points to be discussed when dealing with Year 2010 issues.Cryptographic algorithm; Symmetric cipher; Asymmetric cipher; Security; Year 2010 issues; Hash function

    Teori Grup Pada Algoritma DES Dan Transformasi Wavelet Diskrit Dalam Program Aplikasi Keamanan Citra Digital

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    Chryptography or Chriptology plays an important role in building data and information security. Chryptography aims to not read unauthorized people, so information can be safely maintained. Some research about Chryptography and algorithms related to data security have been done by practitioner of informatics and mathematic, one of which is DES algorithms and wavelet transform. DES algorithm is symmetrical standart algorithm which is widely used and is still considered safe to answer th challenges of the rapid development of information technology.This paper have discussed about application of Algebra in DES algorithms and discrete Wavelet Transform On Digital Image Security Application, i.e. XOR operation, permutation, and  permutation group or siklik group which is used in DES algorithms on digital image security application. Then, as Group it found (x+b)-group  in discrete wavelet transform on digital image security applicatio