388 research outputs found

    Applying Package Management To Mod Installation

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    Package management automates the discovery and installation of software that can coexist within an operating system. The methods used by package management can also address other instances where the installation of software needs to be automated. One example of this is the environment produced by third party video game modifications. An adapted application of package management practices can help to solve the difficult problem of finding and installing a set of video game modifications that do not conflict with each other. This greatly benefits the environment by allowing third party contributions to be easily installed which fosters growth in both the developer and user community surrounding the environment. This thesis presents the theory and complexities behind package management and shows how it can be effectively applied to managing video game modifications by presenting examples of software that can extract relevant metadata from video game modifications and discover conflict free installation solutions

    An investigation into the security behaviour of tertiary students regarding mobile device security

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    The use of mobile devices is becoming more popular by the day. With all the different features that the smart mobile devices possess, it is starting to replace personal computers both for personal use and business use. There are also more attacks concerning security on mobile devices because of their increased usage and the security measures not as effective and well-known as on personal computers. The perceived perception is that the young adult population does not act safely and they have a low level of technical advanced knowledge when using their mobile devices. Mobile users are largely responsible to protect themselves and other users from a security viewpoint. This paper reports on a study including a survey done regarding the behaviour of tertiary students concerning security of their mobile devices. Aspects of mobile device security will be discussed and the current status of tertiary students’ behaviour regarding mobile device security will be presented resulting from a survey conducted at a South African University. Findings indicate that tertiary students have diverse behaviour levels concerning mobile device security. The value of these results is that we can focus on specific content when educating smart device users on the subject of security including avoidance of risky or unsafe behaviour. Recommendations in this regard are presented in this paper

    SIGL:Securing Software Installations Through Deep Graph Learning

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    Many users implicitly assume that software can only be exploited after it is installed. However, recent supply-chain attacks demonstrate that application integrity must be ensured during installation itself. We introduce SIGL, a new tool for detecting malicious behavior during software installation. SIGL collects traces of system call activity, building a data provenance graph that it analyzes using a novel autoencoder architecture with a graph long short-term memory network (graph LSTM) for the encoder and a standard multilayer perceptron for the decoder. SIGL flags suspicious installations as well as the specific installation-time processes that are likely to be malicious. Using a test corpus of 625 malicious installers containing real-world malware, we demonstrate that SIGL has a detection accuracy of 96%, outperforming similar systems from industry and academia by up to 87% in precision and recall and 45% in accuracy. We also demonstrate that SIGL can pinpoint the processes most likely to have triggered malicious behavior, works on different audit platforms and operating systems, and is robust to training data contamination and adversarial attack. It can be used with application-specific models, even in the presence of new software versions, as well as application-agnostic meta-models that encompass a wide range of applications and installers.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '21

    Technical Report on Deploying a highly secured OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure using BradStack as a Case Study

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    Cloud computing has emerged as a popular paradigm and an attractive model for providing a reliable distributed computing model.it is increasing attracting huge attention both in academic research and industrial initiatives. Cloud deployments are paramount for institution and organizations of all scales. The availability of a flexible, free open source cloud platform designed with no propriety software and the ability of its integration with legacy systems and third-party applications are fundamental. Open stack is a free and opensource software released under the terms of Apache license with a fragmented and distributed architecture making it highly flexible. This project was initiated and aimed at designing a secured cloud infrastructure called BradStack, which is built on OpenStack in the Computing Laboratory at the University of Bradford. In this report, we present and discuss the steps required in deploying a secured BradStack Multi-node cloud infrastructure and conducting Penetration testing on OpenStack Services to validate the effectiveness of the security controls on the BradStack platform. This report serves as a practical guideline, focusing on security and practical infrastructure related issues. It also serves as a reference for institutions looking at the possibilities of implementing a secured cloud solution.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures

    Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) Opportunities for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation

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    Technical Opportunities Workshop Whitepaper, 14 June 2002Purpose: As the Department of Defense (DoD) is engaged in both warfighting and institutional transformation for the new millennium, DoD Modeling & Simulation (M&S) also needs to identify and adopt transformational technologies which provide direct tactical relevance to warfighters. Because the only software systems that composably scale to worldwide scope utilize the World Wide Web, it is evident that an extensible Web-based framework shows great promise to scale up the capabilities of M&S systems to meet the needs of training, analysis, acquisition, and the operational warfighter. By embracing commercial web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework, DoD M&S can fully leverage mainstream practices for enterprise-wide software development

    WARP Business Intelligence System

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    Continuous delivery (CD) facilitates the software releasing process. Because the use of continuous integration and deployment pipelines, allows software to be tested several times before going into production. In Business Intelligence (BI), software releases tend to be manual and deprived of pipelines, versions control might also be deficient because of the project nature, which involves data and it’s impossible to version. How to apply CD concepts to BI to an existing project where legacy code is extended and there is no version control over project objects? Only few organizations have an automated release process for their BI projects. Because due to projects nature it is difficult to implement CD to the full extent. Thus, the problem was tackled in stages, first the implementation of version control, that works for the organization, then the establishment of the necessary environments to proceed with the pipelines and finally the creation of a test pipeline for one of the BI projects, proving the success of this approach. To evaluate the success of this solution the main beneficiaries (stakeholders and engineers) were asked to answer some questionnaires regarding their experience with the data warehouse before and after the use of CD. Because each release is tested before going into production, the use of CD will improve software quality in the long run as well as it allows software to be released more frequently.Continuous Delivery (CD) permite que as releases de software aconteçam em qualquer momento sem problemas associados, utilizando pipelines de integração e de deployment. Desta forma, o software é testado várias vezes antes de ser instalado em produção. Em Business Intelligence (BI), as releases são tendencialmente manuais, sem pipelines e devido à natureza do projecto (dados) o controlo de versões tende a ser inexistente. Como aplicar o conceito de CD num contexto de BI a projetos de grandes dimensões, com legacy code extenso e sem controlo de versões? Apenas algumas organizações têm um processo automático de releases para os seus projectos de BI, porque devido à natureza dos projetos que envolvem dados, é difícil implementar CD. Tendo em conta os estes factores, o problema foi abordado por etapas, em primeiro lugar procedeu-se à implementação de um controlo de versões, que se adapte às necessidades da organização. O passo seguinte foi a criação do ambiente necessário para prosseguir com a instalação de pipelines e para terminar, a terceira etapa, consistiu na criação de uma pipeline de teste para um dos projectos de BI, comprovando assim o sucesso da solução proposta. Para avaliar o sucesso desta solução os principais beneficiários (stakeholders e engenheiros) foram convidados a preencher questionários, que permitem avaliar a sua experiência com o data warehouse antes e depois da utilização da solução proposta neste trabalho. Como cada release é testada antes de ser instalada em produção, garantindo que possíveis erros já foram encontrados previamente, o uso de CD melhorará a qualidade do software a longo prazo e permitirá que as releases ocorram com mais frequência

    Industrialization of a multi-server software solution

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    [EN] The goal of the Final Degree Work is to rewrite the deployment process for a multiserver software solution in order to be compliant with the company’s orchestration and automation software while redesigning a development workflow following continuous integration and continuous automated testing principles. The project also includes the implementation of each component installer for Linux and Windows architectures using the company’s in-house framework[CA] L’objectiu del Treball de Fi de Grau és reescriure el procés de desplegament per a una solució de programari multiservidor per ser conforme amb el programari d’orquestració i automatització i redissenyar un flux de treball seguint pràctiques d’integració contínua i proves automàtiques. El projecte també inclou la implementació dels instal·ladors de cada component per a les arquitectures Windows i Linux emprant la infraestructura pròpia de l’empresa.[ES] El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado es reescribir el proceso de despliegue para una solución software multiservidor para estar en conformidad con el software de orquestación y automatización y rediseñar un flujo de trabajo siguiendo prácticas de integración continua y pruebas automáticas. El proyecto también incluye la implementación de los instaladores de cada componente para las arquitecturas Windows y Linux usando la infraestructura propia de la empresa.Martínez Bevia, V. (2017). Industrialization of a multi-server software solution. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88847.TFG

    On the malware detection problem : challenges and novel approaches

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    Orientador: André Ricardo Abed GrégioCoorientador: Paulo Lício de GeusTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba,Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Software Malicioso (malware) é uma das maiores ameaças aos sistemas computacionais atuais, causando danos à imagem de indivíduos e corporações, portanto requerendo o desenvolvimento de soluções de detecção para prevenir que exemplares de malware causem danos e para permitir o uso seguro dos sistemas. Diversas iniciativas e soluções foram propostas ao longo do tempo para detectar exemplares de malware, de Anti-Vírus (AVs) a sandboxes, mas a detecção de malware de forma efetiva e eficiente ainda se mantém como um problema em aberto. Portanto, neste trabalho, me proponho a investigar alguns desafios, falácias e consequências das pesquisas em detecção de malware de modo a contribuir para o aumento da capacidade de detecção das soluções de segurança. Mais especificamente, proponho uma nova abordagem para o desenvolvimento de experimentos com malware de modo prático mas ainda científico e utilizo-me desta abordagem para investigar quatro questões relacionadas a pesquisa em detecção de malware: (i) a necessidade de se entender o contexto das infecções para permitir a detecção de ameaças em diferentes cenários; (ii) a necessidade de se desenvolver melhores métricas para a avaliação de soluções antivírus; (iii) a viabilidade de soluções com colaboração entre hardware e software para a detecção de malware de forma mais eficiente; (iv) a necessidade de predizer a ocorrência de novas ameaças de modo a permitir a resposta à incidentes de segurança de forma mais rápida.Abstract: Malware is a major threat to most current computer systems, causing image damages and financial losses to individuals and corporations, thus requiring the development of detection solutions to prevent malware to cause harm and allow safe computers usage. Many initiatives and solutions to detect malware have been proposed over time, from AntiViruses (AVs) to sandboxes, but effective and efficient malware detection remains as a still open problem. Therefore, in this work, I propose taking a look on some malware detection challenges, pitfalls and consequences to contribute towards increasing malware detection system's capabilities. More specifically, I propose a new approach to tackle malware research experiments in a practical but still scientific manner and leverage this approach to investigate four issues: (i) the need for understanding context to allow proper detection of localized threats; (ii) the need for developing better metrics for AV solutions evaluation; (iii) the feasibility of leveraging hardware-software collaboration for efficient AV implementation; and (iv) the need for predicting future threats to allow faster incident responses

    Continuous integration and application deployment with the Kubernetes technology

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    Poslední dobou by téměř každý chtěl své aplikace nasadit do Kubernetes. Jenže pro plné využití Kubernetes je třeba přijmout s otevřenou náručí postupy průběžné integrace (CI) a nasazení (CD). Je třeba CI/CD pipeline. Ale k dispozici je až zdrcující množství open-source nástrojů, kde každý pokrývá různé části celého procesu. Následující text vysvětlí základy technologií, kterých bude pro pipeline třeba. A následně shrne některé z populárních open-source nástrojů využívaných pro CI/CD. Z open-source nástrojů navrhneme pipeline. Závěrečné porovnání možných řešení (včetně proprietárních) poskytne čtenáři konkrétní tipy a rady ohledně vytváření vlastní pipeline.It seems nearly everyone would like to deploy to Kubernetes nowadays. To efficiently leverage the power of Kubernetes one must first fully embrace continuous integration (CI) and deployment (CD) practices. A CI/CD pipeline is needed. But there is an overwhelming amount of open-source tools that cover various parts of the whole process.The following text explains the basics of the underlying technologies needed for a pipeline deploying to Kubernetes. And subsequently summarizes some of the popular open-source tools used for CI/CD. Then it designs a working pipeline from the researched tools. Finally, it summarizes some of the possible pipelines (including proprietary) and provides the reader with specific bits of advice on how to implement a pipeline