495 research outputs found

    Contrasting Compile-Time Meta-Programming in Metalua and Converge

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    Powerful, safe macro systems allow programs to be programatically constructed by the user at compile-time. Such systems have traditionally been largely confined to LISP-like languages and their successors. In this paper we describe and compare two modern, dynamically typed languages Converge and Metalua, which both have macro-like systems. We show how, in different ways, they build upon traditional macro systems to explore new ways of constructing programs

    What Programmers do with Inheritance in Java and C#

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    Inheritance is a widely used concept in modern object oriented software engineering. Previous studies show that inheritance is widely used in practice yet empirical data about how it is used in practice is scarce. An empirical study into this subject has been done by Tempero, Yang and Noble titled “What Programmers do with Inheritance in Java” [1]. This study replicates and extends the study by Tempero et al through inclusion of C# and explanation of the differences and similarities between the languages with respect to practical use of inheritance. It contributes towards the validation and broadening of original conclusions. This study presents a comparative analysis of 169 open source C# and Java systems totalling around 23 million lines of code. Interesting findings are presented on the potential effects of forbidding implicit dynamic binding and inferring types for local variables on the practical use of inheritance amongst C# and Java open-source systems

    Efficient branch and node testing

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    Software testing evaluates the correctness of a program’s implementation through a test suite. The quality of a test case or suite is assessed with a coverage metric indicating what percentage of a program’s structure was exercised (covered) during execution. Coverage of every execution path is impossible due to infeasible paths and loops that result in an exponential or infinite number of paths. Instead, metrics such as the number of statements (nodes) or control-flow branches covered are used. Node and branch coverage require instrumentation probes to be present during program runtime. Traditionally, probes were statically inserted during compilation. These static probes remain even after coverage is recorded, incurring unnecessary overhead, reducing the number of tests that can be run, or requiring large amounts of memory In this dissertation, I present three novel techniques for improving branch and node coverage performance for the Java runtime. First, Demand-driven Structural Testing (DDST) uses dynamic insertion and removal of probes so they can be removed after recording coverage, avoiding the unnecessary overhead of static instrumentation. DDST is built on a new framework for developing and researching coverage techniques, Jazz. DDST for node coverage averages 19.7% faster than statically-inserted instrumentation on an industry-standard benchmark suite, SPECjvm98. Due to DDST’s higher-cost probes, no single branch coverage technique performs best on all programs or methods. To address this, I developed Hybrid Structural Testing (HST). HST combines different test techniques, including static and DDST, into one run. HST uses a cost model for analysis, reducing the cost of branch coverage testing an average of 48% versus Static and 56% versus DDST on SPECjvm98. HST never chooses certain techniques due to expensive analysis. I developed a third technique, Test Plan Caching (TPC), that exploits the inherent repetition in testing over a suite. TPC saves analysis results to avoid recomputation. Combined with HST, TPC produces a mix of techniques that record coverage quickly and efficiently. My three techniques reduce the average cost of branch coverage by 51.6–90.8% over previous approaches on SPECjvm98, allowing twice as many test cases in a given time budget

    Dynamic Logic for an Intermediate Language: Verification, Interaction and Refinement

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    This thesis is about ensuring that software behaves as it is supposed to behave. More precisely, it is concerned with the deductive verification of the compliance of software implementations with their formal specification. Two successful ideas in program verification are integrated into a new approach: dynamic logic and intermediate verification language. The well-established technique of refinement is used to decompose the difficult task of program verification into two easier tasks

    Field-sensitive unreachability and non-cyclicity analysis

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    Field-sensitive static analyses of object-oriented code use approximations of the computational states where fields are taken into account, for better precision. This article presents a novel and sound definite analysis of Java bytecode that approximates two strictly related properties: field-sensitive unreachability between program variables and field-sensitive non-cyclicity of program variables. The latter exploits the former for better precision. We build a data-flow analysis based on constraint graphs, whose nodes are program points and whose arcs propagate information according to the semantics of each bytecode instruction. We follow abstract interpretation both to approximate the concrete semantics and to prove our results formally correct. Our analysis has been designed with the goal of improving client analyses such as termination analysis, asserting the non-cyclicity of variables with respect to specific fields

    VERDICTS: Visual Exploratory Requirements Discovery and Injection for Comprehension and Testing of Software

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    We introduce a methodology and research tools for visual exploratory software analysis. VERDICTS combines exploratory testing, tracing, visualization, dynamic discovery and injection of requirements specifications into a live quick-feedback cycle, without recompilation or restart of the system under test. This supports discovery and verification of software dynamic behavior, software comprehension, testing, and locating the defect origin. At its core, VERDICTS allows dynamic evolution and testing of hypotheses about requirements and behavior, by using contracts as automated component verifiers. We introduce Semantic Mutation Testing as an approach to evaluate concordance of automated verifiers and the functional specifications they represent with respect to existing implementation. Mutation testing has promise, but also has many known issues. In our tests, both black-box and white-box variants of our Semantic Mutation Testing approach performed better than traditional mutation testing as a measure of quality of automated verifiers

    Workload characterization of JVM languages

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    Being developed with a single language in mind, namely Java, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) nowadays is targeted by numerous programming languages. Automatic memory management, Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, and adaptive optimizations provided by the JVM make it an attractive target for different language implementations. Even though being targeted by so many languages, the JVM has been tuned with respect to characteristics of Java programs only -- different heuristics for the garbage collector or compiler optimizations are focused more on Java programs. In this dissertation, we aim at contributing to the understanding of the workloads imposed on the JVM by both dynamically-typed and statically-typed JVM languages. We introduce a new set of dynamic metrics and an easy-to-use toolchain for collecting the latter. We apply our toolchain to applications written in six JVM languages -- Java, Scala, Clojure, Jython, JRuby, and JavaScript. We identify differences and commonalities between the examined languages and discuss their implications. Moreover, we have a close look at one of the most efficient compiler optimizations - method inlining. We present the decision tree of the HotSpot JVM's JIT compiler and analyze how well the JVM performs in inlining the workloads written in different JVM languages

    Source Code Similarity and Clone Search

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    Historically, clone detection as a research discipline has focused on devising source code similarity measurement and search solutions to cancel out effects of code reuse in software maintenance. However, it has also been observed that identifying duplications and similar programming patterns can be exploited for pragmatic reuse. Identifying such patterns requires a source code similarity model for detection of Type-1, 2, and 3 clones. Due to the lack of such a model, ad-hoc pattern detection models have been devised as part of state of the art solutions that support pragmatic reuse via code search. In this dissertation, we propose a clone search model which is based on the clone detection principles and satisfies the fundamental requirements for supporting pragmatic reuse. Our research presents a clone search model that not only supports scalability, short response times, and Type-1, 2 and 3 detection, but also emphasizes the need for supporting ranking as a key functionality. Our model takes advantage of a multi-level (non-positional) indexing approach to achieve a scalable and fast retrieval with high recall. Result sets are ranked using two ranking approaches: Jaccard similarity coefficient and the cosine similarity (vector space model) which exploits the code patterns’ local and global frequencies. We also extend the model by adapting a form of semantic search to cover bytecode code. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed clone search model can be applied for spotting working code examples in the context of pragmatic reuse. Further evidence of the applicability of the clone search model is provided through performance evaluation
