69 research outputs found

    On the non-termination of MDG-based abstract state enumeration

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    AbstractMultiway decision graphs are a new class of decision graphs for representing abstract states machines. This yields a new verification technique that can deal with the data-width problem by using abstract sorts and uninterpreted functions to represent data value and data operations, respectively. However, in many cases, it may suffer from the non-termination of the state enumeration procedure. This paper presents a novel approach to solving the non-termination problem when the generated set of states, even infinite, represents a structured domain where terms (states) share certain repetitive patterns. The approach is based on the schematization method developed by Chen and Hsiang, namely Ļ-terms. Schematization provides a suitable formalism for finitely manipulating infinite sets of terms. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method by several examples

    Computing overlappings by unification in the deterministic lambda calculus LR with letrec, case, constructors, seq and variable chains

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    Correctness of program transformations in extended lambda calculi with a contextual semantics is usually based on reasoning about the operational semantics which is a rewrite semantics. A successful approach to proving correctness is the combination of a context lemma with the computation of overlaps between program transformations and the reduction rules.The method is similar to the computation of critical pairs for the completion of term rewriting systems. We describe an effective unification algorithm to determine all overlaps of transformations with reduction rules for the lambda calculus LR which comprises a recursive let-expressions, constructor applications, case expressions and a seq construct for strict evaluation. The unification algorithm employs many-sorted terms, the equational theory of left-commutativity modeling multi-sets, context variables of different kinds and a mechanism for compactly representing binding chains in recursive let-expressions. As a result the algorithm computes a finite set of overlappings for the reduction rules of the calculus LR that serve as a starting point to the automatization of the analysis of program transformations

    Vitality of ice and bone: known uncertainty and awareness in change through Dolpo, Nepal, The

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    2012 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.At least one thousand years of caravanning yaks through the remote Himalayas have significantly shaped the practices of the Dolpo-pa, a culturally Tibetan population dwelling through the highlands of Midwestern Nepal. In turn, those practices have significantly affected how the Dolpo-pa conceptualize their world, the models by which they frame the experiences that effect those practices being directly and continuously synergized with the ecological realities of the existential present in persistently confirming, contesting or altering their awareness of those experiences. Physical reality at the biometabolic scale of ecological processes, therefore, which is as a rule perfunctorily and uncritically framed by observers descended from the specific histories of the European Enlightenment as the second-order reification labeled the environment, is schematized by the Dolpo-pa as something more like an "entanglement" in the uncertainty inherent to dwelling through that scale. As such, unlike the Cartesian divide elemental to the Western model that distorts reality by a cognitive trick of circular framing in reifying second-order conceptualizations and taking those reifications as first-order realities in the world, ethnographic evidence indicates that the Dolpo-pa culturally model themselves as unique and distinct as humans but not as separate from their domain of metabolic entanglement. The difference in these representations is significant, not only because it highlights the emergent cultural model of the Dolpo-pa after extended engagement within that unforgiving mountain environment but also because it suggests what is being lost with the increasing contravention of the Western model of development into that domain. The Dolpo-pa's increasing acquiescence to the distortions of that model is beginning to disentangle at very basic levels their unique awareness, which is especially evident in new forms of social fragmentation that have only since around 2005 begun to influence how individuals in Dolpo constellate schemas of intra-entanglement arrangements and extra-entanglement connotations there. Worryingly, such new, second-order constellations have been concurrent with an increasing decline in the reliability of deep-rooted cultural models of known ecological uncertainties to effectively frame recent experiences with rapidly changing phenological conditions as average weather patterns (i.e. climate) have steadily altered in recent years. The Dolpo-pa's cultural model of entanglement is unfortunately incapable of proficiently conceptualizing let alone adequately representing and responding to changes at the technometabolic scale of industrial processes, whence such phenological changes have originated but at which few among the Dolpo-pa have experience or proficiency negotiating. This thesis concludes with a brief discussion of how continued decline in the efficacy of the Dolpo-pa's cultural model of entanglement is progressively leading to greater existential dissonance, a concept introduced here in conclusion that qualitatively gauges how such disentanglement gives rise to an increased likelihood of physical loss of life or livelihood within experiences no less physically entangled at the scale of ecological processes

    Learning Functional Prepositions

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    In first language acquisition, what does it mean for a grammatical category to have been acquired, and what are the mechanisms by which children learn functional categories in general? In the context of prepositions (Ps), if the lexical/functional divide cuts through the P category, as has been suggested in the theoretical literature, then constructivist accounts of language acquisition would predict that children develop adult-like competence with the more abstract units, functional Ps, at a slower rate compared to their acquisition of lexical Ps. Nativists instead assume that the features of functional P are made available by Universal Grammar (UG), and are mapped as quickly, if not faster, than the semantic features of their lexical counterparts. Conversely, if Ps are either all lexical or all functional, on both accounts of acquisition we should observe few differences in learning. Three empirical studies of the development of P were conducted via computer analysis of the English and Spanish sub-corpora of the CHILDES database. Study 1 analyzed errors in child usage of Ps, finding almost no errors in commission in either language, but that the English learners lag in their production of functional Ps relative to lexical Ps. That no such delay was found in the Spanish data suggests that the English pattern is not universal. Studies 2 and 3 applied novel measures of phrasal (P head + nominal complement) productivity to the data. Study 2 examined prepositional phrases (PPs) whose head-complement pairs appeared in both child and adult speech, while Study 3 considered PPs produced by children that never occurred in adult speech. In both studies the productivity of Ps for English children developed faster than that of lexical Ps. In Spanish there were few differences, suggesting that children had already mastered both orders of Ps early in acquisition. These empirical results suggest that at least in English P is indeed a split category, and that children acquire the syntax of the functional subset very quickly, committing almost no errors. The UG position is thus supported. Next, the dissertation investigates a \u27soft nativist\u27 acquisition strategy that composes the distributional analysis of input, minimal a priori knowledge of the possible co-occurrence of morphosyntactic features associated with functional elements, and linguistic knowledge that is presumably acquired via the experience of pragmatic, communicative situations. The output of the analysis consists in a mapping of morphemes to the feature bundles of nominative pronouns for English and Spanish, plus specific claims about the sort of knowledge required from experience. The acquisition model is then extended to adpositions, to examine what, if anything, distributional analysis can tell us about the functional sequences of PPs. The results confirm the theoretical position according to which spatiotemporal Ps are lexical in character, rooting their own extended projections, and that functional Ps express an aspectual sequence in the functional superstructure of the PP

    Emergent Design

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    Explorations in Systems Phenomenology in Relation to Ontology, Hermeneutics and the Meta-dialectics of Design SYNOPSIS A Phenomenological Analysis of Emergent Design is performed based on the foundations of General Schemas Theory. The concept of Sign Engineering is explored in terms of Hermeneutics, Dialectics, and Ontology in order to define Emergent Systems and Metasystems Engineering based on the concept of Meta-dialectics. ABSTRACT Phenomenology, Ontology, Hermeneutics, and Dialectics will dominate our inquiry into the nature of the Emergent Design of the System and its inverse dual, the Meta-system. This is an speculative dissertation that attempts to produce a philosophical, mathematical, and theoretical view of the nature of Systems Engineering Design. Emergent System Design, i.e., the design of yet unheard of and/or hitherto non-existent Systems and Metasystems is the focus. This study is a frontal assault on the hard problem of explaining how Engineering produces new things, rather than a repetition or reordering of concepts that already exist. In this work the philosophies of E. Husserl, A. Gurwitsch, M. Heidegger, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze, A. Badiou, G. Hegel, I. Kant and other Continental Philosophers are brought to bear on different aspects of how new technological systems come into existence through the midwifery of Systems Engineering. Sign Engineering is singled out as the most important aspect of Systems Engineering. We will build on the work of Pieter Wisse and extend his theory of Sign Engineering to define Meta-dialectics in the form of Quadralectics and then Pentalectics. Along the way the various ontological levels of Being are explored in conjunction with the discovery that the Quadralectic is related to the possibility of design primarily at the Third Meta-level of Being, called Hyper Being. Design Process is dependent upon the emergent possibilities that appear in Hyper Being. Hyper Being, termed by Heidegger as Being (Being crossed-out) and termed by Derrida as Differance, also appears as the widest space within the Design Field at the third meta-level of Being and therefore provides the most leverage that is needed to produce emergent effects. Hyper Being is where possibilities appear within our worldview. Possibility is necessary for emergent events to occur. Hyper Being possibilities are extended by Wild Being propensities to allow the embodiment of new things. We discuss how this philosophical background relates to meta-methods such as the Gurevich Abstract State Machine and the Wisse Metapattern methods, as well as real-time architectural design methods as described in the Integral Software Engineering Methodology. One aim of this research is to find the foundation for extending the ISEM methodology to become a general purpose Systems Design Methodology. Our purpose is also to bring these philosophical considerations into the practical realm by examining P. Bourdieuā€™s ideas on the relationship between theoretical and practical reason and M. de Certeauā€™s ideas on practice. The relationship between design and implementation is seen in terms of the Set/Mass conceptual opposition. General Schemas Theory is used as a way of critiquing the dependence of Set based mathematics as a basis for Design. The dissertation delineates a new foundation for Systems Engineering as Emergent Engineering based on General Schemas Theory, and provides an advanced theory of Design based on the understanding of the meta-levels of Being, particularly focusing upon the relationship between Hyper Being and Wild Being in the context of Pure and Process Being

    The Value of Technics: An Ontogenetic Approach to Money, Markets, and Networks

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    This thesis investigates the impact of the digitalization of monetary and financial flows on the political-economic sphere in order to provide a novel perspective on the relations between economic and technological forces at the present global juncture. In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis and with the rise of the cryptoeconomy, an increasing number of scholars have highlighted the immanence of market logic to cultural and social life. At the same time, speculative practices have emerged that attempt to challenge the political economy through financial experiments. This dissertation complements these approaches by stressing the need to pair the critical study of finance with scholarship in the philosophy of technology that emphasizes the value immanent to technics and technology ā€“ i.e. the normative and genetic role of ubiquitous algorithmic networks in the organization of markets and socius. In order to explore these events, I propose an interdisciplinary theoretical framework informed largely by Gilbert Simondonā€™s philosophy of individuation and technics and the contemporary literature on the ontology of computation, supported by insights drawn from the history of finance and economic theory. This novel framework will provide the means to investigate the ontogenetic processes at work in the techno-cultural ecosystem following the digitalization of monetary and financial flows. Through an exploration of the fleeting materiality and multifaceted character of digital fiat money, the social power of algorithmic financial logic, and the new possibilities offered by the invention of the Bitcoin protocol, this research aims to challenge some of the bedrocks of the economic orthodoxy ā€“ economic and monetary value, liquidity, market rationality ā€“ in order to move beyond the overarching narrative of capitalism as a monolithic system. The thesis instead foregrounds the techno-historical contingencies that have led to the contemporary power formation. Furthermore, it argues that the ontogenetic character of algorithmic technology ushers in novel possibilities for the speculative engineering of alternative networks of value creation and distribution that have the potential to reverse the current balance of power

    On Musical Self-Similarity : Intersemiosis as Synecdoche and Analogy

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    Self-similarity, a concept borrowed from mathematics, is gradually becoming a keyword in musicology. Although a polysemic term, self-similarity often refers to the multi-scalar feature repetition in a set of relationships, and it is commonly valued as an indication for musical ā€˜coherenceā€™ and ā€˜consistencyā€™. In this study, Gabriel Pareyon presents a theory of musical meaning formation in the context of intersemiosis, that is, the translation of meaning from one cognitive domain to another cognitive domain (e.g. from mathematics to music, or to speech or graphic forms). From this perspective, the degree of coherence of a musical system relies on a synecdochic intersemiosis: a system of related signs within other comparable and correlated systems. The author analyzes the modalities of such correlations, exploring their general and particular traits, and their operational bounds. Accordingly, the notion of analogy is used as a rich concept through its two definitions quoted by the Classical literatureā€”proportion and paradigm, enormously valuable in establishing measurement, likeness and affinity criteria. At the same time, original arguments by BenoĆ®t B. Mandelbrot (1924ā€“2010) are revised, alongside a systematic critique of the literature on the subject. In fact, connecting Charles S. Peirceā€™s ā€˜synechismā€™ with Mandelbrotā€™s ā€˜fractalityā€™ is one of the main developments of the present study

    Prepositional network models : a hermeneutical case study

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    The evolution of language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE)

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