879 research outputs found

    Positive Feedback, Memory and the Predictability of Earthquakes

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    We review the "critical point" concept for large earthquakes and enlarge it in the framework of so-called "finite-time singularities". The singular behavior associated with accelerated seismic release is shown to result from a positive feedback of the seismic activity on its release rate. The most important mechanisms for such positive feedback are presented. We introduce and solve analytically a novel simple model of geometrical positive feedback in which the stress shadow cast by the last large earthquake is progressively fragmented by the increasing tectonic stress. Finally, we present a somewhat speculative figure that tends to support a mechanism based on the decay of stress shadows. This figure suggests that a large earthquake in Southern California of size similar to the 1812 great event is maturing.Comment: PostScript document of 18 pages + 2 eps figure

    Recent Techniques for Regularization in Partial Differential Equations and Imaging

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    abstract: Inverse problems model real world phenomena from data, where the data are often noisy and models contain errors. This leads to instabilities, multiple solution vectors and thus ill-posedness. To solve ill-posed inverse problems, regularization is typically used as a penalty function to induce stability and allow for the incorporation of a priori information about the desired solution. In this thesis, high order regularization techniques are developed for image and function reconstruction from noisy or misleading data. Specifically the incorporation of the Polynomial Annihilation operator allows for the accurate exploitation of the sparse representation of each function in the edge domain. This dissertation tackles three main problems through the development of novel reconstruction techniques: (i) reconstructing one and two dimensional functions from multiple measurement vectors using variance based joint sparsity when a subset of the measurements contain false and/or misleading information, (ii) approximating discontinuous solutions to hyperbolic partial differential equations by enhancing typical solvers with l1 regularization, and (iii) reducing model assumptions in synthetic aperture radar image formation, specifically for the purpose of speckle reduction and phase error correction. While the common thread tying these problems together is the use of high order regularization, the defining characteristics of each of these problems create unique challenges. Fast and robust numerical algorithms are also developed so that these problems can be solved efficiently without requiring fine tuning of parameters. Indeed, the numerical experiments presented in this dissertation strongly suggest that the new methodology provides more accurate and robust solutions to a variety of ill-posed inverse problems.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mathematics 201


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    In this study we design a succession of three increasingly adept diffuse optical devices towards the simultaneous 3D imaging of blood flow and fluorescence contrasts in relatively deep tissues. These metrics together can provide future insights into the relationship between blood flow distributions and fluorescent or fluorescently tagged agents. A noncontact diffuse correlation tomography (ncDCT) device was firstly developed to recover flow by mechanically scanning a lens-based apparatus across the sample. The novel flow reconstruction technique and measuring boundary curvature were advanced in tandem. The establishment of CCD camera detection with a high sampling density and flow recovery by speckle contrast followed with the next instrument, termed speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography (scDCT). In scDCT, an optical switch sequenced coherent near-infrared light into contact-based source fibers around the sample surface. A fully noncontact reflectance mode device finalized improvements by combining noncontact scDCT (nc_scDCT) and diffuse fluorescence tomography (DFT) techniques. In the combined device, a galvo-mirror directed polarized light to the sample surface. Filters and a cross polarizer in stackable tubes promoted extracting flow indices, absorption coefficients, and fluorescence concentrations (indocyanine green, ICG). The scDCT instrumentation was validated through detection of a cubical solid tissue-like phantom heterogeneity beneath a liquid phantom (background) surface where recovery of its center and dimensions agreed with the known values. The combined nc_scDCT/DFT identified both a cubical solid phantom and a tube of stepwise varying ICG concentration (absorption and fluorescence contrast). The tube imaged by nc_scDCT/DFT exhibited expected trends in absorption and fluorescence. The tube shape, orientation, and localization were recovered in general agreement with actuality. The flow heterogeneity localization was successfully extracted and its average relative flow values in agreement with previous studies. Increasing ICG concentrations induced notable disturbances in the tube region (≥ 0.25 μM/1 μM for 785 nm/830 nm) suggesting the graduating absorption (320% increase at 785 nm) introduced errors. We observe that 830 nm is lower in the ICG absorption spectrum and the correspondingly measured flow encountered less influence than 785 nm. From these results we anticipate the best practice in future studies to be utilization of a laser source with wavelength in a low region of the ICG absorption spectrum (e.g., 830 nm) or to only monitor flow prior to ICG injection or post-clearance. In addition, ncDCT was initially tested in a mouse tumor model to examine tumor size and averaged flow changes over a four-day interval. The next steps in forwarding the combined device development include the straightforward automation of data acquisition and filter rotation and applying it to in vivo tumor studies. These animal/clinical models may seek information such as simultaneous detection of tumor flow, fluorescence, and absorption contrasts or analyzing the relationship between variably sized fluorescently tagged nanoparticles and their tumor deposition relationship to flow distributions

    Non-invasive identification of atrial fibrillation drivers

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias. Nowadays the fibrillatory process is known to be provoked by the high-frequency reentrant activity of certain atrial regions that propagates the fibrillatory activity to the rest of the atrial tissue, and the electrical isolation of these key regions has demonstrated its effectiveness in terminating the fibrillatory process. The location of the dominant regions represents a major challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of this arrhythmia. With the aim to detect and locate the fibrillatory sources prior to surgical procedure, non-invasive methods have been developed such as body surface electrical mapping (BSPM) which allows to record with high spatial resolution the electrical activity on the torso surface or the electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) which allows to non-invasively reconstruct the electrical activity in the atrial surface. Given the novelty of these systems, both technologies suffer from a lack of scientific knowledge about the physical and technical mechanisms that support their operation. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to increase that knowledge, as well as studying the effectiveness of these technologies for the localization of dominant regions in patients with AF. First, it has been shown that BSPM systems are able to noninvasively identify atrial rotors by recognizing surface rotors after band-pass filtering. Furthermore, the position of such surface rotors is related to the atrial rotor location, allowing the distinction between left or right atrial rotors. Moreover, it has been found that the surface electrical maps in AF suffer a spatial smoothing effect by the torso conductor volume, so the surface electrical activity can be studied with a relatively small number of electrodes. Specifically, it has been seen that 12 uniformly distributed electrodes are sufficient for the correct identification of atrial dominant frequencies, while at least 32 leads are needed for non-invasive identification of atrial rotors. Secondly, the effect of narrowband filtering on the effectiveness of the location of reentrant patterns was studied. It has been found that this procedure allows isolating the reentrant electrical activity caused by the rotor, increasing the detection rate for both invasive and surface maps. However, the spatial smoothing caused by the regularization of the ECGI added to the temporal filtering causes a large increase in the spurious reentrant activity, making it difficult to detect real reentrant patterns. However, it has been found that maps provided by the ECGI without temporal filtering allow the correct detection of reentrant activity, so narrowband filtering should be applied for intracavitary or surface signal only. Finally, we studied the stability of the markers used to detect dominant regions in ECGI, such as frequency maps or the rotor presence. It has been found that in the presence of alterations in the conditions of the inverse problem, such as electrical or geometrical noise, these markers are significantly more stable than the ECGI signal morphology from which they are extracted. In addition, a new methodology for error reduction in the atrial spatial location based on the curvature of the curve L has been proposed. The results presented in this thesis showed that BSPM and ECGI systems allows to non-invasively locate the presence of high-frequency rotors, responsible for the maintenance of AF. This detection has been proven to be unambiguous and robust, and the physical and technical mechanisms that support this behavior have been studied. These results indicate that both non-invasive systems provide information of great clinical value in the treatment of AF, so their use can be helpful for selecting and planning atrial ablation procedures.La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una de las arritmias cardiacas más frecuentes. Hoy en día se sabe que el proceso fibrilatorio está provocado por la actividad reentrante a alta frecuencia de ciertas regiones auriculares que propagan la actividad fibrilatoria en el resto del tejido auricular, y se ha demostrado que el aislamiento eléctrico de estas regiones dominantes permite detener el proceso fibrilatorio. La localización de las regiones dominantes supone un gran reto en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la FA. Con el objetivo de poder localizar las fuentes fibrilatorias con anterioridad al procedimiento quirúrgico, se han desarrollado métodos no invasivos como la cartografía eléctrica de superficie (CES) que registra con gran resolución espacial la actividad eléctrica en la superficie del torso o la electrocardiografía por imagen (ECGI) que permite reconstruir la actividad eléctrica en la superficie auricular. Dada la novedad de estos sistemas, existe una falta de conocimiento científico sobre los mecanismos físicos y técnicos que sustentan su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis es aumentar dicho conocimiento, así como estudiar la eficacia de ambas tecnologías para la localización de regiones dominantes en pacientes con FA. En primer lugar, ha visto que los sistemas CES permiten identificar rotores auriculares mediante el reconocimiento de rotores superficiales tras el filtrado en banda estrecha. Además, la posición de los rotores superficiales está relacionada con la localización de dichos rotores, permitiendo la distinción entre rotores de aurícula derecha o izquierda. Por otra parte, se ha visto que los mapas eléctricos superficiales durante FA sufren una gran suavizado espacial por el efecto del volumen conductor del torso, lo que permite que la actividad eléctrica superficial pueda ser estudiada con un número relativamente reducido de electrodos. Concretamente, se ha visto que 12 electrodos uniformemente distribuidos son suficientes para una correcta identificación de frecuencias dominantes, mientras que son necesarios al menos 32 para una correcta identificación de rotores auriculares. Por otra parte, también se ha estudiado el efecto del filtrado en banda estrecha sobre la eficacia de la localización de patrones reentrantes. Así, se ha visto que este procedimiento permite aislar la actividad eléctrica reentrante provocada por el rotor, aumentando la tasa de detección tanto para señal obtenida de manera invasiva como para los mapas superficiales. No obstante, este filtrado temporal sobre la señal de ECGI provoca un gran aumento de la actividad reentrante espúrea que dificulta la detección de patrones reentrantes reales. Sin embargo, los mapas ECGI sin filtrado temporal permiten la detección correcta de la actividad reentrante, por lo el filtrado debería ser aplicado únicamente para señal intracavitaria o superficial. Por último, se ha estudiado la estabilidad de los marcadores utilizados en ECGI para detectar regiones dominantes, como son los mapas de frecuencia o la presencia de rotores. Se ha visto que en presencia de alteraciones en las condiciones del problema inverso, como ruido eléctrico o geométrico, estos marcadores son significativamente más estables que la morfología de la propia señal ECGI. Además, se ha propuesto una nueva metodología para la reducción del error en la localización espacial de la aurícula basado en la curvatura de la curva L. Los resultados presentados en esta tesis revelan que los sistemas de CES y ECGI permiten localizar de manera no invasiva la presencia de rotores de alta frecuencia. Esta detección es univoca y robusta, y se han estudiado los mecanismos físicos y técnicos que sustentan dicho comportamiento. Estos resultados indican que ambos sistemas no invasivos proporcionan información de gran valor clínico en el tratamiento de la FA, por lo que su uso puede ser de gran ayuda para la selección y planificaciLa fibril·lació auricular (FA) és una de les arítmies cardíaques més freqüents. Hui en dia es sabut que el procés fibrilatori està provocat per l'activitat reentrant de certes regions auriculars que propaguen l'activitat fibril·latoria a la resta del teixit auricular, i s'ha demostrat que l'aïllament elèctric d'aquestes regions dominants permet aturar el procés fibrilatori. La localització de les regions dominants suposa un gran repte en el diagnòstic i tractament d'aquesta arítmia. Amb l'objectiu de poder localitzar fonts fibril·latories amb anterioritat al procediment quirúrgic s'han desenvolupat mètodes no invasius com la cartografia elèctrica de superfície (CES) que registra amb gran resolució espacial l'activitat elèctrica en la superfície del tors o l'electrocardiografia per imatge (ECGI) que permet obtenir de manera no invasiva l'activitat elèctrica en la superfície auricular. Donada la relativa novetat d'aquests sistemes, existeix una manca de coneixement científic sobre els mecanismes físics i tècnics que sustenten el seu funcionament. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és augmentar aquest coneixement, així com estudiar l'eficàcia d'aquestes tecnologies per a la localització de regions dominants en pacients amb FA. En primer lloc, s'ha vist que els sistemes CES permeten identificar rotors auriculars mitjançant el reconeixement de rotors superficials després del filtrat en banda estreta. A més, la posició dels rotors superficials està relacionada amb la localització d'aquests rotors, permetent la distinció entre rotors de aurícula dreta o esquerra. També s'ha vist que els mapes elèctrics superficials durant FA pateixen un gran suavitzat espacial per l'efecte del volum conductor del tors, el que permet que l'activitat elèctrica superficial pugui ser estudiada amb un nombre relativament reduït d'elèctrodes. Concretament, s'ha vist que 12 elèctrodes uniformement distribuïts són suficients per a una correcta identificació de freqüències dominants auriculars, mentre que són necessaris almenys 32 per a una correcta identificació de rotors auriculars. D'altra banda, també s'ha estudiat l'efecte del filtrat en banda estreta sobre l'eficàcia de la localització de patrons reentrants. Així, s'ha vist que aquest procediment permet aïllar l'activitat elèctrica reentrant provocada pel rotor, augmentant la taxa de detecció tant pel senyal obtingut de manera invasiva com per als mapes superficials. No obstant això, aquest filtrat temporal sobre el senyal de ECGI provoca un gran augment de l'activitat reentrant espúria que dificulta la detecció de patrons reentrants reals. A més, els mapes proporcionats per la ECGI sense filtrat temporal permeten la detecció correcta de l'activitat reentrant, per la qual cosa el filtrat hauria de ser aplicat únicament per a senyal intracavitària o superficial. Per últim, s'ha estudiat l'estabilitat dels marcadors utilitzats en ECGI per a detectar regions auriculars dominants, com són els mapes de freqüència o la presència de rotors. S'ha vist que en presència d'alteracions en les condicions del problema invers, com soroll elèctric o geomètric, aquests marcadors són significativament més estables que la morfologia del mateix senyal ECGI. A més, s'ha proposat una nova metodologia per a la reducció de l'error en la localització espacial de l'aurícula basat en la curvatura de la corba L. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi revelen que els sistemes de CES i ECGI permeten localitzar de manera no invasiva la presència de rotors d'alta freqüència. Aquesta detecció és unívoca i robusta, i s'han estudiat els mecanismes físics i tècnics que sustenten aquest comportament. Aquests resultats indiquen que els dos sistemes no invasius proporcionen informació de gran valor clínic en el tractament de la FA, pel que el seu ús pot ser de gran ajuda per a la selecció i planificació de procediments d'ablació auricular.Rodrigo Bort, M. (2016). Non-invasive identification of atrial fibrillation drivers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/75346TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Diffuse Optical Biomarkers Of Breast Cancer

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    Diffuse optical spectroscopy/tomography (DOS/DOT) and diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) employ near-infrared light to non-invasively monitor the physiology of deep tissues. These methods are well-suited to investigation of breast cancer due to their sensitivity to physiological parameters, such as hemoglobin concentration, oxygen saturation, and blood flow. This thesis utilizes these techniques to identify and develop diffuse optical biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer. Notably, a novel DOS prognostic marker for predicting pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using z-score normalization and logistic regression was developed and demonstrated. This investigation found that tumors that were not hypoxic relative to the surrounding tissue were more likely to achieve complete response. Thus, the approach could enable dynamic feedback for the optimization of chemotherapy. Similar logistic regression models based on other optical parameters distinguished tumors from the surrounding normal tissue and diagnosed whether a lesion was malignant or benign. These diagnostic markers improve the ability of DOS/DOT to accurately localize tumors and could serve as a type of optical biopsy to classify suspicious lesions. Another study carried out the first longitudinal DCS blood flow monitoring over a full course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in humans; this work explored initial correlations between blood flow and response to therapy and showed how DCS and DOS together can more accurately probe tumor physiology than either modality alone. Finally, still other thesis research included the final construction and initial imaging tests of a DOT instrument incorporated into a clinical MRI suite and the optimization of the DOT reconstruction algorithm. In total, these instrumental and algorithmic advances improved DOT image quality, helped to increase contrast between malignant and normal tissue, and eventually could lead to better understanding of tumor microvasculature. These contributions represent important steps towards the translation of diffuse optics into the clinic, demonstrating significant roles for optics to play in the diagnosis, prognosis, and physiological understanding of breast cancer

    Analysis of motion in scale space

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    This work includes some new aspects of motion estimation by the optic flow method in scale spaces. The usual techniques for motion estimation are limited to the application of coarse to fine strategies. The coarse to fine strategies can be successful only if there is enough information in every scale. In this work we investigate the motion estimation in the scale space more basically. The wavelet choice for scale space decomposition of image sequences is discussed in the first part of this work. We make use of the continuous wavelet transform with rotationally symmetric wavelets. Bandpass decomposed sequences allow the replacement of the structure tensor by the phase invariant energy operator. The structure tensor is computationally more expensive because of its spatial or spatio-temporal averaging. The energy operator needs in general no further averaging. The numerical accuracy of the motion estimation with the energy operator is compared to the results of usual techniques, based on the structure tensor. The comparison tests are performed on synthetic and real life sequences. Another practical contribution is the accuracy measurement for motion estimation by adaptive smoothed tensor fields. The adaptive smoothing relies on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion with discontinuity and curvature preservation. We reached an accuracy gain under properly chosen parameters for the diffusion filter. A theoretical contribution from mathematical point of view is a new discontinuity and curvature preserving regularization for motion estimation. The convergence of solutions for the isotropic case of the nonlocal partial differential equation is shown. For large displacements between two consecutive frames the optic flow method is systematically corrupted because of the violence of the sampling theorem. We developed a new method for motion analysis by scale decomposition, which allows to circumvent the systematic corruption without using the coarse to fine strategy. The underlying assumption is, that in a certain neighborhood the grey value undergoes the same displacement. If this is fulfilled, then the same optic flow should be measured in all scales. If there arise inconsistencies in a pixel across the scale space, so they can be detected and the scales containing this inconsistencies are not taken into account