655 research outputs found

    Factorization of Z-homogeneous polynomials in the First (q)-Weyl Algebra

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    We present algorithms to factorize weighted homogeneous elements in the first polynomial Weyl algebra and qq-Weyl algebra, which are both viewed as a Z\mathbb{Z}-graded rings. We show, that factorization of homogeneous polynomials can be almost completely reduced to commutative univariate factorization over the same base field with some additional uncomplicated combinatorial steps. This allows to deduce the complexity of our algorithms in detail. Furthermore, we will show for homogeneous polynomials that irreducibility in the polynomial first Weyl algebra also implies irreducibility in the rational one, which is of interest for practical reasons. We report on our implementation in the computer algebra system \textsc{Singular}. It outperforms for homogeneous polynomials currently available implementations dealing with factorization in the first Weyl algebra both in speed and elegancy of the results.Comment: 26 pages, Singular implementation, 2 algorithms, 1 figure, 2 table

    Zariski Closures of Reductive Linear Differential Algebraic Groups

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    Linear differential algebraic groups (LDAGs) appear as Galois groups of systems of linear differential and difference equations with parameters. These groups measure differential-algebraic dependencies among solutions of the equations. LDAGs are now also used in factoring partial differential operators. In this paper, we study Zariski closures of LDAGs. In particular, we give a Tannakian characterization of algebraic groups that are Zariski closures of a given LDAG. Moreover, we show that the Zariski closures that correspond to representations of minimal dimension of a reductive LDAG are all isomorphic. In addition, we give a Tannakian description of simple LDAGs. This substantially extends the classical results of P. Cassidy and, we hope, will have an impact on developing algorithms that compute differential Galois groups of the above equations and factoring partial differential operators.Comment: 26 pages, more detailed proof of Proposition 4.

    Topological fluid mechanics of point vortex motions

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    Topological techniques are used to study the motions of systems of point vortices in the infinite plane, in singly-periodic arrays, and in doubly-periodic lattices. The reduction of each system using its symmetries is described in detail. Restricting to three vortices with zero net circulation, each reduced system is described by a one degree of freedom Hamiltonian. The phase portrait of this reduced system is subdivided into regimes using the separatrix motions, and a braid representing the topology of all vortex motions in each regime is computed. This braid also describes the isotopy class of the advection homeomorphism induced by the vortex motion. The Thurston-Nielsen theory is then used to analyse these isotopy classes, and in certain cases strong conclusions about the dynamics of the advection can be made

    Block-diagonal reduction of matrices over commutative rings I. (Decomposition of modules vs decomposition of their support)

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    Consider rectangular matrices over a commutative ring R. Assume the ideal of maximal minors factorizes, I_m(A)=J_1*J_2. When is A left-right equivalent to a block-diagonal matrix? (When does the module/sheaf Coker(A) decompose as the corresponding direct sum?) If R is not a principal ideal ring (or a close relative of a PIR) one needs additional assumptions on A. No necessary and sufficient criterion for such block-diagonal reduction is known. In this part we establish the following: * The persistence of (in)decomposability under the change of rings. For example, the passage to Noetherian/local/complete rings, the decomposability of A over a graded ring R vs the decomposability of Coker(A) locally at the points of Proj(R), the restriction to a subscheme in Spec(R). * The necessary and sufficient condition for decomposability of square matrices in the case: det(A)=f_1*f_2 is not a zero divisor and f_1,f_2 are co-prime. As an immediate application we give criteria of simultaneous (block-)diagonal reduction for tuples of matrices over a field, i.e. linear determinantal representations

    Massless particles, electromagnetism, and Rieffel induction

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    The connection between space-time covariant representations (obtained by inducing from the Lorentz group) and irreducible unitary representations (induced from Wigner's little group) of the Poincar\'{e} group is re-examined in the massless case. In the situation relevant to physics, it is found that these are related by Marsden-Weinstein reduction with respect to a gauge group. An analogous phenomenon is observed for classical massless relativistic particles. This symplectic reduction procedure can be (`second') quantized using a generalization of the Rieffel induction technique in operator algebra theory, which is carried through in detail for electro- magnetism. Starting from the so-called Fermi representation of the field algebra generated by the free abelian gauge field, we construct a new (`rigged') sesquilinear form on the representation space, which is positive semi-definite, and given in terms of a Gaussian weak distribution (promeasure) on the gauge group (taken to be a Hilbert Lie group). This eventually constructs the algebra of observables of quantum electro- magnetism (directly in its vacuum representation) as a representation of the so-called algebra of weak observables induced by the trivial representation of the gauge group.Comment: LaTeX, 52 page