75 research outputs found

    Foot/Ankle Prostheses Design Approach Based on Scientometric and Patentometric Analyses

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    There are different alternatives when selecting removable prostheses for below the knee amputated patients. The designs of these prostheses vary according to their different functions. These prostheses designs can be classified into Energy Storing and Return (ESAR), Controlled Energy Storing and Return (CESR), active, and hybrid. This paper aims to identify the state of the art related to the design of these prostheses of which ESAR prostheses are grouped into five types, and active and CESR are categorized into four groups. Regarding patent analysis, 324 were analyzed over the last six years. For scientific communications, a bibliometric analysis was performed using 104 scientific reports from the Web of Science in the same period. The results show a tendency of ESAR prostheses designs for patents (68%) and active prostheses designs for scientific documentation (40%).Beca Conacyt Doctorad

    Advancements in Prosthetics and Joint Mechanisms

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    abstract: Robotic joints can be either powered or passive. This work will discuss the creation of a passive and a powered joint system as well as the combination system being both powered and passive along with its benefits. A novel approach of analysis and control of the combination system is presented. A passive and a powered ankle joint system is developed and fit to the field of prosthetics, specifically ankle joint replacement for able bodied gait. The general 1 DOF robotic joint designs are examined and the results from testing are discussed. Achievements in this area include the able bodied gait like behavior of passive systems for slow walking speeds. For higher walking speeds the powered ankle system is capable of adding the necessary energy to propel the user forward and remain similar to able bodied gait, effectively replacing the calf muscle. While running has not fully been achieved through past powered ankle devices the full power necessary is reached in this work for running and sprinting while achieving 4x’s power amplification through the powered ankle mechanism. A theoretical approach to robotic joints is then analyzed in order to combine the advantages of both passive and powered systems. Energy methods are shown to provide a correct behavioral analysis of any robotic joint system. Manipulation of the energy curves and mechanism coupler curves allows real time joint behavioral adjustment. Such a powered joint can be adjusted to passively achieve desired behavior for different speeds and environmental needs. The effects on joint moment and stiffness from adjusting one type of mechanism is presented.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 201

    Study of composite elastic elements for transfemoral prostheses: the MyLeg Project

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    In this thesis, the work on the design and realization of a semi-active foot prosthesis with variable stiffness system is presented. The final prosthesis was the result of a path started by the design of the elastic composite elements of an ESR prosthesis, a passive prosthetic device, generally prescribed to amputees with K3 and K4 of level of ambulation. The design of both the ESR prosthesis and the final variable stiffness prosthesis was carried out using a new systematic methodology of prosthesis design. This methodology has been developed and then presented in the same thesis by the author. Modelling and simulation techniques are illustrated step by step. With the variable stiffness prosthesis, the aim is to allow future users to perform more daily activities without being restricted by the conditions of the ground. It has been chosen to develop a semi-active prosthesis rather than a bionic foot for two main reasons: a bionic foot may be too expensive for most future users; and a bionic foot may be undesirable for too much weight; the much weight can be due to the motor and batteries, in addition to the structure that will certainly be much more complex than the structure of a semi-active prosthesis. To investigate the effectiveness of the variable stiffness, human subjects with amputees will be carried out

    The Functionality Verification through Pilot Human Subject Testing of MyFlex-δ: An ESR Foot Prosthesis with Spherical Ankle Joint

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    Most biomechanical research has focused on level-ground walking giving less attention to other conditions. As a result, most lower limb prosthesis studies have focused on sagittal plane movements. In this paper, an ESR foot is presented, of which five different stiffnesses were optimized for as many weight categories of users. It is characterized by a spherical ankle joint, with which, combined with the elastic elements, the authors wanted to create a prosthesis that gives the desired stiffness in the sagittal plane but at the same time, gives flexibility in the other planes to allow the adaptation of the foot prosthesis to the ground conditions. The ESR foot was preliminarily tested by participants with transfemoral amputation. After a brief familiarization with the device, each participant was asked to wear markers and to walk on a sensorized treadmill to measure their kinematics and kinetics. Then, each participant was asked to leave feedback via an evaluation questionnaire. The measurements and feedback allowed us to evaluate the performance of the prosthesis quantitatively and qualitatively. Although there were no significant improvements on the symmetry of the gait, due also to very limited familiarization time, the participants perceived an improvement brought by the spherical ankle joint

    The Functionality Verification through Pilot Human Subject Testing of MyFlex-δ: An ESR Foot Prosthesis with Spherical Ankle Joint

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    Most biomechanical research has focused on level-ground walking giving less attention to other conditions. As a result, most lower limb prosthesis studies have focused on sagittal plane movements. In this paper, an ESR foot is presented, of which five different stiffnesses were optimized for as many weight categories of users. It is characterized by a spherical ankle joint, with which, combined with the elastic elements, the authors wanted to create a prosthesis that gives the desired stiffness in the sagittal plane but at the same time, gives flexibility in the other planes to allow the adaptation of the foot prosthesis to the ground conditions. The ESR foot was preliminarily tested by participants with transfemoral amputation. After a brief familiarization with the device, each participant was asked to wear markers and to walk on a sensorized treadmill to measure their kinematics and kinetics. Then, each participant was asked to leave feedback via an evaluation questionnaire. The measurements and feedback allowed us to evaluate the performance of the prosthesis quantitatively and qualitatively. Although there were no significant improvements on the symmetry of the gait, due also to very limited familiarization time, the participants perceived an improvement brought by the spherical ankle joint

    Sci Robot

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    Robotic leg prostheses promise to improve the mobility and quality of life of millions of individuals with lower-limb amputations by imitating the biomechanics of the missing biological leg. Unfortunately, existing powered prostheses are much heavier and bigger and have shorter battery life than conventional passive prostheses, severely limiting their clinical viability and utility in the daily life of amputees. Here, we present a robotic leg prosthesis that replicates the key biomechanical functions of the biological knee, ankle, and toe in the sagittal plane while matching the weight, size, and battery life of conventional microprocessor-controlled prostheses. The powered knee joint uses a unique torque-sensitive mechanism combining the benefits of elastic actuators with that of variable transmissions. A single actuator powers the ankle and toe joints through a compliant, underactuated mechanism. Because the biological toe dissipates energy while the biological ankle injects energy into the gait cycle, this underactuated system regenerates substantial mechanical energy and replicates the key biomechanical functions of the ankle/foot complex during walking. A compact prosthesis frame encloses all mechanical and electrical components for increased robustness and efficiency. Preclinical tests with three individuals with above-knee amputation show that the proposed robotic leg prosthesis allows for common ambulation activities with close to normative kinematics and kinetics. Using an optional passive mode, users can walk on level ground indefinitely without charging the battery, which has not been shown with any other powered or microprocessor-controlled prostheses. A prosthesis with these characteristics has the potential to improve real-world mobility in individuals with above-knee amputation.R01 HD098154/HD/NICHD NIH HHSUnited States/T42 OH008414/OH/NIOSH CDC HHSUnited States

    The AMP-Foot 3, new generation propulsive prosthetic feet with explosive motion characteristics: design and validation

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    The last decades, rehabilitation has become a challenging context for mechatronical engineering. From the state-of-the-art it is seen that the field of prosthetics offers very promising perspectives to roboticist. Today’s prosthetic feet tend to improve amputee walking experience by delivering the necessary push-off forces while walking. Therefore, several new types of (compliant) actuators are developed in order to fulfill the torque and power requirements of a sound ankle-foot complex with minimized power consumption. At the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Robotics and Multibody Mechanics research group puts a lot of effort in the design and development of new bionic feet. In 2013, the Ankle Mimicking Prosthetic (AMP-) Foot 2, as a proof-of-concept, showed the advantage of using the explosive elastic actuator capable of delivering the full ankle torques ( ±120\pm 120 ± 120  Nm) and power ( ±250\pm 250 ± 250 W) with only a 60 W motor. In this article, the authors present the AMP-Foot 3, using an improved actuation method and using two locking mechanisms for improved energy storage during walking. The article focusses on the mechanical design of the device and validation of its working principle.This work and the publication costs of this article have been funded by the European Commissions 7th Framework Program as part of the project Cyberlegs under grant no. 287894 and by the European Commission ERC Starting grant SPEAR under grant no. 337596.Peer reviewe

    Development of a Gait Simulator for Testing Lower Limb Prostheses

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    Smart Material Prosthetic Ankle: Employing material properties for variable stiffness

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    The inspiration for this research is the natural graduation in stiffness of the biological ankle, over a wide range of ambulation tasks. The goal is to achieve variable stiffness in the force response of a prosthetic foot, utilizing the properties of smart materials. This thesis presents the design and prototyping of a coupling that utilizes the discontinuous change in viscosity observed in shear thickening fluids. A speed dependent stiffness is achieved with the coupling installed in a system of springs. The coupling design presented is used in the modification of a commercially available prosthetic foot. The stiffness of the prototype foot depends on the rate of movement, ranging from a dissipating support at very slow walking speed, to efficient energy storage and return at normal walking speed. Providing energy return during walking is an important design objective for passive prosthetic feet. The objective of this work is to design a prosthetic foot that provides a damped compliant support for slow ambulation without sacrificing the spring like energy return that is beneficial in normal walking. The function of the original prosthetic foot was analyzed in a finite element model to acquire the parameters for the improved design. The coupling was developed and characterized by uniaxial testing. A prototype prosthetic foot was designed and built, and the speed dependent stiffness measured mechanically. Furthermore, the prototype was tested by a user and body mechanics measured in gait analysis for varying walking speed, comparing the prototype to the original foot model. The results confirm speed dependent stiffness introduced by the novel device.Innblásturinn að þessari rannsókn er náttúrulegur breytileiki í stífni líffræðilegs ökkla við mismunandi hreyfingu. Markmiðið er að ná fram breytilegri stífni gervifótar í svörun við álagi með virkum efniseiginleikum snjallefna. Þessi ritgerð lýsir hönnun og gerð frumgerðar á kúplingu sem nýtir sérstaka skerþykkjandi efniseiginleika vökva (e. shear thickening fluids) sem felast í skyndilegri, ósamfelldri breytingu á seigju vökvans. Hraðaháð stífni næst með kerfi af hlið- og raðtengdri fjöðrun, þar sem kúplingin er notuð við yfirfærslu krafta í kerfinu. Þekkt hönnun á gervifæti er endurbætt með kúplingu sem breytir virkni fótarins. Stífni fótarins veltur þannig á hraða hreyfingar notandans, allt frá því að veita dempandi stuðning á mjög hægum gönguhraða, að því að veita fjaðrandi endurgjöf á venjulegum gönguhraða. Mikilvægt markmið í hönnun gervifóta er að hámarka orkunýtni þeirra. Markmiðið þessarar vinnu er að hanna gervifót sem veitir mjúkan stuðning við hægar hreyfingar, án þess að fórna þeirri orkunýtni sem hjálpar notandanum í venjulegri göngu. Virkni gervifótarins var greind með einingaraðferð (e. FEM) til að greina breytur og stærðir sem notaðar eru í endurbættu hönnunina. Kúplingin var þróuð og eiginleikar hennar staðfestir með prófunum. Frumgerð gervifótar var hönnuð og smíðuð, og hraðaháð stífni mæld. Ennfremur voru framkvæmdar notendaprófanir og göngugreining á mismunandi gönguhraða þar sem frumgerðin var borin saman við upprunalega gervifótinn. Niðurstöður prófana staðfestu hraðaháða stífni nýrrar hönnunar.This work was funded by the Technology Development Fund (grant no. 163805-0613) and the University of Iceland Research Fund