127,700 research outputs found

    Klipsun Magazine, 1996, Volume 26, Issue 04 - April

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    During the last production of Klipsun, one of our editors brought in what was then the newest issue of Rolling Stone. To say the least, we were disappointed. We weren’t shocked that Jennifer Aniston was featured nude on the cover. We weren’t shocked that Rolling Stone would use sex appeal to draw in readers. We all were, however, disappointed in Rolling Stone\u27s blatant portrayal of women as sex objects. This time it was just too obvious and too extreme. We discussed the trend of Rolling Stone placing scantily-clad women on the front cover, while showing men in T-shirts and jeans. True, the magazine has featured nude men on the cover, such as the group Blind Melon. But the accompanying articles usually discuss talents and achievements in the case of men, and physical appearance and sexual appeal in the case of women. Rolling Stone is a successful and popular magazine. Both men and women read the magazine, and such portrayal of women is getting it nowhere. Aniston is attractive. The American public has been running to hair salons to imitate her ’do. Her waitress character on Friends, Rachel, can get away with wearing tight half-shirts and hip-hugging mini-skirts. Aniston is popular, however, because of her acting and not her ability to undress. She agreed to be portrayed in such a manner, and in doing so, has chosen to be seen as a sexual object. Inside the magazine, she poses for a centerfold, wearing only underwear and covering each nipple with two fingers. The article focuses on her body and her sexuality, not her achievements. So, while our cover pokes fun at Rolling Stone\u27s cover, the problem is a serious one. As long as the media continues to portray women as objects, successful only in their sexuality, women will not be recognized for their talents and their minds. Some may think we’re just a bunch of feminists who are overreacting. What we are is a group of editors, soon to be graduating and entering the field of journalism. We are concerned about the media’s portrayal of women, and are working to change it.https://cedar.wwu.edu/klipsun_magazine/1171/thumbnail.jp

    On the Cover of the Rolling Stone: Toward a Theory of Cultural Therapy

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    An examination of the cultural response to the Vietnam War

    La representació de gènere a la portada de la revista Rolling Stone (1967-2017)

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    El treball d'investigació La representació gènere a la portada de la revista Rolling Stone (1967 - 2017) analitza el paper de la dona a la portada d'aquest mitjà de comunicació al llarg de mig segle, des dels inicis de la revista, l'any 1967, fins al compliment del cinquantè aniversari d'aquesta publicació l'any 2017. L'objectiu ha estat el de determinar de quina manera apareixen representades les persones a la portada de la revista Rolling Stone en relació al gènere, analitzant les diferències existents en el tractament que es fa dels homes i dones al llarg del temps.A través d'una estratègia metodològica combinada, aquest text permet analitzar l'objecte d'estudi des de diversos enfocaments: D'una banda, l'anàlisi quantitativa ha permès establir el nombre de persones que apareixen en portada en relació al gènere, així com determinar quina és l'edat d'aquestes persones i també relacionar la variable de gènere amb altres variables interseccionals. D'altra banda, l'anàlisi qualitativa ha permès categoritzar la forma com es presenten homes i dones a la portada en termes l'actitud i simbologia. Així mateix, s'ha establert un anàlisi tan sincrònica - englobant el conjunt de la revista - com diacrònica, per tal de conèixer l'evolució de la representació de la dona en relació al canvi social que ha marcat el període històric comprès entre la segona meitat del segle XX fins als primers anys del segle XXI. Amb aquesta investigació es posa de manifest que la revista Rolling Stone reprodueix el sexisme a través d'imatges estereotipades on hi predominen els rols de gènere tradicionals.El trabajo de investigación La representación de género en la portada de la revista Rolling Stone (1967 - 2017) analiza el papel de la mujer en la portada de este medio de comunicación a lo largo de medio siglo, desde los inicios de la revista en el año 1967 hasta el decimoquinto aniversario de esta publicación en el año 2017. El objetivo ha sido el de determinar de qué forma aparecen representadas las personas en la portada de la revista Rolling Stone en relación al género, analizando las diferencias existentes en el trato que realizado a hombres y mujeres a lo largo del tiempo. A través de una estrategia metodológica combinada, este texto permite analizar el objeto de estudio desde distintos enfoques: Por un lado, el análisis cuantitativo ha permitido establecer el número de personas que aparecen en portada en relación al género, así como determinar qué edad tienen las personas que aparecen en portada y también relacionar la variable de género con otras variables interseccionales. Por otro lado, el análisis cualitativo ha permitido categorizar la forma cómo se presentan hombres y mujeres en términos de actitud y simbología. Asimismo, se ha - 4! - establecido un análisis tanto sincrónico - englobando el conjunto de la revista - como diacrónico, para así conocer la evolución de la representación de la mujer en relación al cambio social que ha marcado el periodo histórico comprendido entre la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta principios del siglo XXI. Con esta investigación se pone de manifiesto que la revista Rolling Stone reproduce el sexismo a través de imágenes estereotipadas on predominan los roles de género tradicionales. Palabras clave: Rolling Stone, contracultura, género, análisis de portadas, cambio social, estereotiposThis research titled Gender representation on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine (1967 - 2017) analyzes the role of women on the cover of this media over half a century, since the foundation of the magazine in 1967 until the fifteenth anniversary of this publication in 2017. The objective has been to determine how people are represented on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in terms of gender, analyzing the differences between men and women over time. Through a combined methodological strategy, this text allows to analyze the object of study from different approaches: On the one hand, quantitative analysis so as to establish the number of people that appear on the cover in relation to gender, as well as to determine how old they are, and also to relate the variable of gender to other intersectional variables. On the other hand, qualitative research has allowed us to categorize the attitude and symbology of men and women that appear on the cover. Moreover, a synchronic analysis has been established - including the magazine as a whole - and diachronic - in order to frame the evolution of women within the historical context. This research work establishes that the Rolling Stone magazine perpetuates sexism through stereotyped images filled by traditional gender roles

    On the Cover of The Rollin’ Stone: How Rolling Stone Magazine Frames Politics and News

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    The Rolling Stone magazine is a significant artifact spanning throughout American pop culture; yet it has fought to be considered a legitimate news source in American media. This thesis study examines how Rolling Stone frames news and politics, and how the magazine portrays itself as being political, through its front covers. Research has shown that magazine covers “communicate,” “visually summarize” and work “as an advertisement to attract customers” (Kang & Heo, 2013). The purpose of this study is to understand how Rolling Stone presents itself as a legitimate news source and how the covers convey the publication’s identity. A mixed-methods content analysis was used to analyze both front cover artwork and front cover text. This research reveals how magazines can use their covers to establish legitimacy in American media

    Behind the Covers of Australian Rolling Stone: Negotiating the Persona of a Female Music Magazine Editor

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    Singers, songwriters and musicians create personas and perform the (gendered) role of rock star, punk, heart-throb, crooner, diva, or rock chick. Magazine covers are a key factor in consolidating and marketing that constructed persona. Magazine covers have visual power that is calibrated for maximum impact with a defined audience and a key part of the editor’s role is to decide on the cover image and cover lines. Moreover, there is now an expectation that editors of glossy magazines are recognisable ‘influencers’ who personify the values and commodities that their titles promote. We expect performers to put on a show, but do we expect music magazine editors to adopt a gendered celebrity persona and a public self too? This article examines the persona of the music magazine editor and the construction of music celebrity with a particular focus on Australian Rolling Stone magazine. Interviews with Kathy Bail and Elissa Blake, the first two women to edit the title in magazine format, underscore the self-fashioning of cultural intermediaries and the challenges for women in leadership roles in Australian media workplaces

    The Politics of Proselytizing: Europe After 1848 and the Development of Mormon Pre-Millennialism

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    In the second year of his reign as King of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar II dreamt of a large stone that rolled down the side of a mountain, shattered a great metallic statue, and grew into a mountain range large enough to cover the earth. The accomplished ruler, who went on to oversee the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as well as the destruction of Jerusalem’s Jewish temple, was no revelator, and so enlisted Daniel, an exiled Jew, to interpret his dream. According to Daniel, the statue, divided into five parts from head to toe, portrayed mankind’s present and future kingdoms. The last, represented by the statue’s iron and clay feet, would be “a divided kingdom.” Unable to unify, “the kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. . . . [T]he people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.”1 Once all five kingdoms had matured and fallen, God’s kingdom, the large, rolling stone, would destroy all vestiges of temporal rule and establish governance over the earth until the end of time. To the Old Testament king, Daniel’s interpretation meant little; to future religious groups, and especially for members of the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Nebuchadnezzar’s dream served as a clear roadmap to the millennium

    Fuzzy simulation of forest road surface parameters

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    The problem of construction of forest roads with the use of local low-strength substandard materials and industrial waste is considered. To solve the problem, the primary task is to develop a method for estimating the parameters of road surfaces taking into account the conditions of uncertainties in the data. This technique allows us to reasonably clarify some of the regulatory parameters and improve the technology of construction of forest roads, which was the goal of the work. To formalize the task, experimental studies were performed and on the basis of these results, the statement of the task of fuzzy derivation of the function for estimating the bearing capacity of the coating was performed. The synthesis of the output function is performed by means of Matlab. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved


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    This extended essay discusses the representation of the behavior of American kids as seen through their life styles reflected on Kenny Chesney “American Kids”. The behavior is well portrait through the lyric, but the lyric itself has not been reviewed sufficiently. The purposes of this extended essay are to describe the behavior literally and figuratively, and also to construct the meaning related to the description of the lyric. The writer analyzes the study using library research and she adopts the psychology of behavior by B.F Skinner as her approach method. The result of the analysis shows the description of American kids behavior literally and figuratively as pride in American kids reflected on “American Kids”. Therefore, it can be concluded that the song lyric of American Kids reflects the representation of American kids behavior

    Sedition, June 20, 1972

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    Volume (1), Issue 9https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sedition/1001/thumbnail.jp