184 research outputs found

    The splitting process in free probability theory

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    Free cumulants were introduced by Speicher as a proper analog of classical cumulants in Voiculescu's theory of free probability. The relation between free moments and free cumulants is usually described in terms of Moebius calculus over the lattice of non-crossing partitions. In this work we explore another approach to free cumulants and to their combinatorial study using a combinatorial Hopf algebra structure on the linear span of non-crossing partitions. The generating series of free moments is seen as a character on this Hopf algebra. It is characterized by solving a linear fixed point equation that relates it to the generating series of free cumulants. These phenomena are explained through a process similar to (though different from) the arborification process familiar in the theory of dynamical systems, and originating in Cayley's work

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 16. Number 4.

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    A uniform definition of stochastic process calculi

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    We introduce a unifying framework to provide the semantics of process algebras, including their quantitative variants useful for modeling quantitative aspects of behaviors. The unifying framework is then used to describe some of the most representative stochastic process algebras. This provides a general and clear support for an understanding of their similarities and differences. The framework is based on State to Function Labeled Transition Systems, FuTSs for short, that are state-transition structures where each transition is a triple of the form (s; α;P). The first andthe second components are the source state, s, and the label, α, of the transition, while the third component is the continuation function, P, associating a value of a suitable type to each state s0. For example, in the case of stochastic process algebras the value of the continuation function on s0 represents the rate of the negative exponential distribution characterizing the duration/delay of the action performed to reach state s0 from s. We first provide the semantics of a simple formalism used to describe Continuous-Time Markov Chains, then we model a number of process algebras that permit parallel composition of models according to the two main interaction paradigms (multiparty and one-to-one synchronization). Finally, we deal with formalisms where actions and rates are kept separate and address the issues related to the coexistence of stochastic, probabilistic, and non-deterministic behaviors. For each formalism, we establish the formal correspondence between the FuTSs semantics and its original semantics

    Algebraic Topology Foundations of Supersymmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: A Review

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    A novel algebraic topology approach to supersymmetry (SUSY) and symmetry breaking in quantum field and quantum gravity theories is presented with a view to developing a wide range of physical applications. These include: controlled nuclear fusion and other nuclear reaction studies in quantum chromodynamics, nonlinear physics at high energy densities, dynamic Jahn-Teller effects, superfluidity, high temperature superconductors, multiple scattering by molecular systems, molecular or atomic paracrystal structures, nanomaterials, ferromagnetism in glassy materials, spin glasses, quantum phase transitions and supergravity. This approach requires a unified conceptual framework that utilizes extended symmetries and quantum groupoid, algebroid and functorial representations of non-Abelian higher dimensional structures pertinent to quantized spacetime topology and state space geometry of quantum operator algebras. Fourier transforms, generalized Fourier-Stieltjes transforms, and duality relations link, respectively, the quantum groups and quantum groupoids with their dual algebraic structures; quantum double constructions are also discussed in this context in relation to quasi-triangular, quasi-Hopf algebras, bialgebroids, Grassmann-Hopf algebras and higher dimensional algebra. On the one hand, this quantum algebraic approach is known to provide solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. On the other hand, our novel approach to extended quantum symmetries and their associated representations is shown to be relevant to locally covariant general relativity theories that are consistent with either nonlocal quantum field theories or local bosonic (spin) models with the extended quantum symmetry of entangled, 'string-net condensed' (ground) states

    On the K-theoretic classification of topological phases of matter

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    We present a rigorous and fully consistent KK-theoretic framework for studying gapped topological phases of free fermions such as topological insulators. It utilises and profits from powerful techniques in operator KK-theory. From the point of view of symmetries, especially those of time reversal, charge conjugation, and magnetic translations, operator KK-theory is more general and natural than the commutative topological theory. Our approach is model-independent, and only the symmetry data of the dynamics, which may include information about disorder, is required. This data is completely encoded in a suitable CC^*-superalgebra. From a representation-theoretic point of view, symmetry-compatible gapped phases are classified by the super-representation group of this symmetry algebra. Contrary to existing literature, we do not use KK-theory to classify phases in an absolute sense, but only relative to some arbitrary reference. KK-theory groups are better thought of as groups of obstructions between homotopy classes of gapped phases. Besides rectifying various inconsistencies in the existing literature on KK-theory classification schemes, our treatment has conceptual simplicity in its treatment of all symmetries equally. The Periodic Table of Kitaev is exhibited as a special case within our framework, and we prove that the phenomena of periodicity and dimension shifts are robust against disorder and magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages, revised version with a new abstract, introductory sections and critique of the literatur

    On Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Täielikult homomorfne krüpteerimine on krüptosüsteem, mille puhul üks osapool saab enda valdusesse krüpteeritud andmed ning saab nende andmetega tõhusalt sooritada erinevaid operatsioone. Operatsioone saab teha hoolimata sellest, et andmed jäävad krüpteerituks ning seega ei ole ka vajalik teada dekrüpteerimisvõtit. Selline süsteem oleks äärmiselt kasulik, näiteks tagades andmete privaatsuse, mis on saadetud kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Täielikult homomorfne krüpteerimine on vastandiks krüptosüsteemidele nagu Paillier, kus ei ole võimalik teostada krüpteeritud andmete peal korrutamist ilma neid enne dekrüpteerimata, või ElGamal, kus ei saa sooritada krüpteeritud andmete liitmist enne andmete dekrüpteerimist. Täielikult homomorfne krüpteerimine on väga uus uurimisala: esimese taolise süsteemi lõi Gentry aastal 2009. Gentry läbimurdest alates on olnud palju tema tööst inspireeritud edasiminekuid. Kõik viimased täielikult homomorfsed krüptosüsteemid kasutavad avaliku võtmega krüptograafiat ja põhinevad võredel. Võre-põhine krüptograafia äratab üha enam huvi oma turvalisuse püsimisega kvantarvutites ning oma halvima juhu turvagarantiidega. Siiski jääb püsima peamine probleem: süsteemidel ei ole veel tõhusat teostust, mis säilitaks adekvaatsed turvalisuse nõuded. Selles valguses vaadatuna, viimased edasiminekud täielikult homomorfses krüpteerimises kas täiendavad eelnevate süsteemide tõhusust või pakuvad välja uue parema efektiivsusega skeemi. Antud uurimus on ülevaade hiljutistest täielikult homomorfsetest krüptosüsteemidest. Õpime tundma mõningaid viimaseid täielikult homomorfseid krüptosüsteeme, analüüsime ning võrdleme neid. Neil süsteemidel on teatud ühised elemendid: 1. Tõhus võre-põhine krüptosüsteem turvalisusega, mis põhineb üldteada võreprobleemide keerulisusel. 2. Arvutusfunktsioon definitsioonidega homomorfsele liitmisele ja korrutamisele müra kasvu piiramiseks. 3. Meetodid, et muuta süsteem täielikult homomorfseks selle arvutusfunktsiooniga. Niipea kui võimalik, kirjutame nende süsteemide peamised tulemused ümber detailsemas ja loetavamas vormis. Kõik skeemid, mida me arutame, välja arvatud Gentry, on väga uued. Kõige varasem arutletav töö avaldati oktoobris aastal 2011 ning mõningad tööd on veel kättesaadavad ainult elektroonilisel kujul. Loodame, et käesolev töö aitab lugejail olla kursis täielikult homomorfse krüpteerimisega, rajades teed edasistele arengutele selles vallas