140,597 research outputs found

    Sharp entrywise perturbation bounds for Markov chains

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    For many Markov chains of practical interest, the invariant distribution is extremely sensitive to perturbations of some entries of the transition matrix, but insensitive to others; we give an example of such a chain, motivated by a problem in computational statistical physics. We have derived perturbation bounds on the relative error of the invariant distribution that reveal these variations in sensitivity. Our bounds are sharp, we do not impose any structural assumptions on the transition matrix or on the perturbation, and computing the bounds has the same complexity as computing the invariant distribution or computing other bounds in the literature. Moreover, our bounds have a simple interpretation in terms of hitting times, which can be used to draw intuitive but rigorous conclusions about the sensitivity of a chain to various types of perturbations

    Local Testing for Membership in Lattices

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    Motivated by the structural analogies between point lattices and linear error-correcting codes, and by the mature theory on locally testable codes, we initiate a systematic study of local testing for membership in lattices. Testing membership in lattices is also motivated in practice, by applications to integer programming, error detection in lattice-based communication, and cryptography. Apart from establishing the conceptual foundations of lattice testing, our results include the following: 1. We demonstrate upper and lower bounds on the query complexity of local testing for the well-known family of code formula lattices. Furthermore, we instantiate our results with code formula lattices constructed from Reed-Muller codes, and obtain nearly-tight bounds. 2. We show that in order to achieve low query complexity, it is sufficient to design one-sided non-adaptive canonical tests. This result is akin to, and based on an analogous result for error-correcting codes due to Ben-Sasson et al. (SIAM J. Computing 35(1) pp1-21)

    Span Programs and Quantum Space Complexity

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    While quantum computers hold the promise of significant computational speedups, the limited size of early quantum machines motivates the study of space-bounded quantum computation. We relate the quantum space complexity of computing a function f with one-sided error to the logarithm of its span program size, a classical quantity that is well-studied in attempts to prove formula size lower bounds. In the more natural bounded error model, we show that the amount of space needed for a unitary quantum algorithm to compute f with bounded (two-sided) error is lower bounded by the logarithm of its approximate span program size. Approximate span programs were introduced in the field of quantum algorithms but not studied classically. However, the approximate span program size of a function is a natural generalization of its span program size. While no non-trivial lower bound is known on the span program size (or approximate span program size) of any concrete function, a number of lower bounds are known on the monotone span program size. We show that the approximate monotone span program size of f is a lower bound on the space needed by quantum algorithms of a particular form, called monotone phase estimation algorithms, to compute f. We then give the first non-trivial lower bound on the approximate span program size of an explicit function

    Tight Tradeoffs for Real-Time Approximation of Longest Palindromes in Streams

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    We consider computing a longest palindrome in the streaming model, where the symbols arrive one-by-one and we do not have random access to the input. While computing the answer exactly using sublinear space is not possible in such a setting, one can still hope for a good approximation guarantee. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide lower bounds on the space requirements for randomized approximation algorithms processing inputs of length n. We rule out Las Vegas algorithms, as they cannot achieve sublinear space complexity. For Monte Carlo algorithms, we prove a lower bounds of Omega(M log min {|Sigma|, M}) bits of memory; here M=n/E for approximating the answer with additive error E, and M= log n / log (1 + epsilon) for approximating the answer with multiplicative error (1 + epsilon). Second, we design three real-time algorithms for this problem. Our Monte Carlo approximation algorithms for both additive and multiplicative versions of the problem use O(M) words of memory. Thus the obtained lower bounds are asymptotically tight up to a logarithmic factor. The third algorithm is deterministic and finds a longest palindrome exactly if it is short. This algorithm can be run in parallel with a Monte Carlo algorithm to obtain better results in practice. Overall, both the time and space complexity of finding a longest palindrome in a stream are essentially settled
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