329 research outputs found

    Algorithm for determining pure pointedness of self-affine tilings

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    Overlap coincidence in a self-affine tiling in Rd\R^d is equivalent to pure point dynamical spectrum of the tiling dynamical system. We interpret the overlap coincidence in the setting of substitution Delone set in Rd\R^d and find an efficient algorithm to check the pure point dynamical spectrum. This algorithm is easy to implement into a computer program. We give the program and apply it to several examples. In the course the proof of the algorithm, we show a variant of the conjecture of Urba\'nski (Solomyak \cite{Solomyak:08}) on the Hausdorff dimension of the boundaries of fractal tiles.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Shift Radix Systems - A Survey

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    Let d≥1d\ge 1 be an integer and r=(r0,…,rd−1)∈Rd{\bf r}=(r_0,\dots,r_{d-1}) \in \mathbf{R}^d. The {\em shift radix system} τr:Zd→Zd\tau_\mathbf{r}: \mathbb{Z}^d \to \mathbb{Z}^d is defined by τr(z)=(z1,…,zd−1,−⌊rz⌋)t(z=(z0,…,zd−1)t). \tau_{{\bf r}}({\bf z})=(z_1,\dots,z_{d-1},-\lfloor {\bf r} {\bf z}\rfloor)^t \qquad ({\bf z}=(z_0,\dots,z_{d-1})^t). τr\tau_\mathbf{r} has the {\em finiteness property} if each z∈Zd{\bf z} \in \mathbb{Z}^d is eventually mapped to 0{\bf 0} under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r}. In the present survey we summarize results on these nearly linear mappings. We discuss how these mappings are related to well-known numeration systems, to rotations with round-offs, and to a conjecture on periodic expansions w.r.t.\ Salem numbers. Moreover, we review the behavior of the orbits of points under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r} with special emphasis on ultimately periodic orbits and on the finiteness property. We also describe a geometric theory related to shift radix systems.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure

    Purely periodic beta-expansions in the Pisot non-unit case

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    It is well known that real numbers with a purely periodic decimal expansion are the rationals having, when reduced, a denominator coprime with 10. The aim of this paper is to extend this result to beta-expansions with a Pisot base beta which is not necessarily a unit: we characterize real numbers having a purely periodic expansion in such a base; this characterization is given in terms of an explicit set, called generalized Rauzy fractal, which is shown to be a graph-directed self-affine compact subset of non-zero measure which belongs to the direct product of Euclidean and p-adic spaces

    Maximal equicontinuous factors and cohomology for tiling spaces

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    We study the homomorphism induced on cohomology by the maximal equicontinuous factor map of a tiling space. We will see that this map is injective in degree one and has torsion free cokernel. We show by example, however, that the cohomology of the maximal equicontinuous factor may not be a direct summand of the tiling cohomology
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