744 research outputs found


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    By being holistically preoccupied with coherency among organizational elements such as organizational strategy, business needs and the IT functions role in supporting the business, enterprise architecture (EA) has grown to become a core competitive advantage. Though EA is a maturing research area, little has been done to understand how e.g. projects, application or other organizational elements contribute to the overall EA. The current paper presents a literature review on EA evaluation. Different types of evaluation are a necessity in order to ensure that EA demands are being met by disparate IT initiatives. Still, EA evaluation has attracted little attention within academic literature. Thus, the aim of the current review is to get an overview of the topic, which can serve as a foundation for further development of the field. Overall, the study shows that while little research has been done within this area, research is especially lacking regarding empirical studies of how EA evaluation unfolds in practice, while holistic views on EA evaluation is almost non-existin

    Enterprise architecture as enabler of organizational agility : a municipality case study

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    Organizational agility is one of the top management concerns as organizations face today increasingly changing environments. Among enterprise architecture (EA) benefits, organizational agility has been claimed as one of them, perceived as a direct or indirect benefit, for example, through business-IT alignment, another top management concern. However, even with reasonable explanations in the EA literature, there is still a lack of empirical evidence to support such claim. Our research looks for that evidence seeking to understand how the development and use of EA may contribute for organizational agility. Having one of the biggest municipalities in the country as the research setting, using a mix-methods approach, a case study was carried out to identify EA artefacts, understand EA at use and examine agility in a specific change situation. In this case, enterprise architecture was not just used but was developed and improved during the change situation to enable organizational agility.PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/201


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    Enterprise Architecture has been developed in order to optimize the alignment between business needs and the (rapidly changing) possibilities of information technology. But do organizations indeed benefit from the application of Enterprise Architecture according to those who are in any way involved in architecture? To answer this question, a model has been developed (the Enterprise Architecture Value Framework) to organize the benefits of Enterprise Architecture. Based on this model, a survey has been conducted among the various types of stakeholders of Enterprise Architecture, such as architects, project managers, developers and business or IT managers. In the survey the respondents were asked to what extent they perceive various benefits of Enterprise Architecture in their organization. The results of this survey (with 287 fully completed responses) are analyzed and presented in this paper. In all categories of the framework benefits are perceived, though to different extent. Very few benefits are perceived in relation to the external orientation of the organization. Few statistically significant correlations were found in relation to the background of the respondents: the overall view on benefits of Enterprise Architecture appeared independent of the role of the respondents, the economic sector and the number of years of experience with architectur

    A Framework to Support Practitioners in Evaluating Business-IT Alignment Models

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    Many business-IT alignment (BITA) models have been designed to support organizations in achieving, assessing and maintaining alignment between business and IT. These models focus on different components and emphasize different perspectives. This makes it difficult for practitioners to choose appropriate BITA models given organization at-hand. In this paper, an evaluation framework supporting practitioners to choose appropriate BITA models is presented. The framework was designed following design science as main research approach. The design process was based on literature and empirical studies. The literature study contributed in constructing a tentative version of the framework which was refined through an empirical study in 6 organizations. The final framework consists of 25 criteria categorized into four groups, and was demonstrated on six major BITA models showing its feasibility. Finally, the framework was evaluated by interviewing two business consultants and three CIOs from large-sized Swedish companies. The evaluation shows the framework having a complete set of criteria, but its usability and efficiency could be increased

    Evaluación del alineamiento estratégico de los procesos institucionales y las tecnologías de la información en método de modelación asociado a arquitecturas institucionales.

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    Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son de métodos de evaluación SBITA, el primero es el enfoque de toda la organización (método) desarrollado como una mejora SBITA enfoque de evaluación en términos de medición, la trazabilidad y la participación de la organización de Jerry N. Luftman's, el segundo método de evaluación metamodelo (AMAM en ingles), ambos métodos tienen sus raíces bien establecidas en las referencias y planteamientos, su desarrollo, la vinculación entre ellos y sus aplicaciones presentan, en los documentos se incluyen estudios de caso

    ﻣﺮوري ﻧﻈﺎمﻣﻨﺪ ﺑﺮ ﭼﻬﺎرﭼﻮبﻫﺎ، ﻣﺰاﯾﺎ، ﺷﺎﺧﺺﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺶ و ﻓﺎﮐﺘﻮرﻫﺎي ﮐﻠﯿﺪي ﻣﻮﻓﻘﯿﺖ ﻣﻌﻤﺎري ﺳﺎزﻣﺎﻧﯽ

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    Enterprise architecture is an explicit description of existing documents, favorable relationships between business, processes and information technology and provides an outline for the creation of extensive information systems at the organization level. In fact, Enterprise architecture helps to implement an organization's strategy in a coordinated manner by aligning business processes with data and technology. This study examines and compares previous literature and academic articles on the benefits of adopting and applying Enterprise architecture, its indicators and modeling frameworks, as well as the factors affecting the implementation of Enterprise architecture. The results of this article indicate that factors such as clear understanding of the organization's business, increasing responsiveness to change and its management, information systems integration, information technology investments and acquisition strategies, development and maintenance of Enterprise architecture standards, business alignment With information technology, business process improvement, organizational agility, risk management and organizational governance have been considered from different perspectives in Enterprise architecture. The results of this article help to create a better understanding of Enterprise architecture and thus its successful implementation and execution

    Systematic review of frameworks, benefits, benchmarks and key success factors of Enterprise architecture

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    Enterprise architecture is an explicit description of existing documents, favorable relationships between business, processes and information technology and provides an outline for the creation of extensive information systems at the organization level. In fact, Enterprise architecture helps to implement an organization's strategy in a coordinated manner by aligning business processes with data and technology .This study examines and compares previous literature and academic articles on the benefits of adopting and applying Enterprise architecture, its indicators and modeling frameworks, as well as the factors affecting the implementation of Enterprise architecture. The results of this article indicate that factors such as clear understanding of the organization's business, increasing responsiveness to change and its management, information systems integration, information technology investments and acquisition strategies, development and maintenance of Enterprise architecture standards, business alignment With information technology, business process improvement, organizational agility, risk management and organizational governance have been considered from different perspectives in Enterprise architecture. The results of this article help to create a better understanding of Enterprise architecture and thus its successful implementation and execution