125 research outputs found

    A non-transitive relevant implication corresponding to classical logic consequence

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    In this paper we first develop a logic independent account of relevant implication. We propose a stipulative denition of what it means for a multiset of premises to relevantly L-imply a multiset of conclusions, where L is a Tarskian consequence relation: the premises relevantly imply the conclusions iff there is an abstraction of the pair <premises, conclusions> such that the abstracted premises L-imply the abstracted conclusions and none of the abstracted premises or the abstracted conclusions can be omitted while still maintaining valid L-consequence.          Subsequently we apply this denition to the classical logic (CL) consequence relation to obtain NTR-consequence, i.e. the relevant CL-consequence relation in our sense, and develop a sequent calculus that is sound and complete with regard to relevant CL-consequence. We present a sound and complete sequent calculus for NTR. In a next step we add rules for an object language relevant implication to thesequent calculus. The object language implication reflects exactly the NTR-consequence relation. One can see the resulting logic NTR-> as a relevant logic in the traditional sense of the word.       By means of a translation to the relevant logic R, we show that the presented logic NTR is very close to relevance logics in the Anderson-Belnap-Dunn-Routley-Meyer tradition. However, unlike usual relevant logics, NTR is decidable for the full language, Disjunctive Syllogism (A and ~AvB relevantly imply B) and Adjunction (A and B relevantly imply A&B) are valid, and neither Modus Ponens nor the Cut rule are admissible

    Grounding axioms for (relevant) implication

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    Most of the logics of grounding that have so far been proposed contain grounding axioms, or grounding rules, for the connectives of conjunction, disjunction and negation, but little attention has been dedicated to the implication connective. The present paper aims at repairing this situation by proposing adequate grounding axioms for relevant implication. Because of the interaction between negation and implication, new grounding axioms concerning negation will also arise

    Theorems of Alternatives for Substructural Logics

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    A theorem of alternatives provides a reduction of validity in a substructural logic to validity in its multiplicative fragment. Notable examples include a theorem of Arnon Avron that reduces the validity of a disjunction of multiplicative formulas in the R-mingle logic RM to the validity of a linear combination of these formulas, and Gordan's theorem for solutions of linear systems over the real numbers, that yields an analogous reduction for validity in Abelian logic A. In this paper, general conditions are provided for axiomatic extensions of involutive uninorm logic without additive constants to admit a theorem of alternatives. It is also shown that a theorem of alternatives for a logic can be used to establish (uniform) deductive interpolation and completeness with respect to a class of dense totally ordered residuated lattices

    Relevance via decomposition: A project, some results, an open question

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    We report on progress and an unsolved problem in our attempt to obtain a clear rationale for relevance logic via semantic decomposition trees. Suitable decomposition rules, constrained by a natural parity condition, generate a set of directly acceptable formulae that contains all axioms of the well-known system R, is closed under substitution and conjunction, satisfies the letter-sharing condition, but is not closed under detachment. To extend it, a natural recursion is built into the ocedure for constructing decomposition trees. The resulting set of acceptable formulae has many attractive features, but it remains an open question whether it continues to satisfy the crucial letter-sharing condition

    Relevance via decomposition

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    We report on progress and an unsolved problem in our attempt to obtain a clear rationale for relevance logic via semantic decomposition trees. Suitable decomposition rules, constrained by a natural parity condition, generate a set of directly acceptable formulae that contains all axioms of the well-known system R, is closed under substitution and conjunction, satisfies the letter-sharing condition, but is not closed under detachment. To extend it, a natural recursion is built into the procedure for constructing decomposition trees. The resulting set of acceptable formulae has many attractive features, but it remains an open question whether it continues to satisfy the crucial letter-sharing condition

    The Third Way on Objective Probability: A Skeptic's Guide to Objective Chance

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    The goal of this paper is to sketch and defend a new interpretation or theory of objective chance, one that lets us be sure such chances exist and shows how they can play the roles we traditionally grant them. The subtitle obviously emulates the title of Lewis seminal 1980 paper A Subjectivist s Guide to Objective Chance while indicating an important difference in perspective. The view developed below shares two major tenets with Lewis last (1994) account of objective chance: (1) The Principal Principle tells us most of what we know about objective chance; (2) Objective chances are not primitive modal facts, propensities, or powers, but rather facts entailed by the overall pattern of events and processes in the actual world. But it differs from Lewis’ account in most other respects. Another subtitle I considered was A Humean Guide ... But while the account of chance below is compatible with any stripe of Humeanism (Lewis , Hume s, and others ), it presupposes no general Humean philosophy. Only a skeptical attitude about probability itself is presupposed (as in point (2) above); what we should say about causality, laws, modality and so on is left a separate question. Still, I will label the account to be developed “Humean objective chance”

    Relevance in Reasoning. The Adaptive Logics Approach

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    Substructural Logics and Pragmatic Enrichment

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    In this dissertation, we argue for a Pragmatic Logical Pluralism, a pluralist thesis about logic which endorses Classical, Relevant, Linear, and Ordered logic. We justify that the formal languages of these four logics are legitimate codifications of the logical vocabulary and capture legitimate senses of logical consequence. This will be justified given a particular interpretation of the four formal languages: logical consequence and conditional, disjunction, and conjunction of the four different logics codify different and legitimate senses of ‘follows from’, ‘if...then’, ‘or’ and ‘and’ which diverge in their different pragmatic enrichments. The dissertation is twofold. First, we will explore the effect that the lack of structural rules has on logical connectives, in four substructural logics, and its connection with certain pragmatic enrichments. Second, we will defend a pluralist thesis according to which pragmatics has an important role for capturing the inferential role of logical vocabulary, both of the notions of ‘follows from’ and the logical constants, although classical logic preserves truth and captures their lit- eral meaning. In sum, we defend a version of logical pluralism based on the plurality of legitimate translations from natural language to formal languages, arguing that more than one translation is legitimate for logical vocabulary, which makes it possible to adopt more than one logic.En aquesta tesi presentem el Pluralisme Lògic Pragmàtic, una tesi pluralista sobre la lògica que accepta les lògiques Clàssica, Rellevant, Lineal i Ordenada. Justifiquem que els llenguatges formals d’aquestes quatre lògiques són codificacions legítimes del vocabulari lògic i capturen sentits legítims de la conseqüència lògica. Això es justificarà donant una interpretació particular dels quatre llenguatges formals: la conseqüència lògica i el condicional, la disjunció i la conjunció de les quatre lògiques acceptades codifiquen diferents i legítims sentits de ‘si...llavors’, ‘o’ i ‘i’, que es distingeixen pels diferents enriquiments pragmàtics que codifiquen. La tesi té dos vessants. Primer, explorem l’efecte que la falta de regles estructurals té en les connectives lògiques de les quatre lògiques presentades, i la seva connexió amb certs enriquiments pragmàtics. Segon, defensem una visió pluralista segons la qual la pragmàtica juga un rol important a l’hora de capturar el rol inferencial del vocabulari lògic, tant per la noció de conseqüència lògica com per les connectives, tot i que la lògica clàssica preserva la veritat i captura el seu significat literal. En resum, defensem una versió del pluralisme lògic basat en la pluralitat de traduccions legítimes del llenguatge natural al llenguatge formal, argumentant que més d’una traducció és legítima pel vocabulari lògic, la qual cosa ens permet adoptar més d’una lògica
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