124 research outputs found

    On distinguishability criteria for estimating generative models

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    Two recently introduced criteria for estimation of generative models are both based on a reduction to binary classification. Noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) is an estimation procedure in which a generative model is trained to be able to distinguish data samples from noise samples. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are pairs of generator and discriminator networks, with the generator network learning to generate samples by attempting to fool the discriminator network into believing its samples are real data. Both estimation procedures use the same function to drive learning, which naturally raises questions about how they are related to each other, as well as whether this function is related to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). NCE corresponds to training an internal data model belonging to the {\em discriminator} network but using a fixed generator network. We show that a variant of NCE, with a dynamic generator network, is equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation. Since pairing a learned discriminator with an appropriate dynamically selected generator recovers MLE, one might expect the reverse to hold for pairing a learned generator with a certain discriminator. However, we show that recovering MLE for a learned generator requires departing from the distinguishability game. Specifically: (i) The expected gradient of the NCE discriminator can be made to match the expected gradient of MLE, if one is allowed to use a non-stationary noise distribution for NCE, (ii) No choice of discriminator network can make the expected gradient for the GAN generator match that of MLE, and (iii) The existing theory does not guarantee that GANs will converge in the non-convex case. This suggests that the key next step in GAN research is to determine whether GANs converge, and if not, to modify their training algorithm to force convergence.Comment: This version adds a figure that appeared on the poster at ICLR, changes the template to say that the paper was accepted as a workshop contribution (previously it was under a review as a conference submission), and fixes some typo

    Skill Rating for Generative Models

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    We explore a new way to evaluate generative models using insights from evaluation of competitive games between human players. We show experimentally that tournaments between generators and discriminators provide an effective way to evaluate generative models. We introduce two methods for summarizing tournament outcomes: tournament win rate and skill rating. Evaluations are useful in different contexts, including monitoring the progress of a single model as it learns during the training process, and comparing the capabilities of two different fully trained models. We show that a tournament consisting of a single model playing against past and future versions of itself produces a useful measure of training progress. A tournament containing multiple separate models (using different seeds, hyperparameters, and architectures) provides a useful relative comparison between different trained GANs. Tournament-based rating methods are conceptually distinct from numerous previous categories of approaches to evaluation of generative models, and have complementary advantages and disadvantages

    Super-Resolution via Conditional Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    Single-image super-resolution (SISR) is a canonical problem with diverse applications. Leading methods like SRGAN produce images that contain various artifacts, such as high-frequency noise, hallucinated colours and shape distortions, which adversely affect the realism of the result. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on an extension of the method of Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation (IMLE). We demonstrate greater effectiveness at noise reduction and preservation of the original colours and shapes, yielding more realistic super-resolved images.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Softmax GAN

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    Softmax GAN is a novel variant of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The key idea of Softmax GAN is to replace the classification loss in the original GAN with a softmax cross-entropy loss in the sample space of one single batch. In the adversarial learning of NN real training samples and MM generated samples, the target of discriminator training is to distribute all the probability mass to the real samples, each with probability 1M\frac{1}{M}, and distribute zero probability to generated data. In the generator training phase, the target is to assign equal probability to all data points in the batch, each with probability 1M+N\frac{1}{M+N}. While the original GAN is closely related to Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE), we show that Softmax GAN is the Importance Sampling version of GAN. We futher demonstrate with experiments that this simple change stabilizes GAN training.Comment: NIPS 2017 submissio

    Pattern classification via unsupervised learners

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    We consider classification problems in a variant of the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC)-learning framework, in which an unsupervised learner creates a discriminant function over each class and observations are labeled by the learner returning the highest value associated with that observation. Consideration is given to whether this approach gains significant advantage over traditional discriminant techniques. It is shown that PAC-learning distributions over class labels under Ll distance or KL-divergence implies PAC classification in this framework. We give bounds on the regret associated with the resulting classifier, taking into account the possibility of variable misclassification penalties. We demonstrate the advantage of estimating the a posteriori probability distributions over class labels in the setting of Optical Character Recognition. We show that unsupervised learners can be used to learn a class of probabilistic concepts (stochastic rules denoting the probability that an observation has a positive label in a 2-class setting). This demonstrates a situation where unsupervised learners can be used even when it is hard to learn distributions over class labels - in this case the discriminant functions do not estimate the class probability densities. We use a standard state-merging technique to PAC-learn a class of probabilistic automata and show that by learning the distribution over outputs under the weaker L1 distance rather than KL-divergence we are able to learn without knowledge of the expected length of an output. It is also shown that for a restricted class of these automata learning under L1 distance is equivalent to learning under KL-divergence

    Learning Determinantal Point Processes by Corrective Negative Sampling

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    Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs) have attracted significant interest from the machine-learning community due to their ability to elegantly and tractably model the delicate balance between quality and diversity of sets. DPPs are commonly learned from data using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). While fitting observed sets well, MLE for DPPs may also assign high likelihoods to unobserved sets that are far from the true generative distribution of the data. To address this issue, which reduces the quality of the learned model, we introduce a novel optimization problem, Contrastive Estimation (CE), which encodes information about "negative" samples into the basic learning model. CE is grounded in the successful use of negative information in machine-vision and language modeling. Depending on the chosen negative distribution (which may be static or evolve during optimization), CE assumes two different forms, which we analyze theoretically and experimentally. We evaluate our new model on real-world datasets; on a challenging dataset, CE learning delivers a considerable improvement in predictive performance over a DPP learned without using contrastive information.Comment: Will appear in AISTATS 201

    Improving Maximum Likelihood Training for Text Generation with Density Ratio Estimation

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    Auto-regressive sequence generative models trained by Maximum Likelihood Estimation suffer the exposure bias problem in practical finite sample scenarios. The crux is that the number of training samples for Maximum Likelihood Estimation is usually limited and the input data distributions are different at training and inference stages. Many method shave been proposed to solve the above problem (Yu et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2018), which relies on sampling from the non-stationary model distribution and suffers from high variance or biased estimations. In this paper, we propose{\psi}-MLE, a new training scheme for auto-regressive sequence generative models, which is effective and stable when operating at large sample space encountered in text generation. We derive our algorithm from a new perspective of self-augmentation and introduce bias correction with density ratio estimation. Extensive experimental results on synthetic data and real-world text generation tasks demonstrate that our method stably outperforms Maximum Likelihood Estimation and other state-of-the-art sequence generative models in terms of both quality and diversity.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 202

    On the Implicit Assumptions of GANs

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    Generative adversarial nets (GANs) have generated a lot of excitement. Despite their popularity, they exhibit a number of well-documented issues in practice, which apparently contradict theoretical guarantees. A number of enlightening papers have pointed out that these issues arise from unjustified assumptions that are commonly made, but the message seems to have been lost amid the optimism of recent years. We believe the identified problems deserve more attention, and highlight the implications on both the properties of GANs and the trajectory of research on probabilistic models. We recently proposed an alternative method that sidesteps these problems.Comment: 8 page

    Ligand-receptor promiscuity enables cellular addressing

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    In multicellular organisms, secreted ligands selectively activate, or "address," specific target cell populations to control cell fate decision-making and other processes. Key cell-cell communication pathways use multiple promiscuously interacting ligands and receptors, provoking the question of how addressing specificity can emerge from molecular promiscuity. To investigate this issue, we developed a general mathematical modeling framework based on the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway architecture. We find that promiscuously interacting ligand-receptor systems allow a small number of ligands, acting in combinations, to address a larger number of individual cell types, each defined by its receptor expression profile. Promiscuous systems outperform seemingly more specific one-to-one signaling architectures in addressing capacity. Combinatorial addressing extends to groups of cell types, is robust to receptor expression noise, grows more powerful with increasing receptor multiplicity, and is maximized by specific biochemical parameter relationships. Together, these results identify fundamental design principles governing cell addressing by ligand combinations

    Evaluating a Generative Adversarial Framework for Information Retrieval

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    Recent advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have resulted in its widespread applications to multiple domains. A recent model, IRGAN, applies this framework to Information Retrieval (IR) and has gained significant attention over the last few years. In this focused work, we critically analyze multiple components of IRGAN, while providing experimental and theoretical evidence of some of its shortcomings. Specifically, we identify issues with the constant baseline term in the policy gradients optimization and show that the generator harms IRGAN's performance. Motivated by our findings, we propose two models influenced by self-contrastive estimation and co-training which outperform IRGAN on two out of the three tasks considered
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