13 research outputs found

    Citizenship learning and management in the participatory budget of brazilian municipalities

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    L'inter猫s actual per temes relacionats amb l'aprenentatge i el desenvolupament ciutad脿 no 茅s accidental. El baix nivell d'"implicaci贸" dels ciutadans fa tremolar les bases del sistema democr脿tic, i aix貌 茅s objecte de preocupaci贸 en diversos camps del coneixement. L'aprenentatge a trav茅s de la participaci贸 ciutadana est脿 relacionat amb les ci猫ncies de l'Administraci贸 en diferents aspectes. L'aspecte de gesti贸 es pot identificar en l'administraci贸 del propi govern; l'aspecte de l'aprenentatge organitzacional es troba en els estudis sobre les caracter铆stiques dels contextos que creen un clima d'aprenentatge, cosa que promou el desenvolupament. La comprensi贸 d'aquests aspectes a trav茅s de l'epistemologia proposada, la teoria cr铆tica, aporta nous coneixements a la ci猫ncia administrativa. La teoria cr铆tica assumeix l'inter猫s de l'emancipaci贸 de la ci猫ncia, 茅s a dir, l'acci贸 humana i social hauria de ser orientada per la bondat, la humanitat i la racionalitat. En coher猫ncia amb aquesta orientaci贸 i amb el nivell individual d'an脿lisi, la tesi considera dos marcs te貌rics: les psicologies humanista i existencialista. En conseq眉猫ncia, la recerca fenomenol貌gica 茅s el m猫tode de recerca. Aquest m猫tode permet respondre a les preguntes de recerca: "si" s'apr猫n, "qu猫" s'apr猫n, "quines" eines de gesti贸 s'utilitzen, "com" s'utilitzen i "per qu猫" el que s'apr猫n s'apr猫n. Aquesta particular comprensi贸 epistemol貌gica i el m猫tode que en resulta suggereixen utilitzar eines metodol貌giques convergents o de bricolatge. Les eines metodol貌giques que suporten el bricolatge s贸n: observacions, entrevistes i focus groups com a font de dades prim脿ries, i la revisi贸 de la documentaci贸 com a dades secund脿ries. S'analitza que els pressup貌sits participatius s贸n subaccions de l'acci贸 democr脿tica formats per intencions, plans i actes representats per diverses pr脿ctiques de recursos humans. A m茅s, s'ent茅n que les caracter铆stiques participatives del di脿leg entre iguals, del respecte envers opinions divergents, de presa de decisions per consens en les reunions de grup successives, entre d'altres, fomenten l'autoreflexi贸 sobre les lleis del funcionament social i individual, la qual canvia l'estat de no-reflexi贸 de la consci猫ncia cap a un nou estat i, d'aquesta manera, s'esdev茅 l'aprenentatge ciutad脿.El presente inter茅s por temas relacionados con aprendizaje y desarrollo ciudadano no es accidental. El bajo "involucrarse" por parte de los ciudadanos hace temblar las bases del sistema democr谩tico lo que conlleva a una preocupaci贸n en distintos campos del conocimiento. Aprendizaje a trav茅s de la participaci贸n ciudadana est谩 relacionado con las Ciencias de la Administraci贸n en diferentes aspectos. El aspecto de gesti贸n puede ser identificado en la administraci贸n del propio gobierno, el aspecto de aprendizaje organizacional se encuentra en los estudios sobre las caracter铆sticas de los contextos que crean un clima de aprendizaje lo cual promueve desarrollo. La comprensi贸n de estos aspectos a trav茅s de la epistemolog铆a propuesta, la teor铆a cr铆tica, a帽ade nuevo conocimiento a la Ciencia Administrativa. La teor铆a cr铆tica asume el inter茅s de emancipaci贸n de la ciencia, es decir, la acci贸n humana y social deber铆a de estar orientada por la bondad, la humanidad y la racionalidad. En coherencia con esa orientaci贸n y con el nivel individual de an谩lisis, la tesis considera dos marcos te贸ricos: las psicolog铆as humanista y existencialista. En consecuencia, la investigaci贸n fenomenol贸gica es el m茅todo de investigaci贸n. El m茅todo posibilita la contestaci贸n de las preguntas de investigaci贸n: "si" se aprende, "qu茅" se aprende, "cu谩les" herramientas de gesti贸n son utilizadas, "c贸mo" son utilizadas, y "porqu茅" lo que se aprende se aprende. Esa particular comprensi贸n epistemol贸gica y resultante m茅todo sugiere el uso de herramientas metodol贸gicas convergentes o bricolage. Las herramientas metodol贸gicas que soportan el bricolage son: observaciones, entrevistas y grupos focales como fuente de datos primarios; y, revisi贸n de documentaci贸n como datos secundarios. Se analiza que los presupuestos participativos son sub-acciones de la acci贸n democr谩tica compuestos por intenciones, planes y actos representados por distintas pr谩cticas de recursos humanos. Adem谩s se entiende que las caracter铆sticas participativas del di谩logo entre iguales, del respeto hacia opiniones divergentes, de la toma de decisi贸n por consenso en las sucesivas reuniones grupales, entre otras, fomentan la auto-reflexi贸n sobre las leyes del funcionamiento social e individual la cual cambia el estado de no-reflexi贸n de la conciencia hacia un nuevo estado, ocurriendo, de esa manera, el aprendizaje ciudadano.The thesis is concerned with the declining tendency of citizenship participation which threatens the democratic system. For that reason it studies successful participatory situations in which citizens learn and develop citizenship. Citizenship learning and development, as a phenomenon, are analysed from a Critical view of science and derivate existential and humanistic framework to learning and organizational. A democratic, participatory and deliberative situation that reflects the emancipatory interest of a good, humane and rational social action is the participatory budget of Brazilian municipalities. Learning, Organizational Learning and Human Resources Management are disciplines elected to set the theoretical framework to analyse the problem. From this epistemological view, research setting and scope, a methodological bricolage is built. The methodology follows the procedures of the phenomenological research which is supported by the triangulation of the methodological tools of in-depth interviews, focus groups, observations and documentation reviews. As a result the research presents findings that describe, comprehend and interpret the phenomenon of citizenship learning. Human resources management, as an emergent practice, is a key issue in this democratic action. The participatory budget, as a democratic action, is divided into sub-actions composed by intentions, plans and acts each one of them represented by specific human resources practices. Such procedure of deconstruction of actions into their constitutive parts brings better comprehension of their functioning. To understand the characteristics of the participatory context is also key because they foster self-reflection about the social and individual legalities which change the state of a non-reflected conscious, thus, citizenship learning occurs. The focus proposed and the evidences analysed and interpreted provides a definition for existential-humanistic citizenship learning which hopefully can bring some light to the declining tendencies in participation. Citizenship learning, thus, is a never-ending process in which individuals decide freely and responsibly to actualize their potential as citizens. Moreover, the process is existential and humanistic if it has humanity in general as its goal, if it is as aware as possible of the dialectics between humans' subjectivity and objectivity and if it gives rise to a system of values which takes into account this goal and these dialectics

    Covering Radius 1985-1994

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    We survey important developments in the theory of covering radius during the period 1985-1994. We present lower bounds, constructions and upper bounds, the linear and nonlinear cases, density and asymptotic results, normality, specific classes of codes, covering radius and dual distance, tables, and open problems

    Extremal problems on graphs, directed graphs and hypergraphs

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    This thesis is concerned with extremal problems on graphs and similar structures. We first study degree conditions in uniform hypergraphs that force matchings of various sizes. Our main result in this area improves bounds of Markstrom and Rucinski on the minimum d-degree which forces a perfect matching in a k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices. We then study connectivity conditions in tournaments that ensure the existence of partitions of the vertex set that satisfy various properties. In 1982 Thomassen asked whether every sufficiently strongly connected tournament T admits a partition of its vertex set into t vertex classes such that the subtournament induced on T by each class is strongly k-connected. Our main result in this area implies an affirmative answer to this question. Finally we investigate the typical structure of graphs and directed graphs with some forbidden subgraphs. We answer a question of Cherlin by finding the typical structure of triangle-free oriented graphs. Moreover, our results generalise to forbidden transitive tournaments and forbidden oriented cycles of any order, and also apply to digraphs. We also determine, for all k>5, the typical structure of graphs that do not contain an induced 2k-cycle. This verifies a conjecture of Balogh and Butterfield

    Covering codes, perfect codes, and codes from algebraic curves

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    Extremal results in hypergraph theory via the absorption method

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    The so-called "absorbing method" was first introduced in a systematic way by R枚dl, Ruci艅ski and Szemer茅di in 2006, and has found many uses ever since. Speaking in a general sense, it is useful for finding spanning substructures of combinatorial structures. We establish various results of different natures, in both graph and hypergraph theory, most of them using the absorbing method: 1. We prove an asymptotically best-possible bound on the strong chromatic number with respect to the maximum degree of the graph. This establishes a weak version of a conjecture of Aharoni, Berger and Ziv. 2. We determine asymptotic minimum codegree thresholds which ensure the existence of tilings with tight cycles (of a given size) in uniform hypergraphs. Moreover, we prove results on coverings with tight cycles. 3. We show that every 2-coloured complete graph on the integers contains a monochromatic infinite path whose vertex set is sufficiently "dense" in the natural numbers. This improves results of Galvin and Erd艖s and of DeBiasio and McKenney

    Two rival programmes in 19th. century classical electrodynamics action-at-a-distance versus field theories

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    The thesis is a historical case-study in which I.Lakatos's Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes is applied to 19th. Century classical electrodynamics. Two research programmes are appraised. One, the Action-at-a-distance programme, had as its hard core the theory that electromagnetic phenomena were the outcome of sources acting at a distance across empty space on each other. Its rival, the Field programme, had the hard core that electromagnetic phenomena were the outcome of behaviour by the space between the apparent sources. It is argued that the Action-at-a-distance programme was always the superior one of the two. This revision in the standard historical appraisal results from the use of Lakatos's methodology. The Action-at-a-distance programme developed progressively, through the theories of Ampere, Weber, and their successors, to a satisfactory and fairly complete account of the phenomena of electrodynamics. In contrast, the Field programme degenerated as it consisted of a sequence of ad hoc or heuristically ad hoc theories. Faraday, Maxwell, and Helmholtz vigorously criticised the Action-at-a-distance programme. These criticisms were extremely influential and some historians regard them as persuasive today. It is shown that these criticisms are entirely without merit and further that they could easily have been seen to be without merit at the time of their proposal. Finally, many subsidiary theses, advocated by writers in the history and philosophy of the development of classical electrodynamics, are critically assessed