32 research outputs found

    On Channel Failures, File Fragmentation Policies, and Heavy-Tailed Completion Times

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    It has been recently discovered that heavy-tailed completion times can result from protocol interaction even when file sizes are light-tailed. A key to this phenomenon is the use of a restart policy where if the file is interrupted before it is completed, it needs to restart from the beginning. In this paper, we show that fragmenting a file into pieces whose sizes are either bounded or independently chosen after each interruption guarantees light-tailed completion time as long as the file size is light-tailed; i.e., in this case, heavy-tailed completion time can only originate from heavy-tailed file sizes. If the file size is heavy-tailed, then the completion time is necessarily heavy-tailed. For this case, we show that when the file size distribution is regularly varying, then under independent or bounded fragmentation, the completion time tail distribution function is asymptotically bounded above by that of the original file size stretched by a constant factor. We then prove that if the distribution of times between interruptions has nondecreasing failure rate, the expected completion time is minimized by dividing the file into equal-sized fragments; this optimal fragment size is unique but depends on the file size. We also present a simple blind fragmentation policy where the fragment sizes are constant and independent of the file size and prove that it is asymptotically optimal. Both these policies are also shown to have desirable completion time tail behavior. Finally, we bound the error in expected completion time due to error in modeling of the failure process

    Supporting Fault-Tolerance for Time-Critical Events in Distributed Environments

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    Building interactive distributed processing applications at a global scale

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    Along with the continuous engagement with technology, many latency-sensitive interactive applications have emerged, e.g., global content sharing in social networks, adaptive lights/temperatures in smart buildings, and online multi-user games. These applications typically process a massive amount of data at a global scale. In this cases, distributing storage and processing is key to handling the large scale. Distribution necessitates handling two main aspects: a) the placement of data/processing and b) the data motion across the distributed locations. However, handling the distribution while meeting latency guarantees at large scale comes with many challenges around hiding heterogeneity and diversity of devices and workload, handling dynamism in the environment, providing continuous availability despite failures, and supporting persistent large state. In this thesis, we show how latency-driven designs for placement and data-motion can be used to build production infrastructures for interactive applications at a global scale, while also being able to address myriad challenges on heterogeneity, dynamism, state, and availability. We demonstrate a latency-driven approach is general and applicable at all layers of the stack: from storage, to processing, down to networking. We designed and built four distinct systems across the spectrum. We have developed Ambry (collaboration with LinkedIn), a geo-distributed storage system for interactive data sharing across the globe. Ambry is LinkedIn's mainstream production system for all its media content running across 4 datacenters and over 500 million users. Ambry minimizes user perceived latency via smart data placement and propagation. Second, we have built two processing systems, a traditional model, Samza, and the avant-garde model, Steel. Samza (collaboration with LinkedIn) is a production stream processing framework used at 15 companies (including LinkedIn, Uber, Netflix, and TripAdvisor), powering >200 pipelines at LinkedIn alone. Samza minimizes the impact of data motion on the end-to-end latency, thus, enabling large persistent state (100s of TB) along with processing. Steel (collaboration with Microsoft) extends processing to the emerging edge. Integrated with Azure, Steel dynamically optimizes placement and data-motion across the entire edge-cloud environment. Finally, we have designed FreeFlow, a high performance networking mechanisms for containers. Using the container placement, FreeFlow opportunistically bypasses networking layers, minimizing data motion and reducing latency (up to 3 orders of magnitude)

    Client-based Logging: A New Paradigm of Distributed Transaction Management

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    The proliferation of inexpensive workstations and networks has created a new era in distributed computing. At the same time, non-traditional applications such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided software engineering (CASE), geographic-information systems (GIS), and office-information systems (OIS) have placed increased demands for high-performance transaction processing on database systems. The combination of these factors gives rise to significant challenges in the design of modern database systems. In this thesis, we propose novel techniques whose aim is to improve the performance and scalability of these new database systems. These techniques exploit client resources through client-based transaction management. Client-based transaction management is realized by providing logging facilities locally even when data is shared in a global environment. This thesis presents several recovery algorithms which utilize client disks for storing recovery related information (i.e., log records). Our algorithms work with both coarse and fine-granularity locking and they do not require the merging of client logs at any time. Moreover, our algorithms support fine-granularity locking with multiple clients permitted to concurrently update different portions of the same database page. The database state is recovered correctly when there is a complex crash as well as when the updates performed by different clients on a page are not present on the disk version of the page, even though some of the updating transactions have committed. This thesis also presents the implementation of the proposed algorithms in a memory-mapped storage manager as well as a detailed performance study of these algorithms using the OO1 database benchmark. The performance results show that client-based logging is superior to traditional server-based logging. This is because client-based logging is an effective way to reduce dependencies on server CPU and disk resources and, thus, prevents the server from becoming a performance bottleneck as quickly when the number of clients accessing the database increases

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets

    Autonomous grid scheduling using probabilistic job runtime scheduling

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    Computational Grids are evolving into a global, service-oriented architecture – a universal platform for delivering future computational services to a range of applications of varying complexity and resource requirements. The thesis focuses on developing a new scheduling model for general-purpose, utility clusters based on the concept of user requested job completion deadlines. In such a system, a user would be able to request each job to finish by a certain deadline, and possibly to a certain monetary cost. Implementing deadline scheduling is dependent on the ability to predict the execution time of each queued job, and on an adaptive scheduling algorithm able to use those predictions to maximise deadline adherence. The thesis proposes novel solutions to these two problems and documents their implementation in a largely autonomous and self-managing way. The starting point of the work is an extensive analysis of a representative Grid workload revealing consistent workflow patterns, usage cycles and correlations between the execution times of jobs and its properties commonly collected by the Grid middleware for accounting purposes. An automated approach is proposed to identify these dependencies and use them to partition the highly variable workload into subsets of more consistent and predictable behaviour. A range of time-series forecasting models, applied in this context for the first time, were used to model the job execution times as a function of their historical behaviour and associated properties. Based on the resulting predictions of job runtimes a novel scheduling algorithm is able to estimate the latest job start time necessary to meet the requested deadline and sort the queue accordingly to minimise the amount of deadline overrun. The testing of the proposed approach was done using the actual job trace collected from a production Grid facility. The best performing execution time predictor (the auto-regressive moving average method) coupled to workload partitioning based on three simultaneous job properties returned the median absolute percentage error centroid of only 4.75%. This level of prediction accuracy enabled the proposed deadline scheduling method to reduce the average deadline overrun time ten-fold compared to the benchmark batch scheduler. Overall, the thesis demonstrates that deadline scheduling of computational jobs on the Grid is achievable using statistical forecasting of job execution times based on historical information. The proposed approach is easily implementable, substantially self-managing and better matched to the human workflow making it well suited for implementation in the utility Grids of the future

    Light-Weight Remote Communication for High-Performance Cloud Networks

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    Während der letzten 10 Jahre gewann das Cloud Computing immer weiter an Bedeutung. Um kosten zu sparen installieren immer mehr Anwender ihre Anwendungen in der Cloud, statt eigene Hardware zu kaufen und zu betreiben. Als Reaktion entstanden große Rechenzentren, die ihren Kunden Rechnerkapazität zum Betreiben eigener Anwendungen zu günstigen Preisen anbieten. Diese Rechenzentren verwenden momentan gewöhnliche Rechnerhardware, die zwar leistungsstark ist, aber hohe Anschaffungs- und Stromkosten verursacht. Aus diesem Grund werden momentan neue Hardwarearchitekturen mit schwächeren aber energieeffizienteren CPUs entwickelt. Wir glauben, dass in zukünftiger Cloudhardware außerdem Netzwerkhardware mit Zusatzfunktionen wie user-level I/O oder remote DMA zum Einsatz kommt, um die CPUs zu entlasten. Aktuelle Cloud-Plattformen setzen meist bekannte Betriebssysteme wie Linux oder Microsoft Windows ein, um Kompatibilität mit existierender Software zu gewährleisten. Diese Betriebssysteme beinhalten oft keine Unterstützung für die speziellen Funktionen zukünftiger Netzwerkhardware. Stattdessen verwenden sie traditionell software-basierte Netzwerkstacks, die auf TCP/IP und dem Berkeley-Socket-Interface basieren. Besonders das Socket-Interface ist mit Funktionen wie remote DMA weitgehend inkompatibel, da seine Semantik auf Datenströmen basiert, während remote DMA-Anfragen sich eher wie in sich abgeschlossene Nachrichten verhalten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit beschreiben wir LibRIPC, eine leichtgewichtige Kommunikationsbibliothek für Cloud-Anwendungen. LibRIPC verbessert die Leistung zukünftiger Netzwerkhardware signifikant, ohne dabei die von Anwendungen benötigte Flexibilität zu vernachlässigen. Anstatt Sockets bietet LibRIPC eine nachrichtenbasierte Schnittstelle an, zwei Funktionen zum senden von Daten implementiert: Eine Funktion für kurze Nachrichten, die auf niedrige Latenz optimiert ist, sowie eine Funktion für lange Nachrichten, die durch die Nutzung von remote DMA-Funktionalität hohe Datendurchsätze erreicht. Übertragene Daten werden weder beim Senden noch beim Empfangen kopiert, um die Übertragungslatenz zu minimieren. LibRIPC nutzt den vollen Funktionsumfang der Hardware aus, versteckt die Hardwarefunktionen aber gleichzeitig vor der Anwendung, um die Hardwareunabhängigkeit der Anwendung zu gewährleisten. Um Flexibilität zu erreichen verwendet die Bibliothek ein eigenes Adressschema, dass sowohl von der verwendeten Hardware als auch von physischen Maschinen unabhängig ist. Hardwareabhängige Adressen werden dynamisch zur Laufzeit aufgelöst, was starten, stoppen und migrieren von Prozessen zu beliebigen Zeitpunkten erlaubt. Um unsere Lösung zu Bewerten implementierten wir einen Prototypen auf Basis von InfiniBand. Dieser Prototyp nutzt die Vorteile von InfiniBand, um effiziente Datenübertragungen zu ermöglichen, und vermeidet gleichzeitig die Nachteile von InfiniBand, indem er die Ergebnisse langwieriger Operationen speichert und wiederverwendet. Wir führten Experimente auf Basis dieses Prototypen und des Webservers Jetty durch. Zu diesem Zweck integrierten wir Jetty in das Hadoop map/reduce framework, um realistische Lastbedingungen zu erzeugen. Während dabei die effiziente Integration von LibRIPC und Jetty vergleichsweise einfach war, erwies sich die Integration von LibRIPC und Hadoop als deutlich schwieriger: Um unnötiges Kopieren von Daten zu vermeiden, währen weitgehende Änderungen an der Codebasis von Hadoop erforderlich. Dennoch legen unsere Ergebnisse nahe, dass LibRIPC Datendurchsatz, Latenz und Overhead gegenüber Socketbasierter Kommunikation deutlich verbessert

    Low-overhead Online Code Transformations.

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    The ability to perform online code transformations - to dynamically change the implementation of running native programs - has been shown to be useful in domains as diverse as optimization, security, debugging, resilience and portability. However, conventional techniques for performing online code transformations carry significant runtime overhead, limiting their applicability for performance-sensitive applications. This dissertation proposes and investigates a novel low-overhead online code transformation technique that works by running the dynamic compiler asynchronously and in parallel to the running program. As a consequence, this technique allows programs to execute with the online code transformation capability at near-native speed, unlocking a host of additional opportunities that can take advantage of the ability to re-visit compilation choices as the program runs. This dissertation builds on the low-overhead online code transformation mechanism, describing three novel runtime systems that represent in best-in-class solutions to three challenging problems facing modern computer scientists. First, I leverage online code transformations to significantly increase the utilization of multicore datacenter servers by dynamically managing program cache contention. Compared to state-of-the-art prior work that mitigate contention by throttling application execution, the proposed technique achieves a 1.3-1.5x improvement in application performance. Second, I build a technique to automatically configure and parameterize approximate computing techniques for each program input. This technique results in the ability to configure approximate computing to achieve an average performance improvement of 10.2x while maintaining 90% result accuracy, which significantly improves over oracle versions of prior techniques. Third, I build an operating system designed to secure running applications from dynamic return oriented programming attacks by efficiently, transparently and continuously re-randomizing the code of running programs. The technique is able to re-randomize program code at a frequency of 300ms with an average overhead of 9%, a frequency fast enough to resist state-of-the-art return oriented programming attacks based on memory disclosures and side channels.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120775/1/mlaurenz_1.pd

    Consensus protocols exploiting network programmability

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    Services rely on replication mechanisms to be available at all time. The service demanding high availability is replicated on a set of machines called replicas. To maintain the consistency of replicas, a consensus protocol such as Paxos or Raft is used to synchronize the replicas' state. As a result, failures of a minority of replicas will not affect the service as other non-faulty replicas continue serving requests. A consensus protocol is a procedure to achieve an agreement among processors in a distributed system involving unreliable processors. Unfortunately, achieving such an agreement involves extra processing on every request, imposing a substantial performance degradation. Consequently, performance has long been a concern for consensus protocols. Although many efforts have been made to improve consensus performance, it continues to be an important problem for researchers. This dissertation presents a novel approach to improving consensus performance. Essentially, it exploits the programmability of a new breed of network devices to accelerate consensus protocols that traditionally run on commodity servers. The benefits of using programmable network devices to run consensus protocols are twofold: The network switches process packets faster than commodity servers and consensus messages travel fewer hops in the network. It means that the system throughput is increased and the latency of requests is reduced. The evaluation of our network-accelerated consensus approach shows promising results. Individual components of our FPGA- based and switch-based consensus implementations can process 10 million and 2.5 billion consensus messages per second, respectively. Our FPGA-based system as a whole delivers 4.3 times performance of a traditional software consensus implementation. The latency is also better for our system and is only one third of the latency of the software consensus implementation when both systems are under half of their maximum throughputs. In order to drive even higher performance, we apply a partition mechanism to our switch-based system, leading to 11 times better throughput and 5 times better latency. By dynamically switching between software-based and network-based implementations, our consensus systems not only improve performance but also use energy more efficiently. Encouraged by those benefits, we developed a fault-tolerant non-volatile memory system. A prototype using software memory controller demonstrated reasonable overhead over local memory access, showing great promise as scalable main memory. Our network-based consensus approach would have a great impact in data centers. It not only improves performance of replication mechanisms which relied on consensus, but also enhances performance of services built on top of those replication mechanisms. Our approach also motivates others to move new functionalities into the network, such as, key-value store and stream processing. We expect that in the near future, applications that typically run on traditional servers will be folded into networks for performance