24 research outputs found

    Design of Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes

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    A self-healing key distribution scheme enables dynamic groups of users of an unreliable network to establish group keys for secure communication. In such a scheme, a group manager, at the beginning of each session, in order to provide a key to each member of the group, sends packets over a broadcast channel. Every user, belonging to the group, computes the group key by using the packets and some private information. The group manager can start multiple sessions during a certain time-interval, by adding/removing users to/from the initial group. The main property of the scheme is that, if during a certain session some broadcasted packet gets lost, then users are still capable of recovering the group key for that session simply by using the packets they have received during a previous session and the packets they will receive at the beginning of a subsequent one, without requesting additional transmission from the group manager. Indeed, the only requirement that must be satisfied, in order for the user to recover the lost keys, is membership in the group both before and after the sessions in which the broadcast messages containing the keys are sent. This novel and appealing approach to key distribution is quite suitable in certain military applications and in several Internet-related settings, where high security requirements need to be satisfied. In this paper we continue the study of self-healing key distribution schemes, introduced by Staddon et al. [37]. We analyze some existing constructions: we show an attack that can be applied to one of these constructions, in order to recover session keys, and two problems in another construction. Then, we present a new mechanism for implementing the self-healing approach, and we present an efficient construction which is optimal in terms of user memory storage. Finally, we extend the self-healing approach to key distribution, and we present a scheme which enables a user to recover from a single broadcast message all keys associated with sessions in which he is member of the communication group

    A Lightweight Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol

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    The buyer-seller watermarking protocol enables a seller to successfully identify a traitor from a pirated copy, while preventing the seller from framing an innocent buyer. Based on finite field theory and the homomorphic property of public key cryptosystems such as RSA, several buyer-seller watermarking protocols (N. Memon and P. W. Wong (2001) and C.-L. Lei et al. (2004)) have been proposed previously. However, those protocols require not only large computational power but also substantial network bandwidth. In this paper, we introduce a new buyer-seller protocol that overcomes those weaknesses by managing the watermarks. Compared with the earlier protocols, ours is n times faster in terms of computation, where n is the number of watermark elements, while incurring only O(1/lN) times communication overhead given the finite field parameter lN. In addition, the quality of the watermarked image generated with our method is better, using the same watermark strength

    Research Philosophy of Modern Cryptography

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    Proposing novel cryptography schemes (e.g., encryption, signatures, and protocols) is one of the main research goals in modern cryptography. In this paper, based on more than 800 research papers since 1976 that we have surveyed, we introduce the research philosophy of cryptography behind these papers. We use ``benefits and ``novelty as the keywords to introduce the research philosophy of proposing new schemes, assuming that there is already one scheme proposed for a cryptography notion. Next, we introduce how benefits were explored in the literature and we have categorized the methodology into 3 ways for benefits, 6 types of benefits, and 17 benefit areas. As examples, we introduce 40 research strategies within these benefit areas that were invented in the literature. The introduced research strategies have covered most cryptography schemes published in top-tier cryptography conferences

    Broadcast encryption with dealership

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    In this paper, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called broadcast encryption with dealership. This notion, which has never been discussed in the cryptography literature, is applicable to many realistic broadcast services, for example subscription-based television service. Specifically, the new primitive enables a dealer to bulk buy the access to some products (e.g., TV channels) from the broadcaster, and hence, it will enable the dealer to resell the contents to the subscribers with a cheaper rate. Therefore, this creates business opportunity model for the dealer. We highlight the security consideration in such a scenario and capture the security requirements in the security model. Subsequently, we present a concrete scheme, which is proven secure under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman exponent and the Diffie-Hellman exponent assumptions

    More Compact E-Cash with Efficient Coin Tracing

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    In 1982, Chaum \cite{Chaum82} pioneered the anonymous e-cash which finds many applications in e-commerce. In 1993, Brands \cite{Brands93apr,Brands93,Brands93tm} and Ferguson \cite Ferguson93c,Ferguson93} published on single-term offline anonymous e-cash which were the first practical e-cash. Their constructions used blind signatures and were inefficient to implement multi-spendable e-cash. In 1995, Camenisch, Hohenberger, and Lysyanskaya \cite{CaHoLy05} gave the first compact 22^\ell-spendable e-cash, using zero-knowledge-proof techniques. They left an open problem of the simultaneous attainment of O(1)O(1)-unit wallet size and efficient coin tracing. The latter property is needed to revoke {\em bad} coins from over-spenders. In this paper, we solve \cite{CaHoLy05}\u27s open problem, and thus enable the first practical compact e-cash. We use a new technique whose security reduces to a new intractability Assumption: the {\em Decisional Harmonic-Relationed Diffie-Hellman (DHRDH) Assumption}

    Complete Tree Subset Difference Broadcast Encryption Scheme and its Analysis

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    The Subset Difference (SD) method proposed by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech is the most popular broadcast encryption (BE) scheme. It is suitable for real-time applications like Pay-TV and has been suggested for use by the AACS standard for digital rights management in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs. The SD method assumes the number of users to be a power of two. We propose the Complete Tree Subset Difference (CTSD) method that allows the system to support an arbitrary number of users. In particular, it subsumes the SD method and all results proved for the CTSD method also hold for the SD method. Recurrences are obtained for the CTSD scheme to count the number, N(n,r,h)N(n,r,h), of possible ways rr users in the system of nn users can be revoked to result in a transmission overhead or header length of hh. The recurrences lead to a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm for computing N(n,r,h)N(n,r,h). Further, they provide bounds on the maximum possible header length. A probabilistic analysis is performed to obtain an O(rlogn)O(r \log{n}) time algorithm to compute the expected header length in the CTSD scheme. Further, for the SD scheme we obtain an explicit limiting upper bound on the expected header length

    Complete tree subset difference broadcast encryption scheme and its analysis

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    The subset difference (SD) method proposed by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech is the most popular broadcast encryption (BE) scheme. It is suitable for real-time applications like Pay-TV and has been suggested for use by the AACS standard for digital rights management in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs. The SD method assumes the number of users to be a power of two. We propose the complete tree subset difference (CTSD) method that allows the system to support an arbitrary number of users. In particular, it subsumes the SD method and all results proved for the CTSD method also hold for the SD method. Recurrences are obtained for the CTSD scheme to count the number, N(n, r, h), of possible ways r users in the system of n users can be revoked to result in a transmission overhead or header length of h. The recurrences lead to a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm for computing N(n, r, h). Further, they provide bounds on the maximum possible header length. A probabilistic analysis is performed to obtain an O(r log n) time algorithm to compute the expected header length in the CTSD scheme. Further, for the SD scheme we obtain an explicit limiting upper bound on the expected header length

    Contributions to Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption and Its Anonymity

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    Broadcast encryption was introduced to improve the efficiency of encryption when a message should be sent to or shared with a group of users. Only the legitimate users chosen in the encryption phase are able to retrieve the message. The primary challenge in construction a broadcast encryption scheme is to achieve collusion resistance such that the unchosen users learn nothing about the content of the encrypted message even they collude

    FPGA and ASIC Implementations of the ηT\eta_T Pairing in Characteristic Three

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    Since their introduction in constructive cryptographic applications, pairings over (hyper)elliptic curves are at the heart of an ever increasing number of protocols. As they rely critically on efficient algorithms and implementations of pairing primitives, the study of hardware accelerators became an active research area. In this paper, we propose two coprocessors for the reduced ηT\eta_T pairing introduced by Barreto {\it et al.} as an alternative means of computing the Tate pairing on supersingular elliptic curves. We prototyped our architectures on FPGAs. According to our place-and-route results, our coprocessors compare favorably with other solutions described in the open literature. We also present the first ASIC implementation of the reduced ηT\eta_T pairing

    Secure fingerprinting on sound foundations

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    The rapid development and the advancement of digital technologies open a variety of opportunities to consumers and content providers for using and trading digital goods. In this context, particularly the Internet has gained a major ground as a worldwiede platform for exchanging and distributing digital goods. Beside all its possibilities and advantages digital technology can be misuesd to breach copyright regulations: unauthorized use and illegal distribution of intellectual property cause authors and content providers considerable loss. Protections of intellectual property has therefore become one of the major challenges of our information society. Fingerprinting is a key technology in copyright protection of intellectual property. Its goal is to deter people from copyright violation by allowing to provably identify the source of illegally copied and redistributed content. As one of its focuses, this thesis considers the design and construction of various fingerprinting schemes and presents the first explicit, secure and reasonably efficient construction for a fingerprinting scheme which fulfills advanced security requirements such as collusion-tolerance, asymmetry, anonymity and direct non-repudiation. Crucial for the security of such s is a careful study of the underlying cryptographic assumptions. In case of the fingerprinting scheme presented here, these are mainly assumptions related to discrete logarithms. The study and analysis of these assumptions is a further focus of this thesis. Based on the first thorough classification of assumptions related to discrete logarithms, this thesis gives novel insights into the relations between these assumptions. In particular, depending on the underlying probability space we present new reuslts on the reducibility between some of these assumptions as well as on their reduction efficency.Die Fortschritte im Bereich der Digitaltechnologien bieten Konsumenten, Urhebern und Anbietern große Potentiale für innovative Geschäftsmodelle zum Handel mit digitalen Gütern und zu deren Nutzung. Das Internet stellt hierbei eine interessante Möglichkeit zum Austausch und zur Verbreitung digitaler Güter dar. Neben vielen Vorteilen kann die Digitaltechnik jedoch auch missbräuchlich eingesetzt werden, wie beispielsweise zur Verletzung von Urheberrechten durch illegale Nutzung und Verbreitung von Inhalten, wodurch involvierten Parteien erhebliche Schäden entstehen können. Der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums hat sich deshalb zu einer der besonderen Herausforderungen unseres Digitalzeitalters entwickelt. Fingerprinting ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie zum Urheberschutz. Sie hat das Ziel, vor illegaler Vervielfältigung und Verteilung digitaler Werke abzuschrecken, indem sie die Identifikation eines Betrügers und das Nachweisen seines Fehlverhaltens ermöglicht. Diese Dissertation liefert als eines ihrer Ergebnisse die erste explizite, sichere und effiziente Konstruktion, welche die Berücksichtigung besonders fortgeschrittener Sicherheitseigenschaften wie Kollusionstoleranz, Asymmetrie, Anonymität und direkte Unabstreitbarkeit erlaubt. Entscheidend für die Sicherheit kryptographischer Systeme ist die präzise Analyse der ihnen zugrunde liegenden kryptographischen Annahmen. Den im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konstruierten Fingerprintingsystemen liegen hauptsächlich kryptographische Annahmen zugrunde, welche auf diskreten Logarithmen basieren. Die Untersuchung dieser Annahmen stellt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation dar. Basierend auf einer hier erstmals in der Literatur vorgenommenen Klassifikation dieser Annahmen werden neue und weitreichende Kenntnisse über deren Zusammenhänge gewonnen. Insbesondere werden, in Abhängigkeit von dem zugrunde liegenden Wahrscheinlichkeitsraum, neue Resultate hinsichtlich der Reduzierbarkeit dieser Annahmen und ihrer Reduktionseffizienz erzielt