567 research outputs found

    Knowledge Elicitation in Deep Learning Models

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    Embora o aprendizado profundo (mais conhecido como deep learning) tenha se tornado uma ferramenta popular na solução de problemas modernos em vários domínios, ele apresenta um desafio significativo - a interpretabilidade. Esta tese percorre um cenário de elicitação de conhecimento em modelos de deep learning, lançando luz sobre a visualização de características, mapas de saliência e técnicas de destilação. Estas técnicas foram aplicadas a duas arquiteturas: redes neurais convolucionais (CNNs) e um modelo de pacote (Google Vision). A nossa investigação forneceu informações valiosas sobre a sua eficácia na elicitação e interpretação do conhecimento codificado. Embora tenham demonstrado potencial, também foram observadas limitações, sugerindo espaço para mais desenvolvimento neste campo. Este trabalho não só realça a necessidade de modelos de deep learning mais transparentes e explicáveis, como também impulsiona o desenvolvimento de técnicas para extrair conhecimento. Trata-se de garantir uma implementação responsável e enfatizar a importância da transparência e compreensão no aprendizado de máquina. Além de avaliar os métodos existentes, esta tese explora também o potencial de combinar múltiplas técnicas para melhorar a interpretabilidade dos modelos de deep learning. Uma mistura de visualização de características, mapas de saliência e técnicas de destilação de modelos foi usada de uma maneira complementar para extrair e interpretar o conhecimento das arquiteturas escolhidas. Os resultados experimentais destacam a utilidade desta abordagem combinada, revelando uma compreensão mais abrangente dos processos de tomada de decisão dos modelos. Além disso, propomos um novo modelo para a elicitação sistemática de conhecimento em deep learning, que integra de forma coesa estes métodos. Este quadro demonstra o valor de uma abordagem holística para a interpretabilidade do modelo, em vez de se basear num único método. Por fim, discutimos as implicações éticas do nosso trabalho. À medida que os modelos de deep learning continuam a permear vários setores, desde a saúde até às finanças, garantir que as suas decisões são explicáveis e justificadas torna-se cada vez mais crucial. A nossa investigação sublinha esta importância, preparando o terreno para a criação de sistemas de inteligência artificial mais transparentes e responsáveis no futuro.Though a buzzword in modern problem-solving across various domains, deep learning presents a significant challenge - interpretability. This thesis journeys through a landscape of knowledge elicitation in deep learning models, shedding light on feature visualization, saliency maps, and model distillation techniques. These techniques were applied to two deep learning architectures: convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and a black box package model (Google Vision). Our investigation provided valuable insights into their effectiveness in eliciting and interpreting the encoded knowledge. While they demonstrated potential, limitations were also observed, suggesting room for further development in this field. This work does not just highlight the need for more transparent, more explainable deep learning models, it gives a gentle nudge to developing innovative techniques to extract knowledge. It is all about ensuring responsible deployment and emphasizing the importance of transparency and comprehension in machine learning. In addition to evaluating existing methods, this thesis also explores the potential for combining multiple techniques to enhance the interpretability of deep learning models. A blend of feature visualization, saliency maps, and model distillation techniques was used in a complementary manner to extract and interpret the knowledge from our chosen architectures. Experimental results highlight the utility of this combined approach, revealing a more comprehensive understanding of the models' decision-making processes. Furthermore, we propose a novel framework for systematic knowledge elicitation in deep learning, which cohesively integrates these methods. This framework showcases the value of a holistic approach toward model interpretability rather than relying on a single method. Lastly, we discuss the ethical implications of our work. As deep learning models continue to permeate various sectors, from healthcare to finance, ensuring their decisions are explainable and justified becomes increasingly crucial. Our research underscores this importance, laying the groundwork for creating more transparent, accountable AI systems in the future

    Usability of the Stylus Pen in Mobile Electronic Documentation

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    Stylus pens are often used with mobile information devices. However, few studies have examined the stylus’ simple movements because the technical expertise to support documentation with stylus pens has not been developed. This study examined the usability of stylus pens in authentic documentation tasks, including three main tasks (sentence, table, and paragraph making) with two types of styluses (touchsmart stylus and mobile stylus) and a traditional pen. The statistical results showed that participants preferred the traditional pen in all criteria. Because of inconvenient hand movements, the mobile stylus was the least preferred on every task. Mobility does not provide any advantage in using the stylus. In addition, the study also found inconvenient hand support using a stylus and different feedback between a stylus and a traditional pen.This study was supported by the Dongguk University Research Fund of 2015. Support for the University Jaume-I (UJI) Robotic Intelligence Laboratory is provided in part by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DPI2011-27846), by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/028) and by Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2014-52)

    Handwriting-Based Gender Classification Using End-to-End Deep Neural Networks

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    Handwriting-based gender classification is a well-researched problem that has been approached mainly by traditional machine learning techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning-based approach for this task. Specifically, we present a convolutional neural network (CNN), which performs automatic feature extraction from a given handwritten image, followed by classification of the writer's gender. Also, we introduce a new dataset of labeled handwritten samples, in Hebrew and English, of 405 participants. Comparing the gender classification accuracy on this dataset against human examiners, our results show that the proposed deep learning-based approach is substantially more accurate than that of humans

    Study of augmentations on historical manuscripts using TrOCR

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    Historical manuscripts are an essential source of original content. For many reasons, it is hard to recognize these manuscripts as text. This thesis used a state-of-the-art Handwritten Text Recognizer, TrOCR, to recognize a 16th-century manuscript. TrOCR uses a vision transformer to encode the input images and a language transformer to decode them back to text. We showed that carefully preprocessed images and designed augmentations can improve the performance of TrOCR. We suggest an ensemble of augmented models to achieve an even better performance

    Improving Usability and Adoption of Tablet-based Electronic Health Record (EHR) Applications

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    abstract: The technological revolution has caused the entire world to migrate to a digital environment and health care is no exception to this. Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are the digital repository for health data of patients. Nation wide efforts have been made by the federal government to promote the usage of EHRs as they have been found to improve quality of health service. Although EHR systems have been implemented almost everywhere, active use of EHR applications have not replaced paper documentation. Rather, they are often used to store transcribed data from paper documentation after each clinical procedure. This process is found to be prone to errors such as data omission, incomplete data documentation and is also time consuming. This research aims to help improve adoption of real-time EHRs usage while documenting data by improving the usability of an iPad based EHR application that is used during resuscitation process in the intensive care unit. Using Cognitive theories and HCI frameworks, this research identified areas of improvement and customizations in the application that were required to exclusively match the work flow of the resuscitation team at the Mayo Clinic. In addition to this, a Handwriting Recognition Engine (HRE) was integrated into the application to support a stylus based information input into EHR, which resembles our target users’ traditional pen and paper based documentation process. The EHR application was updated and then evaluated with end users at the Mayo clinic. The users found the application to be efficient, usable and they showed preference in using this application over the paper-based documentation.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field