14 research outputs found

    Precise Runahead Execution

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Runahead execution improves processor performance by accurately prefetching long-latency memory accesses. When a long-latency load causes the instruction window to fill up and halt the pipeline, the processor enters runahead mode and keeps speculatively executing code to trigger accurate prefetches. A recent improvement tracks the chain of instructions that leads to the long-latency load, stores it in a runahead buffer, and executes only this chain during runahead execution, with the purpose of generating more prefetch requests during runahead execution. Unfortunately, all these prior runahead proposals have shortcomings that limit performance and energy efficiency because they discard the full instruction window to enter runahead mode and then flush the pipeline to restart normal operation. This significantly constrains the performance benefits and increases the energy overhead of runahead execution. In addition, runahead buffer limits prefetch coverage by tracking only a single chain of instructions that lead to the same long-latency load. We propose precise runahead execution (PRE) to mitigate the shortcomings of prior work. PRE leverages the renaming unit to track all the dependency chains leading to long-latency loads. PRE uses a novel approach to manage free processor resources to execute the detected instruction chains in runahead mode without flushing the pipeline. Our results show that PRE achieves an additional 21.1 percent performance improvement over the recent runahead proposals while reducing energy consumption by 6.1 percent.This research is supported through FWO grants no. G.0434.16N and G.0144.17N, and European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant agreement no. 741097.Naithani, A.; Feliu-Pérez, J.; Adileh, A.; Eeckhout, L. (2019). Precise Runahead Execution. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. 18(1):71-74. https://doi.org/10.1109/LCA.2019.2910518S717418

    A distributed processor state management architecture for large-window processors

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    Processor architectures with large instruction windows have been proposed to expose more instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and increase performance. Some of the proposed architectures replace a re-order buffer (ROB) with a check-pointing mechanism and an out-of-order release of processor resources. Check-pointing, however, leads to an imprecise processor state recovery on mis-predicted branches and exceptions and re-execution of correct-path instructions after state recovery. It also requires large register files complicating renaming, allocation and release of physical registers. This paper proposes a new processor architecture called a Multi-State Processor (MSP). The MSP does not use check-pointing, avoids the above-mentioned problems, and has a fast, distributed state recovery mechanism. The MSP uses a novel register management architecture allowing implementation of large register files with simpler and more scalable register allocation, renaming, and release. It is also key to precise processor state recovery mechanism. The MSP is shown to improve IPC by 14%, on average, for integer SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks compared to a check-pointing based mechanism ([2]) when a fast and simple branch predictor is used. With a very aggressive branch predictor the IPC improvement is 1%, on average, and 3% if some of the programs are optimized for the MSP. The MSP also reduces the average number of executed instructions by 16.5% (12% for the aggressive branch predictor), mostly due to precise state recovery. This improves the MSP processor energy efficiency even though it uses a larger register file.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hermes: Accelerating Long-Latency Load Requests via Perceptron-Based Off-Chip Load Prediction

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    Long-latency load requests continue to limit the performance of high-performance processors. To increase the latency tolerance of a processor, architects have primarily relied on two key techniques: sophisticated data prefetchers and large on-chip caches. In this work, we show that: 1) even a sophisticated state-of-the-art prefetcher can only predict half of the off-chip load requests on average across a wide range of workloads, and 2) due to the increasing size and complexity of on-chip caches, a large fraction of the latency of an off-chip load request is spent accessing the on-chip cache hierarchy. The goal of this work is to accelerate off-chip load requests by removing the on-chip cache access latency from their critical path. To this end, we propose a new technique called Hermes, whose key idea is to: 1) accurately predict which load requests might go off-chip, and 2) speculatively fetch the data required by the predicted off-chip loads directly from the main memory, while also concurrently accessing the cache hierarchy for such loads. To enable Hermes, we develop a new lightweight, perceptron-based off-chip load prediction technique that learns to identify off-chip load requests using multiple program features (e.g., sequence of program counters). For every load request, the predictor observes a set of program features to predict whether or not the load would go off-chip. If the load is predicted to go off-chip, Hermes issues a speculative request directly to the memory controller once the load's physical address is generated. If the prediction is correct, the load eventually misses the cache hierarchy and waits for the ongoing speculative request to finish, thus hiding the on-chip cache hierarchy access latency from the critical path of the off-chip load. Our evaluation shows that Hermes significantly improves performance of a state-of-the-art baseline. We open-source Hermes.Comment: To appear in 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 202

    Symbiotic Subordinate Threading (SST)

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    Integration of multiple processor cores on a single die, relatively constant die sizes, increasing memory latencies, and emerging new applications create new challenges and opportunities for processor architects. How to build a multi-core processor that provides high single-thread performance while enabling high throughput through multi-programming? Conventional approaches for high single-thread performance use a large instruction window for memory latency tolerance, which requires large and complex cores. However, to be able to integrate more cores on the same die for high throughput, cores must be simpler and smaller. We present an architecture that obtains high performance for single-threaded applications in a multi-core environment, while using simpler cores to meet the high throughput requirement. Our scheme, called Symbiotic Subordinate Threading (SST), achieves the benefits of a large instruction window by utilizing otherwise idle cores to run dynamically constructed subordinate threads (a.k.a. {\em helper threads}) for the individual threads running on the active cores. In our proposed execution paradigm, the subordinate thread fetches and pre-processes instruction streams and retires processed instructions into a buffer for the main thread to consume. The subordinate thread executes a smaller version of the program executed by the main thread. As a result, it runs far ahead to warm up the data caches and fix branch miss-predictions for the main thread. In-flight instructions are present in the subordinate thread, the buffer, and the main thread, forming a very large effective instruction window for single-thread out-of-order execution. Moreover, using a simple technique of identifying the subordinate thread non-speculative results, the main thread can integrate the subordinate thread's non-speculative results directly into its state without having to execute their corresponding instructions. In this way, the main thread is sped up because it also executes a smaller version of the program, and the total number of instructions executed is minimized, thereby achieving an efficient utilization of the hardware resources. The proposed SST architecture does not require large register files, issue queues, load/store queues, or reorder buffers. In addition, it incurs only minor hardware additions/changes. Experimental results show remarkable latency-hiding capabilities of the proposed SST architecture, outperforming existing architectures that share similar high-level microarchitecture

    Affordable kilo-instruction processors

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    Diversos motius expliquen l'estancament en el que es troba el desenvolupament del processador tradicional dissenyat per maximitzar el rendiment d'un únic fil d'execució. Per una banda, técniques agressives com la supersegmentacó del camí de dades o l'execució fora d'ordre tenen un impacte molt negatiu sobre el consum de potència i la complexitat del disseny. Altrament, l'increment en la freqüència del processador augmenta la discrepància entre la velocitat del processador i el temps d'accés a memòria principal. Tot i que les memòries cau redueixen considerablement el nombre d'accessos a memòria principal, aquests accessos introdueixen latencies prou grans per reduir considerablement el rendiment. Tècniques convencionals com l'execució fora d'ordre, útils per ocultar accessos a les memòries cau de 2on nivell, no estan pensades per ocultar latències tan grans. Caldrien cues amb mides de centenars d'instruccions i milers de registres per tal de no interrompre l'execució en el moment de produir-se un accés a memòria principal. Desafortunadament, la tecnologia disponible no és eficient per implementar aquestes estructures monolíticament, doncs resultaria un temps d'accés molt elevat, un consum de potència igualment elevat i un àrea no menyspreable. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat tècniques que permeten l'implementació d'un processador amb capacitat per continuar processant instruccions en el cas de que es produeixin accessos a memòria principal. Les condicions per a que aquest processador sigui implementable són que estigui basat en estructures de mida convencional i que tingui una unitat de control senzilla. El repte es troba en conciliar un model de processador distribuït amb un control senzill. El problema del disseny del processador s'ha enfocat observant el comportament d'un processador de recursos infinits. S'ha observat que l'execució segueix uns patrons molt interessants, basats en la localitat d'execució. En aplicacions numèriques s'observa que més del 70% de les instruccions no depenen de accessos a memòria principal. Aixó és molt important doncs mostra que sempre hi ha una porció important d'instruccions executables poc després de la decodificació. Aixó permet proposar un nou tipus de processador amb dues unitats d'execució. La primera unitat (el "Cache Processor") processa a alta velocitat instruccions independents de memòria principal. La segona unitat ("Memory Processor") processa les instruccions dependents de accessos a memòria principal, pero de forma molt més relaxada, cosa que li permet mantenir milers de instruccions en vol. Aquesta proposta rep el nom de Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP) i té forces avantatges: per un costat permet la construcció d'un kilo-instruction processor basat en estructures convencionals i per l'altre simplifica el disseny ja que minimitza les interaccions entre ambdos unitats d'execució.En aquesta tesi es proposen dos implementacions de processadors desacoblats: el D-KIP original, i el Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). Sobre aquestes propostes s'analitza el rendiment i es compara amb altres tècniques que incrementan el parallelisme de memoria, com el prefetching o l'execució "runahead". D'aquesta avaluació es desprén que el processador FMC té un rendiment similar al de un processador convencional amb una finestra de 1500 instruccions en vol. Posteriorment s'analitza l'integració del FMC en entorns multicore/multiprogrammats. La tesi es completa amb la proposta d'una cua de loads i stores (LSQ) per a aquest tipus de processador.Several motives explain the slowdown of high-performance single-thread processor development. On the one hand, aggressive techniques such as superpipelining or out-of-order execution have a considerable impact on power consumption and design complexity. On the other hand, the increment in processor frequencies has led to a large disparity between processor speed and memory access time. Although cache memories considerably reduce the number of accesses to main memory, the remaining accesses introduce latencies large enough to considerably decrease performance. Conventional techniques such as out-of-order execution, while effective in hiding L2 cache accesses, cannot hide latencies this large. Queues of hundreds of entries and thousands of registers would be necessary in order to prevent execution from stalling in the event of a L2 cache miss. Unfortunately, current technology cannot efficiently implement such structures monolithically, as access latencies would considerably increase, as would power consumption and area consumption.In this thesis we studied techniques that allow the processor to continue processing instructions in the event of main memory accesses. The conditions for such a processor to be implementable are that it should be based on structures of conventional size and that it should feature simple control logic. The challenge lies in being able to design a distributed processor with simple control. The design of this processor has been approached by analyzing the behavior of a processor with infinite resources. We have observed that execution follows a very interesting pattern based on execution locality. In numerical codes we observed that over 70% of all instructions do not depend on memory accesses. This is interesting since it shows that there is always a large portion of instructions that can be executed shortly after decode. This allows us to propose a new kind of processor with two execution units. The first unit, the Cache Processor, processes memory-independent instructions at high speed. The second unit, the Memory Processor, processes instructions that depend on main memory accesses, but using relaxed scheduling logic, which allows it to scale to thousands of in-flight instructions. This proposal, which receives the name of Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP), has several advantages. On the one hand it allows the construction of a kilo-instruction processor based on conventional structures and, on the other hand, it simplifies the design as the interaction between both execution units is minimal. In this thesis two implementations for this kind of processor are presented: the original D-KIP and the Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). The performance of these proposals is analyzed and compared to other proposals that increase memory-level parallelism, such as prefetching or runahead execution. It is observed that the FMC processor performs at the same level of a conventional processor with a window of around 1500 instructions. Further, the integration of the FMC processor into a multicore/multiprogrammed environment is studied. This thesis concludes with the proposal of a two-level Load/Store Queue for this kind of processor

    Speculative Vectorization for Superscalar Processors

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    Traditional vector architectures have been shown to be very effective in executing regular codes in which the compiler can detect data-level parallelism, i.e. repeating the same computation over different elements in the same code-level data structure.A skilled programmer can easily create efficient vector code from regular applications. Unfortunately, this vectorization can be difficult if applications are not regular or if the programmer does not have an exact knowledge of the underlying architecture. The compiler has a partial knowledge of the program (i.e. it has a limited knowledge of the values of the variables). Because of this, it generates code that is safe for any possible scenario according to its knowledge, and thus, it may lose significant opportunities to exploit SIMD parallelism. In addition to this, we have the problem of legacy codes that have been compiled for former versions of the ISA with no SIMD extensions, which are therefore not able to exploit new SIMD extensions incorporated into newer ISA versions.In this dissertation, we will describe a mechanism that is able to detect and exploit DLP at runtime by speculatively creating vector instructions for prefetching and precomputing data for future instances of their scalar counterparts. This process will be called Speculative Dynamic Vectorization.A more in-depth study of this technique reveals a very positive characteristic: the mechanism can easily be tailored to alleviate the main drawbacks of current superscalar processors, particularly branch mispredictions and the memory gap. In this dissertation, we will describe how to rearrange the basic Speculative Dynamic Vectorization mechanism to alleviate the branch misprediction penalty based on reusing control-flow independent instructions. The memory gap problem will be addressed with a set of mechanisms that exploit the stall cycles due to L2 misses in order to virtually enlarge the instruction window.Finally, more refinements of the basic Speculative Dynamic Vectorization mechanism will be presented to improve its performance at a reasonable cost.Los procesadores vectoriales han demostrado ser muy eficientes ejecutando códigos regulares en los que el compilador ha detectado Paralelismo a Nivel de Datos. Este paralelismo consiste en repetir los mismos cálculos en diferentes elementos de la misma estructura de alto nivel.Un programador avanzado puede crear código vectorial eficiente para aplicaciones regulares. Por desgracia, esta vectorización puede llegar a ser compleja en aplicaciones regulares o si el programador no tiene suficiente conocimiento de la arquitectura sobre la que se va a ejecutar la aplicación.El compilador tiene un conocimiento parcial del programa. Debido a esto, genera código que se puede ejecutar sin problemas en cualquier escenario según su conocimiento y, por tanto, puede perder oportunidades de explotar el paralelismo SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data). Además, existe el problema de los códigos de legado que han sido compilados con versiones anteriores del juego de instrucciones que no disponían de instrucciones SIMD lo cual hace que no se pueda explotar las extensiones SIMD de las nuevas versiones de los juegos de instrucciones.En esta tesis se presentará un mecanismo capaz de detectar y explotar, en tiempo de ejecución, el paralelismo a nivel de datos mediante la creación especulativa de instrucciones vectoriales que prebusquen y precomputen valores para futuras instancias de instrucciones escalares. Este proceso se llamará Vectorización Dinámica Especulativa.Un estudio más profundo de esta técnica conducirá a una conclusión muy importante: este mecanismo puede ser fácilmente modificado para aliviar algunos de los problemas más importantes de los procesadores superescalares. Estos problemas son: los fallos de predicción de saltos y el gap entre procesador y memoria. En esta tesis describiremos como modificar el mecanismo básico de Vectorización Dinámica Especulativa para reducir la penalización de rendimiento producida por los fallos de predicción de saltos mediante el reuso de datos de instrucciones independientes de control. Además, se presentará un conjunto de técnicas que explotan los ciclos de bloqueo del procesador debidos a un fallo en la cache de segundo nivel mediante un agrandamiento virtual de la ventana de instrucciones. Esto reducirá la penalización del problema del gap entre procesador y memoria.Finalmente, se presentarán refinamientos del mecanismo básico de Vectorización Dinámica Especulativa enfocados a mejorar el rendimiento de éste a un bajo coste

    Reusing cached schedules in an out-of-order processor with in-order issue logic

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    Modern processors use out-of-order processing logic to achieve high performance in Instructions Per Cycle (IPC) but this logic has a serious impact on the achievable frequency. In order to get better performance out of smaller transistors there is a trend to increase the number of cores per die instead of making the cores themselves bigger. Moreover, for throughput-oriented and server workloads, simpler in-order processors that allow more cores per die and higher design frequencies are becoming the preferred choice. Unfortunately, for other workloads this type of cores result in a lower single thread performance. There are many workloads where it is still important to achieve good single thread performance. In this thesis we present the ReLaSch processor. Its aim is to enable high IPC cores capable of running at high clock frequencies by processing the instructions using simple superscalar in-order issue logic and caching instruction groups that are dynamically scheduled in hardware after commit, that is, out of the critical path and only when really needed. Objective This thesis has several research goals: • Show that the dynamic scheduler of a conventional out-of-order processor does a lot of redundant work because it ignores the repetitiveness of code. • Propose a complete superscalar out-of-order architecture that reduces the amount of redundant work done by creating the schedules once in dedicated hardware, storing them in a cache of schedules and reusing the schedules as much as possible. • Place the scheduler out of the critical path of execution, which should be enabled by the reduction of work that it must do. Thus, the execution path of our proposed processor can be simpler than that of a conventional out-of-order processor. Proposal and results We present the \textbf{ReLaSch} processor, named after Reused Late Schedules, in which the creation of issue-groups is removed from the critical path of execution and uses a simple and small in-order issue logic. It just wakes-up and selects the instructions of a single issue-group each cycle, instead of processing the instructions of a whole issue queue. A new logic at the end of the conventional pipeline schedules the committed instructions. The new scheduler can be complex since it is not in the critical path of execution. The schedules are cached and whenever it is possible an rgroup is read and its instructions executed. The schedules are reused, lowering the pressure on the scheduling logic. In some cases, the ReLaSch processor is able to outperform a conventional out-of-order processor, because the post-commit scheduler has a broader vision of the code. For instance, while ReLaSch can schedule together two independent instructions that are distant in the code, a conventional out-oforder processor only issues them in the same cycle if both are in-flight. The ReLaSch processor predicts the branch targets, memory aliases and latencies at scheduling time, out of the critical path. The prediction is based on the most recent executions at scheduling time. Furthermore, most of the register renaming process is performed by the scheduler and is removed from the execution pipeline. Our experiments show that ReLaSch has the same average IPC as our reference out-of-order processor and is clearly better than the reference inorder processor (1.55 speed-up). In all cases it outperforms the in-order processor and in 23 benchmarks out of 40 it has a higher IPC than the reference out-of-order processor