12,066 research outputs found

    Bipartite powers of k-chordal graphs

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    Let k be an integer and k \geq 3. A graph G is k-chordal if G does not have an induced cycle of length greater than k. From the definition it is clear that 3-chordal graphs are precisely the class of chordal graphs. Duchet proved that, for every positive integer m, if G^m is chordal then so is G^{m+2}. Brandst\"adt et al. in [Andreas Brandst\"adt, Van Bang Le, and Thomas Szymczak. Duchet-type theorems for powers of HHD-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 177(1-3):9-16, 1997.] showed that if G^m is k-chordal, then so is G^{m+2}. Powering a bipartite graph does not preserve its bipartitedness. In order to preserve the bipartitedness of a bipartite graph while powering Chandran et al. introduced the notion of bipartite powering. This notion was introduced to aid their study of boxicity of chordal bipartite graphs. Given a bipartite graph G and an odd positive integer m, we define the graph G^{[m]} to be a bipartite graph with V(G^{[m]})=V(G) and E(G^{[m]})={(u,v) | u,v \in V(G), d_G(u,v) is odd, and d_G(u,v) \leq m}. The graph G^{[m]} is called the m-th bipartite power of G. In this paper we show that, given a bipartite graph G, if G is k-chordal then so is G^{[m]}, where k, m are positive integers such that k \geq 4 and m is odd.Comment: 10 page

    On powers of interval graphs and their orders

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    It was proved by Raychaudhuri in 1987 that if a graph power Gk−1G^{k-1} is an interval graph, then so is the next power GkG^k. This result was extended to mm-trapezoid graphs by Flotow in 1995. We extend the statement for interval graphs by showing that any interval representation of Gk−1G^{k-1} can be extended to an interval representation of GkG^k that induces the same left endpoint and right endpoint orders. The same holds for unit interval graphs. We also show that a similar fact does not hold for trapezoid graphs.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. It has come to our attention that Theorem 1, the main result of this note, follows from earlier results of [G. Agnarsson, P. Damaschke and M. M. Halldorsson. Powers of geometric intersection graphs and dispersion algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics 132(1-3):3-16, 2003]. This version is updated accordingl

    Linear-time algorithms for scattering number and Hamilton-connectivity of interval graphs.

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    We prove that for all inline image an interval graph is inline image-Hamilton-connected if and only if its scattering number is at most k. This complements a previously known fact that an interval graph has a nonnegative scattering number if and only if it contains a Hamilton cycle, as well as a characterization of interval graphs with positive scattering numbers in terms of the minimum size of a path cover. We also give an inline image time algorithm for computing the scattering number of an interval graph with n vertices and m edges, which improves the previously best-known inline image time bound for solving this problem. As a consequence of our two results, the maximum k for which an interval graph is k-Hamilton-connected can be computed in inline image time

    Hadwiger's conjecture for 3-arc graphs

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    The 3-arc graph of a digraph DD is defined to have vertices the arcs of DD such that two arcs uv,xyuv, xy are adjacent if and only if uvuv and xyxy are distinct arcs of DD with v≠xv\ne x, y≠uy\ne u and u,xu,x adjacent. We prove that Hadwiger's conjecture holds for 3-arc graphs

    A connection between circular colorings and periodic schedules

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    AbstractWe show that there is a curious connection between circular colorings of edge-weighted digraphs and periodic schedules of timed marked graphs. Circular coloring of an edge-weighted digraph was introduced by Mohar [B. Mohar, Circular colorings of edge-weighted graphs, J. Graph Theory 43 (2003) 107–116]. This kind of coloring is a very natural generalization of several well-known graph coloring problems including the usual circular coloring [X. Zhu, Circular chromatic number: A survey, Discrete Math. 229 (2001) 371–410] and the circular coloring of vertex-weighted graphs [W. Deuber, X. Zhu, Circular coloring of weighted graphs, J. Graph Theory 23 (1996) 365–376]. Timed marked graphs G→ [R.M. Karp, R.E. Miller, Properties of a model for parallel computations: Determinancy, termination, queuing, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 14 (1966) 1390–1411] are used, in computer science, to model the data movement in parallel computations, where a vertex represents a task, an arc uv with weight cuv represents a data channel with communication cost, and tokens on arc uv represent the input data of task vertex v. Dynamically, if vertex u operates at time t, then u removes one token from each of its in-arc; if uv is an out-arc of u, then at time t+cuv vertex u places one token on arc uv. Computer scientists are interested in designing, for each vertex u, a sequence of time instants {fu(1),fu(2),fu(3),
} such that vertex u starts its kth operation at time fu(k) and each in-arc of u contains at least one token at that time. The set of functions {fu:u∈V(G→)} is called a schedule of G→. Computer scientists are particularly interested in periodic schedules. Given a timed marked graph G→, they ask if there exist a period p>0 and real numbers xu such that G→ has a periodic schedule of the form fu(k)=xu+p(k−1) for each vertex u and any positive integer k. In this note we demonstrate an unexpected connection between circular colorings and periodic schedules. The aim of this note is to provide a possibility of translating problems and methods from one area of graph coloring to another area of computer science
