18 research outputs found

    Double Negation Semantics for Generalisations of Heyting Algebras

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    This paper presents an algebraic framework for investigating proposed translations of classical logic into intuitionistic logic, such as the four negative translations introduced by Kolmogorov, Gödel, Gentzen and Glivenko. We view these as variant semantics and present a semantic formulation of Troelstra’s syntactic criteria for a satisfactory negative translation. We consider how each of the above-mentioned translation schemes behaves on two generalisations of Heyting algebras: bounded pocrims and bounded hoops. When a translation fails for a particular class of algebras, we demonstrate that failure via specific finite examples. Using these, we prove that the syntactic version of these translations will fail to satisfy Troelstra’s criteria in the corresponding substructural logical setting

    The variety generated by all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains

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    We present the logic BL_Chang, an axiomatic extension of BL (see P. H\'ajek - Metamathematics of fuzzy logic - 1998, Kluwer) whose corresponding algebras form the smallest variety containing all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains. We will analyze this logic and the corresponding algebraic semantics in the propositional and in the first-order case. As we will see, moreover, the variety of BL_Chang-algebras will be strictly connected to the one generated by Chang's MV-algebra (that is, the variety generated by all the perfect MV-algebras): we will also give some new results concerning these last structures and their logic.Comment: This is a revised version of the previous paper: the modifications concern essentially the presentation. The scientific content is substantially unchanged. The major variations are: Definition 2.7 has been improved. Section 3.1 has been made more compact. A new reference, [Bus04], has been added. There is some minor modification in Section 3.

    Studying Algebraic Structures Using Prover9 and Mace4

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    In this chapter we present a case study, drawn from our research work, on the application of a fully automated theorem prover together with an automatic counter-example generator in the investigation of a class of algebraic structures. We will see that these tools, when combined with human insight and traditional algebraic methods, help us to explore the problem space quickly and effectively. The counter-example generator rapidly rules out many false conjectures, while the theorem prover is often much more efficient than a human being at verifying algebraic identities. The specific tools in our case study are Prover9 and Mace4; the algebraic structures are generalisations of Heyting algebras known as hoops. We will see how this approach helped us to discover new theorems and to find new or improved proofs of known results. We also make some suggestions for how one might deploy these tools to supplement a more conventional approach to teaching algebra.Comment: 21 pages, to appear as Chapter 5 in "Proof Technology in Mathematics Research and Teaching", Mathematics Education in the Digital Era 14, edited by G. Hanna et al. (eds.), published by Springe

    On Affine Logic and {\L}ukasiewicz Logic

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    The multi-valued logic of {\L}ukasiewicz is a substructural logic that has been widely studied and has many interesting properties. It is classical, in the sense that it admits the axiom schema of double negation, [DNE]. However, our understanding of {\L}ukasiewicz logic can be improved by separating its classical and intuitionistic aspects. The intuitionistic aspect of {\L}ukasiewicz logic is captured in an axiom schema, [CWC], which asserts the commutativity of a weak form of conjunction. This is equivalent to a very restricted form of contraction. We show how {\L}ukasiewicz Logic can be viewed both as an extension of classical affine logic with [CWC], or as an extension of what we call \emph{intuitionistic} {\L}ukasiewicz logic with [DNE], intuitionistic {\L}ukasiewicz logic being the extension of intuitionistic affine logic by the schema [CWC]. At first glance, intuitionistic affine logic seems very weak, but, in fact, [CWC] is surprisingly powerful, implying results such as intuitionistic analogues of De Morgan's laws. However the proofs can be very intricate. We present these results using derived connectives to clarify and motivate the proofs and give several applications. We give an analysis of the applicability to these logics of the well-known methods that use negation to translate classical logic into intuitionistic logic. The usual proofs of correctness for these translations make much use of contraction. Nonetheless, we show that all the usual negative translations are already correct for intuitionistic {\L}ukasiewicz logic, where only the limited amount of contraction given by [CWC] is allowed. This is in contrast with affine logic for which we show, by appeal to results on semantics proved in a companion paper, that both the Gentzen and the Glivenko translations fail.Comment: 28 page

    An algebraic study of residuated ordered monoids and logics without exchange and contraction.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.Please refer to the thesis for the abstract

    Projectivity in (bounded) integral residuated lattices

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    In this paper we study projective algebras in varieties of (bounded) commutative integral residuated lattices from an algebraic (as opposed to categorical) point of view. In particular we use a well-established construction in residuated lattices: the ordinal sum. Its interaction with divisibility makes our results have a better scope in varieties of divisibile commutative integral residuated lattices, and it allows us to show that many such varieties have the property that every finitely presented algebra is projective. In particular, we obtain results on (Stonean) Heyting algebras, certain varieties of hoops, and product algebras. Moreover, we study varieties with a Boolean retraction term, showing for instance that in a variety with a Boolean retraction term all finite Boolean algebras are projective. Finally, we connect our results with the theory of Unification