213 research outputs found

    Advancing Pattern Recognition Techniques for Brain-Computer Interfaces: Optimizing Discriminability, Compactness, and Robustness

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    In dieser Dissertation formulieren wir drei zentrale Zielkriterien zur systematischen Weiterentwicklung der Mustererkennung moderner Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Darauf aufbauend wird ein Rahmenwerk zur Mustererkennung von BCIs entwickelt, das die drei Zielkriterien durch einen neuen Optimierungsalgorithmus vereint. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir die erfolgreiche Umsetzung unseres Ansatzes für zwei innovative BCI Paradigmen, für die es bisher keine etablierte Mustererkennungsmethodik gibt

    Characterization of Language Cortex Activity During Speech Production and Perception

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    Millions of people around the world suffer from severe neuromuscular disorders such as spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and others. Many of these individuals cannot perform daily tasks without assistance and depend on caregivers, which adversely impacts their quality of life. A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is technology that aims to give these people the ability to interact with their environment and communicate with the outside world. Many recent studies have attempted to decode spoken and imagined speech directly from brain signals toward the development of a natural-speech BCI. However, the current progress has not reached practical application. An approach to improve the performance of this technology is to better understand the underlying speech processes in the brain for further optimization of existing models. In order to extend research in this direction, this thesis aims to characterize and decode the auditory and articulatory features from the motor cortex using the electrocorticogram (ECoG). Consonants were chosen as auditory representations, and both places of articulation and manners of articulation were chosen as articulatory representations. The auditory and articulatory representations were decoded at different time lags with respect to the speech onset to determine optimal temporal decoding parameters. In addition, this work explores the role of the temporal lobe during speech production directly from ECoG signals. A novel decoding model using temporal lobe activity was developed to predict a spectral representation of the speech envelope during speech production. This new knowledge may be used to enhance existing speech-based BCI systems, which will offer a more natural communication modality. In addition, the work contributes to the field of speech neurophysiology by providing a better understanding of speech processes in the brain

    Toward an Imagined Speech-Based Brain Computer Interface Using EEG Signals

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    Individuals with physical disabilities face difficulties in communication. A number of neuromuscular impairments could limit people from using available communication aids, because such aids require some degree of muscle movement. This makes brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) a potentially promising alternative communication technology for these people. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals are commonly used in BCI systems to capture non-invasively the neural representations of intended, internal and imagined activities that are not physically or verbally evident. Examples include motor and speech imagery activities. Since 2006, researchers have become increasingly interested in classifying different types of imagined speech from EEG signals. However, the field still has a limited understanding of several issues, including experiment design, stimulus type, training, calibration and the examined features. The main aim of the research in this thesis is to advance automatic recognition of imagined speech using EEG signals by addressing a variety of issues that have not been solved in previous studies. These include (1)improving the discrimination between imagined speech versus non-speech tasks, (2) examining temporal parameters to optimise the recognition of imagined words and (3) providing a new feature extraction framework for improving EEG-based imagined speech recognition by considering temporal information after reducing within-session temporal non-stationarities. For the discrimination of speech versus non-speech, EEG data was collected during the imagination of randomly presented and semantically varying words. The non-speech tasks involved attention to visual stimuli and resting. Time-domain and spatio-spectral features were examined in different time intervals. Above-chance-level classification accuracies were achieved for each word and for groups of words compared to the non-speech tasks. To classify imagined words, EEG data related to the imagination of five words was collected. In addition to words classification, the impacts of experimental parameters on classification accuracy were examined. The optimization of these parameters is important to improve the rate and speed of recognizing unspoken speech in on-line applications. These parameters included using different training sizes, classification algorithms, feature extraction in different time intervals and the use of imagination time length as classification feature. Our extensive results showed that Random Forest classifier with features extracted using Discrete Wavelet Transform from 4 seconds fixed time frame EEG yielded that highest average classification of 87.93% in classification of five imagined words. To minimise within class temporal variations, a novel feature extraction framework based on dynamic time warping (DTW) was developed. Using linear discriminant analysis as the classifier, the proposed framework yielded an average 72.02% accuracy in the classification of imagined speech versus silence and 52.5% accuracy in the classification of five words. These results significantly outperformed a baseline configuration of state-of-the art time-domain features

    Leveraging Spatiotemporal Relationships of High-frequency Activation in Human Electrocorticographic Recordings for Speech Brain-Computer-Interface

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    Speech production is one of the most intricate yet natural human behaviors and is most keenly appreciated when it becomes difficult or impossible; as is the case for patients suffering from locked-in syndrome. Burgeoning understanding of the various cortical representations of language has brought into question the viability of a speech neuroprosthesis using implanted electrodes. The temporal resolution of intracranial electrophysiological recordings, frequently billed as a great asset of electrocorticography (ECoG), has actually been a hindrance as speech decoders have struggled to take advantage of this timing information. There have been few demonstrations of how well a speech neuroprosthesis will realistically generalize across contexts when constructed using causal feature extraction and language models that can be applied and adapted in real-time. The research detailed in this dissertation aims primarily to characterize the spatiotemporal relationships of high frequency activity across ECoG arrays during word production. Once identified, these relationships map to motor and semantic representations of speech through the use of algorithms and classifiers that rapidly quantify these relationships in single-trials. The primary hypothesis put forward by this dissertation is that the onset, duration and temporal profile of high frequency activity in ECoG recordings is a useful feature for speech decoding. These features have rarely been used in state-of-the-art speech decoders, which tend to produce output from instantaneous high frequency power across cortical sites, or rely upon precise behavioral time-locking to take advantage of high frequency activity at several time-points relative to behavioral onset times. This hypothesis was examined in three separate studies. First, software was created that rapidly characterizes spatiotemporal relationships of neural features. Second, semantic representations of speech were examined using these spatiotemporal features. Finally, utterances were discriminated in single-trials with low latency and high accuracy using spatiotemporal matched filters in a neural keyword-spotting paradigm. Outcomes from this dissertation inform implant placement for a human speech prosthesis and provide the scientific and methodological basis to motivate further research of an implant specifically for speech-based brain-computer-interfaces
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