20 research outputs found

    Tools for Reasoning about Effectful Declarative Programs

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    In the pure functional language Haskell, nearly all side-effects that a function can produce have to be noted in its type. This includes input/output, propagation of a state, and nondeterminism. If no side-effects are noted, such a function acts like a mathematical function, i.e., mapping arguments to unique results. In that case, expressions in a program can be reasoned about like mathematical expressions. In addition to this socalled equational reasoning, the type system also enables type based reasoning. One example are free theorems - equations between expressions that are true only due to the types of the expressions involved. Some such statements serve as formal justification for optimization strategies in compilers. The thesis at hand investigates two generalizations of such methods for programs not free of side-effects, i.e., effectful programs. First, effectful traversals of data structures are being studied. The most important contribution in this part is that a data structure can be lawfully traversed if, and only if, it is isomorphic to a polynomial functor. This result links the widespread interface of traversing to a clear intuition regarding the structure and behavior of the data type. Furthermore, tools are presented facilitating convenient proofs about effectful traversals. Second, free theorems for the functional-logic language Curry are derived. Due to the close relationship between both languages, Curry can be understood as Haskell with built-in nondeterminism, i.e., a built-in side-effect. Equational and type based reasoning can both be adapted to Curry to a certain degree. In particular, short cut fusion - a very fertile runtime optimization - is enabled for Curry

    Selective Strictness and Parametricity in Structural Operational Semantics, Inequationally

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    Parametric polymorphism constrains the behavior of pure functional pro-grams in a way that allows the derivation of interesting theorems about them solely from their types, i.e., virtually for free. The formal background of such ‘free theorems’ is well developed for extensions of the Girard-Reynolds polymorphic lambda calculus by algebraic datatypes and general recursion, provided the resulting calculus is endowed with either a purely strict or a purely nonstrict semantics. But modern functional languages like Clean and Haskell, while using nonstrict evaluation by default, also provide means to enforce strict evaluation of subcomputations at will. The resulting selective strictness gives the advanced programmer explicit control over evaluation order, but is not without semantic consequences: it breaks standard parametricity results. This paper develops an operational semantics for a core calculus supporting all the language features emphasized above. Its main achievement is the characterization of observational approximation with respect to this operational semantics via a carefully constructed logical relation. This establishes the formal basis for new parametricity results, as illustrated by several example applications, including the first complete correctness proof for short cut fusion in the presence of selective strictness. The focus on observational approximation, rather than equivalence, allows a finer-grained analysis of computational behavior in the presence of selective strictness than would be possible with observational equivalence alone

    A Convenient Category of Domains

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    We motivate and define a category of "topological domains", whose objects are certain topological spaces, generalising the usual omegaomega-continuous dcppos of domain theory. Our category supports all the standard constructions of domain theory, including the solution of recursive domain equations. It also supports the construction of free algebras for (in)equational theories, provides a model of parametric polymorphism, and can be used as the basis for a theory of computability. This answers a question of Gordon Plotkin, who asked whether it was possible to construct a category of domains combining such properties

    Applicative Bidirectional Programming with Lenses

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    A bidirectional transformation is a pair of mappings between source and view data objects, one in each direction. When the view is modified, the source is updated accordingly with respect to some laws. One way to reduce the development and maintenance effort of bidirectional transformations is to have specialized languages in which the resulting programs are bidirectional by construction---giving rise to the paradigm of bidirectional programming. In this paper, we develop a framework for applicative-style and higher-order bidirectional programming, in which we can write bidirectional transformations as unidirectional programs in standard functional languages, opening up access to the bundle of language features previously only available to conventional unidirectional languages. Our framework essentially bridges two very different approaches of bidirectional programming, namely the lens framework and Voigtlander’s semantic bidirectionalization, creating a new programming style that is able to bag benefits from both

    Reducibility and TT-lifting for computation types

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    Abstract. We propose ⊤⊤-lifting as a technique for extending operational predicates to Moggi’s monadic computation types, independent of the choice of monad. We demonstrate the method with an application to Girard-Tait reducibility, using this to prove strong normalisation for the computational metalanguage λml. The particular challenge with reducibility is to apply this semantic notion at computation types when the exact meaning of “computation ” (stateful, side-effecting, nondeterministic, etc.) is left unspecified. Our solution is to define reducibility for continuations and use that to support the jump from value types to computation types. The method appears robust: we apply it to show strong normalisation for the computational metalanguage extended with sums, and with exceptions. Based on these results, as well as previous work with local state, we suggest that this “leap-frog ” approach offers a general method for raising concepts defined at value types up to observable properties of computations.

    Engineering formal systems in constructive type theory

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    This thesis presents a practical methodology for formalizing the meta-theory of formal systems with binders and coinductive relations in constructive type theory. While constructive type theory offers support for reasoning about formal systems built out of inductive definitions, support for syntax with binders and coinductive relations is lacking. We provide this support. We implement syntax with binders using well-scoped de Bruijn terms and parallel substitutions. We solve substitution lemmas automatically using the rewriting theory of the -calculus. We present the Autosubst library to automate our approach in the proof assistant Coq. Our approach to coinductive relations is based on an inductive tower construction, which is a type-theoretic form of transfinite induction. The tower construction allows us to reduce coinduction to induction. This leads to a symmetric treatment of induction and coinduction and allows us to give a novel construction of the companion of a monotone function on a complete lattice. We demonstrate our methods with a series of case studies. In particular, we present a proof of type preservation for CC!, a proof of weak and strong normalization for System F, a proof that systems of weakly guarded equations have unique solutions in CCS, and a compiler verification for a compiler from a non-deterministic language into a deterministic language. All technical results in the thesis are formalized in Coq.In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir praktische Techniken um Formale Systeme mit Bindern und koinduktiven Relationen in Konstruktiver Typtheorie zu implementieren. Während Konstruktive Typtheorie bereits gute Unterstützung für Induktive Definition bietet, gibt es momentan kaum Unterstützung für syntaktische Systeme mit Bindern, oder koinduktiven Definitionen. Wir kodieren Syntax mit Bindern in Typtheorie mit einer de Bruijn Darstellung und zeigen alle Substitutionslemmas durch Termersetzung mit dem -Kalkül. Wir präsentieren die Autosubst Bibliothek, die unseren Ansatz im Beweisassistenten Coq implementiert. Für koinduktive Relationen verwenden wir eine induktive Turmkonstruktion, welche das typtheoretische Analog zur Transfiniten Induktion darstellt. Auf diese Art erhalten wir neue Beweisprinzipien für Koinduktion und eine neue Konstruktion von Pous’ “companion” einer monotonen Funktion auf einem vollständigen Verband. Wir validieren unsere Methoden an einer Reihe von Fallstudien. Alle technischen Ergebnisse in dieser Dissertation sind mit Coq formalisiert