2,038 research outputs found

    MixUp as Locally Linear Out-Of-Manifold Regularization

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    MixUp is a recently proposed data-augmentation scheme, which linearly interpolates a random pair of training examples and correspondingly the one-hot representations of their labels. Training deep neural networks with such additional data is shown capable of significantly improving the predictive accuracy of the current art. The power of MixUp, however, is primarily established empirically and its working and effectiveness have not been explained in any depth. In this paper, we develop an understanding for MixUp as a form of "out-of-manifold regularization", which imposes certain "local linearity" constraints on the model's input space beyond the data manifold. This analysis enables us to identify a limitation of MixUp, which we call "manifold intrusion". In a nutshell, manifold intrusion in MixUp is a form of under-fitting resulting from conflicts between the synthetic labels of the mixed-up examples and the labels of original training data. Such a phenomenon usually happens when the parameters controlling the generation of mixing policies are not sufficiently fine-tuned on the training data. To address this issue, we propose a novel adaptive version of MixUp, where the mixing policies are automatically learned from the data using an additional network and objective function designed to avoid manifold intrusion. The proposed regularizer, AdaMixUp, is empirically evaluated on several benchmark datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AdaMixUp improves upon MixUp when applied to the current art of deep classification models.Comment: Accepted by AAAI201

    On the Generalization Effects of Linear Transformations in Data Augmentation

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    Data augmentation is a powerful technique to improve performance in applications such as image and text classification tasks. Yet, there is little rigorous understanding of why and how various augmentations work. In this work, we consider a family of linear transformations and study their effects on the ridge estimator in an over-parametrized linear regression setting. First, we show that transformations which preserve the labels of the data can improve estimation by enlarging the span of the training data. Second, we show that transformations which mix data can improve estimation by playing a regularization effect. Finally, we validate our theoretical insights on MNIST. Based on the insights, we propose an augmentation scheme that searches over the space of transformations by how uncertain the model is about the transformed data. We validate our proposed scheme on image and text datasets. For example, our method outperforms RandAugment by 1.24% on CIFAR-100 using Wide-ResNet-28-10. Furthermore, we achieve comparable accuracy to the SoTA Adversarial AutoAugment on CIFAR datasets.Comment: International Conference on Machine learning (ICML) 2020. Added experimental results on ImageNe

    Patch-level Neighborhood Interpolation: A General and Effective Graph-based Regularization Strategy

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    Regularization plays a crucial role in machine learning models, especially for deep neural networks. The existing regularization techniques mainly reply on the i.i.d. assumption and only employ the information of the current sample, without the leverage of neighboring information between samples. In this work, we propose a general regularizer called Patch-level Neighborhood Interpolation~(\textbf{Pani}) that fully exploits the relationship between samples. Furthermore, by explicitly constructing a patch-level graph in the different network layers and interpolating the neighborhood features to refine the representation of the current sample, our Patch-level Neighborhood Interpolation can then be applied to enhance two popular regularization strategies, namely Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT) and MixUp, yielding their neighborhood versions. The first derived \textbf{Pani VAT} presents a novel way to construct non-local adversarial smoothness by incorporating patch-level interpolated perturbations. In addition, the \textbf{Pani MixUp} method extends the original MixUp regularization to the patch level and then can be developed to MixMatch, achieving the state-of-the-art performance. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the Patch-level Neighborhood Interpolation in both supervised and semi-supervised settings
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