6,282 research outputs found

    Combining goal-oriented and model-driven approaches to solve the Payment Problem Scenario

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    Motivated by the objective to provide an improved participation of business domain experts in the design of service-oriented integration solutions, we extend our previous work on using the COSMO methodology for service mediation by introducing a goal-oriented approach to requirements engineering. With this approach, business requirements including the motivations behind the mediation solution are better understood, specified, and aligned with their technical implementations. We use the Payment Problem Scenario of the SWS Challenge to illustrate the extension

    Policy Refinement: Decomposition and Operationalization for Dynamic Domains

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    We describe a method for policy refinement. The refinement process involves stages of decomposition, operationalization, deployment and re-refinement, and operates on policies expressed in a logical language flexible enough to be translated into many different enforceable policy dialects. We illustrate with examples from a coalition scenario, and describe how the stages of decomposition and operationaliztion work internally, and fit together in an interleaved fashion. Domains are represented in a logical formalization of UML diagrams. Both authorization and obligation policies are supported. © 2011 IFIP.Accepted versio

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Traduciendo OCL como lenguaje de consultas y restricciones

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, leída el 30-06-2017Esta tesis doctoral debe gran parte de su motivación inicial y enfoque final a la discusión muy animada y perspicaz que tuvo lugar durante el seminario “Automated Reasoning on Conceptual Schemas” en Dagstuhl (19-24 Mayo, 2013) [18], en el cual tuvimos la fortuna de participar.Incluso antes de asistir al seminario, sobre la base de nuestra propia experiencia aplicando la metodología de desarrollo dirigida por modelos en el proyecto Action GUI [1],ya estábamos convencidos de la veracidad y la importancia de tres declaraciones claves contenidas en la presentación del mismo, que resumen muy bien las motivaciones finales de esta tesis:“La calidad de un sistema de información se determina en gran medida a principios del ciclo de desarrollo, es decir, durante la especificación de los requisitos y el modelado conceptual, ya que los errores introducidos en estas etapas suelen ser mucho más costosos de corregir que los errores cometidos durante el diseño o la implementación.”“Por lo tanto, es deseable prevenir, detectar y corregir errores tan pronto como sea posible en el proceso de desarrollo evaluando la corrección de los esquemas conceptuales construidos.”“La alta expresividad de los esquemas conceptuales requiere adoptar técnicas de razonamiento automatizadas para apoyar al diseñador en esta importante tarea.”...This doctoral dissertation owes a great deal of its initial motivation and final focusto the very lively and insightful discussion that took place during the Dagstuhl Seminar“Automated Reasoning on Conceptual Schemas” (19-24 May, 2013) [18], which we havethe fortune to participate in.Even before attending the seminar, based on our own experience applying the modeldrivendevelopment methodology within the ActionGUI project [1], we were already convincedof the truthfulness and importance of three key statements contained in the seminar’spresentation, which summarize very well this dissertation’s ultimate motivations:“The quality of an information system is largely determined early in the developmentcycle, i.e., during requirements specification and conceptual modeling, since errorsintroduced at these stages are usually much more expensive to correct than errorsmade during design or implementation.”“Thus, it is desirable to prevent, detect, and correct errors as early as possible in thedevelopment process by assessing the correctness of the conceptual schemas built.”“The high expressivity of conceptual schemas requires to adopt automated reasoningtechniques to support the designer in this important task.”..Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Role-Based Access Control Using Knowledge Acquisition in Automated Specification

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    Turvalisust peetakse infosüsteemide üheks aspektiks. RBAC on lähenemine, mis piirab süsteemi ligipääsu ainult autoriseeritud kasutajatele infosüsteemides. Olemasolevad turvalisusmudelite keeled või lähenemised adresseerivad IS-i turvalisust, kuigi olemasolevad keeled või lähenemised tingimata ei kohandu RBAC-i vajadustele. On olemas mitmeid modelleerimiskeeli (nt SecureUML, UMLSec, jne) mis esindavad RBAC-i, kuid nad ei ole koosvõimelised (raske selgitada) ning neid ei ole lihtne võrrelda omavahel. Iga modelleerimiskeel esindab erinevaid perspektiive informatsioonisüsteemides. Pealegi on vajadus ühendada disain ja nõudestaadiumid selleks, et avastada süsteemi turvalisusprobleemid ja analüüsida seotud turvalisuskompromisse varasemates staadiumites. KAOS on eesmärgipõhine nõue tehnikavaatenurgast, et paika panna tarkvara nõuded. Sellel hetkel, KAOS on tulevikus võtmelahendus selleks, et kombineerida nõuded disainipõhimõtetega. Selles teesis me analüüsime KAOS-e võimet kohaneda RBAC-ile. Täpsemalt, me kasutame süstemaatilist lähenemist selleks, et aru saada kuidas KAOS-t on võimalik kasutada nii, et see kohanduks RBAC-ile. Meie uurimistöö põhineb transformatsioonireeglitel KAOS-SecureUML-i ja KAOS-UMLSec-i vahel. Pealegi, läbi nende muutuste näitame me kuidas sobitasime KAOS-e RBAC-ile. Selle uurimistöö esitamisel on mitmeid kasutegureid. Esiteks, see aitab potentsiaalselt mõista kuidas KAOS toimib koos RBAC-iga. Teiseks, see defineerib lähenemise välja meelitada turvanõuetele IS-i varajastes arendusfaasides RBAC-i jaoks. See rakendab meie tulemused juhtumuuringus selleks, et mõõta määratletud lähenemise õigsust. Kolmandaks, see transformatsioon KAOS-est/KAOS-eni aitaks IS arendajaid ja teistel süsteemi osanikel (nt süsteemianalüütikuid, süsteemi administraatoreid jne) mõista kui tähtsad need turvalisuslähenemised on ja millistel on rohkem eeliseid/puudusi. Me planeerime kehtestada oma tulemused selleks, et reegleid ja modeleid muuta olenevalt nende õigsust, mida mõõdetakse. Viimaseks, me oleme võimelised õigustama oma disainistaadiumit nõudmise staadiumiga.Security is considered to be an aspect of information systems. Role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting system access to authorized users in information systems. Existing security modeling languages and/or approaches address the security of the IS, however existing languages or approaches do not necessarily conforms to the needs of RBAC. There are several modeling languages (e.g. SecureUML, UMLSec, etc.) to represent RBAC but they are not interoperable and it is not easy to compare one with another. Each modeling language represents different perspectives on information systems. Besides, there is a need to merge design and requirement stages in order to discover system security concerns and analyze related security trade-offs at the earlier stages. Knowledge acquisition in automated specification (KAOS) is a goal oriented requirement engineering approach to elicit software requirements. In this point, KAOS will be a key solution in order to combine requirements with design principles. In this thesis, we will analyze KAOS to apply RBAC. More specifically, we will apply a systematic approach to understand how KAOS can be used to apply RBAC. Our research work will be based on the transformation rules between KAOS-SecureUML and KAOS-UMLSec, and vice versa. Moreover, through these transformations we will show how we aligned KAOS to RBAC. The contribution of this research has several benefits. Firstly, it will potentially help to understand how KAOS could deal with RBAC. Secondly it will define the approach to elicit security requirements for RBAC at early stages of the IS development. This will apply our results in a case study to measure the correctness of the defined approach. Thirdly, the transformations from/to the KAOS would help IS developers and the other system stakeholders (e.g. system analysts, system administrators, etc.) to understand how important these security approaches (KAOS, SecureUML and UMLSec) are and which one has more advantages/disadvantages. We plan to validate our results for transformation rules and the models regarding their correctness that will be measured. Last but not least, we will be able to justify the design stage with requirement stage