59 research outputs found

    On Exploring Temporal Graphs of Small Pathwidth

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    We show that the Temporal Graph Exploration Problem is NP-complete, even when the underlying graph has pathwidth 2 and at each time step, the current graph is connected

    Does Treewidth Help in Modal Satisfiability?

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    Many tractable algorithms for solving the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) have been developed using the notion of the treewidth of some graph derived from the input CSP instance. In particular, the incidence graph of the CSP instance is one such graph. We introduce the notion of an incidence graph for modal logic formulae in a certain normal form. We investigate the parameterized complexity of modal satisfiability with the modal depth of the formula and the treewidth of the incidence graph as parameters. For various combinations of Euclidean, reflexive, symmetric and transitive models, we show either that modal satisfiability is FPT, or that it is W[1]-hard. In particular, modal satisfiability in general models is FPT, while it is W[1]-hard in transitive models. As might be expected, modal satisfiability in transitive and Euclidean models is FPT.Comment: Full version of the paper appearing in MFCS 2010. Change from v1: improved section 5 to avoid exponential blow-up in formula siz

    Faster Exploration of Some Temporal Graphs

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    A temporal graph G = (G_1, G_2, ..., G_T) is a graph represented by a sequence of T graphs over a common set of vertices, such that at the i-th time step only the edge set E_i is active. The temporal graph exploration problem asks for a shortest temporal walk on some temporal graph visiting every vertex. We show that temporal graphs with n vertices can be explored in O(k n^{1.5} log n) days if the underlying graph has treewidth k and in O(n^{1.75} log n) days if the underlying graph is planar. Furthermore, we show that any temporal graph whose underlying graph is a cycle with k chords can be explored in at most 6kn days. Finally, we demonstrate that there are temporal realisations of sub cubic planar graphs that cannot be explored faster than in ?(n log n) days. All these improve best known results in the literature

    The temporal explorer who returns to the base

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    We study here the problem of exploring a temporal graph when the underlying graph is a star. The aim of the exploration problem in a temporal star is finding a temporal walk which starts and finishes at the center of the star, and visits all leaves. We present a systematic study of the computational complexity of this problem, depending on the number k of time points where each edge can be present in the graph. We distinguish between the decision version StarExp(k), asking whether a complete exploration exists, and the maximization version MaxStarExp(k), asking for an exploratkion of the greatest possible number of edges. We fully characterize MaxStarExp(k) in terms of complexity. We also partially characterize StarExp(k), showing that it is in P for k 5 . Finally, we partially characterize classes of “random” temporal stars which are, asymptotically almost surely, yes-instances and no-instances for StarExp(k)

    Restless Temporal Path Parameterized Above Lower Bounds

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    Reachability questions are one of the most fundamental algorithmic primitives in temporal graphs - graphs whose edge set changes over discrete time steps. A core problem here is the NP-hard Short Restless Temporal Path: given a temporal graph G, two distinct vertices s and z, and two numbers ? and k, is there a ?-restless temporal s-z path of length at most k? A temporal path is a path whose edges appear in chronological order and a temporal path is ?-restless if two consecutive path edges appear at most ? time steps apart from each other. Among others, this problem has applications in neuroscience and epidemiology. While Short Restless Temporal Path is known to be computationally hard, e.g., it is NP-hard even if the temporal graph consists of three discrete time steps and it is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the feedback vertex number of the underlying graph, it is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the path length k. We improve on this by showing that Short Restless Temporal Path can be solved in (randomized) 4^(k-d)|G|^O(1) time, where d is the minimum length of a temporal s-z path

    The temporal explorer who returns to the base.

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    In this paper we study the problem of exploring a temporal graph (i.e. a graph that changes over time), in the fundamental case where the underlying static graph is a star on n vertices. The aim of the exploration problem in a temporal star is to find a temporal walk which starts at the center of the star, visits all leaves, and eventually returns back to the center. We present here a systematic study of the computational complexity of this problem, depending on the number k of time-labels that every edge is allowed to have; that is, on the number k of time points where each edge can be present in the graph. To do so, we distinguish between the decision version STAREXP(k) , asking whether a complete exploration of the instance exists, and the maximization version MAXSTAREXP(k) of the problem, asking for an exploration schedule of the greatest possible number of edges in the star. We fully characterize MAXSTAREXP(k) and show a dichotomy in terms of its complexity: on one hand, we show that for both k=2 and k=3 , it can be efficiently solved in O(nlogn) time; on the other hand, we show that it is APX-complete, for every k≥4 (does not admit a PTAS, unless P = NP, but admits a polynomial-time 1.582-approximation algorithm). We also partially characterize STAREXP(k) in terms of complexity: we show that it can be efficiently solved in O(nlogn) time for k∈{2,3} (as a corollary of the solution to MAXSTAREXP(k) , for k∈{2,3} ), but is NP-complete, for every k≥6

    Restless Exploration of Periodic Temporal Graphs

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    A temporal graph is a sequence of graphs, indexed by discrete time steps, with a fixed vertex set but with an edge set that is able to change over time. In the temporal graph exploration problem, an agent wants to visit all the vertices of a given temporal graph. In the classical model, at each time step the agent can either stay where they are, or move along one edge. In this work we add a constraint called restlessness that forces the agent to move along one edge at each time step. We mainly focus on (infinite) periodical temporal graphs. We show that if the period is 2 one can decide in polynomial time whether exploring the whole graph is possible or not, while this problem turns out to be NP-hard for any period p ? 3. We also show some time bounds on the explorations of such graphs when the exploration is possible

    Parameterized temporal exploration problems

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    In this paper we study the fixed-parameter tractability of the problem of deciding whether a given temporal graph G admits a temporal walk that visits all vertices (temporal exploration) or, in some problem variants, a certain subset of the vertices. Formally, a temporal graph is a sequence G = hG1, . . . , GLi of graphs with V (Gt) = V (G) and E(Gt) ⊆ E(G) for all t ∈ [L] and some underlying graph G, and a temporal walk is a timerespecting sequence of edge-traversals. We consider both the strict variant, in which edges must be traversed in strictly increasing timesteps, and the non-strict variant, in which an arbitrary number of edges can be traversed in each timestep. For both variants, we give FPT algorithms for the problem of finding a temporal walk that visits a given set X of vertices, parameterized by |X|, and for the problem of finding a temporal walk that visits at least k distinct vertices in V (G), parameterized by k. We also show W[2]-hardness for a set version of the temporal exploration problem for both variants. For the non-strict variant, we give an FPT algorithm for the temporal exploration problem parameterized by the lifetime of the input graph, and we show that the temporal exploration problem can be solved in polynomial time if the graph in each timestep has at most two connected components

    Temporal Reachability Minimization: Delaying vs. Deleting

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    We study spreading processes in temporal graphs, i. e., graphs whose connections change over time. These processes naturally model real-world phenomena such as infectious diseases or information flows. More precisely, we investigate how such a spreading process, emerging from a given set of sources, can be contained to a small part of the graph. To this end we consider two ways of modifying the graph, which are (1) deleting connections and (2) delaying connections. We show a close relationship between the two associated problems and give a polynomial time algorithm when the graph has tree structure. For the general version, we consider parameterization by the number of vertices to which the spread is contained. Surprisingly, we prove W[1]-hardness for the deletion variant but fixed-parameter tractability for the delaying variant