37 research outputs found

    Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus: Sequent Systems and Complexity

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    In [5] we study Nonassociative Lambek Calculus (NL) augmented with De Morgan negation, satisfying the double negation and contraposition laws. This logic, introduced by de Grooté and Lamarche [10], is called Classical Non-Associative Lambek Calculus (CNL). Here we study a weaker logic InNL, i.e. NL with two involutive negations. We present a one-sided sequent system for InNL, admitting cut elimination. We also prove that InNL is PTIME.Zadanie „ Wdrożenie platformy Open Journal System dla czasopisma „ Bulletin of the Section of Logic” finansowane w ramach umowy 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Involutive Commutative Residuated Lattice without Unit: Logics and Decidability

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    We investigate involutive commutative residuated lattices without unit, which are commutative residuated lattice-ordered semigroups enriched with a unary involutive negation operator. The logic of this structure is discussed and the Genzten-style sequent calculus of it is presented. Moreover, we prove the decidability of this logic.Comment: 16 page

    Non-associative, Non-commutative Multi-modal Linear Logic

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    Adding multi-modalities (called subexponentials) to linear logic enhances its power as a logical framework, which has been extensively used in the specification of e.g. proof systems, programming languages and bigraphs. Initially, subexponentials allowed for classical, linear, affine or relevant behaviors. Recently, this framework was enhanced so to allow for commutativity as well. In this work, we close the cycle by considering associativity. We show that the resulting system (acLLΣ ) admits the (multi)cut rule, and we prove two undecidability results for fragments/variations of acLLΣ

    One-Sided Sequent Systems for Nonassociative Bilinear Logic: Cut Elimination and Complexity

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    Bilinear Logic of Lambek amounts to Noncommutative MALL of Abrusci. Lambek proves the cut–elimination theorem for a one-sided (in fact, left-sided) sequent system for this logic. Here we prove an analogous result for the nonassociative version of this logic. Like Lambek, we consider a left-sided system, but the result also holds for its right-sided version, by a natural symmetry. The treatment of nonassociative sequent systems involves some subtleties, not appearing in associative logics. We also prove the PTime complexity of the multiplicative fragment of NBL

    Powerset residuated algebras

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    We present an algebraic approach to canonical embeddings of arbitrary residuated algebras into powerset residuated algebras. We propose some construction of powerset residuated algebras and prove a representation theorem for symmetric residuated algebras

    Full Nonassociative Lambek Calculus with Modalities and Its Applications in Type Grammars

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    Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiRozprawa jest poświęcona pełnemu niełącznemu rachunkowi Lambeka wzbogaconemu o różne modalności. Te systemy tworzą pewną rodzinę logik substrukturalnych. W rozprawie badamy rachunki NL (niełączny rachunek Lambeka), DFNL (pełny niełączny rachunek Lambeka z prawami dystrybutywności dla operacji kratowych) i BFNL (DFNL z negacją spełniającą prawa algebr Boole’a) oraz ich rozszerzenia o operatory modalne, tworzące parę rezyduacji i spełniające standardowe aksjomaty logik modalnych (T), (4) i (5). Rozważamy też gramatyki typów oparte na tych rachunkach. Główne wyniki: twierdzenie o eliminacji cięć dla modalnych rozszerzeń NL z założeniami, wielomianowa złożoność relacji konsekwencji dla tych systemów, lemat interpolacyjny dla modalnych rozszerzeń DFNL i BFNL z założeniami, silna własność skończonego modelu dla tych systemów, rozstrzygalność relacji konsekwencji dla tyc systemów, PSPACE-zupełność rachunku BFNL, bezkontekstowość języków generowanych przez gramatyki typów oparte na tych rachunkach. Rozprawa kontynuuje wcześniejsze badania W. Buszkowskiego, M. Farulewskiego, M. Moortgata, A.. Plummera, N. Kurtoniny i innych.The thesis is devoted to full nonassociative Lambek calculus enriched with different modalities. These systems form a family of substrutural logics. In this thesis we study systems NL (nonassociative Lambek calculus), DFNL (full nonassociative Lambek calculus with the distributive laws for lattice operations) and BFNL (DFNL with negation satisfying the laws of Boolean algebras) and their extensions by modal operators, being a residuation pair and fulfilling standard axioms of modal logics (T), (4), (5). We also consider the type grammars based on these calculi. Main results: the cut-elimination theorem for modal extensions of NL with assumptions, the polynomial-time complexity of the consequence relations for these systems, an interpolation lemma for modal extensions of DFNL and BFNL with assumptions, the strong finite model property of the latter systems, the decidability of the consequence relations for the latter systems, the PSPACE-completeness of BFNL, the context-freeness of the languages generated by the type grammars based on these systems. The thesis continues some research of W. Buszkowski, M. Farulewski, M. Moortgat, A. Plummer,, N. Kurtonina and others

    Explorations in Subexponential non-associative non-commutative Linear Logic

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    In a previous work we introduced a non-associative non-commutative logic extended by multimodalities, called subexponentials, licensing local application of structural rules. Here, we further explore this system, considering a classical one-sided multi-succedent classical version of the system, following the exponential-free calculi of Buszkowski's and de Groote and Lamarche's works, where the intuitionistic calculus is shown to embed faithfully into the classical fragment