2,146 research outputs found

    On Blocking Collisions between People, Objects and other Robots

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    Intentional or unintentional contacts are bound to occur increasingly more often due to the deployment of autonomous systems in human environments. In this paper, we devise methods to computationally predict imminent collisions between objects, robots and people, and use an upper-body humanoid robot to block them if they are likely to happen. We employ statistical methods for effective collision prediction followed by sensor-based trajectory generation and real-time control to attempt to stop the likely collisions using the most favorable part of the blocking robot. We thoroughly investigate collisions in various types of experimental setups involving objects, robots, and people. Overall, the main contribution of this paper is to devise sensor-based prediction, trajectory generation and control processes for highly articulated robots to prevent collisions against people, and conduct numerous experiments to validate this approach

    The Usage and Evaluation of Anthropomorphic Form in Robot Design

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    There are numerous examples illustrating the application of human shape in everyday products. Usage of anthropomorphic form has long been a basic design strategy, particularly in the design of intelligent service robots. As such, it is desirable to use anthropomorphic form not only in aesthetic design but also in interaction design. Proceeding from how anthropomorphism in various domains has taken effect on human perception, we assumed that anthropomorphic form used in appearance and interaction design of robots enriches the explanation of its function and creates familiarity with robots. From many cases we have found, misused anthropomorphic form lead to user disappointment or negative impressions on the robot. In order to effectively use anthropomorphic form, it is necessary to measure the similarity of an artifact to the human form (humanness), and then evaluate whether the usage of anthropomorphic form fits the artifact. The goal of this study is to propose a general evaluation framework of anthropomorphic form for robot design. We suggest three major steps for framing the evaluation: 'measuring anthropomorphic form in appearance', 'measuring anthropomorphic form in Human-Robot Interaction', and 'evaluation of accordance of two former measurements'. This evaluation process will endow a robot an amount of humanness in their appearance equivalent to an amount of humanness in interaction ability, and then ultimately facilitate user satisfaction. Keywords: Anthropomorphic Form; Anthropomorphism; Human-Robot Interaction; Humanness; Robot Design</p

    A task control architecture for autonomous robots

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    An architecture is presented for controlling robots that have multiple tasks, operate in dynamic domains, and require a fair degree of autonomy. The architecture is built on several layers of functionality, including a distributed communication layer, a behavior layer for querying sensors, expanding goals, and executing commands, and a task level for managing the temporal aspects of planning and achieving goals, coordinating tasks, allocating resources, monitoring, and recovering from errors. Application to a legged planetary rover and an indoor mobile manipulator is described

    High level task planning with inference for the TIAGo robot

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    The need to combine task planning and motion planning in robotics is well understood. The task planner generates a plan to solve the problem while the motion planner executes the actions of the problem. The previous framework is applied in many state machines that solve complex problems. But in this project we want to present an interface that communicates the task planner layer and the motion planner layer, and updates the geometric information of the environment to inform the task planner. This framework allows to solve complex tasks with basic information of the goal, and replan whenever the motion could not be executed. All the information of the problems is modelled as logical predicates. The objective of this project is to generate a generic model of the environment, with a set of feasible motions of the robot, and use this interface to solve many different planning problems involving those actions, by just giving simple goals. The result is to make the robot more autonomous and allow that any user could use it by giving simple orders. Moreover this project presents the different frameworks and algorithms used to simulate those actions in the robot such as: Sequential Quadratic Programming optimization, Rapidly Random Exploring Tree (RRT) or SBPL global planning. It also shows an introduction to PDDL language used to model the problem and the actions, and the Fast-Froward (FF) solver that is the responsible to translate the problem as a graph and solve it. Finally we test it on different experiments in simulation, by using the TIAGo platform of PAL robotics. The results are promising and allow to dream in service robots solving complex tasks simply computing and modelling basic actions

    Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving)

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    [EN] Nowadays, there are many electronic products that incorporate elements and features coming from the research in the field of mobile robotics. For instance, the well-known vacuum cleaning robot Roomba by iRobot, which belongs to the field of service robotics, one of the most active within the sector. There are also numerous autonomous robotic systems in industrial warehouses and plants. It is the case of Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs), which are able to drive completely autonomously in very structured environments. Apart from industry and consumer electronics, within the automotive field there are some devices that give intelligence to the vehicle, derived in most cases from advances in mobile robotics. In fact, more and more often vehicles incorporate Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), such as navigation control with automatic speed regulation, lane change and overtaking assistant, automatic parking or collision warning, among other features. However, despite all the advances there are some problems that remain unresolved and can be improved. Collisions and rollovers stand out among the most common accidents of vehicles with manual or autonomous driving. In fact, it is almost impossible to guarantee driving without accidents in unstructured environments where vehicles share the space with other moving agents, such as other vehicles and pedestrians. That is why searching for techniques to improve safety in intelligent vehicles, either autonomous or manual-assisted driving, is still a trending topic within the robotics community. This thesis focuses on the design of tools and techniques for planning and control of intelligent vehicles in order to improve safety and comfort. The dissertation is divided into two parts, the first one on autonomous driving and the second one on manual-assisted driving. The main link between them is the use of clothoids as mathematical formulation for both trajectory generation and collision detection. Among the problems solved the following stand out: obstacle avoidance, rollover avoidance and advanced driver assistance to avoid collisions with pedestrians.[ES] En la actualidad se comercializan infinidad de productos de electrónica de consumo que incorporan elementos y características procedentes de avances en el sector de la robótica móvil. Por ejemplo, el conocido robot aspirador Roomba de la empresa iRobot, el cual pertenece al campo de la robótica de servicio, uno de los más activos en el sector. También hay numerosos sistemas robóticos autónomos en almacenes y plantas industriales. Es el caso de los vehículos autoguiados (AGVs), capaces de conducir de forma totalmente autónoma en entornos muy estructurados. Además de en la industria y en electrónica de consumo, dentro del campo de la automoción también existen dispositivos que dotan de cierta inteligencia al vehículo, derivados la mayoría de las veces de avances en robótica móvil. De hecho, cada vez con mayor frecuencia los vehículos incorporan sistemas avanzados de asistencia al conductor (ADAS por sus siglas en inglés), tales como control de navegación con regulación automática de velocidad, asistente de cambio de carril y adelantamiento, aparcamiento automático o aviso de colisión, entre otras prestaciones. No obstante, pese a todos los avances siguen existiendo problemas sin resolver y que pueden mejorarse. La colisión y el vuelco destacan entre los accidentes más comunes en vehículos con conducción tanto manual como autónoma. De hecho, la dificultad de conducir en entornos desestructurados compartiendo el espacio con otros agentes móviles, tales como coches o personas, hace casi imposible garantizar la conducción sin accidentes. Es por ello que la búsqueda de técnicas para mejorar la seguridad en vehículos inteligentes, ya sean de conducción autónoma o manual asistida, es un tema que siempre está en auge en la comunidad robótica. La presente tesis se centra en el diseño de herramientas y técnicas de planificación y control de vehículos inteligentes, para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort. La disertación se ha dividido en dos partes, la primera sobre conducción autónoma y la segunda sobre conducción manual asistida. El principal nexo de unión es el uso de clotoides como elemento de generación de trayectorias y detección de colisiones. Entre los problemas que se resuelven destacan la evitación de obstáculos, la evitación de vuelcos y la asistencia avanzada al conductor para evitar colisiones con peatones.[CA] En l'actualitat es comercialitzen infinitat de productes d'electrònica de consum que incorporen elements i característiques procedents d'avanços en el sector de la robòtica mòbil. Per exemple, el conegut robot aspirador Roomba de l'empresa iRobot, el qual pertany al camp de la robòtica de servici, un dels més actius en el sector. També hi ha nombrosos sistemes robòtics autònoms en magatzems i plantes industrials. És el cas dels vehicles autoguiats (AGVs), els quals són capaços de conduir de forma totalment autònoma en entorns molt estructurats. A més de en la indústria i en l'electrònica de consum, dins el camp de l'automoció també existeixen dispositius que doten al vehicle de certa intel·ligència, la majoria de les vegades derivats d'avanços en robòtica mòbil. De fet, cada vegada amb més freqüència els vehicles incorporen sistemes avançats d'assistència al conductor (ADAS per les sigles en anglés), com ara control de navegació amb regulació automàtica de velocitat, assistent de canvi de carril i avançament, aparcament automàtic o avís de col·lisió, entre altres prestacions. No obstant això, malgrat tots els avanços segueixen existint problemes sense resoldre i que poden millorar-se. La col·lisió i la bolcada destaquen entre els accidents més comuns en vehicles amb conducció tant manual com autònoma. De fet, la dificultat de conduir en entorns desestructurats compartint l'espai amb altres agents mòbils, tals com cotxes o persones, fa quasi impossible garantitzar la conducció sense accidents. És per això que la recerca de tècniques per millorar la seguretat en vehicles intel·ligents, ja siguen de conducció autònoma o manual assistida, és un tema que sempre està en auge a la comunitat robòtica. La present tesi es centra en el disseny d'eines i tècniques de planificació i control de vehicles intel·ligents, per a la millora de la seguretat i el confort. La dissertació s'ha dividit en dues parts, la primera sobre conducció autònoma i la segona sobre conducció manual assistida. El principal nexe d'unió és l'ús de clotoides com a element de generació de trajectòries i detecció de col·lisions. Entre els problemes que es resolen destaquen l'evitació d'obstacles, l'evitació de bolcades i l'assistència avançada al conductor per evitar col·lisions amb vianants.Girbés Juan, V. (2016). Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65072TESI

    Multi-Robot Geometric Task-and-Motion Planning for Collaborative Manipulation Tasks

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    We address multi-robot geometric task-and-motion planning (MR-GTAMP) problems in synchronous, monotone setups. The goal of the MR-GTAMP problem is to move objects with multiple robots to goal regions in the presence of other movable objects. We focus on collaborative manipulation tasks where the robots have to adopt intelligent collaboration strategies to be successful and effective, i.e., decide which robot should move which objects to which positions, and perform collaborative actions, such as handovers. To endow robots with these collaboration capabilities, we propose to first collect occlusion and reachability information for each robot by calling motion-planning algorithms. We then propose a method that uses the collected information to build a graph structure which captures the precedence of the manipulations of different objects and supports the implementation of a mixed-integer program to guide the search for highly effective collaborative task-and-motion plans. The search process for collaborative task-and-motion plans is based on a Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) exploration strategy to achieve exploration-exploitation balance. We evaluate our framework in two challenging MR-GTAMP domains and show that it outperforms two state-of-the-art baselines with respect to the planning time, the resulting plan length and the number of objects moved. We also show that our framework can be applied to underground mining operations where a robotic arm needs to coordinate with an autonomous roof bolter. We demonstrate plan execution in two roof-bolting scenarios both in simulation and on robots.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, accepted at Autonomous Robots (AURO). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2210.0800

    ROPOD:cooperative transportation of hospital beds

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