885 research outputs found

    Mathematical methods in solutions of the problems from the Third International Students' Olympiad in Cryptography

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    The mathematical problems and their solutions of the Third International Students' Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO'2016 are presented. We consider mathematical problems related to the construction of algebraic immune vectorial Boolean functions and big Fermat numbers, problems about secrete sharing schemes and pseudorandom binary sequences, biometric cryptosystems and the blockchain technology, etc. Two open problems in mathematical cryptography are also discussed and a solution for one of them proposed by a participant during the Olympiad is described. It was the first time in the Olympiad history

    U.S. Team Places Second In International Olympiad

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    Keane Leads US Olympiad Team To 1st Place Tie With USSR

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    How do rabbits help to integrate teaching of mathematics andinformatics?

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    Many countries are reporting of difficulties in exact education at schools: mathematics, informatics, physics etc. Various methods are proposed to awaken and preserve students’ interest in these disciplines. Among them, the simplification, accent on applications, avoiding of argumentation (especially in mathematics) etc. must be mentioned. As one of reasons for these approaches the growing amount of knowledge/skills to be acquired at school is often mentioned. In this paper we consider one of the possibilities to integrate partially teaching of important chapters of discrete mathematics and informatics not reducing the high educational standards. The approach is based on the identification and mastering general combinatorial principles underlying many topics in both disciplines. A special attention in the paper is given to the so-called “pigeonhole principle” and its generalizations. In folklore, this principle is usually formulated in the following way: “if there are n + 1 rabbits in n cages, you can find a cage with at least two rabbits in it“. Examples of appearances of this principle both in mathematics and in computer science are considered

    A mathematical model of movement in virtual reality through thoughts

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    In this article, we'll introduce ways to build virtual worlds through different computer programs. We will show the method of rectangles for analyzing data obtained from the electroencephalogram. We will demonstrate basic mathematical models for movement prediction in a system of virtual reality. Using this data, the main transformations are possible-change of position and rotation (change of orientation)

    Algorithmic Problems in Junior Contests in Latvia

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    Mathematical contests are of great importance for advanced education in Latvia today. Their content must be well-balanced and must correspond to the inner logic and recent trends of mathematics. A classification of algorithmic problems and characteristic examples are considered

    IMSA 2015 Profile

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    The internationally recognized Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy ® (IMSA) develops creative, ethical leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As a teaching and learning laboratory created by the State of Illinois, IMSA enrolls academically talented Illinois students (grades 10-12) in its advanced, residential college preparatory program, and it serves thousands of educators and students in Illinois and beyond through innovative instructional programs that foster imagination and inquiry. IMSA also advances education through research, groundbreaking ventures and strategic partnerships. * *Excerpt from the IMSA 2015 Profil