125 research outputs found

    Improving robotic machining accuracy through experimental error investigation and modular compensation

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    Machining using industrial robots is currently limited to applications with low geometrical accuracies and soft materials. This paper analyzes the sources of errors in robotic machining and characterizes them in amplitude and frequency. Experiments under different conditions represent a typical set of industrial applications and allow a qualified evaluation. Based on this analysis, a modular approach is proposed to overcome these obstacles, applied both during program generation (offline) and execution (online). Predictive offline compensation of machining errors is achieved by means of an innovative programming system, based on kinematic and dynamic robot models. Real-time adaptive machining error compensation is also provided by sensing the real robot positions with an innovative tracking system and corrective feedback to both the robot and an additional high-dynamic compensation mechanism on piezo-actuator basis

    Robots in machining

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    Robotic machining centers offer diverse advantages: large operation reach with large reorientation capability, and a low cost, to name a few. Many challenges have slowed down the adoption or sometimes inhibited the use of robots for machining tasks. This paper deals with the current usage and status of robots in machining, as well as the necessary modelling and identification for enabling optimization, process planning and process control. Recent research addressing deburring, milling, incremental forming, polishing or thin wall machining is presented. We discuss various processes in which robots need to deal with significant process forces while fulfilling their machining task

    Human-robot coexistence and interaction in open industrial cells

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    Recent research results on human\u2013robot interaction and collaborative robotics are leaving behind the traditional paradigm of robots living in a separated space inside safety cages, allowing humans and robot to work together for completing an increasing number of complex industrial tasks. In this context, safety of the human operator is a main concern. In this paper, we present a framework for ensuring human safety in a robotic cell that allows human\u2013robot coexistence and dependable interaction. The framework is based on a layered control architecture that exploits an effective algorithm for online monitoring of relative human\u2013robot distance using depth sensors. This method allows to modify in real time the robot behavior depending on the user position, without limiting the operative robot workspace in a too conservative way. In order to guarantee redundancy and diversity at the safety level, additional certified laser scanners monitor human\u2013robot proximity in the cell and safe communication protocols and logical units are used for the smooth integration with an industrial software for safe low-level robot control. The implemented concept includes a smart human-machine interface to support in-process collaborative activities and for a contactless interaction with gesture recognition of operator commands. Coexistence and interaction are illustrated and tested in an industrial cell, in which a robot moves a tool that measures the quality of a polished metallic part while the operator performs a close evaluation of the same workpiece

    Acquisition and reconstruction of 3D objects for robotic machining

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    With the evolution of the techniques of acquisition of Three-Dimensional (3D) image it became possible to apply these in more and more areas, as well as to be used for research and hobbyists due to the appearance of low cost 3D scanners. Among the application of 3D acquisitions is the reconstruction of objects, which allows for example to redo or remodel an existing object that is no longer on the market. Another rise tech is industrial robot, that is highly present in the industry and can perform several tasks, even machining activities, and can be applied in more than one type of operation. The purpose of this work is to acquire a 3D scene with low-cost scanners and use this acquisition to create the tool path for roughing a workpiece, using an industrial robot for this machining task. For the acquisition, the Skanect software was used, which had satisfactory results for the work, and the exported file of the acquisition was worked on the MeshLab and Meshmixer software, which were used to obtain only the interest part for the milling process. With the defined work object, it was applied in Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, Fusion 360, to generate the tool path for thinning in G-code, which was converted by the RoboDK software to robot code, and this also allowed to make simulation of the machining with the desired robot. With the simulation taking place as expected, it was implemented in practice, performing the 3D acquisition machining, thus being able to verify the machining technique used. Furthermore, with the results of acquire, generation of toolpath and machining, was possible to validate the proposed solution and reach a conclusion of possible improvements for this project.Com a evolução das técnicas de aquisição de imagem 3D tornou-se possível aplicá-las em cada vez mais áreas, bem como serem utilizadas por pesquisadores e amadores devido ao surgimento de scanners 3D de baixo custo. Entre as aplicações de aquisições 3D está a reconstrução de objetos, o que permite, por exemplo, refazer ou remodelar um objeto existente que não está mais no mercado. Outra tecnologia em ascensão é o robô industrial, que está muito presente na indústria e pode realizar diversas tarefas, até mesmo atividades de fabrico, e ser aplicado em mais de um tipo de operação. O objetivo deste trabalho é adquirir uma cena 3D com scanners de baixo custo e utilizar esta aquisição para criar o caminho da ferramenta para o desbaste de uma peça, utilizando um robô industrial nesta tarefa de usinagem. Para a aquisição foi utilizado o software Skanect, que obteve resultados satisfatórios para o trabalho, e o arquivo exportado da aquisição foi trabalhado nos softwares MeshLab e Meshmixer, os quais foram utilizados para obter apenas a parte de interesse para o processo de fresagem. Com o objeto de trabalho defino, este foi aplicado em software CAM, Fusion 360, para gerar o caminho de ferramentas para o desbaste em G-code, o qual foi convertido pelo Software RoboDK para código de rôbo, e este também permitiu fazer simulação da maquinação com o rôbo pretendido. Com a simulação ocorrendo de acordo com o esperado, esta foi implementada em prática, realizando a maquinação da aquisição 3D, assim podendo verificar a técnica de maquinação utilizada. Além disso com os resultados de aquisição, geração de toolpath e maquinação, foi possível validar a solução proposta e chegar a uma conclusão de possíveis melhorias para este projeto

    Rapid Control Prototyping for Reconfigurable Assembly Workstations

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    Department of System Design and Control EngineeringDiverse customer demands and rapid technology change have led to a paradigm shift in the manufacturing industry, from mass production to mass customization, and eventually to personalization. In the past, manufacturers have faced a challenge to produce a large volume of a product at low cost. Today, they should however produce a very small volume of a highly personalized product at mass production cost. In order to meet these challenges, rapid configuration or reconfiguration of manufacturing systems are crucial. Therefore, many studies have discussed reconfigurable manufacturing systems, emphasizing on dynamic scheduling and flexible shop floor logistics. However, little attention has given to the hardware control and the corresponding software development, although they are very important and time-consuming tasks for manufacturing system reconfiguration. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to quickly design, test, and verify the control software both in a virtual and in a real environment. To do this, we propose a procedure of rapid control prototyping consisting of virtual factory construction, control software development and a final calibration procedure. Rapid control prototyping facilitates engineers to quickly develop control software including communication inputs and outputs, prior to constructing a real shop floor. The proposed simultaneous procedure of manufacturing system design and its control software development will significantly reduce the reconfiguration time of a manufacturing system.clos

    Introduction to an Efficient Process for Automatic Offline Pro-gram Generation for a Robotic Spot Welding Assembly Line.

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    One of the most important applications of industrial robots is spot welding which is used in high production applications mostly in automotive industries where mass production is required. The speed, precision, efficiency and the resulting cost reduction due to mass production are well accepted and well documented advantages of automation of spot welding process using robots. In order to meet the new challenges of increased global competition, manufacturers are forced to seek new technologies for improved production and cost reduction. Such cost cutting efforts can only be achieved by improving the offline programming method. Offline programming is one of the most crucial parts of modern automotive manufacturing process. In this Master’s thesis a process was developed for faster and efficient offline programming of industrial manipulators in spot welding application. The thesis work has been conducted in Visual Components Oy, Espoo, Finland. In traditional practice there are lots of manual steps involved in the robotic spot welding area. The whole process design of the robotic spot welding is not simple and includes CAD design of the part, shape and complexity of the parts which needs to be spot weld, design of the robot work cell, design and selection of spot weld gun, required production rate, offline programming tool, robot calibration, work cell calibration, work piece positioner design etc. In this report an approach to implement the offline programming of robot based on simulation software with the process knowledge of car-body in white was proposed and partially developed. Some common problems such as motion simulation, collision detection and calibration can be partly solved by this approach. The thesis consisted of a theoretical section to investigate the current state of art of offline programming tools and methods and a practical section to develop working prototype for demonstration. The implementation of the prototype used the application programmer’s interface (API) available with the simulation software. A prototype was developed to propose an efficient process for putting the whole spot welding process starting for CAD design, work cell setup, offline programming and calibration in a closed loop

    Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: The Human-Data-Technology Nexus

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    This is an open access book. It gathers the first volume of the proceedings of the 31st edition of the International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2022, held on June 19 – 23, 2022, in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Covering four thematic areas including Manufacturing Processes, Machine Tools, Manufacturing Systems, and Enabling Technologies, it reports on advanced manufacturing processes, and innovative materials for 3D printing, applications of machine learning, artificial intelligence and mixed reality in various production sectors, as well as important issues in human-robot collaboration, including methods for improving safety. Contributions also cover strategies to improve quality control, supply chain management and training in the manufacturing industry, and methods supporting circular supply chain and sustainable manufacturing. All in all, this book provides academicians, engineers and professionals with extensive information on both scientific and industrial advances in the converging fields of manufacturing, production, and automation

    Robotic Automation of Turning Machines in Fenceless Production: A Planning Toolset for Economic-based Selection Optimization between Collaborative and Classical Industrial Robots

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    Ursprünglich wurden Industrieroboter hauptsächlich hinter Schutzzäunen betrieben, um den Sicherheitsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Mit der Flexibilisierung der Produktion wurden diese scharfen Trennbereiche zunehmend aufgeweicht und externe Sicherheitstechnik, wie Abstandssensoren, genutzt, um Industrieroboter schutzzaunlos zu betreiben. Ausgehend vom Gedanken dieser Koexistenz bzw. Kooperation wurde die Sicherheitssensorik in den Roboter integriert, um eine wirkliche Kollaboration zu ermöglichen. Diese sogenannten kollaborierenden Roboter, oder Cobots, eröffnen neue Applikationsfelder und füllen somit die bestehenden Automatisierungslücken. Doch welche Automatisierungsvariante ist aus wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die geeignetste? Bisherige Forschung untersucht zum Großteil isoliert eine der beiden Technologien, ohne dabei einen Systemvergleich hinsichtlich technologischer Spezifika und Wirtschaftlichkeit anzustellen. Daher widmet sich diese Dissertation einer Methodik zum wirtschaftlichen Vergleich von kollaborierenden Robotern und Industrierobotern in schutzzaunlosen Maschinenbeladungssystemen. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Herausarbeiten der technischen Faktoren, die die Wirtschaftlichkeit maßgeblich beeinflussen, um ein Systemverständnis der wirtschaftlichen Struktur beider Robotertechnologievarianten zu erhalten. Zur Untersuchung werden die Inhalte eines solchen Planungsvorhabens beschrieben, kategorisiert, systematisiert und modularisiert. Auf wirtschaftlicher Seite wird ein geeignetes Optimierungsmodell vorgestellt, während auf technischer Seite vor allem die Machbarkeit hinsichtlich Greifbarkeit, Layoutplanung, Robotergeschwindigkeiten und Zykluszeitbestimmung untersucht wird. Mit deduktiven, simulativen, empirischen und statistischen Methoden wird das Systemverhalten für die einzelnen Planungsinhalte analysiert, um die Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit mit einem Minimum an Investment,- Produktions,- und Zykluszeitinformationen a priori vorhersagen zu können. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch einen Reverse Engineering Ansatz die notwendigen Planungsdaten, im Sinne von Layoutkomposition, Robotergeschwindigkeiten und Taktzeiten, mithilfe von Frontloading zu Planungsbeginn zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Dabei dient der Kapitalwert als wirtschaftliche Bewertungsgrundlage, dessen Abhängigkeit vom Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionsgrad in einem Vorteilhaftigkeitsdiagramm für die einzelnen Technologiealternativen dargestellt werden kann. Wirtschaftlich fundierte Entscheidungen können somit auf quantitiativer Basis getroffen werden.:1. Introduction 25 1.1 Research Domain 25 1.2 Research Niche 26 1.3 Research Structure 28 2. State of the Art and Research 31 2.1 Turning Machines and Machine Tending 31 2.1.1 Tooling Machine Market Trends and Machine Tending Systems 31 2.1.2 Workpiece System 34 2.1.3 Machine System 36 2.1.4 Logistics System 39 2.1.5 Handling System 41 2.2 Robotics 43 2.2.1 Robot Installation Development and Application Fields 43 2.2.2 Fenceless Industrial and Collaborative Robots 48 2.2.3 Robot Grippers 55 2.3 Planning and Evaluation Methods 56 2.3.1 Planning of General and Manual Workstations 56 2.3.2 Cell Planning for Fully Automated and Hybrid Robot Systems 59 2.3.3 Robot Safety Planning 61 2.3.4 Economic Evaluation Methods 70 2.4 Synthesis - State of the Art and Research 71 3. Solution Approach 77 3.1 Need for Research and General Solution Approach 77 3.2 Use Case Delineation and Planning Focus 80 3.3 Economic Module – Solution Approach 86 3.4 Gripper Feasibility Module – Solution Approach 89 3.5 Rough Layout Discretization Model – Solution Approach 94 3.6 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Solution Approach 97 3.7 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Solution Approach 103 3.7.1 General Approach 103 3.7.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 107 3.7.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 109 3.7.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 111 3.8 Synthesis – Solution Approach 114 4. Module Development 117 4.1 Economic Module – Module Development 117 4.1.1 General Approach 117 4.1.2 Calculation Scheme for Manual Operation 117 4.1.3 Calculation Scheme for Collaborative Robots 118 4.1.4 Calculation Scheme for Industrial Robots 120 4.2 Gripper Feasibility Module – Module Development 121 4.3 Rough Layout Discretization Module – Module Development 122 4.3.1 General Approach 122 4.3.2 Two-Dimensional Layout Pattern 123 4.3.3 Three-Dimensional Layout Pattern 125 4.4 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Module Development 126 4.4.1 General Approach 126 4.4.2 Reachability Study 127 4.4.3 Simulation Results 128 4.5 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Module Development 135 4.5.1 General Approach 135 4.5.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 135 4.5.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 143 4.5.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 145 4.6 Synthesis – Module Development 149 5. Practical Verification 155 5.1 Use Case Overview 155 5.2 Gripper Feasibility 155 5.3 Layout Discretization 156 5.4 Collaborative Speed Estimation 157 5.5 Cycle Time Estimation 158 5.6 Economic Evaluation 160 5.7 Synthesis – Practical Verification 161 6. Results and Conclusions 165 6.1 Scientific Findings and Results 165 6.2 Critical Appraisal and Outlook 173Initially, industrial robots were mainly operated behind safety fences to account for the safety requirements. With production flexibilization, these sharp separation areas have been increasingly softened by utilizing external safety devices, such as distance sensors, to operate industrial robots fenceless. Based on this idea of coexistence or cooperation, safety technology has been integrated into the robot to enable true collaboration. These collaborative robots, or cobots, open up new application fields and fill the existing automation gap. But which automation variant is most suitable from an economic perspective? Present research dealt primarily isolated with one technology without comparing these systems regarding technological and economic specifics. Therefore, this doctoral thesis pursues a methodology to economically compare collaborative and industrial robots in fenceless machine tending systems. A particular focus lies on distilling the technical factors that mainly influence the profitability to receive a system understanding of the economic structure of both robot technology variants. For examination, the contents of such a planning scheme are described, categorized, systematized, and modularized. A suitable optimization model is presented on the economic side, while the feasibility regarding gripping, layout planning, robot velocities, and cycle time determination is assessed on the technical side. With deductive, simulative, empirical, and statistical methods, the system behavior of the single planning entities is analyzed to predict the overall profitability a priori with a minimum of investment,- production,- and cycle time information. It is demonstrated that the necessary planning data, in terms of layout composition, robot velocities, and cycle times, can be frontloaded to the project’s beginning with a reverse engineering approach. The net present value serves as the target figure, whose dependency on the human-robot interaction grade can be illustrated in an advantageousness diagram for the individual technical alternatives. Consequently, sound economic decisions can be made on a quantitative basis.:1. Introduction 25 1.1 Research Domain 25 1.2 Research Niche 26 1.3 Research Structure 28 2. State of the Art and Research 31 2.1 Turning Machines and Machine Tending 31 2.1.1 Tooling Machine Market Trends and Machine Tending Systems 31 2.1.2 Workpiece System 34 2.1.3 Machine System 36 2.1.4 Logistics System 39 2.1.5 Handling System 41 2.2 Robotics 43 2.2.1 Robot Installation Development and Application Fields 43 2.2.2 Fenceless Industrial and Collaborative Robots 48 2.2.3 Robot Grippers 55 2.3 Planning and Evaluation Methods 56 2.3.1 Planning of General and Manual Workstations 56 2.3.2 Cell Planning for Fully Automated and Hybrid Robot Systems 59 2.3.3 Robot Safety Planning 61 2.3.4 Economic Evaluation Methods 70 2.4 Synthesis - State of the Art and Research 71 3. Solution Approach 77 3.1 Need for Research and General Solution Approach 77 3.2 Use Case Delineation and Planning Focus 80 3.3 Economic Module – Solution Approach 86 3.4 Gripper Feasibility Module – Solution Approach 89 3.5 Rough Layout Discretization Model – Solution Approach 94 3.6 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Solution Approach 97 3.7 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Solution Approach 103 3.7.1 General Approach 103 3.7.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 107 3.7.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 109 3.7.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 111 3.8 Synthesis – Solution Approach 114 4. Module Development 117 4.1 Economic Module – Module Development 117 4.1.1 General Approach 117 4.1.2 Calculation Scheme for Manual Operation 117 4.1.3 Calculation Scheme for Collaborative Robots 118 4.1.4 Calculation Scheme for Industrial Robots 120 4.2 Gripper Feasibility Module – Module Development 121 4.3 Rough Layout Discretization Module – Module Development 122 4.3.1 General Approach 122 4.3.2 Two-Dimensional Layout Pattern 123 4.3.3 Three-Dimensional Layout Pattern 125 4.4 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Module Development 126 4.4.1 General Approach 126 4.4.2 Reachability Study 127 4.4.3 Simulation Results 128 4.5 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Module Development 135 4.5.1 General Approach 135 4.5.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 135 4.5.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 143 4.5.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 145 4.6 Synthesis – Module Development 149 5. Practical Verification 155 5.1 Use Case Overview 155 5.2 Gripper Feasibility 155 5.3 Layout Discretization 156 5.4 Collaborative Speed Estimation 157 5.5 Cycle Time Estimation 158 5.6 Economic Evaluation 160 5.7 Synthesis – Practical Verification 161 6. Results and Conclusions 165 6.1 Scientific Findings and Results 165 6.2 Critical Appraisal and Outlook 17

    International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2012): 17th-20th June 2012 Tampere Hall Tampere, Finland

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    This Workshop provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in industry working on the diverse issues of micro and desktop factories, as well as technologies and processes applicable for micro and desktop factories. Micro and desktop factories decrease the need of factory floor space, and reduce energy consumption and improve material and resource utilization thus strongly supporting the new sustainable manufacturing paradigm. They can be seen also as a proper solution to point-of-need manufacturing of customized and personalized products near the point of need