38 research outputs found

    Influence of graphical weights’ interpretation and filtration algorithms on generalization ability of neural networks applied to digit recognition

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    In this paper, the method of the graphical interpretation of the single-layer network weights is introduced. It is shown that the network parameters can be converted to the image and their particular elements are the pixels. For this purpose, weight-to-pixel conversion formula is used. Moreover, new weights’ modification method is proposed. The weight coefficients are computed on the basis of pixel values for which image filtration algorithms are implemented. The approach is applied to the weights of three types of the models: single-layer network, two-layer backpropagation network and the hybrid network. The performance of the models is then compared on two independent data sets. By means of the experiments, it is presented that the adjustment of the weights to new values decreases test error value compared to the error obtained for initial set of weights

    A review on handwritten character and numeral recognition for Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian scripts

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    Abstract -There are a lot of intensive researches on handwritten character recognition (HCR) for almost past four decades. The research has been done on some of popular scripts such as Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian. In this paper we present a review on HCR work on the four popular scripts. We have summarized most of the published paper from 2005 to recent and also analyzed the various methods in creating a robust HCR system. We also added some future direction of research on HCR

    High-Quality Wavelets Features Extraction for Handwritten Arabic Numerals Recognition

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    Arabic handwritten digit recognition is the science of recognition and classification of handwritten Arabic digits. It has been a subject of research for many years with rich literature available on the subject.  Handwritten digits written by different people are not of the same size, thickness, style, position or orientation. Hence, many different challenges have to overcome for resolving the problem of handwritten digit recognition.  The variation in the digits is due to the writing styles of different people which can differ significantly.  Automatic handwritten digit recognition has wide application such as automatic processing of bank cheques, postal addresses, and tax forms. A typical handwritten digit recognition application consists of three main stages namely features extraction, features selection, and classification. One of the most important problems is feature extraction. In this paper, a novel feature extraction approach for off-line handwritten digit recognition is presented. Wavelets-based analysis of image data is carried out for feature extraction, and then classification is performed using various classifiers. To further reduce the size of training data-set, high entropy subbands are selected. To increase the recognition rate, individual subbands providing high classification accuracies are selected from the over-complete tree. The features extracted are also normalized to standardize the range of independent variables before providing them to the classifier. Classification is carried out using k-NN and SVMs. The results show that the quality of extracted features is high as almost equivalently high classification accuracies are acquired for both classifiers, i.e. k-NNs and SVMs

    Handwritten Devanagari numeral recognition

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) plays a very vital role in today’s modern world. OCR can be useful for solving many complex problems and thus making human’s job easier. In OCR we give a scanned digital image or handwritten text as the input to the system. OCR can be used in postal department for sorting of the mails and in other offices. Much work has been done for English alphabets but now a day’s Indian script is an active area of interest for the researchers. Devanagari is on such Indian script. Research is going on for the recognition of alphabets but much less concentration is given on numerals. Here an attempt was made for the recognition of Devanagari numerals. The main part of any OCR system is the feature extraction part because more the features extracted more is the accuracy. Here two methods were used for the process of feature extraction. One of the method was moment based method. There are many moment based methods but we have preferred the Tchebichef moment. Tchebichef moment was preferred because of its better image representation capability. The second method was based on the contour curvature. Contour is a very important boundary feature used for finding similarity between shapes. After the process of feature extraction, the extracted feature has to be classified and for the same Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used. There are many classifier but we preferred ANN because it is easy to handle and less error prone and apart from that its accuracy is much higher compared to other classifier. The classification was done individually with the two extracted features and finally the features were cascaded to increase the accuracy

    Advances in Character Recognition

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    This book presents advances in character recognition, and it consists of 12 chapters that cover wide range of topics on different aspects of character recognition. Hopefully, this book will serve as a reference source for academic research, for professionals working in the character recognition field and for all interested in the subject

    Accuracy Affecting Factors for Optical Handwritten Character Recognition

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    Optiline kirjatuvastus viitab tehnikale, mis konverteerib trükitud, kirjutatud või prinditud teksi masinkodeeritud tekstiks, võimaldades sellega paberdokumentide nagu passide, arvete, meditsiiniliste vormide või tšekkide automaatset töötlemist. Mustrituvastus, tehisintellekt ja arvuti nägemine on kõik teadusharud, mis võimaldavad optilist kirjatuvastust. Optilise kirjatuvastuse kasutus võimaldaks paljudel kasvavatel informatsiooni süsteemidel mugavat üleminekut paberformaadilt digitaalsele. Tänapäeval on optilisest kirjatuvastusest väljaskasvanud mitme sammuline protsess: segmenteerimine, andmete eeltöötlus, iseloomulike tunnuste tuletamine, klassifitseerimine, andmete järeltöötlus ja rakenduse spetsiifiline optimiseerimine. See lõputöö pakub välja tehnikaid, millega üleüldiselt tõsta optiliste kirjatuvastussüsteemide täpsust, näidates eeltöötluse, iseloomulike tunnuste tuletamise ja morfoloogilise töötluse mõju. Lisaks võrreldakse erinevate enimkasutatud klassifitseerijate tulemusi. Kasutades selles töös mainitud meetodeid saavutati täpsus üle 98% ja koguti märkimisväärselt suur andmebaas käsitsi kirjutatud jaapani keele hiragana tähestiku tähti.Optical character recognition (OCR) refers to a technique that converts images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text enabling automatic processing paper records such as passports, invoices, medical forms, receipts, etc. Pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision are all research fields that enable OCR. Using OCR on handwritten text could greatly benefit many of the emerging information systems by ensuring smooth transition from paper format to digital world. Nowadays, OCR has evolved into a multi-step process: segmentation, pre-processing, feature extraction, classification, post-processing and application-specific optimization. This thesis proposes techniques to improve the overall accuracy of the OCR systems by showing the affects of pre-processing, feature extraction and morphological processing. It also compares accuracies of different well-known and commonly used classifiers in the field. Using the proposed techniques an accuracy of over 98% was achieved. Also a dataset of handwritten Japanese Hiragana characters with a considerable variability was collected as a part of this thesis