929 research outputs found

    A Step-indexed Semantics of Imperative Objects

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    Step-indexed semantic interpretations of types were proposed as an alternative to purely syntactic proofs of type safety using subject reduction. The types are interpreted as sets of values indexed by the number of computation steps for which these values are guaranteed to behave like proper elements of the type. Building on work by Ahmed, Appel and others, we introduce a step-indexed semantics for the imperative object calculus of Abadi and Cardelli. Providing a semantic account of this calculus using more `traditional', domain-theoretic approaches has proved challenging due to the combination of dynamically allocated objects, higher-order store, and an expressive type system. Here we show that, using step-indexing, one can interpret a rich type discipline with object types, subtyping, recursive and bounded quantified types in the presence of state

    Mixin Composition Synthesis based on Intersection Types

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    We present a method for synthesizing compositions of mixins using type inhabitation in intersection types. First, recursively defined classes and mixins, which are functions over classes, are expressed as terms in a lambda calculus with records. Intersection types with records and record-merge are used to assign meaningful types to these terms without resorting to recursive types. Second, typed terms are translated to a repository of typed combinators. We show a relation between record types with record-merge and intersection types with constructors. This relation is used to prove soundness and partial completeness of the translation with respect to mixin composition synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a translated repository and goal type can be used as input to an existing framework for composition synthesis in bounded combinatory logic via type inhabitation. The computed result is a class typed by the goal type and generated by a mixin composition applied to an existing class

    Modelling the Semantic Web using a Type System

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    We present an approach for modeling the Semantic Web as a type system. By using a type system, we can use symbolic representation for representing linked data. Objects with only data properties and references to external resources are represented as terms in the type system. Triples are represented symbolically using type constructors as the predicates. In our type system, we allow users to add analytics that utilize machine learning or knowledge discovery to perform inductive reasoning over data. These analytics can be used by the inference engine when performing reasoning to answer a query. Furthermore, our type system defines a means to resolve semantic heterogeneity on-the-fly

    Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs

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    This paper presents a program logic for reasoning about multithreaded Java-like programs with dynamic thread creation, thread joining and reentrant object monitors. The logic is based on concurrent separation logic. It is the first detailed adaptation of concurrent separation logic to a multithreaded Java-like language. The program logic associates a unique static access permission with each heap location, ensuring exclusive write accesses and ruling out data races. Concurrent reads are supported through fractional permissions. Permissions can be transferred between threads upon thread starting, thread joining, initial monitor entrancies and final monitor exits. In order to distinguish between initial monitor entrancies and monitor reentrancies, auxiliary variables keep track of multisets of currently held monitors. Data abstraction and behavioral subtyping are facilitated through abstract predicates, which are also used to represent monitor invariants, preconditions for thread starting and postconditions for thread joining. Value-parametrized types allow to conveniently capture common strong global invariants, like static object ownership relations. The program logic is presented for a model language with Java-like classes and interfaces, the soundness of the program logic is proven, and a number of illustrative examples are presented

    Towards feasible, machine-assisted verification of object-oriented programs

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    This thesis provides an account of a development of tools towards making verification of object-oriented programs more feasible. We note that proofs in program verification logics are typically long, yet, mathematically, not very deep; these observations suggest the thesis that computers can significantly ease the burden of program verification. We give evidence supporting this by applying computers to (1) automatically check and (2) automatically infer large parts of proofs. Taking the logic (AL) of Abadi and Leino as our starting point, we initially show how the logic can be embedded into a higher-order logic theorem prover, by way of introducing axioms, using a mix of both higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) and a direct embedding of the assertion logic. The tenacity and exactness of the theorem prover ensures that no proof obligation is inadvertently lost during construction of a proof; we inherit any automatic facilities such as tactics which take us part way towards goal (2); and moreover, we achieve goal (1), since we inherit machine proofs which can be checked automatically. We present som

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects

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    We present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. Programmers implement classes in the usual imperative style, and may take advantage of a richer dependent type system to express class invariants and restrictions on how objects are allowed to change and be used as arguments to methods. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. This is the first dependently-typed language with mutable objects that we know of to bring classes and index refinements into play, enabling types (classes) to be refined by indices drawn from some constraint domain. We give a declarative type system that supports objects whose types may change, despite being sound. We also give an algorithmic type system that provides a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, and from which it is straightforward to read off an implementation. Moreover, all the examples in the paper have been run, compiled and executed in a fully functional prototype that includes a plugin for the Eclipse IDE