56 research outputs found

    Nekrolog jako gatunek tekstu : analiza wydania internetowego The New York Times

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    The thesis presents an analysis of the death notice as a genre, which has been conducted by applying the research models of genre analysis designed by John Swales and Vijay K. Bhatia, and taxonomy of Polish death notices by Jacek Kolbuszewski. This in-depth structural analysis is based on a large corpus of texts (1843 texts consisting of 210,021 words), containing all death notices published in the online edition of The New York Times in a threemonth period (October 1st, 2012 – December 31st, 2012), and downloaded from Legacy.com (the leading global provider of online obituaries and death notices). The analysis involves identifying subgenres of the death notice and their communicative purposes, applying the Move and Steps analytical model to investigate the macrostructure of each subgenre of the death notice and its variants, and carrying out a register analysis, based on lexical and syntactic study with the aim of discovering patterns and lexemes characteristic of each move and/or step. Contrary to the well-researched staff-edited obituary, the genre of American death notice, written by non-professional authors (e.g. relatives, friends, employers or colleagues of the deceased) has not been thoroughly investigated; therefore, it is believed that the thesis will not only make a valuable contribution to the understanding of the genre in question, but it can be used as a reference manual helping prospective writers create a death notice in accordance with the American traditions and rules of the genre. The thesis consists of a theoretical part (Chapters One to Four) and a research part (Chapters Five to Eight). Chapter One revolves around the concepts of discourse, text and genre, and presents an overview of their theories. Chapter Two investigates the American discourse of death; it concentrates on the issue of death as a language taboo and various ways of coping with it, and provides a historical overview of numerous genres commemorating the dead. Chapter Three focuses on the both genres in question; it outlines their origin and evolution in the early British press, and summarizes contemporary research into them. Chapter Four introduces the research part as it discusses the corpus and principles of its division into subcorpora, the research model and applied methodology, and presents the discourse community and communicative purposes. Each of the four chapters constituting the research part deals with the Move and Step analysis of one of four subgenres of the death notice: informative (Chapter Five), farewell (Chapter Six), condolence (Chapter Seven), and anniversary (Chapter Eight); their lexico-structural analysis is illustrated with numerous excerpts from the respective sub-corpora. The Conclusion summarizes the research, and provides implications for future projects. The research has shown that the death notice is a highly conventionalized genre, deeply rooted in American culture and funeral tradition. While presenting biographies of the deceased (always in a positive way, according to the classical rule de mortuis nihil nisi bene), the American death notice emphasizes those specific periods and aspects of their lives (education, professional, political or military career, private life), accomplishments and traits that are valued and respected, and should be imitated by other members of the community. A notice usually contains a lengthy hierarchical list of relatives, both the predeceased and survivors. Each subgenre can be characterized by a specific set of communicative purposes, which are accomplished by a sequence of moves and steps. The commonest subgenre, the informative notice, continues the oldest traditions of the genre by informing the community about a person’s death (optionally its circumstances) and the date and place of the funeral and other services. The style and content of the farewell notice and the condolence notice depend on authorship: highly conventionalized formal institutional notices contrast with more original and intimate private ones. Their authors, whether representatives of an institution or relatives, friends, colleagues, etc., express their loss and grief, praise lives and deeds of the deceased, emphasize their importance for the authors or institution, and, in the case of the condolence notice, they offer their sympathy. The anniversary notice, the rarest subgenre, commemorates the anniversary of decedent’s birth or death, and frequently reminds the community about never-ending love and remembrance of its authors. A significant number of farewell and anniversary notices are addressed to the deceased themselves, the ‘virtual readers,’ which affects their structure and style. The register analysis displays a high level of intertextuality: non-professional obituarists tend to use conventional and stereotypical lexicon, phrases and structures, or even templates (they may copy or imitate other texts and study models provided in obituary manuals). There is no substantial evidence that the Internet has affected the genre: only few texts include hyperlinks that direct to the memorial sites at Legacy.com, where particular groups of the dead are commemorated (e.g. war veterans, university graduates, breast cancer victims)

    Musicians Necrology, 1991-2018

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    Nathan Eakin (1932-2000) first began the Gaylord Music Library Necrology file as a card file in the mid-1980s. In 1991, the project moved to a word processing file and in 1995, became available as a web page. The column formerly published in the Music Library Association’s journal, Notes, called the Necrology Index, was extracted from this Necrology file. Library Assistant Paul Hahn continued to update the necrology on the Gaylord Music Library’s website through 2018

    Die Molekularbiologie in Deutschland von 1945 bis 1975 - Ein internationaler Vergleich.

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    Die Molekularisierung der Biologie seit dem zweiten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts hatte immense Auswirkungen auf die Forschung und führte zu weitreichenden Anwendungen. Sie vereinte in einer Synthese viele biologische, biochemische und medizinische Disziplinen unter zentralen biologischen Fragestellungen. Durch die Entwicklung neuer Methoden und die Etablierung neuer Modellorganismen gelang es innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte, die klassische Genetik, Mikrobiologie, Makromolekulare Chemie und Stoffwechselbiochemie miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. In Deutschland war die Forschung nach 1945 viele Jahre lang geprägt von den Nachwirkungen der NS-Zeit und des Zweiten Weltkriegs, dem Wiederaufbau und der Neugründung von Instituten sowie großen Anstrengungen einzelner Wissenschaftler bei der Etablierung neuer Gebiete, wie dem der Molekularbiologie. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, erstmals ein umfassendes Bild der frühen Geschichte der Molkularbiologie in Deutschland zu erstellen und dieses im internationalen Vergleich zu betrachten. Zuerst wird die Entwicklung der Genetik und Molekularbiologie an deutschen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen im Hinblick auf die Institutionalisierung und Förderung analysiert. Neben der allgemeinen Entwicklung wird hier der Einfluss einzelner Personen, vor allem der des Physikers und Molekularbiologen Max Delbrück, herausgearbeitet. Delbrück hat u.a. durch die Gründung des Instituts für Genetik in Köln und durch seine Kontakte zu einzelnen Forschern in Deutschland maßgeblich zur Entwicklung des Fachs beigetragen. Bei den Förderinstitutionen waren es die DFG und die Volkswagenstiftung, die wichtige Akzente setzten. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit ist eine Zitationsanalyse der Rezeption von 20 wichtigen molekularbiologischen Arbeiten im internationalen Vergleich. Hier werden nationale Unterschiede bei der Rezeption der verschiedenen Teilgebiete der Molekularbiologie aufgezeigt. In Deutschland lagen Forschungsschwerpunkte auf der Proteinstrukturforschung und der Virusgenetik. Es waren hier wenige Gruppen, die aktiv neuere Forschungsinhalte aufgriffen und weiterentwickelten. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit werden die molekularbiologischen Forschungsinhalte in Deutschland auf der Basis von Forscherbiographien und Publikationen untersucht. So kann der Beitrag einzelner deutscher Wissenschaftler zum Forschungsgebiet vorgestellt werden

    The UCL Institute of Education

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    The history of the UCL Institute of Education is one of persistent renewal. Since its founding in 1902 as the London Day Training College, through its establishment as a university institute and merger with UCL, the IOE has constantly grown into new areas of learning and social research. As a locus for leadership, it has exerted influence upon the nature and direction of education nationally and internationally. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, the connections between internal history and external historical developments are sensitively teased out. The result is an elegantly written history, characterised by substantial scholarship and analysis, and enlivened by illustrations and anecdote. The pages of this book are peopled with some of the most influential, and at times controversial, figures of education, including Sidney Webb, Cyril Burt, Susan Isaacs, Sophie Bryant, Richard Peters, Basil Bernstein, Ann Oakley, Celia Hoyles and Stephen Ball. Two new chapters extend Richard Aldrich’s text to 2020. These examine the extraordinary years of growth in the early 2000s, followed by a period of consolidation, merger with UCL and subsequent expansion. The IOE is unique in successfully pursuing a world-leading research agenda while also supporting a wide range of teacher education, having an impact in London, across Britain and the world

    The UCL Institute of Education

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    The history of the UCL Institute of Education is one of persistent renewal. Since its founding in 1902 as the London Day Training College, through its establishment as a university institute and merger with UCL, the IOE has constantly grown into new areas of learning and social research. As a locus for leadership, it has exerted influence upon the nature and direction of education nationally and internationally. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, the connections between internal history and external historical developments are sensitively teased out. The result is an elegantly written history, characterised by substantial scholarship and analysis, and enlivened by illustrations and anecdote. The pages of this book are peopled with some of the most influential, and at times controversial, figures of education, including Sidney Webb, Cyril Burt, Susan Isaacs, Sophie Bryant, Richard Peters, Basil Bernstein, Ann Oakley, Celia Hoyles and Stephen Ball. Two new chapters extend Richard Aldrich’s text to 2020. These examine the extraordinary years of growth in the early 2000s, followed by a period of consolidation, merger with UCL and subsequent expansion. The IOE is unique in successfully pursuing a world-leading research agenda while also supporting a wide range of teacher education, having an impact in London, across Britain and the world

    A Culture of Recording: Christopher Raeburn and the Decca Record Company

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    This thesis examines the working culture of the Decca Record Company, and how group interaction and individual agency have made an impact on the production of music recordings. Founded in London in 1929, Decca built a global reputation as a pioneer of sound recording with access to the world’s leading musicians. With its roots in manufacturing and experimental wartime engineering, the company developed a peerless classical music catalogue that showcased technological innovation alongside artistic accomplishment. This investigation focuses specifically on the contribution of the recording producer at Decca in creating this legacy, as can be illustrated by the career of Christopher Raeburn, the company’s most prolific producer and specialist in opera and vocal repertoire. It is the first study to examine Raeburn’s archive, and is supported with unpublished memoirs, private papers and recorded interviews with colleagues, collaborators and artists. Using these sources, the thesis considers the history and functions of the staff producer within Decca’s wider operational structure in parallel with the personal aspirations of the individual in exerting control, choice and authority on the process and product of recording. Having been recruited to Decca by John Culshaw in 1957, Raeburn’s fifty-year career spanned seminal moments of the company’s artistic and commercial lifecycle: from assisting in exploiting the dramatic potential of stereo technology in Culshaw’s Ring during the 1960s to his serving as audio producer for the 1990 The Three Tenors Concert international phenomenon. The thesis discusses the significance of Raeburn’s connections and background influences in his long career path, while a series of case studies drawn from his archive, illustrating exceptional examples of recording practice and artist cultivation, aim to identify his production ethos in the context of company recording policy and subject to the challenges of a rapidly-evolving industry

    A Critical Woman

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Barbara Wootton was one of the extraordinary public figures of the twentieth century. She was an outstanding social scientist, an architect of the welfare state, an iconoclast who challenged conventional wisdoms and the first woman to sit on the Woolsack in the House of Lords. Ann Oakley has written a fascinating and highly readable account of the life and work of this singular woman, but the book goes much further. It is an engaged account of the making of British social policy at a critical period seen through the lens of the life and work of a pivotal figure. Oakley tells a story about the intersections of the public and the private and about the way her subject's life unfolded within, was shaped by, and helped to shape a particular social and intellectual context

    A Critical Woman

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Barbara Wootton was one of the extraordinary public figures of the twentieth century. She was an outstanding social scientist, an architect of the welfare state, an iconoclast who challenged conventional wisdoms and the first woman to sit on the Woolsack in the House of Lords. Ann Oakley has written a fascinating and highly readable account of the life and work of this singular woman, but the book goes much further. It is an engaged account of the making of British social policy at a critical period seen through the lens of the life and work of a pivotal figure. Oakley tells a story about the intersections of the public and the private and about the way her subject's life unfolded within, was shaped by, and helped to shape a particular social and intellectual context

    Exporting the Canon: The Mixed Experience of the Dutch Bibliotheca Neerlandica (1954-1969)

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    In the 1950s, for reasons of cultural diplomacy, a Dutch quasi governmental organisation, the Stichting ter Bevordering van de Vertaling van Nederlands Letterkundig Werk (The Foundation for the Promotion of the Translation of Dutch Literary Works) served by its bestuur (board), was established to raise awareness of its literature abroad. Its first key project involved translating a series of works called the Bibliotheca Neerlandica into English and to do this, the board established contacts with academics, translators and publishing companies. The purpose of this original research is to map the process of the export of Dutch language classics in the 1960s and to ascertain how they relate to the canon of Dutch language and literature. My methodological approach uses qualitative and quantitative research methods and involves isolating the three literary participants of the project, the board, the translators and publishers to enable me to examine their experiences. I use internet analysis and archival research to both scrutinize the micro-history of the board and the formation of volumes for export as well as to clarify the canon of Dutch literature and its role regarding international cultural diplomacy. My findings demonstrate the complexity of such a cross-cultural undertaking where internal strategic and organisational shortcomings and a lack of planning within an unfavourable external context combined to undermine the Bibliotheca Neerlandica’s fortunes. These are underlined by an influential chairman who selected works based on personal preferences, an ambiguous contract which made the onus of the works’press ready and final translations unclear, poor sales figures and the financial instability of the Heinemann publishing company which affected the 17 planned titles of the Bibliotheca Neerlandica

    Gathered Fragments Vol. XXXI

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    Full Fall 2021 issue of Gathered Fragments (Vol. XXXI)
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