61 research outputs found

    Certificateless-Based Secure EPCglobal Architecture Framework

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    Al-Riyami和Perterson在2003年的亚洲密码学会议上,提出了无证书公钥密码体制,该体制既无传统的基于证书的公钥密码体制复杂的证书管理问题又无基于身份的公钥密码体制的密钥托管问题。 EPC(电子产品代码)网络是一套先进的、综合性的复杂系统,其最终目标是为全世界的每件物品建立一套全球的、开放的标识体系,EPCglobal是由国际物品编码协会(EAN)和美国统一代码委员会(UCC)两大标准化组织联合成立,旨在在全球范围内的各个行业推动和发展EPC网络,通过发展和管理EPC网络标准来提高供应链上贸易单元信息的透明度与可视性,以此来提高全球供应链的运作效率。 EPCglobal体系架...There is neither the complicated problem of certificate management of traditional certificate-based public key cryptology, nor the problem of inherent key escrow of identity-based public key cryptology. EPC (electronic product code) network is an advanced comprehensive system, of which the purpose is to set up a global open system for every single product in the world. The aim of EPCglobal is to...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机系统结构学号:2302008115320

    Research on Security authentication technologies in Internet of things

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    随着计算机和互联网的发展,物联网的概念应运而生,它给高速信息化生活带来了极大的机遇与挑战。物联网相对于传统网络,其感知节点大都部署在无人监控的环境,具有能力脆弱、资源受限等特点,并且由于物联网是在现有传输网络基础上扩展了感知网络和智能处理平台,传统网络安全措施不足以提供可靠的安全保障,从而使得物联网的安全问题具有特殊性。 在系统地研究了物联网体系结构、安全特征及关键技术的基础上,本文对物联网安全认证技术进行了研究。概括地说,主要研究了物联网中服务器与结点、结点与终端、终端与终端之间的安全认证问题。主要表现在以下三个方面: 1、提出了一种基于公钥密码体制的认证与密钥协商协议,很好地解决了服务...With the development of computer and Internet, the concept of Internet of things emerge as the times require, it gives high informatization brings to life the great opportunities and challenges.The Internet of things relative to the traditional network, the sensor nodes are deployed in unattended monitoring environment, with weak ability, resource features such as limited, and as a result of the I...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:X200522300

    Research on Security authentication technologies in Internet of things

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    随着计算机和互联网的发展,物联网的概念应运而生,它给高速信息化生活带来了极大的机遇与挑战。物联网相对于传统网络,其感知节点大都部署在无人监控的环境,具有能力脆弱、资源受限等特点,并且由于物联网是在现有传输网络基础上扩展了感知网络和智能处理平台,传统网络安全措施不足以提供可靠的安全保障,从而使得物联网的安全问题具有特殊性。 在系统地研究了物联网体系结构、安全特征及关键技术的基础上,本文对物联网安全认证技术进行了研究。概括地说,主要研究了物联网中服务器与结点、结点与终端、终端与终端之间的安全认证问题。主要表现在以下三个方面: 1、提出了一种基于公钥密码体制的认证与密钥协商协议,很好地解决了服务...With the development of computer and Internet, the concept of Internet of things emerge as the times require, it gives high informatization brings to life the great opportunities and challenges.The Internet of things relative to the traditional network, the sensor nodes are deployed in unattended monitoring environment, with weak ability, resource features such as limited, and as a result of the I...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:X200522300

    Design and Implementation of Vehicle Import and Export Management System Based on RFID Technology

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    摘要 近年来,机动车以每年百分之十到二十的增速迅猛普及,这与我国经济社会的发展、人民经济条件的不断提高密不可分,车辆管理现状和需求的矛盾进一步加剧,传统车辆管理中暴露的耗费人力、效率低下、车辆丢失问题严重。但是随着将无线射频识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,简称RFID)技术应用到车辆的管理中来,开发成套基于射频技术的车辆进出管理系统,能够有效使得机关、企业、写字楼和小区对于车辆的进出管理更加的智能化、自动化和科学化。 本文首先通过分析车辆进出管理系统的研究背景,结合国内外之前的研究文献,提出一套更符合我国国情和实际应用的基于RFID技术的车辆进出管理系统。然...Abstract In recent years, with the development of our social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, motor vehicle rapid growth at an annual rate of 10% to 20%, intensified the contradiction of the vehicle management present situation and the demand, the traditional vehicle management in exposed human cost,low efficiency, severe loss of such vehicles. But with the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923043

    Study on Automated Trust Negotiation Mechanism in EPC Network

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    无线射频识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)结合其他通讯技术,可以即时地提供贴有RIFD标签产品的信息,利用这些信息可以追踪产品在整个供应链中运动的情况,从而提高了供应链的可视性,使供应链的管理更加高效。但要实现这些好处,供应链企业必须共享这些信息,同时供应链企业还需要知道在哪里可以找到这些信息。 EPCglobal标准组织提出了发现服务(DiscoveryServices,DS)来解决该问题,可以把发现服务看作是电子产品代码网络(ElectronicProductCodeNetwork,EPC网络)的一个受限的搜索引擎。授权用户能够使用EPC码向发现服...To improve the visibility of supply chain and make the supply chain management more effectively, combined with other communication technologies, RFID is used to track the movement of products attached with RFID tags in supply chain and provide products details. To realize these advantage,supply chain participants should share products information and the partners need to know where to find these i...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_管理科学与工程学号:1772007115071

    Re-migration of Ethnic Chinese from Malaysia in the Postwar Period:Quantity Assessment and Cause Analysis

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    论文通过马来西亚方面的人口统计数据,并根据人口自然增长率,推算了马来西亚华人再移民数量;探讨了马来西亚华人再移民的分布与类型及马来西亚华人再移民的原因。结果显示,截至2010年,马来西亚华人再移民约达113万。二战后马来西亚华人因各种历史原因,比如在国内政治上遭受排斥和歧视,经济上受到限制和整治,教育和文化上的不平等政策,强迫同化的压力以及追求海外居住权或国籍等,他们大量二次移民至新加坡、英国、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等地。欧美等发达国家以其相对宽容和公正的法律环境、积极的移民政策和经济一体化发展的前景持续赢得了马来西亚华人再移民的青睐。Based on Malaysia census data and natural population growth rate,the article's author estimates that by 2010 a total of 1.13 million ethnic Chinese have migrated from Malaysia to other countries.They left Malaysia because of political discrimination,economic restrictions,unequal educational and cultural treatment,and the forced assimilation policy.They seek new residence in Singapore,the U.K.,the U.S.,Canada,and Australia as these countries provide an environment that accommodates new comers,a legal system that is fair to all,a positive immigration policy,and a prospect for business development.教育部基地重大项目《中国新移民、东南亚华人再移民及其对亚太国际关系的影响》阶段性研究成

    Research and Realization of Integrated Environment for Data Warehouse

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    引入开放式设计思想,使得数据仓库集成环境具有很强的适应性,该集成环境架构在.NET平台上,采用组件开发技术,使系统具有良好的可靠性、可扩展性和安全性。The design of EDWIE(Integrated Environment for Enterprise Data Warehouse) adopts the open thought and the software is based on the.NET software architecture,so the flexibility,reliability,expansibility and security of this system are favorable.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50474033);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(A0310008);; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点项目(2003H043

    Five Dragons Stirring Up the Sea: Challenge and Opportunity in China’s Improving Maritime Enforcement Capabilities

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    In an age of delicate maneuvering among the great powers, coast guards have taken new and leading roles on the world stage. When Washington wanted to demonstrate conviction and bring supplies to beleaguered Georgia without escalating already simmering tensions around the Black Sea, the USCGC Dallas, a large U.S. Coast Guard cutter, was quickly dispatched. The trend has long been visible in Asia. Tokyo\u27s most extensive use of deadly force in the postwar era was an action by the Japanese coast guard against a North Korean surveillance vessel. More recently, a Japan Coast Guard cutter sank a Taiwanese fishing vessel in a collision near the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands in the East China Sea, prompting a relatively serious diplomatic incident. These most powerful coast guards are spawning imitators. India, for example, announced a bold new purchase of long-range patrol aircraft for its coast guard in the fall of 2008. South Korea\u27s improving coast guard, meanwhile, has invited foreign reporters to a tour in the vicinity of islands that are administered by South Korea but claimed by Japan, accompanying the visit with belligerent rhetoric.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy \u27Assassin\u27s Mace\u27 Capability

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    After a lengthy hiatus-lasting nearly six centuries—China is reemerging as a maritime power, this time with an emphasis on undersea warfare. Between 1996 and 2006, the Chinese navy took delivery of more than thirty submarines. These vessels include two new classes of nuclear submarines-the advanced Song-class diesel submarines and the Yuan class of diesel boats which, according to some reports, was a surprise for U.S. intelligence. Above and beyond this ambitious naval construction program, the People\u27s Republic of China (PRC) received during 2005-06 an additional eight formidable Kilo-class submarines (and associated weaponry), which were purchased in 2002, to add to the four it already operated. A new nuclear submarine base on Hainan Island may well herald a new era of more extended Chinese submarine operations.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The values of urban design - spatial models

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    Urban network morphometrics (UNeMos) is a research technique and a design decision aid in urban design. UNeMOS are network science-based configurational metrics of urban morphology that can inform urban designing decision-making, helping designers to discriminate between different 2D and 3D design options. However, some UNeMOS differ from the standard link/node network encoding by using a transport network’s specific encoding, thus lacking usability in mainstream transport and transport geography and analytical power in 3D. There is also a lack of comparison between these encodings and whether the transport geography combination of standard encoding/closeness centrality analysis using Euclidean, angular, or combination thereof are as discriminant or more of urban design network layout in 2D and 3D. The commentary addresses this research gap by reflecting on how the research original contributions reported in the collected publications have deployed diverse combinations of transport network encoding and spatial models of distance to evaluate the values of transport network configuration. The commentary critically contextualises the publications’ original contributions with reference to a leading research question and a sub-question: How well does UNeMOS, as a standard link/node spatial model and nonstandard spatial model, discriminate urban network configurations in 2D or 3D to capture urban design values? The publications cover urban morphology, form, property pricing, transport planning, spatial distribution, high-density city areas, urban design, and network analysis. The publications demonstrate a deep understanding of various aspects of intra-urban and urban studies, including historical morphological roots, challenges for future research, and their practical applications in urban design and planning. The methods employed in these studies involve a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches. These include, among others, hedonic pricing modelling, multivariate models, road and metro network encoding, 2D and 3D spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA) software, pedestrian standard path centre line network encoding, and value-based urban design. These methods have investigated the association between urban morphology, property prices, transport access, land-use resources, and pedestrian flows in contrasted urban contexts. The approaches in the publications demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and interdependencies in intra-urban and urban studies. The research explores various spatial scales, from local urban design to macro-meso transport planning, and investigates the relationship between outdoor and indoor 3D pedestrian networks in high-density urban areas. Overall, the breadth and depth of the research in these publications and their original contributions showcase a strong foundation in intra-urban and urban studies, highlighting the importance of understanding urban environments’ spatial, socioeconomic, and morphological aspects for effective planning and design. Summary of the publications and contributions: Publication 1: Chiaradia, A., 2019. Urban Morphology/Urban Form. In: A. Orum, ed. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Hoboken, NJ: WileyBlackwell, pp. 1-6. The paper contextualises and traces succinctly, from 1830 to 2019, the historical roots of urban morphology, including street network focus. The article provides a general introduction to critical concepts. Space syntax is contextualised as performative urban morphology and referenced to the early work of Stübben (1911). The main contribution is the identification of three key challenges for future research: epistemological embedding, qualitative ontology, and a unified approach that bridges descriptive/explanatory and prescriptive/normative aspects. Publication 2: Chiaradia, A.*, Hillier, B., Schwander, C. and Barnes, Y., 2013. Compositional and urban form effects on residential property value patterns in Greater London. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 166(3), pp.176-199. This research used a hedonic pricing modelling framework. The road network encoding uses standard road centre line encoding transformed by space syntax software and centralities metrics quantitative spatial characterisation of road network shape/accessibility to investigate the association with property price of a large sample of adjacent properties (≈100,000). Findings are aligned with extant theory related to the hedonic modelling of the residential property price; dwelling size is the most important. The research reveals the importance of road network shape and accessibility characteristics in determining residential property prices in Greater London. The main contribution is the identification of two spatial scales associated with property prices: a local urban design scale (= 2,000 m). Publication 3: Chiaradia, A.*, Hillier, B., Schwander, C. and Wedderburn, M., 2012. Compositional and urban form effects on centres in Greater London. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 165(1), pp.21-42. This research used a multi-variate model, using standard road centre line encoding transformed by space syntax software and centralities metrics quantitative spatial characterisation of road network shape/accessibility and socio-economic variables to investigate the association with commercial rental values of a large sample of commercial property located in designated sub-centres. Findings show that a sub-centre can be spatially distinguished from its non-centre surroundings. A sub-centrality spatial signature: sub-centre spatial and socio-economic typology are identified. Of the two main space syntax spatial variables associated with the sub-centres signatures, one would be the remit or urban design (local spatial scale, walking scale <= 800 m) and the other (meso-scale, <= 2,000 m) would be the remit of transport planning. Publication 4: Zhang, L., Chiaradia, A.* & Zhuang, Y. A., 2015. Configurational Accessibility Study of Road and Metro Network in Shanghai. In: Q. Pan & J. Cao, eds. Recent Developments in Chinese Urban Planning. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 219-245. This research deployed standard road centre line encoding, metro network topological encoding and 2D spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA) software quantitative spatial characterisation of road network and metro network shape/accessibility to investigate the probability density function of spatial distribution of metro system access points, bus access points and commercial land use in a Mega City. The research shows the uneven spatial distribution of metro access points, bus access points, and commercial land use in Shanghai, with 60-70% associated with the top three deciles of road and metro network shape/accessibility. The main contribution is the comprehensive analysis of the spatial distribution of transport and land-use resources in a mega-city context. Publication 5: Zhang, L. & Chiaradia, A.*, 2019. Three-dimensional Spatial Network Analysis and Its Application in a High Density City Area, Central Hong Kong (In Chinese). Urban Planning International, 33(1), pp. 46-53. This research used 3D pedestrian standard path centre line network encoding and 3D sDNA software quantitative spatial characterisation of outdoor and indoor multi-level pedestrian network shape/accessibility to investigate their association with pedestrian flow level in one of the most complex multi-level-built environments. The research reveals a high association between the standard spatial characterisation of outdoor and indoor multi-level pedestrian network shape/accessibility and pedestrian flow levels in a complex built environment. The main contribution is the demonstration of the interdependence between outdoor and indoor pedestrian networks in a high-density urban context. Publication 6: Chiaradia, A.*, Sieh, L. and Plimmer, F., 2017. Values in urban design: A design studio teaching approach. Design Studies, 49, pp. 66-100. The paper refers to physical configurations in general and the movement network that UNeMos are measuring. It articulates a theoretical bridge between the technicalities of measuring urban morphology and the creative application of resulting insights about the impact of any proposed, designed urban shape on the performance of the urban ‘place’ of which it is a part. The basis of the bridge is the concept of value. This is not simply ‘price’ but an interdisciplinary social scientific compound construct inspired by an extensive anthropological meta-review of value: “that which matters, and the extent to which that matters.” The research establishes a theoretical bridge between urban morphology measurement and urban design creativity through the concept of value, which is adapted from Graeber’s general conceptualisation. The main contribution is developing a value-based approach to urban design, as demonstrated through the analysis of student work in an urban design studio. Publication 7: Chiaradia, A., Cooper, C., Webster, C., 2011, spatial Design Network Analysis Software, & Cooper, C.H. and Chiaradia, A.J., 2020. sDNA: 3D spatial network analysis for GIS, CAD, Command Line & Python. SoftwareX, 12, p.100525. Spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA) is a toolbox for 2D and 3D spatial network analysis, especially street/path/urban network analysis, motivated by a need to use standard network links/nodes as the principal unit of analysis to analyse existing and projected network data. sDNA is usable from QGIS & ArcGIS geographic information systems, AutoCAD, Rhino Gh, and the command line via its own Python API. It computes measures of accessibility (reach, mean distance/closeness centrality, gravity), flows (bidirectional betweenness centrality) and efficiency (circuity) as well as convex hull properties, localised within lower- and upper-bounded radial bands. Weighting is flexible and can use geometric properties, data attached to links, zones, matrices or combinations of the above. Motivated by a desire to base network analysis on route choice and spatial cognition, distance can be network-Euclidean, angular, a mixture of both, custom, or specific to cyclists (avoiding slope and motorised traffic). In addition to statistics on network links, the following outputs can be computed: geodesics, network buffers, accessibility maps, convex hulls, flow bundles and skim matrices. Further tools assist with network preparation and calibration of network models to observed data. To date, sDNA has been used mainly for urban network analysis by academics and city planners/engineers for tasks including predicting pedestrian, cyclist, vehicle and metro flows and mode choice and quantifying the built environment for epidemiology and urban planning & design. The main contribution is developing a user-friendly and flexible software tool that supports various types of 3D network analysis, including accessibility, flows, efficiency measures, and various output formats and tools. The commentary critically introduces, compares, and analyses various spatial models of distance using the closeness centrality of a network, combinations of transport network encoding and topological, Euclidean, angular and hybrid distances for their capacity and limitations to discriminate transport network layout. It contextualised the issues related to how and what could be “counted so as to reveal the differences between one settlement structure and another?” (Hillier & Hanson, 1984) in 2D or 3D to capture urban design values. The main findings are as follows: • Topologic distance is inferior at measuring and discriminating distinct layout configurations of the transport networks. • To a very good extent, Euclidean distance measures and discriminates distinct layout configurations of transport networks, yet mainly grid-like layout. • Angular distance remedies the issues of Euclidean distance related to a deformed grid yet introduces errors that can be resolved by Hybrid distance. The link/node model of encoding transport network combined with closeness centrality of the network using spatial models of distance seems valid in discriminating distinct layout configurations of 2D and 3D transport networks. The publications’ original contributions demonstrate that these techniques empirically capture 2D and 3D urban design values