18 research outputs found

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 2

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    Spatial diversity in MIMO communication systems with distributed or co-located antennas

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    The use of multiple antennas in wireless communication systems has gained much attention during the last decade. It was shown that such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems offer huge advantages over single-antenna systems. Typically, quite restrictive assumptions are made concerning the spacing of the individual antenna elements. On the one hand, it is typically assumed that the antenna elements at transmitter and receiver are co-located, i.e., they belong to some sort of antenna array. On the other hand, it is often assumed that the antenna spacings are sufficiently large, so as to justify the assumption of independent fading. In this thesis, the above assumptions are relaxed. In the first part, it is shown that MIMO systems with distributed antennas and MIMO systems with co-located antennas can be treated in a single, unifying framework. In the second part this fact is utilized, in order to develop appropriate transmit power allocation strategies for co-located and distributed MIMO systems. Finally, the third part focuses on specific synchronization problems that are of interest for distributed MIMO systems

    Modelling, Dimensioning and Optimization of 5G Communication Networks, Resources and Services

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    This reprint aims to collect state-of-the-art research contributions that address challenges in the emerging 5G networks design, dimensioning and optimization. Designing, dimensioning and optimization of communication networks resources and services have been an inseparable part of telecom network development. The latter must convey a large volume of traffic, providing service to traffic streams with highly differentiated requirements in terms of bit-rate and service time, required quality of service and quality of experience parameters. Such a communication infrastructure presents many important challenges, such as the study of necessary multi-layer cooperation, new protocols, performance evaluation of different network parts, low layer network design, network management and security issues, and new technologies in general, which will be discussed in this book

    A channel model and coding for vehicle to vehicle communication based on a developed V-SCME

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    Over the recent years, VANET communication has attracted a lot of attention due to its potential in facilitating the implementation of 'Intelligent Transport System'. Vehicular applications need to be completely tested before deploying them in the real world. In this context, VANET simulations would be preferred in order to evaluate and validate the proposed model, these simulations are considered inexpensive compared to the real world (hardware) tests. The development of a more realistic simulation environment for VANET is critical in ensuring high performance. Any environment required for simulating VANET, needs to be more realistic and include a precise representation of vehicle movements, as well as passing signals among different vehicles. In order to achieve efficient results that reflect the reality, a high computational power during the simulation is needed which consumes a lot of time. The existing simulation tools could not simulate the exact physical conditions of the real world, so results can be viewed as unsatisfactory when compared with real world experiments. This thesis describes two approaches to improve such vehicle to vehicle communication. The first one is based on the development of an already existing approach, the Spatial Channel Model Extended (SCME) for cellular communication which is a verified, validated and well-established communication channel model. The new developed model, is called Vehicular - Spatial Channel Model Extended (V-SCME) and can be utilised for Vehicle to Vehicle communication. V-SCME is a statistical channel model which was specifically developed and configured to satisfy the requirements of the highly dynamic network topology such as vehicle to vehicle communication. V-SCME provides a precise channel coefficients library for vehicle to vehicle communication for use by the research community, so as to reduce the overall simulation time. The second approach is to apply V-BLAST (MIMO) coding which can be implemented with vehicle to vehicle communication and improve its performance over the V-SCME. The V- SCME channel model with V-BLAST coding system was used to improve vehicle to vehicle physical layer performance, which is a novel contribution. Based on analysis and simulations, it was found that the developed channel model V-SCME is a good solution to satisfy the requirements of vehicle to vehicle communication, where it has considered a lot of parameters in order to obtain more realistic results compared with the real world tests. In addition, V-BLAST (MIMO) coding with the V-SCME has shown an improvement in the bit error rate. The obtained results were intensively compared with other types of MIMO coding

    Traitement du signal pour les communications numériques au travers de canaux radio-mobiles

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    This manuscript of ''Habilitation à diriger les Recherches'' (Habilitation to conduct researches) gives me the opportunity to take stock of the last 14 years on my associate professor activities and on my research works in the field of signal processing for digital communications, particularly for radio-mobile communications. The purpose of this signal processing is generally to obtain a robust transmission, despite the passage of digital information through a communication channel disrupted by the mobility between the transmitter and the receiver (Doppler effect), the phenomenon of echoes (multi-path propagation), the addition of noise or interference, or by limitations in bandwidth, in transmitted power or in signal-to-noise ratio. In order to recover properly the digital information, the receiver needs in general to have an accurate knowledge of the channel state. Much of my work has focused on receiver synchronization or more generally on the dynamic estimation of the channel parameters (delays, phases, amplitudes, Doppler shifts, ...). We have developed estimators and studied their performance in asymptotic variance, and have compared them to minimum lower bound (Cramer-rao or Bayesian Cramer Rao bounds). Some other studies have focused only on the recovering of information (''detection'' or ''equalization'' task) by the receiver after channel estimation, or proposed and analyzed emission / reception schemes, reliable for certain scenarios (transmit diversity scheme for flat fading channel, scheme with high energy efficiency, ...).Ce mémoire de HDR est l'occasion de dresser un bilan des 14 dernières années concernant mes activités d'enseignant-chercheur et mes travaux de recherche dans le domaine du traitement du signal pour les communications numériques, et plus particulièrement les communications radio-mobiles. L'objet de ce traitement du signal est globalement l'obtention d'une transmission robuste, malgré le passage de l'information numérique au travers d'un canal de communication perturbé par la mobilité entre l'émetteur et le récepteur (effet Doppler), le phénomène d'échos, l'addition de bruit ou d'interférence, ou encore par des limitations en bande-passante, en puissance transmise ou en rapport-signal à bruit. Afin de restituer au mieux l'information numérique, le récepteur a en général besoin de disposer d'une connaissance précise du canal. Une grande partie de mes travaux s'est intéressé à l'estimation dynamique des paramètres de ce canal (retards, phases, amplitudes, décalages Doppler, ...), et en particulier à la synchronisation du récepteur. Quelques autres travaux se sont intéressés seulement à la restitution de l'information (tâches de ''détection'' ou d' ''égalisation'') par le récepteur une fois le canal estimé, ou à des schémas d'émission / réception spécifiques. La synthèse des travaux commence par une introduction générale décrivant les ''canaux de communications'' et leurs problèmes potentiels, et positionne chacun de mes travaux en ces termes. Une première partie s'intéresse aux techniques de réception pour les signaux à spectre étalé des systèmes d'accès multiple à répartition par codes (CDMA). Ces systèmes large-bande offrent un fort pouvoir de résolution temporelle et des degrés de liberté, que nous avons exploités pour étudier l'égalisation et la synchronisation (de retard et de phase) en présence de trajets multiples et d'utilisateurs multiples. La première partie regroupe aussi d'autres schémas d'émission/réception, proposés pour leur robustesse dans différents scénarios (schéma à diversité pour canaux à évanouissement plats, schéma à forte efficacité énergétique, ...). La seconde partie est consacrée à l'estimation dynamique Bayésienne des paramètres du canal. On suppose ici qu'une partie des paramètres à estimer exhibe des variations temporelles aléatoires selon une certaine loi à priori. Nous proposons d'abord des estimateurs et des bornes minimales d'estimation pour des modèles de transmission relativement complexes, en raison de la distorsion temporelle due à la forte mobilité en modulation multi-porteuse (OFDM), ou de la présence de plusieurs paramètres à estimer conjointement, ou encore de non linéarités dans les modèles. Nous nous focalisons ensuite sur le problème d'estimation des amplitudes complexes des trajets d'un canal à évolution lente (à 1 ou plusieurs bonds). Nous proposons des estimateurs récursifs (dénommés CATL, pour ''Complex Amplitude Tracking Loop'') à structure imposée inspirée par les boucles à verrouillage de phase numériques, de performance asymptotiques proches des bornes minimales. Les formules analytiques approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglages de ces estimateurs sont établies sous forme de simples fonctions des paramètres physiques (spectre Doppler, retards, niveau de bruit). Puis étant donné les liens établis entre ces estimateurs CATL et certains filtres de Kalman (construits pour des modèles d'état de type marche aléatoire intégrée), les formules approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglage de ces filtres de Kalman sont aussi dérivées

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle to Vehicle and Infrastructure Communication in Realistic Large Scale Urban Area

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    During the last decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has progressed at a rapid rate, which aim to improve transportation activities in terms of safety and efficiency. Car to Car or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and Car/Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (I2V or V2I) communications are important components of the ITS architecture. Communication between cars is often referred to Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) and it has many advantages such as: reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions and etc. VANET architectures have been standardized in the IEEE-802.11p specification. For a closer look on V2V and V2I studies, the necessity of simulations is obvious. Network simulators can simulate the ad-hoc network but they cannot simulate the huge traffic of cities. In order to solve this problem, this thesis studies the Veins framework which is used to run a traffic (SUMO) and a network (OMNET++) simulator in parallel and simulates the realistic traffics of the city of Cologne, Germany, as an ad-hoc network. Several different simulations and performance analyses have been done to investigate the ability of different VANET applications. In the simulations, cars move in the real map of the city of Cologne and communicate with each other and also with RoadSideUnits with using IEEE 802.11p standard. Then, Probability of Beacons Delivery (PBD) in different area of a real city are calculated and also are compared with the analytical model. This study is the first research performed on calculating PBD of IEEE 802.11p in realistic large urban area. Then, the thesis focuses on modelling and analysis of the applications of the V2I in real city. In these sections, two different simulations of application of the VANET are done by developing the Veins framework and also by developing two new programs written in Python which are connected to SUMO and control the real traffic simulation. One program simulates a real city with intelligent traffic lights for decreasing response time of emergency vehicles by using V2I. The results show that using V2I communication based on 802.11p between emergency cars and traffic lights can decrease the response time of emergency cars up to 70%. Another program, simulates dynamic route planning in real traffic simulation which is used V2I and V2V communication. The result of this simulation show the capability of V2V and V2I to decrease the traveling time, fuel consumptions and emissions of the cars in the city

    RFID Technology in Intelligent Tracking Systems in Construction Waste Logistics Using Optimisation Techniques

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    Construction waste disposal is an urgent issue for protecting our environment. This paper proposes a waste management system and illustrates the work process using plasterboard waste as an example, which creates a hazardous gas when land filled with household waste, and for which the recycling rate is less than 10% in the UK. The proposed system integrates RFID technology, Rule-Based Reasoning, Ant Colony optimization and knowledge technology for auditing and tracking plasterboard waste, guiding the operation staff, arranging vehicles, schedule planning, and also provides evidence to verify its disposal. It h relies on RFID equipment for collecting logistical data and uses digital imaging equipment to give further evidence; the reasoning core in the third layer is responsible for generating schedules and route plans and guidance, and the last layer delivers the result to inform users. The paper firstly introduces the current plasterboard disposal situation and addresses the logistical problem that is now the main barrier to a higher recycling rate, followed by discussion of the proposed system in terms of both system level structure and process structure. And finally, an example scenario will be given to illustrate the system’s utilization