527,048 research outputs found

    Design of RFID Tags Database

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem této práce je návrh relačního databázového systému pro mezinárodní laboratoř VŠB-TUO. Bakalářská práce reaguje na potřeby pracovníků laboratoře mít na jednom místě uložené technické informace o RFID čipech. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na vysvětlení pojmu databázového systému, jeho modelování a abstrakci. Následně jsou popsány metodiky a fáze vývoje databázového systému. V praktické části práce je provedena analýza a sběr požadavků na výslednou databázi. Dále je znázorněn postup návrhu konceptuálního a logického modelu databáze. Poslední částí práce je návrh fyzické realizace databáze v aplikaci MS access.The purpose of this work is to design a relational database system for international laboratory VŠB-TUO. Bachelor thesis responds to the needs of laboratory personnel have in one place stored technical information about RFID chips. The theoretical part focuses on the notion of a database system, its modeling and abstraction. Subsequently there are described the methodology and database system development phases. In the practical part of the thesis are displayed gathering and analysis requirements on the resulting database. It is also shown the conceptual design process and the logical database model. The last part is the design of the physical implementation of the database in MS Access.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Refinement and variability techniques in model transformation of software requirements

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de InformaçãoThis thesis begins with analyzing user functional requirements (as use cases) from the perspective of detail. In that sense, it investigates the applicability of the UML (Unified Modeling Language) «include» relationship to the representation of use case refinement and proposes another relationship for that purpose. It also clarifies the process of modeling use cases with UML when refinement is involved and provides for some guidelines in order to conduct that process. Afterwards, the work of this thesis on use case modeling is expanded to the field of SPLs (Software Product Lines) by means of exploring the UML «extend» relationship. It talks about alternative, specialization and option use cases as the representation of the three variability types this thesis proposes to be translated into stereotypes to mark use cases. Then, this thesis incorporates the refinement of logical architectures with variability support from use cases also with variability support in the 4SRS (Four Step Rule Set) transition method for model transformation of analysis artifacts (use cases) into design artifacts (logical architectures represented as UML component diagrams). The model transformation the 4SRS guides in a stepwise way, from use cases into logical architectures, is based on a software development pattern that addresses architecture. This thesis yields a multilevel and multistage pattern classification that grounds the use of that pattern to generate system functional requirements (as logical architectures). Lastly, the 4SRS transition method is modeled with the SPEM (Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel) and formalized as a small software development process dedicated at transitioning from the analysis to the design of software. After that, this thesis presents a case study on the automation of the 4SRS and thoroughly elaborates on the transformation rules that support the model transformations of the 4SRS.Esta tese começa por analisar requisitos funcionais de utilizador (enquanto casos de utilização) sob a perspectiva do detalhe. Nesse sentido, esta tese investiga a aplicabilidade da relação UML (Unified Modeling Language) «include» para a representação do refinamento de casos de utilização e propõe outra relação para esse fim. Esta tese também clarifica o processo de modelação de casos de utilização com a UML quando esse processo envolve refinamento e fornece algumas diretrizes para a condução desse processo. De seguida, o trabalho desta tese em modelação de casos de utilização é expandido para o campo das linhas de produtos de software através da exploração da relação UML «extend». Esse trabalho fala de casos de utilização alternativos, de especialização e opcionais como a representação dos três tipos de variabilidade que esta tese propõe que sejam traduzidos em estereótipos para a marcação de casos de utilização. Depois, esta tese incorpora o refinamento de arquitecturas lógicas com suporte à variabilidade a partir de casos de utilização também com suporte à variabilidade no método de transição 4SRS (Four Step Rule Set) para a tranformação de modelos de artefatos de análise (casos de utilização) em modelos de artefatos de design (arquitecturas lógicas representadas como diagramas de components UML). A transformação de modelos que o 4SRS guia por passos, de casos de utilização em arquitecturas lógicas, baseia-se num padrão de desenvolvimento de software que visa arquitetura. Esta tese produz uma classificação multinível e multietapa de padrões, que sustenta a utilização desse padrão na geração de requisitos funcionais de sistema (enquanto arquitecturas lógicas). Por fim, o método de transição 4SRS é modelado com o SPEM (Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel) e formalizado como um pequeno processo de desenvolvimento de software dedicado a transitar da análise para o design the software. Depois disso, esta tese apresenta um estudo de caso sobre a automatização do 4SRS e elabora minuciosamente acerca das regras de transformação que apoiam as transformações de modelos do 4SRS

    Software Support for Project Definition with Using of Logical Frame Method

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    Cílem diplomové práce je návrh a realizace programové podpory definování projektu s využitím LFM (Logical Frame Method). První část pojednává o projektovém řízení a nutnosti jeho použití při řešení projektů. Dále jsou popsány fáze projektu z hlediska projektového řízení, podrobně je popsán způsob definování projektu metodou logického rámce. V druhé části je pak uvedena analýza požadavků, návrh pomocí UML diagramů a zajímavé části implementace programu, který byl vytvořen ve vývojovém prostředí Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 v jazyku C#. V závěru je provedeno zhodnocení , srovnání s existujícími aplikacemi a jsou navržena možná rozšíření.The purpose of this work is to design and implement software support for Project Definition of LFM (Logical Frame Method). The first part is about project management and about necessity to use it for solving projects. There is description of phases of project and detailed description of logical frame method. In the second part there is system requirements analysis, description of the application via UML and implementation of application which was created in development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 in C# language. There is a short summary, possible extensions and comparing with existing applications in the end of the work.

    Projeto de um banco de dados para suporte ao FMEA : estudo de caso das informações da autorizada

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação, 2015.O preenchimento da FMEA (Failure Mode And Effect Analysis) não é tarefa simples nem rápida. A identificação do índice de ocorrência depende de acesso a dados históricos das falhas. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para implementação da ferramenta FMEA a partir da criação de um Sistema de Banco de Dados (BD) que registra as informações sobre as falhas ocorridas nos produtos, com foco naqueles em período de garantia. O sistema BD foi desenvolvido em seis etapas: levantamento e análise de requisitos, projeto do modelo conceitual, determinação do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Banco de Dados (SGBD), projeto do modelo lógico, projeto do modelo físico e implantação e ajuste do sistema. Ao final do projeto foi realizada uma inspeção de usabilidade para verificar se o sistema atende aos critérios heurísticos estabelecidos. A interface do sistema satisfez parcialmente aos requisitos. Os resultados buscaram agilizar o processo de registro de falhas contribuindo para implementação do FMEA.Completion of FMEA (Failure Mode And Effect Analysis) is not simple or quick task. The identification of the occurrence rate depends on access to historical data failures. This paper presents a proposal for implementation of the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) tool from the creation of database (DB) containing information about the products failures, with focus on those under warranty. This system was developed in six steps: requirement collection and Analysis, conceptual model design, determination of the Database Management System (DBMS), the logical design model, physical model design and Database System Implementation and Tuning. Finally, a usability inspection was carried out to verify that the system meets the established heuristic criteria. The system interface partially satisfied the requirements. The results sought to speed up the log failure process contributing to FMEA implementation


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    Many modern digital systems use forms of CMOS logical implementation due to the straight forward design nature of CMOS logic and minimal device area since CMOS uses fewer transistors than other logic families. To achieve high-performance requirements in mixed-signal chip development and quiet, noiseless circuitry, this thesis provides an alternative toCMOSin the form of MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML). MCML dissipates constant current and does not produce noise during value changing in a circuit CMOS circuits do. CMOS logical networks switch during clock ticks and with every device switching, noise is created on the supply and ground to deal with the transitions. Creating a noiseless standard cell library with MCML allows use of circuitry that uses low voltage switching with 1.5V between logic levels in a quiet or mixed-signal environment as opposed to the full rail to rail swinging of CMOS logic. This allows cohesive implementation with analog circuitry on the same chip due to constant current and lower switching ranges not creating rail noise during digital switching. Standard cells allow for the Cadence tools to automatically generate circuits and Cadence serves as the development platform for the MCML standard cells. The theory surrounding MCML is examined along with current and future applications well-suited for MCML are researched and explored with the goal of highlighting valid candidate circuits for MCML. Inverters and NAND gates with varying current drives are developed to meet these specialized goals and are simulated to prove viability for quiet, mixed-signal applications. Analysis and results show that MCML is a superior implementation choice compared toCMOSfor high speed and mixed signal applications due to frequency independent power dissipation and lack of generated noise during operation. Noise results show rail current deviations of 50nA to 300nA during switching over an average operating current of 20µA to 80µA respectively. The multiple order of magnitude difference between noise and signal allow the MCML cells to dissipate constant power and thus perform with no noise added to a system. Additional simulated results of a 31-stage ring oscillator result in a frequency for MCML of 1.57GHz simulated versus the 150.35MHz that MOSIS tested on a fabricated 31-stage CMOS oscillator. The layouts designed for the standard cell library conform to existing On Semiconductor ami06 technology dimensions and allow for design of any logical function to be fabricated. The I/O signals of each cell operate at the same input and output voltage swings which allow seamless integration with each other for implementation in any logical configuration

    Aircraft systems architecting: a functional-logical domain perspective

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    Presented is a novel framework for early systems architecture design. The framework defines data structures and algorithms that enable the systems architect to operate interactively and simultaneously in both the functional and logical domains. A prototype software tool, called AirCADia Architect, was implemented, which allowed the framework to be evaluated by practicing aircraft systems architects. The evaluation confirmed that, on the whole, the approach enables the architects to effectively express their creative ideas when synthesizing new architectures while still retaining control over the process

    Construction Management Initial Construction Preparation

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    The process of planning and managing a construction project is of the utmost importance to ensure the success of the project. This allows the managers of the project to monitor the compliance of deadlines and budget, to try and mitigate or reduce any possible deviations that might occur due to unforeseen circumstances. Although there are already solutions in the market, which were the target of a market study, many are still lacking key functionalities, or could be improved. This is what motivated this project, and as such this project will focus on developing a solution with state-of-the-art technologies that focuses on providing its users the best user experience possible, while also providing all the tools necessary to plan and manage a construction project. The contents of this document follow a logical sequence. Starting with an introduction to the problem, its objectives and the approach used. Following, is an analysis where the problem is contextualized, and a market study is also performed with the goal of identifying and detailing the opportunity. Next, in this document is included the process of analyzing the business to identify all the requirements for the solution as well as a discussion of possible design alternatives for the implementation of the solution and the chosen approach. Lastly, the implementation of the designed solution is detailed and evaluated to assess whether the main objective was achieved. By the end of this project, the system was implemented and evaluated, and scored high regarding its quality, had a good user acceptance, even without all the requirements present. This outcome was the result of a continuous iterative process and transparency with the stakeholdersO processo de planeamento e gestão de um projeto de uma construção é de extrema importância para garantir o sucesso do projeto. Isto permite que os gestores do projeto acompanhem o cumprimento de prazos e orçamento, para tentar mitigar ou reduzir eventuais desvios que possam ocorrer devido a circunstâncias imprevistas. Apesar de já existirem soluções no mercado, que foram alvo de um estudo de mercado, muitas ainda carecem de funcionalidades chave, ou podem ser melhoradas. Foi isto que motivou este projeto, e como tal este projeto irá focar-se no desenvolvimento de uma solução com tecnologias de ponta que foca em proporcionar aos seus utilizadores a melhor experiência de utilizador possível e, ao mesmo tempo, disponibilizar todas as ferramentas necessárias para planear e gerir um projeto de construção. O conteúdo deste documento segue uma sequência lógica. Começando com uma introdução ao problema, seus objetivos e a abordagem utilizada. A seguir, é feita uma análise onde o problema é contextualizado, e também é realizado um estudo de mercado com o objetivo de identificar e detalhar a oportunidade. Em seguida, neste documento está incluído o processo de análise do negócio para identificar todos os requisitos para a solução, bem como uma discussão de possíveis alternativas de design para a implementação da solução e a abordagem escolhida de entre as alternativas. Por fim, a implementação da solução desenhada é detalhada e, por fim, a solução desenvolvida é avaliada para quantificar sua qualidade. No final deste projeto, a solução desenhada foi desenvolvida e avaliada, e pontuou bastante alto quanto à sua qualidade, teve uma boa aceitação dos utilizadores, mesmo sem todos os requisitos presentes. A solução desenvolvida é intuitiva e fácil de usar e , mesmo com alguns dos requisitos em falta, motiva os utilizadores a trocar as ferramentas atuais, tendo assim atingido o objetivo que se propôs alcançar. Este resultado foi fruto de um processo iterativo contínuo e da transparência total com as partes interessada

    Creating Responsive Information Systems with the Help of SSADM

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    In this paper, a program for a research is outlined. Firstly, the concept of responsive information systems is defined and then the notion of the capacity planning and software performance engineering is clarified. Secondly, the purpose of the proposed methodology of capacity planning, the interface to information systems analysis and development methodologies (SSADM), the advantage of knowledge-based approach is discussed. The interfaces to CASE tools more precisely to data dictionaries or repositories (IRDS) are examined in the context of a certain systems analysis and design methodology (e.g. SSADM)