5 research outputs found

    Internal structures and mechanical properties of magnetic gels and suspensions

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    We present results of theoretical and computer study of linear chain-like and complicated labyrinth structures in magnetic gels and suspensions as well as effect of these internal structures on macroscopic elastic properties of the composites. Our results show that at a certain threshold deformation, the structures experience a rupture which provokes a fall down of the macroscopic elastic stress, induced by the deformation. This effect is detected for both shear and tensile deformations. The results of calculations are compared with experimental data's. 漏2020 Andrey Zubarev et al., published by De Gruyter

    Magnetic Hybrid-Materials

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    Externally tunable properties allow for new applications of suspensions of micro- and nanoparticles in sensors and actuators in technical and medical applications. By means of easy to generate and control magnetic fields, fluids inside of matrices are studied. This monnograph delivers the latest insigths into multi-scale modelling, manufacturing and application of those magnetic hybrid materials

    Magnetic Hybrid-Materials

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    Externally tunable properties allow for new applications of suspensions of micro- and nanoparticles in sensors and actuators in technical and medical applications. By means of easy to generate and control magnetic fields, fluids inside of matrices are studied. This monnograph delivers the latest insigths into multi-scale modelling, manufacturing and application of those magnetic hybrid materials

    Nanofluid Flow in Porous Media

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    Studies of fluid flow and heat transfer in a porous medium have been the subject of continuous interest for the past several decades because of the wide range of applications, such as geothermal systems, drying technologies, production of thermal isolators, control of pollutant spread in groundwater, insulation of buildings, solar power collectors, design of nuclear reactors, and compact heat exchangers, etc. There are several models for simulating porous media such as the Darcy model, Non-Darcy model, and non-equilibrium model. In porous media applications, such as the environmental impact of buried nuclear heat-generating waste, chemical reactors, thermal energy transport/storage systems, the cooling of electronic devices, etc., a temperature discrepancy between the solid matrix and the saturating fluid has been observed and recognized

    Analysis of the magneto-thermo-dynamic behaviour of magnetorheological elastomers

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    Azken hamarkadetan, bibrazioen aurkako aplikazioen helburu nagusia osagaien bizitza erabilgarria, erosotasuna eta segurtasuna areagotzea izan da. Hala ere, gaur egungo aplikazioek lan-baldintza aldakorretara moldatzeko malgutasuna behar dute. Hori dela eta, material adimenduak gero eta gehiago erabiltzen ari dira industriako sektore ezberdinetan. Material talde honen barruan elastomero magnetoerreologikoak daude, eremu magnetiko baten eraginpean beraien propietateak aldatzen dituztelako. Tesi doktoral honen helburu nagusia elastomero magnetoerreologikoen propietate magnetotermiko biskoelastikoak aztertzea da, aplikazio industrialetan elastomero magnetoerreologikoen erabilpena areagotu ahal izateko. Hiru matrize ezberdin eta zortzi partikula-kontzentrazio bolumetriko erabili dira elastomero magnetoerreologiko isotropo eta anisotropoak sintetizatzean. Galerafaktorea eta metatze-modulua aztertzen dituen irizpide berria proposatu da sintetizaturiko laginen tarte biskoelastiko lineala definitzeko. Gainera, tarte honen sintesieta karakterizazio-aldagaiekiko menpekotasuna aztertu da. Tarte biskoelastiko lineala definitu ostean, sintesi- eta karakterizazio-aldagaien eragina propietate magnetobiskoelastiko linealetan aztertu dira. Horrela, material hauen atenuazio maximoaren aldakuntza definitu da. Bestalde, konpresio-entsegu magnetodinamiko berria diseinatu eta fabrikatu da, elastomero magnetoerreologikoak frekuentzia altuetan neurtu ahal izateko. Konpresioko propietateak neurtzeko prozedura definitu eta gero, elastomero magnetoerreologiko isotropoen konpresio-tarte biskoelastiko lineala aztertu da. Horrela, partikulakontzentrazioaren, frekuentziaren eta eremu magnetikoaren eragina propietate magnetobiskoelastiko linealetan definitu da. Azkenik, bi modelo magneto-biskoelastiko berri garatu dira, bata elastomero magnetoerreologiko isotropoetarako eta bestea anisotropoetarako. Bi ereduetan, bilakaera biskoelastikoa aurreikusteko lau parametroko deribatu frakzionarioen eredua erabili da. Arrhenius-en eredua erabiliz tenperaturearen eragina modelatu da, eta proposaturiko eredu biskoelastikoari gehitu zaio. Gainera, proposaturiko ereduko parametro bakoitzean partikula-kontzentrazioak duen eragina aztertu eta modelatu da. Elastomero magnetoerreologiko isotropoetan eremu magnetikoak eragiten duen modulu magneto induzitua modelatzeko, dipolo-dipolo interakzioetan oinarritua dagoen eredua garatu da. Elastomero magnetoerreologiko anisotropoei dagokienez, eremu magnetikoarekiko menpekotasuna modelatzeko material hauen permeabilitate magnetikoetan oinarritua dagoen eredua garatu da. Eredu biskoelastikoa eta eredu magnetikoa elkartuz, elastomero magnetoerreologiko anisotropoen bilakaera magnetobiskoelastikoa aurreikusten duen eredu berri bakar bat garatu da.En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, se han desarrollado m煤ltiples aplicaciones anti-vibratorias con el fin de aumentar la vida 煤til de los componentes, el confort y la seguridad. La mayor parte de estas aplicaciones utilizan materiales que no se pueden adaptar a unas condiciones de trabajo variables, por lo que surgen como alternativa los materiales inteligentes. Dentro de 茅ste grupo de materiales, se encuentran los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos que poseen la capacidad de modificar sus propiedades cuando se aplica un campo magn茅tico externo. El principal objetivo de 茅sta tesis es analizar el comportamiento magneto-t茅rmicodin谩mico de los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos para incrementar su uso en aplicaciones industriales. Se han sintetizado elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos is贸tropos y anis贸tropos con tres matrices diferentes y ocho concentraciones volum茅tricas de part铆culas. Se ha propuesto un nuevo criterio para definir el rango viscoel谩stico lineal de los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos a cortadura analizando el factor de p茅rdida y el m贸dulo de almacenamiento. Adem谩s, se ha estudiado la influencia de las variables de s铆ntesis y de caracterizaci贸n en el rango viscoel谩stico lineal, y en las propiedades magneto-viscoel谩sticas de los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos is贸tropos y anis贸tropos, lo que ha permitido establecer la m谩xima atenuaci贸n de estos materiales. Adicionalmente, se ha dise帽ado e implementado un nuevo ensayo magnetodin谩mico de compresi贸n para caracterizar los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos a altas frecuencias. En este modo de trabajo se han establecido el l铆mite viscoel谩stico lineal y las propiedades magneto-viscoel谩sticas en funci贸n de la concentraci贸n de part铆culas, frecuencia y campo magn茅tico. Por 煤ltimo se han creado dos nuevos modelos magneto-viscoel谩sticos, uno para elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos is贸tropos y otro para anis贸tropos. Ambos, utilizan un modelo de derivadas fraccionarias de cuatro par谩metros para describir el car谩cter viscoel谩stico, al que se ha acoplado el modelo de Arrhenius para incluir la temperatura. Cada uno de los par谩metros del modelo viscoel谩stico se ha analizado y modelado en funci贸n de la concentraci贸n de part铆culas. En el modelo viscoel谩stico de elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos is贸tropos se ha implementado un nuevo modelo magneto-inducido basado en la interacci贸n dipolo-dipolo para incluir el efecto del campo magn茅tico. En cuanto a los elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos anis贸tropos, se ha desarrollado un nuevo modelo para el m贸dulo magneto-inducido a partir de las permeabilidades magn茅ticas. Este modelo se acopla al efecto viscoel谩stico dando un 煤nico modelo magneto-viscoel谩stico para elast贸meros magnetorreol贸gicos anis贸tropos.In the last decades, many anti-vibration applications have been developed to increase the life time of components, the comfort and the security. Most of these applications are based on materials that cannot be adapted to variable working conditions, so that smart materials arise as an alternative. Within these group of materials, magnetorheological elastomers are found whose dynamic properties can be reversibly modified and controlled by an external magnetic field. The main goal of the presented dissertation was to analyse the magneto-thermodynamic behaviour of magnetorheological elastomers to enhance its use in industrial applications. Isotropic and anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers samples were synthesised with three different matrices and eight particle contents to study the shear magneto-viscoelastic properties. A new criteria analysing the loss factor and storage modulus was determined to define the shear linear viscoelastic region of magnetorheological elastomers, and the influence of synthesis and characterisation variables in the linear region was studied. Within this linear region, the magneto-viscoelastic properties of isotropic and anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers were studied, and the maximum attenuation variability of these materials was established. A new magneto-dynamic compression test was designed and manufactured, and the procedure to characterise magnetorheological elastomers at high frequencies in compression mode was implemented. Furthermore, the linear viscoelastic region was defined in these working mode, and the magneto-dynamic properties were analysed as a function of the particle content, the frequency and the magnetic field. Finally, two new magneto-viscoelastic models were developed, one for isotropic and another one for anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers. In both models, the viscoelastic nature was modelled using a four-parameter fractional derivative model, and the influence of temperature was introduced using the Arrhenius model. Moreover, the influence of particle content in each parameter was analysed and modelled, and a new magneto-induced modulus model based on the dipole-dipole interactions was coupled with the developed models for isotropic magnetorheological elastomers. In respect of anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers, a new magnetoinduced modulus model was developed using magnetic permeability components, and it was coupled to the viscoelastic effect in a single magneto-viscoelastic model for anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers