128 research outputs found

    Unfolding RNA 3D structures for secondary structure prediction benchmarking

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    Les acides ribonuclĂ©iques (ARN) forment des structures tri-dimensionnelles complexes stabilisĂ©es par la formation de la structure secondaire (2D), elle-mĂȘme formĂ©e de paires de bases. Plusieurs mĂ©thodes computationnelles ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©es dans les derniĂšres annĂ©es afin de prĂ©dire la structure 2D d’ARNs, en partant de la sĂ©quence. Afin de simplifier le calcul, ces mĂ©thodes appliquent gĂ©nĂ©ralement des restrictions sur le type de paire de bases et la topologie des structures 2D prĂ©dites. Ces restrictions font en sorte qu’il est parfois difficile de savoir Ă  quel point la totalitĂ© des paires de bases peut ĂȘtre reprĂ©sentĂ©e par ces structures 2D restreintes. MC-Unfold fut crĂ©Ă© afin de trouver les structures 2D restreintes qui pourraient ĂȘtre associĂ©es Ă  une structure secondaire complĂšte, en fonction des restrictions communĂ©ment utilisĂ©es par les mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction de structure secondaire. Un ensemble de 321 monomĂšres d’ARN totalisant plus de 4223 structures fut assemblĂ© afin d’évaluer les mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction de structure 2D. La majoritĂ© de ces structures ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire et crystallographie aux rayons X. Ces structures ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©pliĂ©s par MC-Unfold et les structures rĂ©sultantes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă  celles prĂ©dites par les mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction. La performance de MC-Unfold sur un ensemble de structures expĂ©rimentales est encourageante. En moins de 5 minutes, 96% des 227 structures ont Ă©tĂ© complĂštement dĂ©pliĂ©es, le reste des structures Ă©tant trop complexes pour ĂȘtre dĂ©pliĂ© rapidement. Pour ce qui est des mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction de structure 2D, les rĂ©sultats indiquent qu’elles sont capable de prĂ©dire avec un certain succĂšs les structures expĂ©rimentales, particuliĂšrement les petites molĂ©cules. Toutefois, si on considĂšre les structures larges ou contenant des pseudo-noeuds, les rĂ©sultats sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement dĂ©favorables. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus indiquent que les mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction de structure 2D devraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es avec prudence, particuliĂšrement pour de larges molĂ©cules.Ribonucleic acids (RNA) adopt complex three dimensional structures which are stabilized by the formation of base pairs, also known as the secondary (2D) structure. Predicting where and how many of these interactions occur has been the focus of many computational methods called 2D structure prediction algorithms. These methods disregard some interactions, which makes it difficult to know how well a 2D structure represents an RNA structure, especially when large amounts of base pairs are ignored. MC-Unfold was created to remove interactions violating the assumptions used by prediction methods. This process, named unfolding, extends previous planarization and pseudoknot removal methods. To evaluate how well computational methods can predict experimental structures, a set of 321 RNA monomers corresponding to more than 4223 experimental structures was acquired. These structures were mostly determined using nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography. MC-Unfold was used to remove interactions the prediction algorithms were not expected to predict. These structures were then compared with the structured predicted. MC-Unfold performed very well on the test set it was given. In less than five minutes, 96% of the 227 structure could be exhaustively unfolded. The few remaining structures are very large and could not be unfolded in reasonable time. MC-Unfold is therefore a practical alternative to the current methods. As for the evaluation of prediction methods, MC-Unfold demonstrated that the computational methods do find experimental structures, especially for small molecules. However, when considering large or pseudoknotted molecules, the results are not so encouraging. As a consequence, 2D structure prediction methods should be used with caution, especially for large structures

    A Comparative Taxonomy of Parallel Algorithms for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction

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    RNA molecules have been discovered playing crucial roles in numerous biological and medical procedures and processes. RNA structures determination have become a major problem in the biology context. Recently, computer scientists have empowered the biologists with RNA secondary structures that ease an understanding of the RNA functions and roles. Detecting RNA secondary structure is an NP-hard problem, especially in pseudoknotted RNA structures. The detection process is also time-consuming; as a result, an alternative approach such as using parallel architectures is a desirable option. The main goal in this paper is to do an intensive investigation of parallel methods used in the literature to solve the demanding issues, related to the RNA secondary structure prediction methods. Then, we introduce a new taxonomy for the parallel RNA folding methods. Based on this proposed taxonomy, a systematic and scientific comparison is performed among these existing methods

    RNA secondary structure prediction including pseudoknots

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    RNAs sind sehr wichtige BiomolekĂŒle. FrĂŒher sah man in ihnen nur die Zwischenstufe zwischen DNA, dem TrĂ€ger der genetischen Information, und Proteinen, den Katalysatoren biochemischer Reaktionen. Heute wissen wir von der Existenz verschiedenster Klassen von RNAs, die selbst katalytische Eigenschaften haben. Die Funktion eines RNA-MolekĂŒls ist von seiner dreidimensionalen Struktur (der TertiĂ€rstruktur) abhĂ€ngig, die wiederum von den Basenpaarung innerhalb des RNA-MolekĂŒls (der SekundĂ€rstruktur) abhĂ€ngig ist. Um von der linearen Sequenz (der PrimĂ€rstruktur) auf die Funktion eines RNA-MolekĂŒls schließen zu können, sollte man im Idealfall in der Lage sein, allein von der Sequenz die komplette dreidimensionale Struktur vorhersagen zu können. Weil aber RNA-Faltung als hierarchischer Prozess betrachtet werden kann, wobei sich die SekundĂ€rstruktur vor jeglichen tertiĂ€ren Interaktionen ausbildet, kann schon die SekundĂ€rstruktur als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr die funktionelle Analyse dienen. Dementsprechend ist RNA-SekundĂ€rstrukturvorhersage ein zentrales Problem der Bioinformatik. Der Großteil aller RNA-Basenpaare ist perfekt verschachtelt, was bedeutet, daß alle Nukleotide, die von einem Basenpaar umschlossen sind, nicht mit Nukleotiden außerhalb dieses Basenpaars interagieren. Diese Eigenschaft erlaubt es, die gesamte RNA SekundĂ€rstruktur in einfachere und voneinander unabhĂ€ngige Substrukturen, die sogenannten Loops, fĂŒr deren freie Energien man Parameter kennt, zu zerlegen. Dynamic Programming, der am hĂ€ufigsten verwendete Ansatz zur RNA-SekundĂ€rstrukturvorhersage, ist auf diese Loop-Zerlegung angewiesen. Pseudoknoten, von denen man in letzter Zeit immer mehr entdeckt hat, sind RNA-Strukturen, die diesen vereinfachenden Schritt nicht zulassen. Bei einem Pseudoknoten formen Nukleotide innerhalb eines Loops Basenpaare mit Nukleotiden außerhalb des Loops und verletzen damit die Bedingung der perfekt verschachtelten SekundĂ€rstrukturen. Deshalb ist die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Pseudoknoten rechnerisch komplizierter und aufwĂ€ndiger und herkömmliche Algorithmen zur RNA-SekundĂ€rstrukturvorhersage schließen Pseudoknoten der Einfachkeit halber aus. Erst in den letzten Jahren wurden AnsĂ€tze zur Vorhersage von Pseudoknoten entwickelt, die entweder auf Dynamic Programming oder auf heuristischen Methoden beruhen. In dieser Diplomarbeit prĂ€sentiere ich PKplex, einen neuen, Dynamic Programming-basierten Algorithmus zur Vorhersage von RNA SekundĂ€rstrukturen mit Pseudoknoten. Zuerst wird die grundlegende Idee hinter PKplex und ihre Umsetzung beschrieben, und dann wird der Algorithmus auf einen großen Datensatz bekannter RNA Pseudoknoten angewandt und seine Ergebnisse mit denen anderer publizierter Algorithmen verglichen.RNAs are very important biological molecules. Previously they were thought of as being only the intermediary between DNA, which carries the genetic information, and proteins, which catalyze biochemical reactions. Today we know about the existence of diverse classes of RNAs which exhibit catalytic functions themselves. The function of an RNA molecule is dependent on its three-dimensional structure (the tertiary structure), which is in turn dependent on the base pairing within the RNA molecule (the secondary structure). In order to draw functional conclusions from the linear sequence of an RNA molecule (the primary structure), one would ideally be able to predict the whole three-dimensional fold based on the sequence alone. But because the folding process of RNA is mainly a hierarchical process, with the secondary structure forming before any tertiary interactions, the secondary structure can already be used as a starting point for functional analysis. Therefore prediction of the secondary structure of RNAs is a central problem in bioinformatics. The majority of all RNA base pairs are perfectly nested, meaning that all nucleotides enclosed by a specific base pair do not interact with any nucleotides outside of this base pair. This property allows the decomposition of the whole RNA secondary structure into simpler and independent substructures called loops, for which free energy parameters exist. The most common approach to predicting RNA secondary structures is based on dynamic programming, which relies heavily on this loop decomposition. A certain group of RNA secondary structures called pseudoknots, of which more and more have been discovered in recent years, do not allow this simplification. In a pseudoknot nucleotides within a loop form base pairs with nucleotides outside of the loop, violating the condition of perfectly nested secondary structures. Pseudoknots are therefore more difficult and more expensive to handle computationally and the standard RNA secondary structure prediction algorithms simply do not take pseudoknots into account. Approaches for predicting pseudoknots have only been developed in recent years, some of them based on dynamic programming, others on heuristic methods. In this diploma thesis I present PKplex, a new dynamic programming based algorithm for the prediction of RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots. After describing the basic idea behind PKplex and its implementation, the algorithm is then evaluated against a large set of known RNA pseudoknots and its performance compared with other published algorithms

    Ab initio RNA folding

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    RNA molecules are essential cellular machines performing a wide variety of functions for which a specific three-dimensional structure is required. Over the last several years, experimental determination of RNA structures through X-ray crystallography and NMR seems to have reached a plateau in the number of structures resolved each year, but as more and more RNA sequences are being discovered, need for structure prediction tools to complement experimental data is strong. Theoretical approaches to RNA folding have been developed since the late nineties when the first algorithms for secondary structure prediction appeared. Over the last 10 years a number of prediction methods for 3D structures have been developed, first based on bioinformatics and data-mining, and more recently based on a coarse-grained physical representation of the systems. In this review we are going to present the challenges of RNA structure prediction and the main ideas behind bioinformatic approaches and physics-based approaches. We will focus on the description of the more recent physics-based phenomenological models and on how they are built to include the specificity of the interactions of RNA bases, whose role is critical in folding. Through examples from different models, we will point out the strengths of physics-based approaches, which are able not only to predict equilibrium structures, but also to investigate dynamical and thermodynamical behavior, and the open challenges to include more key interactions ruling RNA folding.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Algorithms for RNA secondary structure analysis : prediction of pseudoknots and the consensus shapes approach

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    Reeder J. Algorithms for RNA secondary structure analysis : prediction of pseudoknots and the consensus shapes approach. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2007.Our understanding of the role of RNA has undergone a major change in the last decade. Once believed to be only a mere carrier of information and structural component of the ribosomal machinery in the advent of the genomic age, it is now clear that RNAs play a much more active role. RNAs can act as regulators and can have catalytic activity - roles previously only attributed to proteins. There is still much speculation in the scientific community as to what extent RNAs are responsible for the complexity in higher organisms which can hardly be explained with only proteins as regulators. In order to investigate the roles of RNA, it is therefore necessary to search for new classes of RNA. For those and already known classes, analyses of their presence in different species of the tree of life will provide further insight about the evolution of biomolecules and especially RNAs. Since RNA function often follows its structure, the need for computer programs for RNA structure prediction is an immanent part of this procedure. The secondary structure of RNA - the level of base pairing - strongly determines the tertiary structure. As the latter is computationally intractable and experimentally expensive to obtain, secondary structure analysis has become an accepted substitute. In this thesis, I present two new algorithms (and a few variations thereof) for the prediction of RNA secondary structures. The first algorithm addresses the problem of predicting a secondary structure from a single sequence including RNA pseudoknots. Pseudoknots have been shown to be functionally relevant in many RNA mediated processes. However, pseudoknots are excluded from considerations by state-of-the-art RNA folding programs for reasons of computational complexity. While folding a sequence of length n into unknotted structures requires O(n^3) time and O(n^2) space, finding the best structure including arbitrary pseudoknots has been proven to be NP-complete. Nevertheless, I demonstrate in this work that certain types of pseudoknots can be included in the folding process with only a moderate increase of computational cost. In analogy to protein coding RNA, where a conserved encoded protein hints at a similar metabolic function, structural conservation in RNA may give clues to RNA function and to finding of RNA genes. However, structure conservation is more complex to deal with computationally than sequence conservation. The method considered to be at least conceptually the ideal approach in this situation is the Sankoff algorithm. It simultaneously aligns two sequences and predicts a common secondary structure. Unfortunately, it is computationally rather expensive - O(n^6) time and O(n^4) space for two sequences, and for more than two sequences it becomes exponential in the number of sequences! Therefore, several heuristic implementations emerged in the last decade trying to make the Sankoff approach practical by introducing pragmatic restrictions on the search space. In this thesis, I propose to redefine the consensus structure prediction problem in a way that does not imply a multiple sequence alignment step. For a family of RNA sequences, my method explicitly and independently enumerates the near-optimal abstract shape space and predicts an abstract shape as the consensus for all sequences. For each sequence, it delivers the thermodynamically best structure which has this shape. The technique of abstract shapes analysis is employed here for a synoptic view of the suboptimal folding space. As the shape space is much smaller than the structure space, and identification of common shapes can be done in linear time (in the number of shapes considered), the method is essentially linear in the number of sequences. Evaluations show that the new method compares favorably with available alternatives

    From RNA folding to inverse folding: a computational study: Folding and design of RNA molecules

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    Since the discovery of the structure of DNA in the early 1953s and its double-chained complement of information hinting at its means of replication, biologists have recognized the strong connection between molecular structure and function. In the past two decades, there has been a surge of research on an ever-growing class of RNA molecules that are non-coding but whose various folded structures allow a diverse array of vital functions. From the well-known splicing and modification of ribosomal RNA, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are now known to be intimately involved in possibly every stage of DNA translation and protein transcription, as well as RNA signalling and gene regulation processes. Despite the rapid development and declining cost of modern molecular methods, they typically can only describe ncRNA's structural conformations in vitro, which differ from their in vivo counterparts. Moreover, it is estimated that only a tiny fraction of known ncRNAs has been documented experimentally, often at a high cost. There is thus a growing realization that computational methods must play a central role in the analysis of ncRNAs. Not only do computational approaches hold the promise of rapidly characterizing many ncRNAs yet to be described, but there is also the hope that by understanding the rules that determine their structure, we will gain better insight into their function and design. Many studies revealed that the ncRNA functions are performed by high-level structures that often depend on their low-level structures, such as the secondary structure. This thesis studies the computational folding mechanism and inverse folding of ncRNAs at the secondary level. In this thesis, we describe the development of two bioinformatic tools that have the potential to improve our understanding of RNA secondary structure. These tools are as follows: (1) RAFFT for efficient prediction of pseudoknot-free RNA folding pathways using the fast Fourier transform (FFT)}; (2) aRNAque, an evolutionary algorithm inspired by LĂ©vy flights for RNA inverse folding with or without pseudoknot (A secondary structure that often poses difficulties for bio-computational detection). The first tool, RAFFT, implements a novel heuristic to predict RNA secondary structure formation pathways that has two components: (i) a folding algorithm and (ii) a kinetic ansatz. When considering the best prediction in the ensemble of 50 secondary structures predicted by RAFFT, its performance matches the recent deep-learning-based structure prediction methods. RAFFT also acts as a folding kinetic ansatz, which we tested on two RNAs: the CFSE and a classic bi-stable sequence. In both test cases, fewer structures were required to reproduce the full kinetics, whereas known methods (such as Treekin) required a sample of 20,000 structures and more. The second tool, aRNAque, implements an evolutionary algorithm (EA) inspired by the LĂ©vy flight, allowing both local global search and which supports pseudoknotted target structures. The number of point mutations at every step of aRNAque's EA is drawn from a Zipf distribution. Therefore, our proposed method increases the diversity of designed RNA sequences and reduces the average number of evaluations of the evolutionary algorithm. The overall performance showed improved empirical results compared to existing tools through intensive benchmarks on both pseudoknotted and pseudoknot-free datasets. In conclusion, we highlight some promising extensions of the versatile RAFFT method to RNA-RNA interaction studies. We also provide an outlook on both tools' implications in studying evolutionary dynamics

    A Progressive Folding Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction

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    RNA secondary structure prediction is an area where computational techniques have shown great promise. Most RNA secondary structure prediction algorithms use dynamic programming to compute a secondary structure with minimum free energy. Energy minimization algorithms are less accurate on larger RNA molecules. One potential reason is that larger RNA molecules do not fold instantaneously. Instead, several studies show that RNA molecules fold progressively during transcription. This process could encourage the molecule to fold into a structure that is not at the global lowest energy level. Additionally, dynamic programming algorithms do not allow for a important type of structure called a pseudoknot. Secondary structure prediction allowing pseudoknots was recently shown to be NP-complete. We have created a simulation that captures these biological insights. Our simulation uses a probabilistic approach to fold the molecule progressively as it is synthesized. This thesis evaluates the performance of the simulation and presents several enhancements to improve efficiency and accuracy. Our results show that our progressive folding algorithm did not improve on current techniques. Additionally, we found that a simulated annealing algorithm using our probability models was more accurate than our progressive folding algorithm

    Bi technology IranianJournal of

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    Background: RNA molecules play many important regulatory, catalytic and structural roles in the cell, and RNA secondary structure prediction with pseudoknots is one the most important problems in biology. An RNA pseudoknot is an element of the RNA secondary structure in which bases of a single-stranded loop pair with complementary bases outside the loop. Modeling these nested structures (pseudoknots) causes numerous computational difficulties and so it has been generally neglected in RNA structure prediction algorithms. Objectives: In this study, we present a new heuristic algorithm for the Prediction of RNA Knotted structures using Tree Adjoining Grammars (named PreRKTAG). Materials and Methods: For a given RNA sequence, PreRKTAG uses a genetic algorithm on tree adjoining grammars to propose a structure with minimum thermodynamic energy. The genetic algorithm employs a subclass of tree adjoining grammars as individuals by which the secondary structure of RNAs are modeled. Upon the tree adjoining grammars, new crossover and mutation operations were designed.The fitness function is defined according to the RNA thermodynamic energy function, which causes the algorithm convergence to be a stable structure. Results: The applicability of our algorithm is demonstrated by comparing its iresults with three well-known RNA secondary structure prediction algorithms that support crossed structures. Conclusions: We performed our comparison on a set of RNA sequences from the RNAseP database, where the outcomes show efficiency and practicality of the proposed algorithm
