728 research outputs found

    DeepSynth: Three-dimensional nuclear segmentation of biological images using neural networks trained with synthetic data

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    The scale of biological microscopy has increased dramatically over the past ten years, with the development of new modalities supporting collection of high-resolution fluorescence image volumes spanning hundreds of microns if not millimeters. The size and complexity of these volumes is such that quantitative analysis requires automated methods of image processing to identify and characterize individual cells. For many workflows, this process starts with segmentation of nuclei that, due to their ubiquity, ease-of-labeling and relatively simple structure, make them appealing targets for automated detection of individual cells. However, in the context of large, three-dimensional image volumes, nuclei present many challenges to automated segmentation, such that conventional approaches are seldom effective and/or robust. Techniques based upon deep-learning have shown great promise, but enthusiasm for applying these techniques is tempered by the need to generate training data, an arduous task, particularly in three dimensions. Here we present results of a new technique of nuclear segmentation using neural networks trained on synthetic data. Comparisons with results obtained using commonly-used image processing packages demonstrate that DeepSynth provides the superior results associated with deep-learning techniques without the need for manual annotation

    Nucleus segmentation : towards automated solutions

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    Single nucleus segmentation is a frequent challenge of microscopy image processing, since it is the first step of many quantitative data analysis pipelines. The quality of tracking single cells, extracting features or classifying cellular phenotypes strongly depends on segmentation accuracy. Worldwide competitions have been held, aiming to improve segmentation, and recent years have definitely brought significant improvements: large annotated datasets are now freely available, several 2D segmentation strategies have been extended to 3D, and deep learning approaches have increased accuracy. However, even today, no generally accepted solution and benchmarking platform exist. We review the most recent single-cell segmentation tools, and provide an interactive method browser to select the most appropriate solution.Peer reviewe

    Nuclei Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Three Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Fluorescence microscopy enables one to visualize subcellular structures of living tissue or cells in three dimensions. This is especially true for two-photon microscopy using near-infrared light which can image deeper into tissue. To characterize and analyze biological structures, nuclei segmentation is a prerequisite step. Due to the complexity and size of the image data sets, manual segmentation is prohibitive. This paper describes a fully 3D nuclei segmentation method using three dimensional convolutional neural networks. To train the network, synthetic volumes with corresponding labeled volumes are automatically generated. Our results from multiple data sets demonstrate that our method can successfully segment nuclei in 3D

    Nuclei counting in microscopy images with three dimensional generative adversarial networks

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    Microscopy image analysis can provide substantial information for clinical study and understanding of biological structures. Two-photon microscopy is a type of fluorescence microscopy that can image deep into tissue with near-infrared excitation light. We are interested in methods that can detect and characterize nuclei in 3D fluorescence microscopy image volumes. In general, several challenges exist for counting nuclei in 3D image volumes. These include “crowding” and touching of nuclei, overlapping of nuclei, and shape and size variances of the nuclei. In this paper, a 3D nuclei counter using two different generative adversarial networks (GAN) is proposed and evaluated. Synthetic data that resembles real microscopy image is generated with a GAN and used to train another 3D GAN that counts the number of nuclei. Our approach is evaluated with respect to the number of groundtruth nuclei and compared with common ways of counting used in the biological research. Fluorescence microscopy 3D image volumes of rat kidneys are used to test our 3D nuclei counter. The accuracy results of proposed nuclei counter are compared with the ImageJ’s 3D object counter (JACoP) and the 3D watershed. Both the counting accuracy and the object-based evaluation show that the proposed technique is successful for counting nuclei in 3D

    AI-powered transmitted light microscopy for functional analysis of live cells

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    Transmitted light microscopy can readily visualize the morphology of living cells. Here, we introduce artificial-intelligence-powered transmitted light microscopy (AIM) for subcellular structure identification and labeling-free functional analysis of live cells. AIM provides accurate images of subcellular organelles; allows identification of cellular and functional characteristics (cell type, viability, and maturation stage); and facilitates live cell tracking and multimodality analysis of immune cells in their native form without labeling