11 research outputs found

    NCE subsea in the brazilian subsea sector: A study of norwegian-based subsea suppliers’ contribution to R&D in the brazilian subsea sector

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    The thesis undertakes a qualitative study of how NCE Subsea - the cluster members and the Norwegian NCE cluster model – can contribute to R&D in the Brazilian subsea supply chain. Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm is applied to determine the means of participation in the Brazilian subsea sector most beneficial to members of the NCE Subsea cluster. First of all, the great demand of subsea supplies and services has resulted in a surge of companies bringing much-needed technology to the emerging subsea hotspot, Rio de Janeiro. In this sense, DUI will perhaps prove more valuable than STI to gradually solve the many bottlenecks in the Brazilian subsea sector, partly caused by the immature supply chain. There is clear evidence of a self-selection process when confronted with the “Brazilian cost”. The most highlighted challenges relates to lack of qualified workers, logistics, and a complicated tax regime. The project concludes that members of NCE Subsea contribute to closing the gap of local competence, especially among qualified seafarers. The quality of local manufacturing is relatively poor, despite a holistic devotion to improve LC on several governmental levels. One is therefore entitled to question, as Rio de Janeiro is becoming a hotspot for subsea technology, whether the local capabilities are sufficient to absorb more advanced innovations that increasingly will be developed in Rio de Janeiro in connection with various cooperation agreements. Triple Helix is a reasonable tool to develop the local subsea industry as it ”fits” the landscape to a greater extent than the NCE subsea cluster model does. However, certain features characteristic for the Norwegian cluster model might prove beneficial for the Rio Subsea Cluster. Findings indicate that the industry-academia linkage may become stronger if Rio Subsea Cluster draws on the Norwegian experiences of conducting applied science projects.Denne oppgaven baseres pĂ„ en kvalitativ studie av hvordan NCE Subsea, nĂŠrmere bestemt klyngens medlemmer samt den norske klyngemodellen, kan bidra til forskning og utvikling i den brasilianske leverandĂžrkjeden av undervannsteknologi. Dunnings eklektiske paradigme er anvendt for Ă„ vurdere hvilken form for deltakelse som er mest hensiktsmessig for medlemmene av NCE Subsea. Den betydelige etterspĂžrselen av utstyr og tjenester knyttet opp mot undervannslĂžsninger i Brasil har resultert i en bĂžlge av nyetableringer i Rio de Janeiro. Disse selskapene bringer verdifull kunnskap og teknologi sĂ„rt trengt i den voksende klyngen. I den sammenheng vil fokus pĂ„ DUI sannsynligvis vĂŠre mer hensiktsmessig enn STI for Ă„ gradvis kunne lĂžse flaskehalsene som preger den brasilianske virkeligheten, bl.a. som fĂžlge av en umoden leverandĂžrkjede. Det er et klart bevis pĂ„ selvseleksjon nĂ„r bedriftene konfronteres med den "Brasilianske kostnaden". De mest krevende utfordringene er knyttet til mangel pĂ„ kvalifisert arbeidskraft, logistikk, og det kompliserte skatteregimet. Studien konkluderer med at medlemmer av NCE Subsea bidra til Ă„ redusere gapet pĂ„ etterspurt lokal kompetanse, spesielt ved Ă„ kvalifisere sjĂžfolk. Kvaliteten pĂ„ lokalt produserte varer er fremdeles relativt dĂ„rlig, til tross for en helhetlig satsning pĂ„ flere statlige nivĂ„er for Ă„ oppnĂ„ lokalt innhold. Det er derfor grunn til bekymring for om den lokale kompetansen er tilstrekkelig til Ă„ absorbere mer avanserte innovasjonene som i Ăžkende grad vil utvikles i Rio de Janeiro i forbindelse med ulike samarbeidsavtaler. Triple Helix er et fornuftig verktĂžy for Ă„ utvikle den lokale subsea-industrien, og bygger pĂ„ prinsipper som passer det brasilianske landskapet i stĂžrre grad enn klyngemodellen som NCE Subsea representerer. Likevel kan visse karakteristika ved den norske klyngemodellen vĂŠre gunstig for Rio Subsea Cluster. Funn tyder pĂ„ at samarbeid mellom industri-akademia kan knyttes tettere dersom Rio Subsea Cluster trekker pĂ„ norske erfaringer rundt gjennomfĂžring av anvendte forsknings prosjekter .Master i okonomi og administrasjo

    A study on the changing role of the mentor in school-led initial teacher education

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    This research investigates the school-based mentor’s (SBM) role following the shift towards practical, school-led initial teacher education (ITE). It contributes to an understanding of how SBMs are positioned as facilitators of adult learning within a diversified landscape of ITE. This study identifies how mentoring practices are translated within a newly diversified school-led system, considers how teacher professionalism is affected and the status of teaching in the professional sphere as schools have been afforded greater autonomy. Using mentoring as a practice-based model of professional learning, this study draws upon three key theoretical concepts to examine mentor practice - legitimate peripheral participation, professional practice knowledge and ‘third space’ (Lave and Wenger 1991, Kemmis et al. 2014a, Heikkinen et al. 2018a, Bhabha 1994.) School-university ITE partnerships are explored with consideration given to communication, inclusivity, and collaborative work. This study uses a qualitative, semi-ethnographic research design to focus on the SBM’s role and responsibilities as outlined in programme policy, alongside participant perspectives. Using an interpretivist approach, this research explores school and ITE programme culture, reflects participant knowledge and builds on observations over the course of an academic year. It considers SBM authority within this context and their influence over programme design, content, and implementation. This study shows that mentor practice and school-led ITE stakeholder relationships can vary. Opportunities for collaboration within school-university partnerships are subject to the participant’s role and status. The development of school-led ITE has created uncertainty surrounding the re-making of teacher professionalism(s). This study considers what forms of professionalism are produced within this setting and how this affects mentoring practice and novice teacher development. Despite the ITE policy trajectory towards schools-led ITE in England, this study found that not all school-based teacher educators experience the contextual conditions that would equip them well to contribute and lead ITE at school level

    Researching Values

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    This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional theories and are often connected to ideals in organisations or ways of valuing. The various values-constructs are typically highlighted to underpin discussions of identity, ethos, and the purposive institutional work of leaders and employees. However, there is a need for more research on how values link and sustain actions and institutions. Contributors in this volume map and discuss useful methodological ways in which values and values work can be investigated and how research on values has been and can be applied. The chapters present different methods for collecting data, including interviews, observation and shadowing, as well as various methods for analyzing data, such as thematic, discourse and narrative analysis. Chapters also consider the role of the researcher and participant validation as a procedure to enhance the trustworthiness of the study. Finally, the book presents various empirical projects and issues related to and exemplifying values research. This book is a valuable guide for researchers and students who are looking for a practical understanding of how to research values and values work in organisations. The volume is a follow-up of the open access book, Understanding Values Work: Institutional Perspectives in Organisations and Leadership published by Palgrave Macmillan


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    This anthology presents research in theatre studies developed by a group of colleagues at the Department of Arts and Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The research is conducted through arts-based research and practical-theoretical teaching at the department. Theatre production is a central arts-and knowledge-creating field of work for students and teachers in theatre studies. The work is characterized by a dynamic relationship between body, text, visuality and sound, media methods and techniques and the relationship between professionals and students. Theatre production is a complex learning arena; it is both multimodal and developed in dynamic movements between experience, dissemination, response and reflection. There is a need for a rich range of strategies, methods and techniques. The anthology presents ten different inputs to theatre production. Laboratory with experimental methods is the framework for articles on scenography, sound, the body and text of the actor. Production processes setting the creative and reflective student in the centre is the frame for articles on dramaturgy, text processing, production phases and target group- oriented work. The role and function of the university teacher in supervision and assessment is themed in two closing articles. In discussing the different aesthetical inputs to theatre production the authors use examples, images and audio material.Denne antologien presenterer teatervitenskapelig kunnskap utviklet ved Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Artiklene er basert pÄ kunstbasert forskning og praktisk-teoretisk undervisning ved instituttet. Teaterproduksjon er et sentralt kunst- og kunnskapsdannende arbeidsfelt for studenter og lÊrere i drama og teater. Arbeidet preges av et dynamisk forhold mellom kropp, tekst, visualitet og lyd, medienes metoder og teknikker og av relasjonen mellom fagforvaltere og studenter. Teaterproduksjon er en kompleks lÊringsarena; den er multimodal og den krysser mellom opplevelse, formidling, respons og refleksjon. Det er behov for et rikt utvalg strategier, metoder og teknikker. Antologien presenterer ti ulike innganger til teaterproduksjon. Laboratoriet med eksperimentelle metoder er ramme for artikler om scenografi, lyd, aktÞrens kropp og tekst. Produksjonsprosessen med den skapende og reflekterende studenten i sentrum er ramme for artikler om dramaturgi, tekstbehandling, produksjonsfaser og mÄlgruppearbeid. Fagforvalterens rolle og funksjon i veiledning og vurdering tematiseres i to avsluttende artikler. De ti produksjonsestetiske inngangene drÞftes med eksempler og bilde- og lydmateriale

    Researching Values

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    This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional theories and are often connected to ideals in organisations or ways of valuing. The various values-constructs are typically highlighted to underpin discussions of identity, ethos, and the purposive institutional work of leaders and employees. However, there is a need for more research on how values link and sustain actions and institutions. Contributors in this volume map and discuss useful methodological ways in which values and values work can be investigated and how research on values has been and can be applied. The chapters present different methods for collecting data, including interviews, observation and shadowing, as well as various methods for analyzing data, such as thematic, discourse and narrative analysis. Chapters also consider the role of the researcher and participant validation as a procedure to enhance the trustworthiness of the study. Finally, the book presents various empirical projects and issues related to and exemplifying values research. This book is a valuable guide for researchers and students who are looking for a practical understanding of how to research values and values work in organisations. The volume is a follow-up of the open access book, Understanding Values Work: Institutional Perspectives in Organisations and Leadership published by Palgrave Macmillan

    Towards Climate Sustainability of the Academic System in Europe and beyond

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    CC BYThe urgency of the climate crisis is made abundantly clear by the Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The academic system is making an important positive impact by (i) research into the climate crisis and its impact; (ii) research into mitigation and adaptation strategies and technologies; (iii) education of the general public as well as students; (iv) science-based policy advice. In the present report, we focus on the academic system’s negative impact on the climate through its own operations. As with essentially every sector of society, a thorough transformation is necessary to achieve climate sustainability. In the case of the academic system, this need is accentuated by the following point: academic institutions provide knowledge on the climate crisis and potential solutions and mitigation strategies, and therefore should also act on that knowledge. In this way they can also play a leading role in showing how a sector can successfully transition to climate sustainability


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    This anthology presents research in theatre studies developed by a group of colleagues at the Department of Arts and Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The research is conducted through arts-based research and practical-theoretical teaching at the department. Theatre production is a central arts-and knowledge-creating field of work for students and teachers in theatre studies. The work is characterized by a dynamic relationship between body, text, visuality and sound, media methods and techniques and the relationship between professionals and students. Theatre production is a complex learning arena; it is both multimodal and developed in dynamic movements between experience, dissemination, response and reflection. There is a need for a rich range of strategies, methods and techniques. The anthology presents ten different inputs to theatre production. Laboratory with experimental methods is the framework for articles on scenography, sound, the body and text of the actor. Production processes setting the creative and reflective student in the centre is the frame for articles on dramaturgy, text processing, production phases and target group- oriented work. The role and function of the university teacher in supervision and assessment is themed in two closing articles. In discussing the different aesthetical inputs to theatre production the authors use examples, images and audio material