14 research outputs found

    Systematically Quantifying Cryptanalytic Non-Linearities in Strong PUFs

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    Physically Unclonable Functions~(PUFs) with large challenge space~(also called Strong PUFs) are promoted for usage in authentications and various other cryptographic and security applications. In order to qualify for these cryptographic applications, the Boolean functions realized by PUFs need to possess a high non-linearity~(NL). However, with a large challenge space~(usually 64\geq 64 bits), measuring NL by classical techniques like Walsh transformation is computationally infeasible. In this paper, we propose the usage of a heuristic-based measure called non-homomorphicity test which estimates the NL of Boolean functions with high accuracy in spite of not needing access to the entire challenge-response set. We also combine our analysis with a technique used in linear cryptanalysis, called Piling-up lemma, to measure the NL of popular PUF compositions. As a demonstration to justify the soundness of the metric, we perform extensive experimentation by first estimating the NL of constituent Arbiter/Bistable Ring PUFs using the non-homomorphicity test, and then applying them to quantify the same for their XOR compositions namely XOR Arbiter PUFs and XOR Bistable Ring PUF. Our findings show that the metric explains the impact of various parameter choices of these PUF compositions on the NL obtained and thus promises to be used as an important objective criterion for future efforts to evaluate PUF designs. While the framework is not representative of the machine learning robustness of PUFs, it can be a useful complementary tool to analyze the cryptanalytic strengths of PUF primitives

    Improving Security and Reliability of Physical Unclonable Functions Using Machine Learning

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are promising security primitives for device authenti-cation and key generation. Due to the noise influence, reliability is an important performance metric of PUF-based authentication. In the literature, lots of efforts have been devoted to enhancing PUF reliability by using error correction methods such as error-correcting codes and fuzzy extractor. Ho-wever, one property that most of these prior works overlooked is the non-uniform distribution of PUF response across different bits. This wok proposes a two-step methodology to improve the reliability of PUF under noisy conditions. The first step involves acquiring the parameters of PUF models by using machine lear-ning algorithms. The second step then utilizes these obtained parameters to improve the reliability of PUFs by selectively choosing challenge-response pairs (CRPs) for authentication. Two distinct algorithms for improving the reliability of multiplexer (MUX) PUF, i.e., total delay difference thresholding and sensitive bits grouping, are presented. It is important to note that the methodology can be easily applied to other types of PUFs as well. Our experimental results show that the relia-bility of PUF-based authentication can be significantly improved by the proposed approaches. For example, in one experimental setting, the reliability of an MUX PUF is improved from 89.75% to 94.07% using total delay difference thresholding, while 89.30% of generated challenges are stored. As opposed to total delay difference thresholding, sensitive bits grouping possesses higher efficiency, as it can produce reliable CRPs directly. Our experimental results show that the reliability can be improved to 96.91% under the same setting, when we group 12 bits in the challenge vector of a 128-stage MUX PUF. Besides, because the actual noise varies greatly in different conditions, it is hard to predict the error of of each individual PUF response bit. This wok proposes a novel methodology to improve the efficiency of PUF response error correction based on error-rates. The proposed method first obtains the PUF model by using machine learning techniques, which is then used to predict the error-rates. Intuitively, we are inclined to tolerate errors in PUF response bits with relatively higher error-rates. Thus, we propose to treat different PUF response bits with different degrees of error tolerance, according to their estimated error-rates. Specifically, by assigning optimized weights, i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, and infinity to PUF response bits, while a small portion of high error rates responses are truncated; the other responses are duplicated to a limited number of bits according to error-rates before error correction and a portion of low error-rates responses bypass the error correction as direct keys. The hardware cost for error correction can also be reduced by employing these methods. Response weighting is capable of reducing the false negative and false positive simultaneously. The entropy can also be controlled. Our experimental results show that the response weighting algorithm can reduce not only the false negative from 20.60% to 1.71%, but also the false positive rate from 1.26 × 10−21 to 5.38 × 10−22 for a PUF-based authentication with 127-bit response and 13-bit error correction. Besides, three case studies about the applications of the proposed algorithm are also discussed. Along with the rapid development of hardware security techniques, the revolutionary gro-wth of countermeasures or attacking methods developed by intelligent and adaptive adversaries have significantly complicated the ability to create secure hardware systems. Thus, there is a critical need to (re)evaluate existing or new hardware security techniques against these state-of-the-art attacking methods. With this in mind, this wok presents a novel framework for incorporating active learning techniques into hardware security field. We demonstrate that active learning can significantly im-prove the learning efficiency of PUF modeling attack, which samples the least confident and the most informative challenge-response pair (CRP) for training in each iteration. For example, our ex-perimental results show that in order to obtain a prediction error below 4%, 2790 CRPs are required in passive learning, while only 811 CRPs are required in active learning. The sampling strategies and detailed applications of PUF modeling attack under various environmental conditions are also discussed. When the environment is very noisy, active learning may sample a large number of mis-labeled CRPs and hence result in high prediction error. We present two methods to mitigate the contradiction between informative and noisy CRPs. At last, it is critical to design secure PUF, which can mitigate the countermeasures or modeling attacking from intelligent and adaptive adversaries. Previously, researchers devoted to hiding PUF information by pre- or post processing of PUF challenge/response. However, these methods are still subject to side-channel analysis based hybrid attacks. Methods for increasing the non-linearity of PUF structure, such as feedforward PUF, cascade PUF and subthreshold current PUF, have also been proposed. However, these methods significantly degrade the reliability. Based on the previous work, this work proposes a novel concept, noisy PUF, which achieves modeling attack resistance while maintaining a high degree of reliability for selected CRPs. A possible design of noisy PUF along with the corresponding experimental results is also presented

    Stochastic Memory Devices for Security and Computing

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    With the widespread use of mobile computing and internet of things, secured communication and chip authentication have become extremely important. Hardware-based security concepts generally provide the best performance in terms of a good standard of security, low power consumption, and large-area density. In these concepts, the stochastic properties of nanoscale devices, such as the physical and geometrical variations of the process, are harnessed for true random number generators (TRNGs) and physical unclonable functions (PUFs). Emerging memory devices, such as resistive-switching memory (RRAM), phase-change memory (PCM), and spin-transfer torque magnetic memory (STT-MRAM), rely on a unique combination of physical mechanisms for transport and switching, thus appear to be an ideal source of entropy for TRNGs and PUFs. An overview of stochastic phenomena in memory devices and their use for developing security and computing primitives is provided. First, a broad classification of methods to generate true random numbers via the stochastic properties of nanoscale devices is presented. Then, practical implementations of stochastic TRNGs, such as hardware security and stochastic computing, are shown. Finally, future challenges to stochastic memory development are discussed

    “Physical unclonable function”

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    The objective of the paper is to provide a complete introduction to the design of physical unclonable functions (PUF), devices used for applications such as low-cost authentication and generation of cryptographic keys. The distinctive feature of PUFs is that, being devices that take advantage of process variations, it is not possible to create a copy of the circuit that exactly replicates the behavior of the starting PUF, so it is intrinsically robust to any invasive physical attacks. Integrated circuit authentication and hardware encryption protocols play an important role in cyber security...Este documento proporciona una introducción completa sobre el diseño de seguridad, aplicaciones de autentificación y generación de claves de una PUF (Physical Unclonable Function). La característica distintiva de los PUF es que no se puede crear una copia del circuito, ya que es imposible controlar las variaciones del proceso de fabricación. La autenticación de circuitos integrados y protocolos criptográficos seguros basados en hardware proporcionan un papel importante en la seguridad del hardware..

    Comprehensive Designs of Innovate Secure Hardware Devices against Machine Learning Attacks and Power Analysis Attacks

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    Hardware security is an innovate subject oriented from growing demands of cybersecurity and new information vulnerabilities from physical leakages on hardware devices. However, the mainstream of hardware manufacturing industry is still taking benefits of products and the performance of chips as priority, restricting the design of hardware secure countermeasures under a compromise to a finite expense of overheads. Consider the development trend of hardware industries and state-of-the-art researches of architecture designs, this dissertation proposes some new physical unclonable function (PUF) designs as countermeasures to side-channel attacks (SCA) and machine learning (ML) attacks simultaneously. Except for the joint consideration of hardware and software vulnerabilities, those designs also take efficiencies and overhead problems into consideration, making the new-style of PUF more possible to be merged into current chips as well as their design concepts. While the growth of artificial intelligence and machine-learning techniques dominate the researching trends of Internet of things (IoT) industry, some mainstream architectures of neural networks are implemented as hypothetical attacking model, whose results are used as references for further lifting the performance, the security level, and the efficiency in lateral studies. In addition, a study of implementation of neural networks on hardware designs is proposed, this realized the initial attempt to introduce AI techniques to the designs of voltage regulation (VR). All aforementioned works are demonstrated to be of robustness to threats with corresponding power attack tests or ML attack tests. Some conceptional models are proposed in the last of the dissertation as future plans so as to realize secure on-chip ML models and hardware countermeasures to hybrid threats