4 research outputs found

    Exploiting online services to enable anonymous and confidential messaging

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    Mestrado em Cibersegurança na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloMessaging services are usually provided within social network platforms and allow these platforms to collect additional information about users, such as what time, for how long, with whom, and where a user communicates. This information enables user identification and is available to the messaging service provider even when communication is encrypted end-to-end. Thus, a gap still exists for alternative messaging services that enable anonymous and confidential communications and that are independent of a specific online service. Online services can still be used to support this messaging service, but in a way that enables users to communicate anonymously and without the knowledge and scrutiny of the online services. In this paper, we propose messaging using steganography and online services to support anonymous and confidential communication. In the proposed messaging service, only the sender and the receiver are aware of the existence of the exchanged data, even if the online services used or other third parties have access to the exchanged secret data containers. This work reviews the viability of using existing online services to support the proposed messaging service. Moreover, a prototype of the proposed message service is implemented and tested using two online services acting as proxies in the exchange of encrypted information disguised within images and links to those images. The obtained results confirm the viability of such a messaging service.Serviços de envio de mensagens instantâneos são normalmente fornecidos por plataformas de rede social e permitem que estas plataformas recolham informações adicionais sobre os utilizadores, como a que horas, por quanto tempo, com quem e onde um utilizador comunica. Esta informação permite a identificação do utilizador e está disponível para o prestador de serviços mesmo quando a comunicação é encriptada de ponta a ponta. Assim, existe ainda uma lacuna para serviços de mensagens alternativos que permitem comunicações anónimas e confidenciais e que são independentes de um serviço online específico. Os serviços online ainda podem ser utilizados para apoiar este serviço de mensagens, mas de uma forma que permite aos utilizadores comunicarem de forma anónima e sem o conhecimento e escrutínio dos serviços online. Neste artigo, propomos mensagens usando esteganografia e serviços online para apoiar comunicações anónimas e confidenciais. No serviço de mensagens proposto, apenas o remetente e o destinatário estão cientes da existência dos dados trocados, mesmo que os serviços online utilizados ou outros terceiros tenham acesso aos contentores de dados secretos trocados. Este trabalho revê a viabilidade de utilizar os serviços online existentes para apoiar o serviço de mensagens proposto. Além disso, um protótipo do serviço de mensagens proposto é implementado e testado usando dois serviços online agindo como proxies na troca de informações encriptadas escondidas dentro de imagens e links para essas imagens. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a viabilidade de tal solução

    Towards compact bandwidth and efficient privacy-preserving computation

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    In traditional cryptographic applications, cryptographic mechanisms are employed to ensure the security and integrity of communication or storage. In these scenarios, the primary threat is usually an external adversary trying to intercept or tamper with the communication between two parties. On the other hand, in the context of privacy-preserving computation or secure computation, the cryptographic techniques are developed with a different goal in mind: to protect the privacy of the participants involved in a computation from each other. Specifically, privacy-preserving computation allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs and it has numerous applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and data analysis. It allows for collaboration and data sharing without compromising the privacy of sensitive data, which is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. While privacy-preserving computation has gained significant attention in recent times due to its strong security and numerous potential applications, its efficiency remains its Achilles' heel. Privacy-preserving protocols require significantly higher computational overhead and bandwidth when compared to baseline (i.e., insecure) protocols. Therefore, finding ways to minimize the overhead, whether it be in terms of computation or communication, asymptotically or concretely, while maintaining security in a reasonable manner remains an exciting problem to work on. This thesis is centred around enhancing efficiency and reducing the costs of communication and computation for commonly used privacy-preserving primitives, including private set intersection, oblivious transfer, and stealth signatures. Our primary focus is on optimizing the performance of these primitives.Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen kryptografischen Aufgaben, bei denen Kryptografie verwendet wird, um die Sicherheit und Integrität von Kommunikation oder Speicherung zu gewährleisten und der Gegner typischerweise ein Außenstehender ist, der versucht, die Kommunikation zwischen Sender und Empfänger abzuhören, ist die Kryptografie, die in der datenschutzbewahrenden Berechnung (oder sicheren Berechnung) verwendet wird, darauf ausgelegt, die Privatsphäre der Teilnehmer voreinander zu schützen. Insbesondere ermöglicht die datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung es mehreren Parteien, gemeinsam eine Funktion zu berechnen, ohne ihre Eingaben zu offenbaren. Sie findet zahlreiche Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Finanzen, Gesundheitswesen und Datenanalyse. Sie ermöglicht eine Zusammenarbeit und Datenaustausch, ohne die Privatsphäre sensibler Daten zu kompromittieren, was in der heutigen digitalen Ära immer wichtiger wird. Obwohl datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung aufgrund ihrer starken Sicherheit und zahlreichen potenziellen Anwendungen in jüngster Zeit erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, bleibt ihre Effizienz ihre Achillesferse. Datenschutzbewahrende Protokolle erfordern deutlich höhere Rechenkosten und Kommunikationsbandbreite im Vergleich zu Baseline-Protokollen (d.h. unsicheren Protokollen). Daher bleibt es eine spannende Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten zu finden, um den Overhead zu minimieren (sei es in Bezug auf Rechen- oder Kommunikationsleistung, asymptotisch oder konkret), während die Sicherheit auf eine angemessene Weise gewährleistet bleibt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Effizienz und Reduzierung der Kosten für Kommunikation und Berechnung für gängige datenschutzbewahrende Primitiven, einschließlich private Schnittmenge, vergesslicher Transfer und Stealth-Signaturen. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Optimierung der Leistung dieser Primitiven

    Decentralized Anonymous Payments

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    Decentralized payment systems such as Bitcoin record monetary transactions between pseudonyms in an append-only ledger known as a blockchain. Because the ledger is public, permanent, and readable by anyone, a user’s privacy depends solely on the difficulty of linking pseudonymous transactions either to each other or to real identities. Both academic work and commercial services have shown that such linking is, in fact, very easy. Anyone at any point in the future can download a user’s transaction history and analyze it. In this work, we propose and implement privacy preserving coins, payments, and payment channels that can be built atop a ledger. In particular we propose: * Zerocoin A blockchain based protocol for breaking the link between a transaction that receives non-anonymous funds and the subsequent transaction that spends it. * Zerocash The successor to Zerocoin, a blockchain based payment system supporting anonymous payments of arbitrary hidden value to other parties. While payments are recorded publicly in the blockchain, they reveal almost nothing else: the recipient learns only the amount paid but not the source and anyone else learns only that a payment of some value to someone took place. *Bolt A payment channel protocol that allows two parties to anonymously and securely make many unlinkable payments while only posting two messages to the blockchain. This protocol provides for instant payments while providing drastically improved scalability as every transaction is no longer recorded in the blockchain

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum